Modifying this scrolling nav menu script? - javascript

I am a noob and for a school project I was trying to create a single page site that had a static nav menu at the top that always stayed there and I wanted it to do an animated scroll effect when you click it's link. Someone here made this for me and it works perfect.
However, you notice it says .top - 98 and that is because my nav is 98px tall so that it doesn't cut off the section it's jumping to.
Now that I am getting into media queries, I may increase the height of that nav at certain breaks. So I am wondering, is it possible to change this from 98 to some sort of [nav current height] variable? So that it will work regardless of what the height of my nav is?
Thanks in advance!!
$(document).ready(function() {
$("nav a").on('click', function() {
var link = $(this).attr('href');
scrollTop: ($(link).offset().top - 98)
}, 'slow');
return false;

how about
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: ($(link).offset().top - $('nav').height())},'slow');

Yes you can do that
scrollBarFunc = function(){
var myNavHeight = $("#myselectorId").height(); //just put here your id or class
$("nav a").on('click',function(){
var link = $(this).attr('href');
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: ($(link).offset().top - myNavHeight)},'slow');
return false;
scrollBarFunc(); //recall function to work when you resize


Custom Scrollspy is not working on my webpage

I wrote some code for highlighting the current link of the page. But the issue is that It is not highlighting the sidebar menu link item by using "activem" class.
I'm unable to find out the issue where I'm doing wrong. Below is the code :
Here is the jquery part of the website:
$(document).ready(function() {
var scrollLink = $('.scroll');
// Smooth scrolling {
scrollTop: $(this.hash).offset().top-80
}, 1000 );
// Active link switching
$(window).scroll(function() {
var scrollbarLocation = $(this).scrollTop();
scrollLink.each(function() {
var sectionOffset = $(this.hash).offset().top - 20;
if ( sectionOffset <= scrollbarLocation ) {
And here is the live page where I used this code : Demo Page
Thanks guise I got the issue. The last link from the sidebar menu is not associate with any box due to that It cause the problem. Thanks :)

Jquery scroll, top offset for active class

Can You help me please with a one thing I can't manage?
I have used scrolling-nav.js for the top menu on my website - Interior, Exterior etc.
Now I set the offset using this code
$(window).scroll(function() {
if ($(".navbar").offset().top > 130) {
} else {
$(function() {
$('').bind('click', function(event) {
var $anchor = $(this);
$('html, body').stop().animate({
scrollTop: $($anchor.attr('href')).offset().top - 130
}, 1500, 'easeInOutExpo');
But when you click for example to Exterior, active class is not working exactly at this position.
I tried to use method form another topic, but my "js" knowledge is poor. jquery scroll, change navigation active class as the page is scrolling, relative to sections
Thanks in advance.
Right now, active class is applied only when the top offset of section is 0. You can change it to other value like 130 using jquery. Add this code:
/* Get id of sections corresponding to top nav menu */
var scroll_sections = []
for (i in scroll_sections)
/* Instead of 0, if the top position offset of section is 130 or less,
we add active class for that section in nav menu */
if ($(scroll_sections[i]).position().top <= $(window).scrollTop() + 130)
$('nav a').eq(i).parent().addClass('active');

