Meteor iron-router set route for overlay - javascript

I wanted to implement the overlay effect like by iron-router when overlay has the specific route ( Does anyone have any idea?

It doesn't have route, by the way. As you can see nothing between domain name and query parameter.
and It just triggering of UI element on some click.
Something like following from CodeDrops might help for your usecase -
Demo here:
Code for same and article here:

I searched for a long time on how to accomplish this, but what I ended up doing was defining an empty action on the route.
Router.route('/login', {
action: function () {
onAfterAction: function () {
Session.set('loginOpen', true);
This caused the route to be triggered, but didn't change the current template. I then set a session variable to open up the modal. This has been working great for me so far.


Change inactive page Title

A similar question has been asked here. And I know how to do it in a non angular context.
But to learn the framework I made my own chat using Angular.
Since I am just starting out I would like to know what would be the best course of action for this? Using jQuery would work in a controller but that doesn't seem like the right way. Since you would have to remove the listener once the controller has been destroyed.
To be clear here's what I would like to happen:
If the user switches tabs or windows the title of the page get's updated to reflect the 'missed' entries.
Once he comes back the title resets back to another value.
The most 'angular' way would be to create a directive on some element which listens for the events and changes a scope variable.
I would create an API like this:
<html ng-app="myApp" window-active-model="appIsActive">
<title>{{appIsActive ? 'My Super App' : 'Come back to me!'}}</title>
Here is the jquery version if anyone needs in future
$(function() {
// Get page title
var pageTitle = $("title").text();
// Change page title on blur
$(window).blur(function() {
$("title").text("Don't forget to read this...");
// Change page title back on focus
$(window).focus(function() {

PDF.JS Change Page section

I want to customize the behaviour of previous and next buttons inside the PDF.JS Viewer. I've found that inside viewer.js there is:
function() {;
function() {;
For example I would like that, by clicking on the next button, does not change the page but just scroll down about 10 lines.
I hope that someone could help me.
You have made half your way to the destination.
However, you need to check the
scrollIntoView = function pageViewScrollIntoView(dest){...}
the is responsible for the page,
the scrollIntoView is responsible for the offset, which in this case what you are looking for.

How do I change this JavaScript?

I want to change the way that content is displayed on my website:
var FNav = {
init: function() {
$("a[href*=#]").click(function(e) {
if($(this).attr("href").split("#")[1]) {
goTo: function(page) {
var next_page = $("#"+page);
var nav_item = $('nav ul li a[href=#'+page+']');
How do I change this JavaScript, so I can have a proper back button functionality?
What I have tried (Unsuccessfuly). These are the solutions that I tried but without changing the javascript above. That is why I think none of them seem to work.
Using the History.js method described here: I fill out all the steps and
enter the scripts to the header, however only the URL in the URL bar
changes when I click on a link. When I click the Back button, the URl
changes accordingly, but content doesn't load. When I enter a URL in
the URL bar, I get sent to the home page.
Ajaxify and Gist method
described here: Achieves the
same as above, same issues as well
Davis.js method described here: Achieves nothing upon completion
of the installation instructions. No change.
jQuery BBQ Plugin method
described here:
Achieves nothing, no change upon loading the .js file in the header
of the website.
I read this article and understood it:
I'm not sure why you couldn't get Davis.js to work for you? Perhaps open an issue on the GitHub page.
If you want to use hash based routing with davis you need to include the hash routing extension. You then just need to include it in your page after davis.
The following setup should then allow you to handle routes
Davis(function () {
this.get('/:page', function (req) {
Assuming you have links in your page with the following
Davis will take care of handling the back button for you, so that if you click on the link for Page1 and then Page2, clicking on the back button will navigate to Page1 again.
If you have any problems please open an issue on the GitHub page detailing what you have and what isn't working and I can take a look at it.
The back button does not magically work. You need to code and listen for the event change!
In history.js, it shows you right on the front page:
// Bind to StateChange Event
History.Adapter.bind(window,'statechange',function(){ // Note: We are using statechange instead of popstate
var State = History.getState(); // Note: We are using History.getState() instead of event.state
History.log(, State.title, State.url);

