I am trying to make an interactive brand guide site and I wanted to make a single scroll layout.
I want to implement a background that changes color when it reaches to the next section in the navigation
Basically, what I want to do is exactly what this MailChimp site does:
I tried looking through the code with no avail. Anyone know how to go about doing this?
There are many ways to achieve that effect, I will let you know the way I find the easiest to understand.
assuming you have a container with the background color you wish, you just have to add a little jquery that will add a class to that container to overwrite the "old" background color:
$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($(window).scrollTop() > 500) {
} else {
Here you have a FIDDLE that will make it easier to understand (english not my main lenguaje)
Edited: I edited the fiddle to add a simple transition.
I have been looking around for ages but can not find a correct solution for this.
I have a fixed bar at the top of the page. As the user scrolls past each ID, I need the text in the fixed bar at the top to change. So for example, if the user scrolled on to #ID2 then the text would change to 'Test'.
What's the best way to do something like this? I am assuming JS but am only just starting to learn JS.
Any guidance is very much appreciated.
See if following works for you:
<div id="fixed-text"></div>
function update_text() {
if($(window).scrollTop() > $('#ID2').offset().top
$(window).scroll(function() {
today I had to set a number of images as a galery.
On the mobile version of this site I had to stack the images because it wasn´t possible to show them in a row of 4 or something.
Yet the images were quite high (350px) for a mobile view so I´ve decided to shrink them down to a height of 100px and make them clickable to extend to their full height.
I did this just by adding or removing a class called "extended" which would set the height to 350px again.
The JavaScript I used for this works but yet I´m not sure if this is what you would call best practise or if it could be done easier:
$('.galery__img--fragrance').on('click', function() {
if($(this).hasClass('extended')) {
} else {
I hope this question isn´t to redundant but I´m quite new to JS/jQuery and I want to do it right :-)
Edit: Maybe I should´ve mentioned that I wanted to make images collapse to a height of 100px if they were clicked again or if another image was clicked
Use .toggleClass() function to add/remove class simultanuously:
$('.galery__img--fragrance').on('click', function() {
I copied this from another post, not blindly, I can see what it does but I can't think of a way to fix the problem. I am not really proficient in JavaScript but I can read this snippet.
// The function actually applying the offset
function offsetAnchor() {
if (location.hash.length !== 0) {
window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, window.scrollY - 100);
// This will capture hash changes while on the page
$(window).on("hashchange", function() {
// This is here so that when you enter the page with a hash,
// it can provide the offset in that case too. Having a timeout
// seems necessary to allow the browser to jump to the anchor first.
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 3);
;(function($) {
The issue was, that when I was scrolling to DIVs with ID's used for anchor points, I was scrolling slightly too far down as I have a sticky header. I tried using this so when changing DIV it would account for the sticky header, it doesn't exactly work perfectly but the main issue I am having, is that I will have over 12 navigation DIV ids, and every time anyone of them is clicked it no longer goes to the DIV, but instead just scrolls up -100 pixels.
I essentially need a solution that will scroll to just above where I need it without affecting the rest of my menu functionality, it doesn't have to be achieved by JS but that's the only feasible way I can see a solution (I've tried thinking of a CSS only one but margin/padding won't help in this situation of scrolling)
To give one last detail, when clicking on a navigation div it will scroll to that div, and the menu (sticky header) will cover some of the image and the of the item scrolled too. Major problem :)
I can leave a link if you'd like a better description and I am learning JS at the moment, but as this is for a client I'd love to be able to fix it within a timely manner and would greatly appreciate any and all help anyone can offer.
Thank you.
In this question there's an answer for jumping to certain element.
If you want a smooth scroll: look here.
Im looking for a way to change the background image of a div using jQuery BUT only amending it, not totally changing it.
Let me explain.
Im using http://jqueryui.com/demos/sortable/#portlets to show some div's that open and close. Now when you click the portlet header it opens and closes the content below.
Inside the portlet header i have a child div which shows an arrow (either up or down) depending on the current state of the content. I need a way of changing the background image on this child div by adding on "-visible" onto the end of the url for the background image.
I wouldnt even know where to start with doing this, but i have added some code below for you to look at.
From the fiddle there, i need to alter the background image of the portlet-arrow div inside portlet header. I can not simply change the background image all together, but i have simplified it down to post on here.
I hope this isnt too narrow to not be of use to anyone else on stackoverflow.
Maybe I'm missing something here, but can't you use the .css attribute modifier for the selected jQuery object? Something like:
var current_background = $("#my-div").css("background-image");
$("#my-div").css("background-image", current_background + "-visible");
If you're looking to modify the class names themselves, you can try mess around with the .toggleClass(), .hasClass(), .addClass() and .removeClass() methods in jQuery.
I hope this helps, but let me know if I've missed the mark here completely!
I would personnaly go for using css classes to change the background image. If you decide to change the image afterwards, you won't have to alter your javascript. It is a better solution to use javascript to code the behavior of the widget, not the visual aspect.
So you have the following css:
.portlet-header {
background-image: url(<an image>);
.portlet-header.collapsed {
background-image: url(<an other one>);
Add this line to your javascript to toggle the collapsed class:
$(".portlet-header").click(function() {
If you widgets starts collapsed, initially add the class.
So I have this page here:
As you can see when you mouse over the images the div slides up and down to show more information. Unfortunately I have 2 problems that i can't figure out and I've searched but haven't found quite the right answer through google and was hoping someone could point me in the direction of a tutorial.
The first problem is that when you mouse over an image it changes to color (loads a new image), but there's a short delay when the image is loading for the first time so the user sees white. Do I have to preload the images or something in order to fix that?
My second problem is that when you move your mouse over the 'additional content area' it goes crazy and starts going up and down a bunch of times. I just don't have any idea what would cause this but i hope one of you will!
All my code is directly in the source of that page if you would like to view the source.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Yes, you have to preload the images. Thankfully, this is simple:
var images_to_preload = ['myimage.jpg', 'myimage2.jpg', ...];
$.each(images_to_preload, function(i) {
$('<img/>').attr({src: images_to_preload[i]});
The other thing you have to understand is that when you use jQuery you have to truly embrace it or you will end up doing things the wrong way. For example, as soon as you find yourself repeating the same piece of code in different places, you are probably doing something wrong. Right now you have this all over the place:
<div id="service" onmouseover="javascript:mouseEnter(this.id);" onmouseout="javascript:mouseLeave(this.id);">
Get that out of your head. Now. Forever. Always. Inline javascript events are not proper, especially when you have a library like jQuery at your disposal. The proper way to do what you want is this:
$(function() {
$('div.box').hover(function() {
}, function() {
(You have to give all the #industrial, #sustainable, etc elements a class of 'box' for the above to work)
These changes will also fix your sliding problem.
I can see your images (the ones that are changing) are set in the background of a div. Here is a jquery script that preloads every image found in a css file. I have had the same problem in the past and this script solves it. It is also very easy to use:
I will take a look at your other problem...
1) You should be using the jquery events to drive your mouseovers. Give each div a class to indicate that its a category container and use the hover function to produce the mouseover/mouseout action you're after.
<div id="industrial" class="category"></div>
function () {
function () {
I simplified the code to just do show and hide, you'll need to use your additional code to slide up and slide down.
2) Yes, you need to preload your images. Another option would be "sprite" the images. This would involve combining both the black and white and colour versions of each image into a single image. You then set it as the div's background image and simply use CSS to adjust the background-position offset. Essentially, sliding instantly from the black and white to colour images as you rollover. This technique guarentees that both images are fully loaded.