Backbone Collection .findwhere() underscore method - javascript

This code is returning the alert message the number of times models are present in collection. I want to print it just once and come out of the loop as soon as the username and password matches.
what to do?
var user = model.get('username');
var pwd = model.get('password');
if(enteredUsername == user && enteredPassword == pwd)

Sources of BB
where: function(attrs, first) {
if (_.isEmpty(attrs)) return first ? void 0 : [];
return this[first ? 'find' : 'filter'](function(model) {
for (var key in attrs) {
if (attrs[key] !== model.get(key)) return false;
return true;
Return the first model with matching attributes. Useful for simple cases of find.
findWhere: function(attrs) {
return this.where(attrs, true);
so try
console.log(this.collection.findWhere({username: username, password: password}));


How I can pass a parameter value in where clause MongoDB

i have a problem with a mongoDb query, i need to search for a parameter value of any MongoDB field.
I use a function in $where clause like:
$where: function() {
var deepIterate = function (obj, value) {
for (var field in obj) {
if (obj[field] == value){
return true;
var found = false;
if ( typeof obj[field] === ‘object’) {
found = deepIterate(obj[field], value)
if (found) { return true; }
return false;
return deepIterate(this, “Text36")
The returned response was fine but I don't know how I can pass the value (Text36 in this sample) I want to found like a parameter
can someone help me please ? Thanks

How do I ensure an array has no null values?

I would like test my Array (input value) before submit my form.
My array with value :
const fields = [
I've try this :
_.forEach(fields, (field) => {
if (field === null) {
return false;
alert('Can submit !');
I think my problem is because i don't use Promise. I've try to test with Promise.all(fields).then(());, but i'm always in then.
Anyone have idea ?
Thank you :)
The problem is that even though you're terminating the lodash _.forEach loop early, you don't do anything else with the information that you had a null entry.
Instead of lodash's _.forEach, I'd use the built-in Array#includes (fairly new) or Array#indexOf to find out if any of the entries is null:
if (fields.includes(null)) { // or if (fields.indexOf(null) != -1)
// At least one was null
} else {
// All were non-null
alert('Can submit !');
For more complex tests, you can use Array#some which lets you provide a callback for the test.
Live example with indexOf:
const state = {
workshopSelected: [],
countrySelected: [],
productionTypeSelected: [],
numEmployeesSelected: [],
startAt: []
const fields = [
if (fields.indexOf(null) != -1) {
console.log("Before: At least one was null");
} else {
console.log("Before: None were null");
fields[2] = null;
if (fields.indexOf(null) != -1) {
console.log("After: At least one was null");
} else {
console.log("After: None were null");
You do not need to use promises unless there is an asynchronous operation (for example if you are getting that array from your server).
If you already have that array you can do something like:
// Using lodash/underscore
var isValid = _.every(fields, (field) => (field!==null)}
// OR using the Array.every method
var isValid = fields.every((field)=>(field!==null))
// Or using vanilla JS only
function checkArray(array){
for(var i = 0; i < array.length ; i ++){
return false;
return true;
var isValid = checkArray(fields);
// After you get that value, you can execute your alert based on it
alert('Something went wrong..');
Try this simple snippet
var isAllowedToSubmit = true;
_.forEach(fields, (field) => {
if (!field) {
isAllowedToSubmit = false;
alert('Can submit !');
You can do that without library:
if (fields.some(field => field === null)) {
alert('Cannot submit');
} else {
alert('Can submit');
You don't need to use lodash, you can do this in simple vanilla javascript. Simply iterate over each field and if an error occurs set your errors bool to true
let errors = false;
fields.forEach(field) => {
if(field === null || field === '') {
errors = true;
if (!errors) {
alert('Yay no errors, now you can submit');
For an es6 you can use.
const hasNoError = fields.every((field, index, selfArray) => field !== null);
if (!hasNoError) {
alert('yay It works');
Have a look at Array.every documentation Array every MDN documentation