Effectively handling Browser history and Back button [duplicate]

I want to change the way that content is displayed on my website:
var FNav = {
init: function() {
$("a[href*=#]").click(function(e) {
if($(this).attr("href").split("#")[1]) {
goTo: function(page) {
var next_page = $("#"+page);
var nav_item = $('nav ul li a[href=#'+page+']');
How do I change this JavaScript, so I can have a proper back button functionality?
What I have tried (Unsuccessfuly). These are the solutions that I tried but without changing the javascript above. That is why I think none of them seem to work.
Using the History.js method described here: I fill out all the steps and
enter the scripts to the header, however only the URL in the URL bar
changes when I click on a link. When I click the Back button, the URl
changes accordingly, but content doesn't load. When I enter a URL in
the URL bar, I get sent to the home page.
Ajaxify and Gist method
described here: Achieves the
same as above, same issues as well
Davis.js method described here: Achieves nothing upon completion
of the installation instructions. No change.
jQuery BBQ Plugin method
described here:
Achieves nothing, no change upon loading the .js file in the header
of the website.
I read this article and understood it:
I'm not sure why you couldn't get Davis.js to work for you? Perhaps open an issue on the GitHub page.
If you want to use hash based routing with davis you need to include the hash routing extension. You then just need to include it in your page after davis.
The following setup should then allow you to handle routes
Davis(function () {
this.get('/:page', function (req) {
Assuming you have links in your page with the following
Davis will take care of handling the back button for you, so that if you click on the link for Page1 and then Page2, clicking on the back button will navigate to Page1 again.
If you have any problems please open an issue on the GitHub page detailing what you have and what isn't working and I can take a look at it.
The back button does not magically work. You need to code and listen for the event change!
In history.js, it shows you right on the front page:
// Bind to StateChange Event
History.Adapter.bind(window,'statechange',function(){ // Note: We are using statechange instead of popstate
var State = History.getState(); // Note: We are using History.getState() instead of event.state
History.log(, State.title, State.url);

Jquery - tell when the hash changes?

I'm trying to make my site respond correctly to the back button. I've saved that hash of what I want it to do, but I don't know the hook for jQuery to be able to tell when the hash changes. It's not .ready(), because the page doesn't reload. What do I use?
Edit for a bit of clarity:
I'm using an iframe, so I can't tell when someone clicks a link. It's on the same subdomain, so i'm able to see it's filepath, and am saving it so you can bookmark. Unfortunately by saving it as a hash, my back button now fails to reload, which fails to reload the iframe, so my back button is essentially broken. If there was a way to tell when the URI changes, I could check it against the iframe address and change it if they don't match.
All I need is a way to check if the URI has changed. Is there a .change() for the URI? Something along those lines?
You can try History Event plugin.
After the document is ready, you examine the hash and alter the page appropriately.
I don't know the hook for jQuery to be able to tell when the hash changes
You can intercept your hash anchors' click events and respond appropriately as opposed to waiting for a "the hash has changed" event (which doesn't exist).
Some approaches create a "the hash has changed" event by inspecting window.location.hash on a timer.
Ben 'the cowboy' Alman wrote a cross platform plugin for hash changes
I dont know if your using it inside of the iframe or what, but if you were to use it outside the iframe it would be like
//Insert event to be triggered on has change.
You should have a look at the solution of Ben Nadel which is in binding events to non-DOM objects.
There is'nt a buitin way to watch for hash changes, in firefox you could use watch method, but as far as I know it isnt default, so you can hack it writing something like (see below)
function setWatchHashChanges(functionObject)
{'hash', function(e){functionObject(e);return e;});
} else {
setWatchHasnChanges.hash = window.locaton.hash;
} else {
if(setWatchHasnChanges.hash!== window.locaton.hash)
setWatchHasnChanges.hash = window.locaton.hash;
}, 100);

