javascript - issue with using .apply on functions - javascript

Okay so I have an object and I want to apply a callback function to all of the methods in the object. This is what I have tried so far:
var namespace = {
foo : 'bar',
foobar : function() { console.log('call from foobar!')},
someFunc : function() { console.log('call from someFunc!')},
someFunc2 : function() { console.log('call from someFunc2!')}
var logger = {
_callback : function () {
console.log('call from logger!',arguments);
for (var m in namespace) {
if ( namespace.hasOwnProperty(m) && (typeof namespace[m]=='function') ) {
logger[m] = namespace[m];
namespace[m] = function() {
logger[m].apply(this, arguments);
This is what is getting logged to the console:
call from logger! [["foo"]]
call from someFunc2!
call from logger! [["bar"]]
call from someFunc2!
call from logger! [["bar2"]]
call from someFunc2!
As you can see, for some reason all 3 methods of namespace are outputting 'call from someFunc2! which is wrong. I'm not sure what the issue here is.. what am I doing wrong?

for (var m in namespace) {
if ( namespace.hasOwnProperty(m) && (typeof namespace[m]=='function') ) {
logger[m] = namespace[m];
namespace[index] = function() {
logger[index].apply(this, arguments);
otherwise the namespace[m] = function(){} will use whatever m is last

There's just one "m". The code inside that function you create in the for loop references the "live" value of "m", not a value frozen at the point the function was created. The last value it takes on is name "someFunc2", so that's the one that's called.
Step by step:
You create the "namespace" and "logger" objects.
The loop runs. The variable "m" takes on the successive values of the properties in the "namespace" object, and creates a new function for each relevant property of that object.
At the end of the loop, "m" has the value "someFunc2".
You call one of the "namespace" functions. That'll be a call to one of the functions created in the loop. That function will in turn call the "_callback" function. And now the important key point: it references a property of the "logger" object using the value of "m". What is the value of "m"? It's "someFunc2".


Bind Mocking Function inside function

I am writing QUnit test case for my application . Basically I have three Files
like below . DataServices.js has getObjectDetails method which does ajax call
to get data and passes result in callback .
Resolver.js loads DataServices.js using require.
I am writing test case for Proxy.resolve method , in which i want to avoid actual api call , to do this I created mock object of DataServices in Test.js and call Resolver proxy resolve method .
I tried using bind , But still points to actual method of DataServices.js not what I bind in Test.js
define(["module"], function(module) {
"use strict";
var Details = {
getObjectDetails :function(param,callback){
// Callback once done
return {Details : Details }
var Proxy= {
resolve : function(){
var Details = DataServices.Details ;
Details.getObjectDetails("xyz", function(result){
// Do Operation After Result
return {Proxy:Proxy}
define(["Resolver.js" ],function(Resolver){
var DataServices= {
Details : {
getObjectDetails : function(undefined,onSuccess, onError) {
return onSuccess({"X":"Y"});
Resolver.Proxy.resolve(); // This is still calling DataServices.js Details
// Not the above muck object
In simple program , I want to call mock z function , not z which is inside x .
How to achieve this.
var x = {
console.log("Z Actual Function..."+b);
a : function(){
var z = function(b){
console.log("Mock ..."+b)
//Z Actual Function...3
But I want Mock ...3 to print
First problem
Using .bind creates a new function, it doesn't change the value of this in the original function.
To use bind in your case you would do something like this instead:
var mockedA = x.a.bind(z);
If you want to call the function immediately without assigning it to a variable you can use .call or .apply instead.
eg:; // runs `a()` immediately with `this` set to `z`
The second problem
By binding x.a to z you're changing the value of this to the value provided (the mock z function). So inside x.a when you call this.z(3) you're effectively trying to call z.z(3), which is a non existent function and so will throw a TypeError.
There are probably better ways of doing it but this is a way that answers your question:
var x = {
console.log("Z Actual Function..."+b);
a : function(){
var mock = {};
mock.z = function(b){
console.log("Mock ..."+b)
// with bind
var mockXA = x.a.bind(mock);
// with call