Full page slider with native scrollbar

I am building a full page slider that keeps the native scrollbar and allows the user to either free scroll, use the mouse wheel or navigation dots (on the left) to switch to a slide.
Once the user is on the last slide and tries to scroll down further, the whole slider moves up to reveal a simple scrollable section. If the user scrolls down and then tries to go back up, then this new section moves out of the way again and returns the slider back into view.
The parts I'm struggling with:
Only the first two navigation dots work. The third one DOES WORK if you area looking at the first slide. But doesn't do anything, if you are on slide 2. Note: the purple one is a short-cut to the second section of the page and not related to the slider.
When moving to the last slide (via the dots, if you're on the first slide) it causes the code to make the whole slider move upwards as it sees this as the user has slid past the last slide as per the description above. I have tried to combat this using a variable called listen to stop the scroll event listening when using the showSlide method... but it seems to be true even though I set it to false, and only reset it to true again after the animation...
When scrolling down using the mouse wheel, I can get to the second section and back up, but not to the first third section. I'm wondering if I could use the showSlide method to better handle this instead of the current dirty next and prev functions I have implemented.
Note: If the user has free-scrolled, when they use the mouse-wheel, I want the slider to snap to the nearest slide to correct itself... Any suggestions for how I could do this?
Can anyone offer some help?
Here's the JS:
var listen = true;
function nextSlide()
scrollTop: $('#section1').scrollTop() + $(window).height()
function prevSlide()
scrollTop: -$('#section1').scrollTop() + $(window).height()
function showSlide(index)
var offset = $('#section1 div').eq(index).offset();
offset =;
listen = false;
scrollTop: offset
}, 500, function(){
listen = true;
} else {
var fullHeight = 0;
$('#section1 div').each(function(){
fullHeight = fullHeight + $(this).height();
var lastScrollTop1 = 0;
$('#section1').on('scroll', function(e){
var st = $(this).scrollTop();
if (st > lastScrollTop1){
if( $('#section1').scrollTop() + $(window).height() == fullHeight) {
lastScrollTop1 = st;
$('#section1').on('mousewheel', function(e){
var st = $(this).scrollTop();
if (st > lastScrollTop1){
} else {
var lastScrollTop2 = 0;
$('#section2').on('scroll', function(e){
var st = $(this).scrollTop();
if (st > lastScrollTop1){
} else {
if( st == 0 ){
lastScrollTop1 = st;
$('.slide-dots').css({'margin-top':-$('.slide-dots').height() / 2});
$(document).on('click', '.slide-dot', function(e){
showSlide( $(this).index() );
$(document).on('click', '.slide-dot-fake', function(e){
And for those wondering why I'm not using something like fullPage.js, it's because it can't handle the way I want to transition between the two areas and have two scrollbars (one for each area).
You can use:
instead of:
st > lastScrollTop1
in the mousewheel event for your third problem to check if the user has scrolled up or down. And also change the +/- in prevSlide. I used dm4web's fiddle for your first problem. And I used:
scrollTop: offset - 1
instead of:
scrollTop: offset
for your second problem, because when the scroll reaches to the last pixel of the third element, it automatically goes to the next section, so 1 pixel is enough for it not to.
Here's the fiddle:
As suggested by #chdltest, you could do it by using fullPage.js.
Here's an example. Go to the last section.
Code used for the example:
sectionsColor: ['yellow', 'orange', '#C0C0C0', '#ADD8E6'],
scrollOverflow: true,
scrollBar: true,
afterLoad: function (anchor, index) {
//hiding the main scroll bar
if (index == 4) {
$('body, html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
//showing the main scroll bar
if (index == 3) {
$('body, html').css('overflow', 'visible');
CSS (in case you prefer to use the normal style for it)
/* Normal style scroll bar
* --------------------------------------- */
.slimScrollBar {
display: none !important;
.fp-scrollable {
overflow: auto !important;
Advantages of using fullPage.js instead to your own code:
Strongly tested in different devices and browsers. (IE, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Firefox..)
Prevent problems with trackpads, Apple laptops trackpads or Apple Magic Mouse.
Old browser's compatibility, such as IE 8, Opera 12...
Touch devices compatibility (IE Windows Phone, Android, Apple iOS, touch desktops...)
It provides many other useful options and callbacks.

Stop DIV scrolling once it reaches the footer (another DIV)

I have a "back to top" button that appears when the user scrolls down the page.
With some help I have managed to implement these functions in the code below:
fade in at certain point after scrolling down, animated scroll back to top and animated scrolling to all href="#" links of the page.
$('a[href^="#"]').on('click',function (e) {
var target = this.hash,
$target = $(target);
$('html, body').stop().animate({
'scrollTop': $target.offset().top
}, 800, 'swing', function () {
window.location.hash = target;
var $win = $(window);
$win.scroll(function () {
if ($win.scrollTop() > 300) {
console.log("fadding in")
else {
Here is a working exsample:
My problem is that the button scrolls into the footer of the page...
Basically the "back to top" should stop 30px above the "footer" DIV.
But I can't find a way to accomplish that. I've looked around but haven't found anything that worked with the existing code.
Thanks for any help or suggestions!
Got a bit further:
Just don't know how I can avoid the jumping of the button!
Is there a way to stick the button to the bottom instead the top:0???
As always THANKS for every suggestion or help!
I think you could get the location of the footer and add it to your conditional, which checks if the button should be displayed:
// dynamically get the position of the footer
var FOOTER_POSITION = someNumber;
// i THINK something like var FOOTER_POSITION = $('#T4').position().top; could work
if (300 < $win.scrollTop() && $win.scrollTop() < FOOTER_POSITION) {
Sorry, I read your question wrong, since you are using fixed positioning for your button you could implement something like:
get the height of the footer + 30px
Get a location of the footer in relation to the document, based on your fiddle ~2000px (FOOTER_START)
if the location of the top of the window is > 300 AND it is greater than (FOOTER_START) change #back-top bottom property to height of your footer

hashchange prevents scrolling to targeted div

I have an accordion element, and I need to have different panes expand on hashchange. The code I made, expands it but it doesn't scroll the the targeted div, and page never ends loading.
function hashChange() {
if (window.location.hash === '#senior-backend') {
$('#senior-backend, #backend-developer, #senior-frontend, #frontend, #dev-ops').hide(50);
window.onhashchange = hashChange;
Could you please point out what am I doing wrong.
You need to scroll the site using animate once you detect a change in the hash, for example:
var dest = $('#yourSelector').position();
var dtop =;
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: dtop
Living demo:

