QML : how to pass javascript function as argument in another function - javascript

I have QML code, for example this code
Item {
function update(){
var visitFunc = self.applyUpdate;
function reset(){
var visitFunc = self.applyReset;
function innerTraversal(obj, visitFun){
console.log(typeof visitFun);
if(obj!== self && visitFun && typeof visitFun ==="function")
var objChilderns = obj.children;
for(var i=0 ; i< objChilderns.length ; i++){
function hasChilderns(obj){
if(typeof obj.children !== 'undefined')
return true;
return false;
function applyReset(obj){
if(typeof obj.reset === 'function')
function applyUpdate(obj){
if(typeof obj.update === 'function')
in normal javascript this works cool, but when I use this code in QML the bad thing is visitFun always has type of undefined, and it does not work..
any idea how to make this work ?

In QtQuick 2 you should be able to bind functions to properties using
Item { //<-- declaration
id : item
property variant fun
item.fun : Qt.binding(function(){doSomething()}) //<--defintion
item.fun // <-- invocation without braces
So you could pass an object with a generic function as parameter.
In general, function overloading a can also be used to create a generic function for example to create a Button type:
Item {
function fun() {} //<-- declaration (empty dummy)
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
fun(); //<-- invocation
Button {
id: button
function fun() { //<-- defintion by overloading
Clicking the button will activate its onClick handler and actually do something ;). Again, you would then pass the object with the generic function not the function itself.

In QML internals your "self" has type "QQuickItem", while normal JS object (created with "new Object()" or "{"prop" : "value"}", for example) has type QJsValue. And "self" isn't variable name, it's QML id, keep in mind that defference.
In QML the using of signals\slots or property bindings can be much more powerful rather than passing callback like in "normal" JS. The using of "typeof" is also bad practice (as far as I know in "normal" JS too), you can simply write something like:
// Or simply "return obj.children" - but function become useless than.
return true;
return false;
But this code still useless - Item's property "children" in QML has type "list", it always exists.
So my conclusion - you should try to learn some QML basics before writing something.


How to make a jQuery like select and action system(JavaScript)?