Compare functions in Javascript

I have an API that takes a function as an input, and then inside the API, the intent is to add the function to an Array if the function is not already added to the Array.
The call to the API is of the form:
The API is:
myApiHandle.addIfUnique(myFunc) {
if (myArray.indexOf(myFunc) === -1) {
// add to array
Now this obviously does not work as expected, since each time a new function is being passed in.
My Question is: Is there a way to pass in a function into the myApiHandle.addIfUnique call that will allow me to compare the existing functions in the array with this function that is currently passed in? The comparison should compare the function name and the object, and if both are the same, then not add the function to the array. I want to avoid adding another argument to the addIfUnique call if at all possible.
In other words, is the below possible:
myApiCall.addIfUnique (someFunc) {
If so, what is the someFunc. And what would be the logic inside the API to detect if the function already exists in myArray?
The same problem occurs with addEventListener and removeEventListener, where the callback must be identical (in the === sense) for removeEventListener to remove it.
As you've found, obviously if you call addIfUnique like this:
addIfUnique(function() { })
the function passed each time will be a unique object. The solution is to create the function once:
var fn = function() { };
A related problem occurs when the function being passed in is a method invocation, so I need to bind it:
var x = { val: 42, method: function() { console.log(this.val); } };
I want to pass a bound version of it, so
But again, each call to x.method.bind(x) will return a separate function. So I need to pre-bind:
var boundMethod = x.method.bind(x);
First of all, comparing functions is meaningless, even if two functions are literally different, they may be functionally the same.
And for your problem, you can compare whether it's exactly the same object, or you can compare it literally by using toString() function and regExp.
var addIfUnique = (function() {
var arr = [];
return function(func) {
if (~arr.indexOf(func)) return false;
var nameArr = [];
var funcName =;
var funcRegExp = new RegExp('[^\{]+\{(.+)\}$', 'i');
var funcStr = func.toString().match(funcRegExp);
funcStr = funcStr && funcStr[1];
if (!funcStr) return false;
var strArr ={
return v.toString().match(funcRegExp)[1];
if (~strArr.indexOf(funcStr) && ~nameArr.indexOf(funcName)) return false;

How to call a function on the scope from a string value

I have an object containing an array of strings
and I would like to be able to do dynamic action calls through a delegating function..
$scope.delegate = function () {
var arg = arguments[0];
for ( key in $scope.actions ) {
if ($scope.actions[key] == arg ) {
// call function that has a matching name
So in my template I have something like this
<button ng-click="delegate('add_inscription')">Add Inscription</button>
I don't know if I am thinking in the right direction with this either,, but the point is that my actions object is actually pretty large and I don't want to write massive switch case statement that I will have to update all the time.
Is there a way to do this in angular?
I have no problem doing this in straight up javascript
var fnstring = "add_inscription";
// find object
var fn = window[fnstring];
// if object is a function
if (typeof fn === "function") fn();
but in angular I can't get this done..
assuming that your "actions" functions are defined inside the scope, like:
$scope.add_inscription = function(){ ... }
you should do:
var _action = 'add_inscription';

