HTML5 Canvas - Dynamically Drawing on a large canvas without lag - javascript

I currently have a script that lets me dynamically draw lines on a canvas. When my canvas is 500x500 the lines draw perfectly. However, if I increase the size to 2000x2000, the lines still draw but there is a lot of lag between each coordinate capture so the line does not draw as smooth as it should. I will potentially have canvases that are as large as 8000x8000 so this is a major problem. I was thinking one way I may be able to resolve this is to generate several 500X500 and line them up adjacently so that say for example I want a 2000x2000 canvas, I would have a 2x2 table of 500x500 canvases. However, as I think through how to implement this solution, I realize it will take a considerable amount of time to get it working, and I'm not even sure if it will solve the issue. Before I spend a lot of time trying this, I was wondering if anybody has encountered a similar problem and has any suggestions.


How multiple canvas elements affect performance?

I'm trying to make a simple game (view from above) on canvas. Please tell me, which is faster:
1) Draw everything on one <canvas> and calculate the areas that need to be redrawn.
2) Draw certain parts of the scene on different <canvas> elements and update each only if necessary. In the it variant, probably, I can also use a partial redraw.
For example, I could draw a map on one element, enemies on the second, and a cursor and etc on the third. When moving enemies, I could only redraw the second canvas.
Please explain in as much detail as possible which option is better and why. And could you please advise books that can deepen my knowledge on this issue? For beginners.
Most canvas games will use a sort of layering that you are describing. The furthest forward layer would be the HUD, either by a seperate canvas or HTML elements and this would only change if something happened to it, such as someone upgrading their player. Then after that it depends on how they draw the canvas. The simplest way would be to simply draw the portions of the map and obstacles are on the screen.
Use one canvas, trust me. If you have a sprite that does nothing but sit there it is still getting drawn 60 times a second so it makes no difference if it is moving or not changing or not if it exists on screen it is getting drawn regardless of change.

HTML Canvas is slow due to big amount of tiles

I'm looking for a solution or enhancement on my working script.
Basically i want to draw a color for each pixels of a 800*800 canvas.
It works but it is a bit laggy, the JS array containing all the tiles may be part of the problem but i think it's more the "redraw" of the canvas every time we move it.
I created a simplified fiddle for you. Try to drag the canvas multiple time to see the slowing.
function draw(translatePos){
I tried different approch and this is the one that is the most performant, but still not enough..
Thanks for the help..

large HTML5 Canvas scrolling performance tips

I've recently started learning to work with HTML5 Canvas and I've got a bunch of questions really. All related to performance. I understand that everything with this is quite subjective to what I'm doing. But I'm just hoping to gain some clarity.
In the example of creating game with an aerial view of the player. all 2d with a map that scrolls around on both X and Y axis.
Question 1: In my understanding, As long as there are no moving objects in my map canvas. it's more efficient to do something like create a large canvas element that I draw once and then use JS to scroll the page / move the canvas. rather than create a canvas that is the size of my screen, translate the canvas and redraw the map with each movement.
Question 2: If I use the above method of having a large canvas that scrolls about to move my map. will there be much performance difference between a simple drawing on the canvas and a complex drawing? Example: simple canvas with a couple rows of single colored blocks compared to complex canvas with thousands of lines, circles, gradients, patterns and detail. If the two canvases are the same width and height there shouldn't be a huge performance difference for just having the browser scroll them right? (no redrawing).
Question 3: Is there a preferred method for dealing with a map that is bigger than a canvas object can be? I know various browsers will limit the physical size of the canvas. Is it better to design the map in several big canvas blocks. Load an adjacent block into a brand new canvas element when the player gets near the edge. or will this cause issues. if I'm working with canvas elements that are say 10,000px by 10,000px and I start placing several of these side by side am i just asking for trouble? am I better off designing it to run in a single canvas that just redraws the map as the player moves and keep the complexity of the map down. and program it so it doesn't think about parts of the map that aren't close to the player.
I've read a bunch about tricks to increase performance like layering canvases and not redrawing the canvas more than the browser is refreshing. but I've been having trouble finding info on good practice for dealing with large maps and performance of moving around them.
I'm really interested to hear everyone's thoughts.
Question 1 is not actually a question, but it's best to create a canvas that is the size of your screen, translate the canvas and redraw PART OF the map with each movement. Do not redraw the whole map, but add methods to redraw a portion of the map that is slightly larger than the viewport, possibly excluding part of the map that is already drawn. Otherwise your browser might crash from memory stress.
Question 2: Right. There will be no difference at all. The browser will simply move the already drawn canvas about behind the viewport.
Question 3: Play around with the element inspector of Chrome on a google map. This is a very good example of a huge map that runs on a tiny phone. You will see that it uses a grid of images (you could uses canvasses). You could cache these blocks outside the viewport for if the user returns back. Play with the cache size to keep the memory usage sane.

running craftyjs (via canvas) and redrawing figuers creates weird lines

We are working on a browser/JavaScript based game where sprites are regulary redrawn, however doing so creates weird lines after each redraw. We could of course let the hole view redraw after each frame however that would kill performance quite badly. Is there any other way to fix this?
So we are using crafty to draw in isometric view a number of sprites on a canvas, when deleting these sprites weird lines appear and we are looking for a way to net let them appear.
Any suggestion would be helpful as are comments re

HTML5 SVG vs Canvas for big number of lines?

Is canvas more suitable than svg in the following case?
I'm drawing a chart (using d3js library) similar to this one (but with much more data):
It's based on an svg and it works fine for several thousands of lines (up to 5000), adding more lines (svg path) decreases the performance dramatically (scrolling in the page becomes slow)
Keep in mind: That I need to add mouse events (which is handy in svg)
Generally svg is better suited for vector images, like in your example. However canvas has a lot of benefits in modern browsers such as hardware acceleration, so for drawing the lines, as long as zooming, panning ect. isn't required performance will be using canvas.
Mouse events can be a pain using canvas, since you have to manually keep track of everything, so with 5000+ points using canvas it wont be fun. The trade off however will be once the points are drawn, assuming you only draw them once the page will behave fine regardless of the number of lines, since they are all drawn to a raster image and aren't part of the DOM.
Honestly though the best way to find it is to test what you currently have using canvas.
When performance becomes a problem, switching to canvas might be an option. In this case you can draw the canvas once. Afterwards it's pretty much treated like an image. Drawing might take some time, but afterwards it can be scaled pretty quickly. Note that it is possible to draw a rendered SVG to a canvas using the context.drawImage method (example). So you could keep your SVG generation code to create an SVG in the background, and then draw it to the canvas.
But keep in mind that it won't scale as beautiful as an SVG as soon as it is on the canvas. When the user zooms in, it will get blurry or pixely, depending on how the browser scales graphics.
Click events on canvas can be handled in two ways. Either keep an array of click targets, and add an onclick event handler to the canvas. When a click occurs, iterate the array and check which one is closest to the click coordinates.
The other option is to use hit regions. These have to be defined as polygonal paths.
+1 to everything said above. I've seen some amazing performance increases when using canvas over SVG and over compositing images using the DOM.
About manipulating the canvas image with mouse events, I imagine the best approach for an image such as you are describing is to abstract it away using a library like the following:!/EaselJS
Keep your code away from the canvas itself and let a library do the thinking for you.