This is not for use in my project, Only for learning purposes.
In jQuery,
When we call $('h1'). it simply returns all the h1 elements from the document. Again when we make some action on an element like $('h1').hide(), it simply hides all the elements(cool ah?)
I want to learn this similar functionality, for example:
function app(elm){
const x = (typeof elm !== 'object') ? document.querySelectorAll(elm) : elm
return {
hide : function(){
x.forEach( target =>{
target.style.display = 'none';
This is a simple code here. So, If I call it like app('h1').hide(); it will hide all the h1 elements from the document. But if I call it like app('h1') it returns the object what I return that's normal.
In here I need all h1 elements from the document like jQuery. I mean It should work like this,
$('h1') === app('h1') //JQuery is equal to myCFunction (problem)
$('h1').hide === app('h1').hide() //jQuery is equal to myCFunction (solved)
[NOTE] Here is an article that is similar to my question but it's not my question answer.
Article Link
You can return x instead of a custom object, but before returning inject the hide function into x object's prototype like x.prototype.hide = function(){/*...*/}.
I think $("h1") does not return selected elements. It stores the selected elements. Instead we can have new function(getElement) to get select elements.Hope this code helps.
var App = function() {
var x ;
this.app = function (elem) {
x = document.querySelectorAll(elem);
return this;
this.hide = function(){
x.forEach(target => {
target.style.display = 'none';
this.getElement = function(){
return x;
var $ = new App();
I've got a mostly working solution, but you still have to fix one small but annoying problem (see caveat 3). It's mostly done so I'll put it here anyway.
I think this is what you are looking for:
function app(selector) {
const retArr = document.querySelectorAll(selector); // The array to return
// Add proxies for all prototype methods of all elements
for (let e of retArr) {
let methods = getProtoMethods(e);
for (let mKey in methods) {
// Skip if the proxy method already exists in retArr
if (retArr[mKey] !== undefined) continue;
// Otherwise set proxy method
Object.defineProperty(retArr, mKey, {
value: function(...args) {
// Loop through all elements in selection
retArr.forEach(el => {
// Call method if it exists
if (el[mKey] !== undefined) el[mKey](...args);
return retArr;
// Gets all prototype methods for one object
function getProtoMethods(obj) {
let methods = {};
// Loop through all prototype properties of obj and add all functions
for (let pKey of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj))) {
// Skip properties that aren't functions and constructor
if (pKey !== "constructor" && typeof obj[pKey] === "function") {
methods[pKey] = obj[pKey];
return methods;
The idea is to put all the selected objects in an array, then define additional methods on the array. It should have all the method names of the selected objects, but those methods are actually proxies of those original methods. When one of these proxy methods is called, it calls the original method on all (see caveat 1) the selected objects in the array. But otherwise the returned object can just be used as a normal array (or more accurately, NodeList in this case).
However it's worth mentioning that there are several caveats with this particular implementation.
The list of proxy methods created is the union of the methods of all selected objects, not intersection. Suppose you selected two elements - A and B. A has method doA() and B has method doB(). Then the array returned by app() will have both doA() and doB() proxy methods. However when you call doA() for example, only A.doA() will be called because obviously B does not have a doA() method.
If the selected objects do not have the same definition for the same method name, the proxy method will use their individual definitions. This is usually desired behaviour in polymorphism but still it's something to bear in mind.
This implementation does not traverse the prototype chain, which is actually a major problem. It only looks at the prototypes of the selected elements, but not the prototypes of prototypes. Therefore this implementation does not work well with any inheritance. I did try to get this to work by making getProtoMethods() recursive, and it does work with normal JS objects, but doing that with DOM elements throws weird errors (TypeError: Illegal Invocation) (see here). If you can somehow fix this problem then this would be a fully working solution.
This is the problematic recursive code:
// Recursively gets all nested prototype methods for one object
function getProtoMethods(obj) {
let methods = {};
// Loop through all prototype properties of obj and add all functions
for (let pKey of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj))) {
// Skip properties that aren't functions and constructor
// obj[pKey] throws error when obj is already a prototype object
if (pKey !== "constructor" && typeof obj[pKey] === "function") {
methods[pKey] = obj[pKey];
// If obj's prototype has its own prototype then recurse.
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)) == null) {
return methods;
} else {
return {...methods, ...getProtoMethods(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj))};
Sorry I cannot solve your problem 100%, but hopefully this at least somewhat helpful.

Binding an argument as this, with a new constructor?

I am trying to bind an argument for this to a function named Sequence the binding works, problem is more than one Sequence overwrites each other, so I have to use new here's the issue...
//js code
function init(cmd) {
console.log(this);// returns init object itself
Works great but when I do
//init for js above
...,function(seq) {
console.log ("hello");
...,function(seq) {
The second sequence is ran goodbye. never the first because it is being written over.
Sequence function
function Sequence(key, fn, location) {
if (!location) location = document;
var self = this; //object that is bound to Sequence
location.addEventListener("keydown", function sequenceMode(e) {
if (keyCodes.literal[key.toUpperCase()] === e.which) {
self.waiting = false;
this.removeEventListener("keydown", sequenceMode);
} else location.removeEventListener("keydown", sequenceMode);
So my issue here is how do I A bind the this property to be the object calling Sequence or B how do I create a new instance of Sequence and still allow the user to define inside the function?
cmd.call(e,new Sequence().bind(cmd)); //can not call bind from Constructor
So basically I need to have the user still be able to define the arguments themselves for Sequence and this be bound to the object calling it. Any suggestions?
Not getting the same results so I'm overlooking my code now,
So I've edited the bin with my actual JavaScript. It's doing it now.
Open the developer panel to read console. Press ctrl+a then b, then press ctrl+b press a, doesn't show any so press b and it's running ctrl+a seq function.
One main issue I can tell you is using the same default object, by which your commands.cmd[combinator] will point to the same object which came last.
Make a copy of default before assigning
var def = Object.create(defaults);
for(var option in options)
if(option !== "executed" && option !== "called")
def[option] = options[option];
After realizing what I did wrong thank's to code-jaff which I'll accept his answer since he did give me the way to it. Except instead of using Object.create I just created a new Object literal.
var def = {};
for(var option in defaults)
if(options.hasOwnProperty(option) && option !== "executed" && option !== "called" && option !== "waiting")
def[option] = options[option];
} else {
def[option] = defaults[option];

Checking if parameter is a contructor or an instance in javascript

I wanna do the following, if the parameter passed is a contructor, then do new 'constructor' if not, just use the instance. How can I do that?
This is what I've done so far, but it doesn't work. I think something is wrong with my code:
var showList = function (view, options) {
// checking if view is a conctructor or not
if (view instanceof view) {
} else {
app.getRegion('main').show(new view(options));
so the above function can be used as:
var listView = new ListView;
or straight:
showList(new ListView);
I think you're going to want to test whether the argument is an object or a function:
if (typeof view === "function")
will tell you it's a function (a constructor function in your context)
if (typeof view === "object")
will tell you that it's an already constructed object.
var showScreen = function (view, options) {
// check if view is already an object
if (typeof view === "object") {
} else {
app.getRegion('main').show(new view(options));
One thing I'm confused about in your code is if view is already an object, then why do you do view(options). That doesn't make sense to me. Doing new view(options) when view is a function makes sense, but not the other option so I think something also needs to be corrected with that line of code. Do you perhaps mean to call a method on that object?
FYI, I tend to avoid using instanceof as a general practice if there is another option because instanceof can have issues with cross frame code whereas typeof does not have those issues.
var showScreen = function (view, options) {
// checking if view is a conctructor or not
if (view instanceof Function) {
app.getRegion('main').show(new view(options));
} else {
Maybe not the best way but well.
function A(){}
var a = new A();
a instanceof A // true
a instanceof Function // false
A instanceof Function // true
This seems like a code smell to me. I think it's better pass an instance instead of a constructor function.
In this case you can do:
showScreen(new ListView(options))
If it's hard to construct a ListView you should wonder why that is.

javascript - issue with using .apply on functions

Okay so I have an object and I want to apply a callback function to all of the methods in the object. This is what I have tried so far:
var namespace = {
foo : 'bar',
foobar : function() { console.log('call from foobar!')},
someFunc : function() { console.log('call from someFunc!')},
someFunc2 : function() { console.log('call from someFunc2!')}
var logger = {
_callback : function () {
console.log('call from logger!',arguments);
for (var m in namespace) {
if ( namespace.hasOwnProperty(m) && (typeof namespace[m]=='function') ) {
logger[m] = namespace[m];
namespace[m] = function() {
logger[m].apply(this, arguments);
This is what is getting logged to the console:
call from logger! [["foo"]]
call from someFunc2!
call from logger! [["bar"]]
call from someFunc2!
call from logger! [["bar2"]]
call from someFunc2!
As you can see, for some reason all 3 methods of namespace are outputting 'call from someFunc2! which is wrong. I'm not sure what the issue here is.. what am I doing wrong?
for (var m in namespace) {
if ( namespace.hasOwnProperty(m) && (typeof namespace[m]=='function') ) {
logger[m] = namespace[m];
namespace[index] = function() {
logger[index].apply(this, arguments);
otherwise the namespace[m] = function(){} will use whatever m is last
There's just one "m". The code inside that function you create in the for loop references the "live" value of "m", not a value frozen at the point the function was created. The last value it takes on is name "someFunc2", so that's the one that's called.
Step by step:
You create the "namespace" and "logger" objects.
The loop runs. The variable "m" takes on the successive values of the properties in the "namespace" object, and creates a new function for each relevant property of that object.
At the end of the loop, "m" has the value "someFunc2".
You call one of the "namespace" functions. That'll be a call to one of the functions created in the loop. That function will in turn call the "_callback" function. And now the important key point: it references a property of the "logger" object using the value of "m". What is the value of "m"? It's "someFunc2".

Testing if value is a function

I need to test whether the value of a form's onsubmit is a function. The format is typically onsubmit="return valid();". Is there a way to tell if this is a function, and if it's callable? Using typeof just returns that it's a string, which doesn't help me much.
EDIT: Of course, I understand that "return valid();" is a string. I've replaced it down to "valid();", and even "valid()". I want to know if either of those is a function.
EDIT: Here's some code, which may help explain my problem:
$("a.button").parents("form").submit(function() {
var submit_function = $("a.button").parents("form").attr("onsubmit");
if ( submit_function && typeof( submit_function.replace(/return /,"") ) == 'function' ) {
return eval(submit_function.replace(/return /,""));
} else {
alert("onSubmit is not a function.\n\nIs the script included?"); return false;
} );
EDIT 2: Here's the new code. It seems that I still have to use an eval, because calling form.submit() doesn't fire existing onsubmits.
var formObj = $("a.button").parents("form");
formObj.submit(function() {
if ( formObj[0].onsubmit && typeof( formObj.onsubmit ) == 'function' ) {
return eval(formObj.attr("onsubmit").replace(/return /,""));
} else {
alert("onSubmit is not a function.\n\nIs the script included?");
return false;
} );
Suggestions on possibly how to do this better?
I'm replacing a submit button with an
anchor link. Since calling
form.submit() does not activate
onsubmit's, I'm finding it, and
eval()ing it myself. But I'd like to
check if the function exists before
just eval()ing what's there. – gms8994
<script type="text/javascript">
function onsubmitHandler() {
alert('running onsubmit handler');
return true;
function testOnsubmitAndSubmit(f) {
if (typeof f.onsubmit === 'function') {
// onsubmit is executable, test the return value
if (f.onsubmit()) {
// onsubmit returns true, submit the form
<form name="theForm" onsubmit="return onsubmitHandler();">
<a href="#" onclick="
return false;
EDIT : missing parameter f in function testOnsubmitAndSubmit
The above should work regardless of whether you assign the onsubmit HTML attribute or assign it in JavaScript:
document.forms['theForm'].onsubmit = onsubmitHandler;
if (this.onsubmit instanceof Function) {
// do stuff;
You could simply use the typeof operator along with a ternary operator for short:
onsubmit="return typeof valid =='function' ? valid() : true;"
If it is a function we call it and return it's return value, otherwise just return true
I'm not quite sure what you really want to do, but I'll try to explain what might be happening.
When you declare your onsubmit code within your html, it gets turned into a function and thus its callable from the JavaScript "world". That means that those two methods are equivalent:
HTML: <form onsubmit="return valid();" />
JavaScript: myForm.onsubmit = function() { return valid(); };
These two will be both functions and both will be callable. You can test any of those using the typeof operator which should yeld the same result: "function".
Now if you assign a string to the "onsubmit" property via JavaScript, it will remain a string, hence not callable. Notice that if you apply the typeof operator against it, you'll get "string" instead of "function".
I hope this might clarify a few things. Then again, if you want to know if such property (or any identifier for the matter) is a function and callable, the typeof operator should do the trick. Although I'm not sure if it works properly across multiple frames.
What browser are you using?
alert(typeof document.getElementById('myform').onsubmit);
This gives me "function" in IE7 and FireFox.
using a string based variable as example and making use instanceof Function
You register the function..assign the variable...check the variable is the name of function...do pre-process... assign the function to new var...then call the function.
function callMe(){
alert('You rang?');
var value = 'callMe';
if (window[value] instanceof Function) {
// do pre-process stuff
// FYI the function has not actually been called yet
console.log('callable function');
//now call function
var fn = window[value];
Make sure you are calling typeof on the actual function, not a string literal:
function x() {
typeof "x"; // returns "string"
typeof x; // returns "function"
You can try modifying this technique to suit your needs:
function isFunction() {
var functionName = window.prompt('Function name: ');
var isDefined = eval('(typeof ' + functionName + '==\'function\');');
if (isDefined)
eval(functionName + '();');
alert('Function ' + functionName + ' does not exist');
function anotherFunction() {
alert('message from another function.');
form.onsubmit will always be a function when defined as an attribute of HTML the form element. It's some sort of anonymous function attached to an HTML element, which has the this pointer bound to that FORM element and also has a parameter named event which will contain data about the submit event.
Under these circumstances I don't understand how you got a string as a result of a typeof operation. You should give more details, better some code.
Edit (as a response to your second edit):
I believe the handler attached to the HTML attribute will execute regardless of the above code. Further more, you could try to stop it somehow, but, it appears that FF 3, IE 8, Chrome 2 and Opera 9 are executing the HTML attribute handler in the first place and then the one attached (I didn't tested with jQuery though, but with addEventListener and attachEvent). So... what are you trying to accomplish exactly?
By the way, your code isn't working because your regular expression will extract the string "valid();", which is definitely not a function.
If it's a string, you could assume / hope it's always of the form
return SomeFunction(arguments);
parse for the function name, and then see if that function is defined using
if (window[functionName]) {
// do stuff
Isn't typeof xxx === 'function' the best and the fastest?
I made an bench in wich you can try it out, compared to instanceof and _underscore
Its just seems to be faster than instanceof (using chrome)
It won't trow an error if the variable is not defined
Here a bench: https://jsbench.me/qnkf076cqb/1
Checking the call method on the value seems to be a good enough test. e.g., val.call && val()
> a = () => {}
[Function: a]
> function b() {}
> c = function(){}
[Function: c]
> d = 2
> e = []
> f = {}
> a.call
[Function: call]
> b.call
[Function: call]
> c.call
[Function: call]
> d.call
> e.call
> f.call
Note: Except when it's a class.
Well, "return valid();" is a string, so that's correct.
If you want to check if it has a function attached instead, you could try this:
formId.onsubmit = function (){ /* */ }
if(typeof formId.onsubmit == "function"){
alert("it's a function!");
You can always use one of the typeOf functions on JavaScript blogs such as Chris West's. Using a definition such as the following for the typeOf() function would work:
function typeOf(o){return {}.toString.call(o).slice(8,-1)}
This function (which is declared in the global namespace, can be used like this:
alert("onsubmit is a " + typeOf(elem.onsubmit));
If it is a function, "Function" will be returned. If it is a string, "String" will be returned. Other possible values are shown here.
I think the source of confusion is the distinction between a node's attribute and the corresponding property.
You're using:
You're directly reading the onsubmit attribute's value (which must be a string). Instead, you should access the onsubmit property of the node:
Here's a quick test:
<form id="form1" action="foo1.htm" onsubmit="return valid()"></form>
window.onload = function () {
var form1 = document.getElementById("form1");
function log(s) {
document.write("<div>" + s + "</div>");
function info(v) {
return "(" + typeof v + ") " + v;
log("form1 onsubmit property: " + info(form1.onsubmit));
log("form1 onsubmit attribute: " + info(form1.getAttribute("onsubmit")));
This yields:
form1 onsubmit property: (function) function onsubmit(event) { return valid(); }
form1 onsubmit attribute: (string) return valid()
// This should be a function, because in certain JavaScript engines (V8, for
// example, try block kills many optimizations).
function isFunction(func) {
// For some reason, function constructor doesn't accept anonymous functions.
// Also, this check finds callable objects that aren't function (such as,
// regular expressions in old WebKit versions), as according to EcmaScript
// specification, any callable object should have typeof set to function.
if (typeof func === 'function')
return true
// If the function isn't a string, it's probably good idea to return false,
// as eval cannot process values that aren't strings.
if (typeof func !== 'string')
return false
// So, the value is a string. Try creating a function, in order to detect
// syntax error.
try {
// Create a function with string func, in order to detect whatever it's
// an actual function. Unlike examples with eval, it should be actually
// safe to use with any string (provided you don't call returned value).
return true
catch (e) {
// While usually only SyntaxError could be thrown (unless somebody
// modified definition of something used in this function, like
// SyntaxError or Function, it's better to prepare for unexpected.
if (!(e instanceof SyntaxError)) {
throw e
return false
if ( window.onsubmit ) {
} else {
alert("Function does not exist.");
Beware that es6 class is also a function but not callable
class C {}
typeof C === "function" // true
C instanceof Function // true
C() // error
C.call() // error
new C() // okay
new C // okay
A simple check like this will let you know if it exists/defined:
if (this.onsubmit)
// do stuff;