need help understanding closures usage in this code

Here is a simplified snippet from some code I wrote for managing tablet gestures on canvas elements
first a function that accepts an element and a dictionary of callbacks and register the events plus adding other features like 'hold' gestures:
function registerStageGestures(stage, callbacks, recieverArg) {
stage.inhold = false;
stage.timer = null;
var touchduration = 1000;
var reciever = recieverArg || window;
stage.onLongTouch = function(e) {
if (stage.timer) clearTimeout(stage.timer);
stage.inhold = true;
if (callbacks.touchholdstart), e);
stage.getContent().addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) {
stage.timer = setTimeout(function() {
}, touchduration);
if (callbacks.touchstart), e);
stage.getContent().addEventListener('touchmove', function(e) {
if (stage.timer) clearTimeout(stage.timer);
if (stage.inhold) {
if (callbacks.touchholdmove), e);
} else {
if (callbacks.touchmove), e);
stage.getContent().addEventListener('touchend', function(e) {
if (stage.timer) clearTimeout(stage.timer);
if (stage.inhold) {
if (callbacks.touchholdend), e);
} else {
if (callbacks.touchend), e);
stage.inhold = false;
later I call registerStageGestures on a few elements (represented by 'View' objects) in the same page. Something like:
function View() {
var self=this;
function InitView() {
registerStageGestures(kineticStage, {
touchstart: function(e) {
// do something
touchmove: function(e) {
// do something
touchendunction(e) {
// do something
touchholdstart: function(e) {
// do something
touchholdmove: function(e) {
// do something
touchholdend: function(e) {
// do something
}, self);
Everything works fine, however I'm left wondering about two things in the implementation of registerStageGestures:
First, is it necessary to make inhold, timer and onLongTouch members of the stage ? or will closures make everything works well if they are local vars in registerStageGestures ?
Second, is it necessary to call the callbacks with '.call(receiver,' syntax ? I'm doing this to make sure the callback code will run in the context of the View but I'm not sure if it's needed ?
any input is much appreciated
First, is it necessary to make inhold, timer and onLongTouch members
of the stage ? or will closures make everything works well if they are
local vars in registerStageGestures ?
As far as registerStageGestures() is concerned, var inhold, var timer and function onLongTouch(e) {...}. would suffice. The mechanism by which an inner function has automatic access to its outer function's members is known as "closure". You would only need to set stage.inhold, stage.timer and stage.onLongTouch if some other piece of code needs access to these settings as properties of stage.
Second, is it necessary to call the callbacks with '.call(receiver,'
syntax ? I'm doing this to make sure the callback code will run in the
context of the View but I'm not sure if it's needed ?
Possibly, depending on how those callbacks are written. .call() and .apply() are sometimes used when calling functions that use this internally. In both cases, the first parameter passed defines the object to be interpreted as this. Thus, javascript gives you the means of defining general purpose methods with no a priori assumption about the object to which those methods will apply when called. Similarly, you can call a method of an object in such a way that it acts on another object.
For completeness, please note that even in the absence of this in a function, .apply() can be very useful as it allows multiple parameters to be specified as elements of a single array, eg the ubiquitous jQuery.when.apply(null, arrayOfPromises)...
There are some simple answers, here.
First, closure:
Closure basically says that whatever is defined inside of a function, has access to the rest of that function's contents.
And all of those contents are guaranteed to stay alive (out of the trash), until there are no more objects left, which ere created inside.
A simple test:
var testClosure = function () {
var name = "Bob",
recallName = function () { return name; };
return { getName : recallName };
var test = testClosure();
console.log(test.getName()); // Bob
So anything that was created inside can be accessed by any function which was also created inside (or created inside of a function created in a function[, ...], inside).
var closure_2x = function () {
var name = "Bob",
innerScope = function () {
return function () {
console.log("Still " + name);
return innerScope;
var inner_func = closure_2x();
var even_deeper = inner_func(); // "Bob"
even_deeper(); // "Still Bob"
This applies not only to variables/objects/functions created inside, but also to function arguments passed inside.
The arguments have no access to the inner-workings(unless passed to methods/callbacks), but the inner-workings will remember the arguments.
So as long as your functions are being created in the same scope as your values (or a child-scope), there's access.
.call is trickier.
You know what it does (replaces this inside of the function with the object you pass it)...
...but why and when, in this case are harder.
var Person = function (name, age) {
this.age = age;
this.getAge = function () {
return this.age;
var bob = new Person("Bob", 32);
This looks pretty normal.
Honestly, this could look a lot like Java or C# with a couple of tweaks.
bob.getAge(); // 32
Works like Java or C#, too.
? Buh ?
We've now passed Bob's method into a function, as a function, all by itself.
var doug = { age : 28 };
doug.getAge = bob.getAge;
Now we've given doug a reference to directly use bobs methid -- not a copy, but a pointer to the actual method.
doug.getAge(); // 28
Well, that's odd.
What about what came out of passing it in as a callback?
var test = bob.getAge;
test(); // undefined
The reason for this, is, as you said, about context...
But the specific reason is because this inside of a function in JS isn't pre-compiled, or stored...
this is worked out on the fly, every time the function is called.
If you call
this === obj;
If you call
this === a.b.c;
If you call
var test = bob.getAge;
this is equal to window.
In "strict mode" this doesn't happen (you get errors really quickly).; //32
Balance restored!
There are still a few catches.
var outerScope = function () {
var inner = function () {
console.log("Still " + this.age);
// "32"
// "Still undefined"
This makes sense, when you think about it...
We know that if a function figures out this at the moment it's called -- scope has nothing to do with it...
...and we didn't add inner to an object...
this.inner = inner;
would have worked just fine (but now you just messed with an external object)...
So inner saw this as window.
The solution would either be to use .call, or .apply, or to use function-scoping and/or closure
var person = this,
inner = function () { console.log(person.age); };
The rabbit hole goes deeper, but my phone is dying...

How can rewrite function instead of reference?

var BigObject = (function() {
function deepCalculate(a, b, c) {
return a + b + c;
function calculate(x) {
deepCalculate(x, x, x);
return {
calculate: calculate,
api: {
deepCalculate: deepCalculate
This is basic self executing function with private function I keep in api.
The problem I have is that now I can't overwrite deepCalculate from the outside of the function.
How is that a problem? I use Jasmine and want to test if function was called. For example:
spyOn(BigObject, 'calculate').andCallThrough();
fails. However as I debug, I am sure that Jasmine binds BigObject.api.deepCalculate as a spy, however from the inside calculate still calls original deepCalculate function and not the spy.
I would like to know how can I overwrite the function and not just a reference for it.
The simple answer would be:
(function ()
var overWriteMe = function(foo)
return foo++;
overWrite = function(newFunc)
for (var p io returnVal)
if (returnVal[p] === overWriteMe)
{//update references
returnVal[p] = newFunc;
overWriteMe = newFunc;//overwrite closure reference
returnVal = {
overWrite: overWrite,
myFunc: overWriteMe
Though I must say that, I'd seriously think about alternative ways to acchieve whatever it is you're trying to do. A closure, IMO, should be treated as a whole. Replacing parts of it willy-nilly will soon prove to be a nightmare: you don't know what the closure function will be at any given point in time, where it was changed, what the previous state was, and why it was changed.
A temporary sollution might just be this:
var foo = (function()
var calc = function(x, callback)
callback = callback || defaultCall;
return callback.apply(this, [x]);
return a*a+1;
return {calc: calc};
foo(2);//returns 5
foo(2,function(x){ return --x;});//returns 1
foo(2);//returns 5 again
IMO, this is a lot safer, as it allows you to choose a different "internal" function to be used once, without changing the core behaviour of the code.

