Smoothing Animation of Collapsible Panels Inside Listviews - javascript

I have the following code to smooth animation on a collapsiblepanel, and it works splendidly:
<script type="text/javascript">
function pageLoad(sender, args) {
function smoothAnimation() {
var collPanel = $find(("<%= CollapsiblePanelExtender.ClientID %>"));
collPanel._animation._fps = 30;
collPanel._animation._duration = 0.5;
Now, I also have a listview, separate from the above panel, that has a collapsible panel extender inside each of its items. I would like to apply that "smoothAnimation()" function to each of them, but I don't know how to do that, since databinding gives each item a unique ID.
Does anybody know how to approach this in javascript? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Use the OnItemCreated event, and use the following:
protected void ListItems_Created(object sender, ListViewItemEventArgs e)
CollapsiblePanelExtender cpe = (CollapsiblePanelExtender)e.Item.FindControl("collapsePanelID");
cpe.Attributes.Add("onload", cpe.ClientID + "._animation._fps = 30;");
cpe.Attributes.Add("onload", cpe.ClientID + "._animation._duration = 0.5;");
This code is untested but it's all you should need to get this working.


Highlight single element in ng-repeat

following problem:
I am using ng-repeat to generate a list of items. If the user clicks on a special marker on my webpage above, the following function receives an event an scrolls down to the corresponding item. In addition to scrolling down I would like to highlight the item until the user moves the mouse again. My problem ist that do to this I need to manipulate the css class of one single element of my ng-repeat list. I thought it might be possible because every ng-repeat element gets its own local scope...but I don't find the solution.
Part of my directive:
//if a marker is clicked, the following code should bring the user to the corresponding item
$rootScope.$on("Scroll_to_product", function (event, args) {
/*function which takes the class id of an html element as argument and brings
the user to the corresponding product*/
product.gotoElement = function (args) {
var elementID = 'product-' + args;
// call $anchorScroll()
Any help would be great,
Thanks, Hucho
I think this woking Plunker example may help you
Plunker link
$scope.idSelectedVote = null;
$scope.setSelected = function(idSelectedVote) {
$scope.idSelectedVote = idSelectedVote;
.selected {
background-color: red;
<ul ng-repeat="vote in votes" ng-click="setSelected(" ng-class="{selected : === idSelectedVote}">
it almost broke my head, but finally was easy:
product.highlightFeature = function (args) {
var id = '#'+ 'feature-' + args;
var myEl = angular.element( document.querySelector( id ) );
It is easy and fast..; yet thanks for your help.
This might help others...

Do I need to create multiple functions for multiple actions or can they all be housed in the same function?

I'm working on a script to simulate a page change in a Questionnaire I'm building. I figured maybe I could use a bunch of "if" statements to house all the logic but it's not working right, before I go and create separate functions I'd like to know if it's possible to put them all in one single function.
So far this is the script
function pageChange(){
var chng1 = document.getElementById("p1next");
var chng2a = document.getElementById("p2back");
var chng2b = document.getElementById("p2next");
var chng3a = document.getElementById("p3back");
var chng3b = document.getElementById("p3next");
var pg1 = document.getElementById("page01");
var pg2 = document.getElementById("page02");
var pg3 = document.getElementById("page03");
if ({"none";"block";
if ({"block";"none";
the "p1next, p2back, p2next etc." are IDs I gave the buttons on the pages, which I have in DIVs that I respectively named "page01, page02, page03 etc."
Without the 2nd if statement the script works exactly how I want it, it changes the display for "page01" to none and the div for "page02" to block. When I add the second if statement it doesn't work.
The reason I want to do it like this rather than making actual pages is because I don't want the data to get lost when they load another page. Am I on the right track or do I need to create a new function for each page?
Not exactly on the right track, you should use onclick events, instead of if ( like this:
var chng1 = document.getElementById("p1next");
var pg1 = document.getElementById("page01");
var pg2 = document.getElementById("page02");
// Events
chng1.onclick = function(){"none";"block";
This will save your function until the element is clicked and then execute that function. In your case, it is executed on page load, and at that moment the user is not clicking anything.
Why not try something like this:
<div class="page" data-pg="1">...</div>
<div class="page" data-pg="2">...</div>
<div class="page" data-pg="3">...</div>
<input id="btnPrev" type="button" value="Prev" />
<input id="btnNext" type="button" value="Next" />
var pageNum = 1;
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#btnPrev").on("click", function () { ChangePage(-1); });
$("#btnNext").on("click", function () { ChangePage(1); });
function ChangePage(p) {
pageNum += p;
$(".page[data-pg='" + p + "']").show();
if (pageNum === 1) $("#btnPrev").attr("disabled", "disabled");
if (pageNum === $(".page").length) $("#btnNext").attr("disabled", "disabled");
That way you can easily grow your number of pages without changing the script. My apologies by the way for doing this in jQuery.
Have a lot of time on my hands today and have not coded for while using vanilla Javascript. Here's the version of the code using plain js:

code behind c# - javascript - google map

help! I have a google map in the master page , moving the map I get the coordinates then
Click asp button through javascript I would update the data in the page content in the code behind c # . this works but it only works the first time , by moving the map again , the button is not clicked more
 this code:
Please wait ...
<asp:Button ID="MapTrigger" name="MapTrigger" runat="server" OnClick="MapTrigger_Click" style="display:none;" />
function OnSuccess(resul_param) {
if (resul_param) {
document.getElementById("currentDate").innerHTML = resul_param[0];
var clickButton = document.getElementById("<%=MapTrigger.ClientID %>");
code behind c#.
protected void MapTrigger_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
I solved this way. I have made ​​visible to the entire page ( MasterPage + aspx) button with a global function that I put at the beginning of the aspx page immediately after the tag Content
function InitializeVariables() {
var MapTrigger = null;
if (MapTrigger == null) {
MapTrigger = document.getElementById("");;
now works perfectly.

Set Dropdownlist selected index with javascript?

I have 2 dropdownlists on a asp page.
If user changes the selected index of the first drop down list, then set DDL2.selectedindex = DDL1.Selectedindex
and do this same logic except switch DDL1 and DDL2 respectively. I have these both getting populated from the same list of objects(just different properties set to each) and i have a order by clause on the query to ensure the data stays in sync. My question is how can i get this logic to work in javascript? My current method is as such..
Accounts.Attributes.Add("onBlur", Customers.SelectedIndex = Accounts.SelectedIndex)
Customers.Attributes.Add("onBlur", Accounts.SelectedIndex = Customers.SelectedIndex)
This code doesn't work but demonstrates what im shooting for. When the ddl getting the first selection loses focus, populate the other ddl(setting the selected index). Any help would be great!
Can someone see what i'm doing wrong here?
$("[id$=ddlStandardAcctNo]").change(function () {
var acc = $("[id$=ddlStandardAcctNo]");
var cust = $("[id$=ddlCustomerName]");
cust.selectedindex = acc.selectedindex;
It compiles and just doesn't work... :( These drop downs are inside of a asp gridview.
After looking at that i'm trying to do this..
$("[id$=ddlStandardAcctNo]").blur(function () {
var acc = document.getElementById('<%=ddlStandardAcctNo.ClientID %>');
var cust = document.getElementById('<%=ddlCustomerName.ClientID %>');
cust.selectedindex = acc.selectedindex
$("[id$=ddlCustomerName]").blur(function () {
var acc = document.getElementById('<%=ddlStandardAcctNo.ClientID %>');
var cust = document.getElementById('<%=ddlCustomerName.ClientID %>');
acc.selectedindex = cust.selectedindex
Problem is i never use document.ready cause the dropdownlist are in a gridview. I'm literally just learning javascript/jquery as i run across issues like this so feel free to crack the knowledge whip lol.
I figured this out finally!!!! the solution for jquery prior is the following
$("[id$=ddlStandardAcctNo]").change(function () {
$("[id$=ddlCustomerName]").attr("selectedIndex", this.selectedIndex);
$("[id$=ddlCustomerName]").change(function () {
$("[id$=ddlStandardAcctNo]").attr("selectedIndex", this.selectedIndex);

Simplify my menu animation code

I've got a bunch of 'project' divs that I want to expand when they're clicked on. If there's already a project open, I want to hide it before I slide out the new one. I also want to stop clicks on an already open project from closing and then opening it again.
Here's an example of what I mean (warning - wrote the code in the browser):
$('.projects').click(function() {
var clicked_project = $(this);
if (':visible')) {
var visible_projects = $('.projects:visible');
if (visible_projects.size() > 0) {
visible_projects.height(10).slideUp(function() {
} else {
Really, my big issue is with the second part - it sucks that I have to use that if/else - I should just be able to make the callback run instantly if there aren't any visible_projects.
I would think this would be a pretty common task, and I'm sure there's a simplification I'm missing. Any suggestions appreciated!
$('.projects').click(function() {
var siblings = $(this).siblings('.projects:visible');
$(this).delay(siblings.length ? 400 : 0).slideToggle();
Used a delay rather than a callback because the callback is called once per matched item. This would lead to multiple toggles if multiple items were visible.
Like this?
.click(function () {
var a = $(this);
if (":visible")) return a.height(10)
.slideUp(), void 0;
var b = $(".projects:visible");
b.size() > 0 ? b.height(10)
.slideUp(function () {
}) : a.slideDown()

