404 GET in socket.io server in a Django template - javascript

I'm trying to work with Socket.io and Django in a project and when I load the socket.io script from the server
<script src="localhost:3000/socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>
var socket = io();
I get an error because my Django project is in localhost:8000 so I dont know why the socket.io script is trying to do requests from Django when I said that the socket.io server is in port 3000.
In js console in my browser says
GET http://localhost:8000/socket.io/EIO=3&transport=polling&t=142197415699051
and that should be looking to loacalhost:3000 and not to localhost:8000
My Django log console says:
[22/Jan/2015 18:50:23] "GET
/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=1421974222989-62 HTTP/1.1" 404
Obvously because theres not a Django url to answer that request.
How can I load a socket.io server in a Django template???

You can't specify what port a server-side application listens to from a client-side script src attribute.
You have to configure what port socket.io uses on the server-side.
See this StackOverflow for an answer on how to do that.


Trying to make a post request from nodejs to php server

I just uploaded my nodejs app on Heroku which makes a post request on my localhost my localhost server is on PHP which takes a file and some data and generates an invoice but the problem is I get this error in the Heroku log when my deployed node server tries to make a post request to my PHP server using Axios.
enter image description here
You can see there is a message This is an error ignore that because I concatenated that with the error.
I would appreciate any help thanks.:)

Connection Refused While Accessing API

I have a nginx server where I have an api deployed at localhost:5000
On the same server I have a Vuejs app which is deployed at localhost:3000 and then through nginx reverse proxy served from www.mysite.com.
the frontend uses axios to make calls to the api. But everytime it happens, I get a connection refused error to localhost:5000.
Why is this happening and how can I resolve it.
Note: If I serve localhost:5000 api also via a domain like api.mysite.com using nginx reverse proxy and call api from this domain then it works fine. But I don't want to do that and instead want to use localhost:5000 to call the api.
Please check the port is listed by using the following command if you use Linux
sudo netstat -tnlp | grep :5000
If there is process running, then fine. Try changing the localhost to

Heroku app served as HTTP with node.js

I have deployed a web application in Heroku using node.js but within the application I need to make a request to an HTTP endpoint that returns a JSON file. While making the request, I get the a Mixed content error. I understand this happens because my application has been served through HTTPS but the request is HTTP. How could I tell heroku to serve my application as HTTP or what should I do to make it HTTP? Will this solve the problem?

Meteor not being able to connect to prerender.io server

I have set up a prerender server on my local machine.
It is on port 3033 and it seems to display a rendered version of my meteor site when I type this in
curl http://localhost:3033/http://localhost:3000/?_escaped_fragment_=
Knowing that my prerender site works, I'm trying to set it up so that if I go to
curl http://localhost:3000/?_escaped_fragment_=
it should give me my Meteor site.
I'm using this package (https://github.com/dfischer/meteor-prerenderio) and I've got this line in my settings.json file
"PrerenderIO": {
"prerenderServiceUrl": "http://localhost:3033/"
However, when I run
curl http://localhost:3000/?_escaped_fragment_=
it returns nothing and I'm getting this message shown up on my meteor server log
res.send(status, body): Use res.status(status).send(body) instead
and it doesn't seem to be hitting the prerender server.
What is this message and why aren't I able to hit the prerender server?

SocketIO can not serve static content after I upgraded nodejs

I upgraded my nodejs from 0.6 to 0.10
before socketIO works fine, but now whenever client request "socket.io.js"
The response is only one line.
Welcome to socket.io.
Not the actual file "socket.io.js". My app crash because of this.
The output of sever console seems to be fine:
debug - served static content /socket.io.js
My socket.io version is 0.9.*. What could possibly be the problem here?
found this is duplicated:
Socket.IO client library gives "welcome to socket.io" message