jQuery each with ajax call will continue before it's finished

I have some jQuery which uses an each loop to go through values entered in a repeated form field on a Symfony 3 CRM. There is a $.post which sends the entered value to a function that checks for duplicates in the database, and if it's a duplicate it adds something to an array, otherwise it adds a blank value to indicate it's not a dupe. Once these have been done, it then checks the final array and adds any errors to the error block to display to the user.
However, it seems that the array is ALWAYS blank and I belivee it's because it's running the code that displays the errors BEFORE it's actually finished getting the response.
Here is my code:
$('#puppy_form').on('submit', function() {
var bitch_errors = [];
var dog_errors = [];
// NOTE: Bitch and dog names need to be checked differently so we know which error is assigned to which input
$('.check_bitch_name').each( function(i, obj) {
// need to check each name for validity and duplication.
var entered_bitch_name = obj.value;
var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/;
if(!pattern.test(entered_bitch_name)) {
bitch_errors[i+1] = "invalid";
} else {
// now to check for duplicates
$.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: entered_bitch_name }
).done(function (response) {
if(response == 'duplicate') {
bitch_errors[i+1] = "duplicate";
} else {
bitch_errors[i+1] = "";
$('.check_dog_name').each( function(i, obj) {
// need to check each name for validity and duplication.
var entered_dog_name = obj.value;
var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/;
if(!pattern.test(entered_dog_name)) {
dog_errors[i+1] = "invalid";
} else {
// now to check for duplicates
$.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: entered_dog_name }
).done(function (response) {
if(response == 'duplicate') {
dog_errors[i+1] = "duplicate";
} else {
dog_errors[i+1] = "";
if(count(bitch_errors) == 0 && count(dog_errors) == 0) {
return true;
// loop through the errors and assign them to the correct input
$.each( bitch_errors, function( key, value ) {
if (value == "invalid") {
$('input[name="bitch_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Names must be at least two words, and only contain letters');
return false;
} else if(value == "duplicate") {
$('input[name="bitch_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Sorry, this name has already been taken');
return false;
$.each( dog_errors, function( key, value ) {
if(value != "") {
if (value == "invalid") {
$('input[name="dog_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Names must be at least two words, and only contain letters');
return false;
} else if(value == "duplicate") {
$('input[name="dog_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Sorry, this name has already been taken');
return false;
return false;
Basically, it first checks that the inputted name is valid, then posts off and checks for dupes. The issue is, even though it does the validity check (and prints errors accordingly) it seems to ignore the dupe check and carry on before it's even called back the first response.
How can I make sure it's finished it's checking before going on and adding the errors to the form? I've tried other solutions including attempting to implement the $.when functionality in jQuery but I don't really understand how to make it work. Any help appreciated.
First, write a function that returns an asynchronous promise to give you a value for one dog:
function checkDog(name) {
var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/;
if(!pattern.test(name)) {
return $.Deferred().resolve("invalid");
} else {
return $.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: name } )
.then(function (response) {
if (response === 'duplicate') {
return 'duplicate';
} else {
return '';
Then you can write one that handles multiple dogs, also returning a promise (which won't itself be resolved until every dog has been checked):
function checkDogs(array) {
return $.when.apply($,;
Note that there's no DOM-related code yet. You can now write a function that gets the values from a bunch of DOM inputs and returns them in an array:
function getInputValues($selector) {
return $selector.get().map(function(el) {
return el.value;
So now (on submit) you can check your two sets of inputs and then finally when both of these are available, you can examine the results and update the DOM:
$('#puppy_form').on('submit', function() {
var bitch_names = getInputValues($('.check_bitch_name'));
var dog_names = getInputValues($('.check_dog_name'));
var bitch_promises = checkDogs(bitch_names);
var dog_promises = checkDogs(dog_names);
$.when(bitch_promises, dog_promises).then(function(bitch_errors, dog_errors) {
// update the DOM based on the passed arrays
You are right, ajax calls are like their name says asynchronous. Therefor you can only rely on the .done function. A simple solution would be to initialize a counter variable at the beginning for bitches and dogs and in the according done function you decrement it until it reaches zero. Then, also in the done function, you put an if that calls validation of the error arrays. Here is UNTESTED code to show what I mean:
$('#puppy_form').on('submit', function() {
here you get the initial count for bitches and dogs
var bitch_count = $('.check_bitch_name').length;
var dog_count = $('.check_dog_name').length;
var bitch_errors = [];
var dog_errors = [];
// NOTE: Bitch and dog names need to be checked differently so we know which error is assigned to which input
$('.check_bitch_name').each( function(i, obj) {
// need to check each name for validity and duplication.
var entered_bitch_name = obj.value;
var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/;
if(!pattern.test(entered_bitch_name)) {
bitch_errors[i+1] = "invalid";
} else {
// now to check for duplicates
$.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: entered_bitch_name }
).done(function (response) {
if(response == 'duplicate') {
bitch_errors[i+1] = "duplicate";
} else {
bitch_errors[i+1] = "";
now on every checked name you decrement the counter
and if both counters reach zero you can be sure you
checked all and only now you call your validation
if(bitch_count === 0 && dog_count === 0) {
return validateErrors();
$('.check_dog_name').each( function(i, obj) {
// need to check each name for validity and duplication.
var entered_dog_name = obj.value;
var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/;
if(!pattern.test(entered_dog_name)) {
dog_errors[i+1] = "invalid";
} else {
// now to check for duplicates
$.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: entered_dog_name }
).done(function (response) {
if(response == 'duplicate') {
dog_errors[i+1] = "duplicate";
} else {
dog_errors[i+1] = "";
same here
if(bitch_count === 0 && dog_count === 0) {
return validateErrors();
...and finally all code that should be processed after the ajax calls
function validateErrors() {
if(count(bitch_errors) == 0 && count(dog_errors) == 0) {
return true;
// loop through the errors and assign them to the correct input
$.each( bitch_errors, function( key, value ) {
if (value == "invalid") {
$('input[name="bitch_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Names must be at least two words, and only contain letters');
return false;
} else if(value == "duplicate") {
$('input[name="bitch_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Sorry, this name has already been taken');
return false;
$.each( dog_errors, function( key, value ) {
if(value != "") {
if (value == "invalid") {
$('input[name="dog_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Names must be at least two words, and only contain letters');
return false;
} else if(value == "duplicate") {
$('input[name="dog_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Sorry, this name has already been taken');
return false;
return false;
You could use the async lib to manage these requests and collect the results which will then be passed into the final callback where you can process them.
I haven't tried to run this code but hopefully it will get you close enough if not already there.
bitch_errors: function(callback) {
var bitch_errors = [];
async.forEachOf($('.check_bitch_name'), function(obj, i, cb) {
// need to check each name for validity and duplication.
var entered_bitch_name = obj.value;
var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/;
if(!pattern.test(entered_bitch_name)) {
bitch_errors[i+1] = "invalid";
} else {
// now to check for duplicates
$.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: entered_bitch_name }
).done(function (response) {
if(response == 'duplicate') {
bitch_errors[i+1] = "duplicate";
} else {
bitch_errors[i+1] = "";
}, function () {
callback(null, bitch_errors);
dog_errors: function(callback) {
var dog_errors = [];
async.forEachOf($('.check_dog_name'), function(obj, i, cb) {
// need to check each name for validity and duplication.
var entered_dog_name = obj.value;
var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/;
if(!pattern.test(entered_dog_name)) {
dog_errors[i+1] = "invalid";
} else {
// now to check for duplicates
$.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: entered_dog_name }
).done(function (response) {
if(response == 'duplicate') {
dog_errors[i+1] = "duplicate";
} else {
dog_errors[i+1] = "";
}, function () {
callback(null, dog_errors);
}, function(err, results) {
// you can now access your results like so
if(count(results.bitch_errors) == 0 && count(results.dog_errors) == 0) {
// ... rest of your code

limitation of numbers and types of custom directive

Im using a custom directive available online, and it works really fine, but there is only one change that i need to make, for example in the directive im able to limite decimal numbers or to int, and i can use commas or dots, the only problem is when i load data from the server, in the database it comes with a dot, and i liked to when is loaded first time from the db it comes with a comma instead of a dot. I tried replacing above $parsers function using "replace('.',','), but than is always changing it, not letting the user instead putting or a dot or a comma.
So basically i need when is first loaded from db, it comes with a comma.
.directive('onlyNumber', function() {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
link: function ($scope, elem, attrs, ngModel) {
var decRegexp, intRegexp;
intRegexp = /^(\d*)/;
decRegexp = "^(\\d*(\\.|,)?(\\d{1,DECIMALS})?)";
decRegexp = new RegExp(decRegexp.replace('DECIMALS', ''+attrs.decimalUpto));
// I tried this above but isnt updating the input/view
var getter = $parse(attrs.ngModel);
var value = getter($scope);
ngModel.$setViewValue(value.replace('.', ','));
ngModel.$parsers.push(function (val) {
var isDec, parsed, ref, regexp;
isDec = attrs.numType === 'decimal';
regexp = isDec ? decRegexp : intRegexp;
parsed = val != null ? (ref = val.match(regexp)) != null ? ref[0] : void 0 : void 0;
var result = parseFloat(parsed.replace(',', '.'));
if (attrs.minLimit > result) {
ngModel.$setValidity('smartFloatMin', false);
return undefined;
ngModel.$setValidity('smartFloatMin', true);
if (attrs.maxLimit < result) {
ngModel.$setValidity('smartFloatMax', false);
return undefined;
ngModel.$setValidity('smartFloatMax', true);
var result = parseInt(parsed);
if (attrs.minLimit > result) {
ngModel.$setValidity('smartIntegerMin', false);
return undefined;
ngModel.$setValidity('smartIntegerMin', true);
if (attrs.maxLimit < result) {
ngModel.$setValidity('smartIntegerMax', false);
return undefined;
ngModel.$setValidity('smartIntegerMax', true);
return result;
In the your directive use it like this
ngModelCtrl.$formatters.push(function(modelValue) {
return modelValue.replace(/\./g,',') ;
here is a working plunker

How to reject use of certain words in a form?

I am new to Javascript.
I need to make an username input, then validate it.
The username entered must not be one of the elements in this array: ["admin", "administrator", "demo", "user"] etc. The array can be longer.
I made this so far, but it works only for the 1st element in the array.
function arrayValidation () {
nonoUser = ["username", "admin", "administrator", "demo"];
valueOfInput = document.getElementById("user").value; // "user" here is id of input
for (var i = 0; i < nonoUser.length; i++) {
if (valueOfInput == nonoUser[i]) {
alert("you cant use this username");
}else {
Try this:
function arrayValidation () {
nonoUser = ["username", "admin", "administrator", "demo"];
valueOfInput = document.getElementById("user").value; // "user" here is id of input
var isValid = true;
for (var i = 0; i < nonoUser.length && isValid; i++) {
if (valueOfInput == nonoUser[i]) {
isValid = false;
if (isValid) {
// Username is valid
// Username is invalid
However, you should never trust data that's sent to the server (Validate server-side as well)
It's trivial to change the js as a user.
This should point you in the right direction:
document.getElementById("user").onkeyup = function(){
var nonoUser = ["username", "admin", "administrator", "demo"];
nonoUser.indexOf(this.value) === -1 ? false : this.value = '';
I also hope you're validating this server-side as well, otherwise users will still be able to use your "nono" usernames.
you need to add return false; to the code section with the alert, not the else statement.
The comments here should help you to see why your code isn't working as you expect:
// Your original code:
function arrayValidation () {
nonoUser = ["username", "admin", "administrator", "demo"];
valueOfInput = document.getElementById("user").value; // "user" here is id of input
for (var i = 0; i < nonoUser.length; i++) {
if (valueOfInput == nonoUser[i]) {
alert("you cant use this username");
} else {
// Using return here is the problem.
// This else block will run if a valid username was entered.
// The return statement stops execution of the function, thus ending the loop.
// So if the loop passes the test the first time, this return
// statement will stop the loop and function from completing
// the checks against the other keywords.
This is your code modified to work as you expect:
function arrayValidation () {
nonoUser = ["username", "admin", "administrator", "demo"];
valueOfInput = document.getElementById("user").value; // "user" here is id of input
for (var i = 0; i < nonoUser.length; i++) {
if (valueOfInput == nonoUser[i]) {
alert("you cant use this username");
// We can end the function check return here.
// There's no point checking the others, as we've found an invalid one.
return false; // Return a meaningful result
// No need for an else statement either.
As many have pointed out, client side validation should be considered an optional extra, and server-side validation as essential.

