RangeError: call stack exceed on async .eachSeries - javascript

At last, an actual stack overflow error reported on stackoverflow!
I get the following error in the code below:
var m = pathA.substr(-(pathB.length)); // var
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
I'm fairly sure the answer is reported here, towards the bottom:
However, I don't understand how to fix my code. I am not calling sync functions inside async functions, as far as I know. Can anyone clarify what I have to do to fix my code?
I'm iterating over the cross-product of a result-set to concatenate the path strings where one is the substring of the other.
var i = 0;
async.eachSeries(results.rows, function (r, next2a) {
var pathA = results.rows[i].id_path;
var j = 0;
async.eachSeries(results.rows, function (r2, next1a) {
var pathB = results.rows[j].id_path;
//check i=j
if (!(i == j)) {
var m = pathA.substr(-(pathB.length)); // var m = (pathA || '').substr(-((pathB) ? pathB.length : 0));
if ((m == pathB) && (pathA.length > pathB.length)) {
logger.log('DEBUG', (pathB + ' => ' + pathA));
conn.query("UPDATE user_token_details SET id_l1=$1, id_l2=$2, id_l3=$3, id_l4=$4,id_l5=$5,id_path2=$9, id_path=$6 WHERE token_uuid=$7 AND user_uuid=$8",
[results.rows[i].id_l1, results.rows[i].id_l2, results.rows[i].id_l3, results.rows[i].id_l4, results.rows[i].id_l5, results.rows[i].id_path,
results.rows[j].token_uuid, user_uuid, results.rows[j].id_path],
function (error, result) {
if (error) {
throw error;
} else {
} else {
}, function () {
}, function (err) {
Here is the form of this spaghetti:
var A = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4...300];
async.eachSeries(A, function (a, next_a) {
async.eachSeries(A, function (b, next_b) {
// "Range Error: Maximum call stack size exceeded"
doSomethingAsync(a,b, function () {
}, function (err) {
}, function (err) {
// resume

The problem is that async.eachSeries only behaves asynchronously if the callback inside it is called asynchronously. In your case, your last two calls to next1a are not performing a query, so they occur synchronously, and thus extend the call stack. In this case, you are likely iterating enough that you hit max stack depth. The simplest fix is to always call next1a asynchronously.
Replace each instance of
except the one that is already async because of the query. Note that while process.nextTick(next1a) would also work, it has the potential to block the event loop from processing any other tasks. This is because process.nextTick queues the callback as a microtask, whereas setImmediate queues the callback as a macrotask.


Node js : execute function with all iteration

Maybe this is a general issue, and i need a solution to my case : due to the non blocking aspect of javascript , I don't find how can I execute my function with all iteration in for loop , and here is my example ,
var text_list=[]
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var element = array[index];
tesseract.process("img"+i+".jpg", options, function (err, text) {
if (err) {
return console.log("An error occured: ", err);
console.log(text_list) //
And the result as if I do :
and what i need is :
Your question does not really explain what result you are getting and your code looks like it's missing parts of the code. So, all I can really do here to help is to explain generically (using your code where possible) how to solve this class of problem.
If you are ending up with a lot of results that all reference the last value of i in your loop, then you are probably trying to reference i in an async callback but because the callback is called sometime later, the for loop has already finished long before the callback executes. Thus, your value of i is sitting on the last value it would have in the for loop. But, your question doesn't actually show code that does that, so this is just a guess based on the limited result you describe. To solve that type of issue, you have make sure you're separately keeping track of i for each iteration of the loop. There are many ways to do that. In ES6, using let in the for loop definition will solve that entire issue for you. One can also construct a closure, use .forEach(), etc...
Async operations with a loop require extra work and coding to deal with. The modern solution is to convert your async operations to use promises and then use features such as Promise.all() to both tell you when all the async operations are done and to keep the results in order for you.
You can also code it manually without promises. Here's a manual version:
const len = 10;
let text_list = new Array(10);
let doneCnt = 0;
let errFlag = false;
// using let here so each invocation of the loop gets its own value of i
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
tesseract.process("img"+i+".jpg", options, function (err, text) {
if (err) {
console.log("An error occured: ", err);
// make sure err is wrapped in error object
// so you can tell errors in text_list array from values
if (!(err instanceof Error)) {
err = new Error(err);
text_list[i] = err;
errFlag = true;
} else {
text_list[i] = text;
// see if we're done with all the requests
if (++doneCnt === len) {
if (errFlag) {
// deal with situation where there were some errors
} else {
// put code here to process finished text_list array
// you can't process results here because async operations are not
// done yet when code here runs
Or, using promises, you can make a "promisified" version of tesseract.process() and then use promise functionality to track multiple async operations:
// make promisified version of tesseract.process()
tesseract.processP = function(img, options) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
tesseract.process(img, options, function(err, text) {
if (err) {
} else {
const len = 10;
let promises = [];
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
promises.push(tesseract.processP("img"+i+".jpg", options));
Promise.all(promises).then(function(results) {
// process results array here (in order)
}).catch(function(err) {
// handle error here

javascript function call timing

I am trying to implement a for loop that iterates through a list and subsequently calls two functions, only if the first function results are found.
The issue is that the second function (search.similar) might be taking longer to fetch results.
With the code below, when I run, all of the appropriate output from (search.locate) is correct, but only the last element's results from myList are stored from the (search.similar) function.
ie. all_results = [[cat_res1,mouse_res2],[dog_res1,mouse_res2],[mouse_res1,mouse_res2]]
How do I fix this to append the right results in the right order?
ie. all_results = [[cat_res1,cat_res2],[dog_res1,dog_res2],[mouse_res1,mouse_res2]]
var search = require('./search');
var myList = ['cat','dog','mouse'];
var all_results = [];
for (i=0; i<myList.length; i++){
/* locate function*/
search.locate(myList[i], function (err, searchResult){
if (err){
if (!searchResult){
console.log("Cannot find it");
/*similarity function*/
/* seems to take longer*/
search.similar(myList[i], function (err, similarResult){
if (err){
if (!similarResult){
var res1 = searchResult.data;
var res2 = similarResult.data;
/* append results to array*/
Javascript can be thought of as asynchronous, in that the execution of particular functions do not necessarily happen synchronously, however "describing JavaScript as asynchronous is perhaps misleading. It's more accurate to say that JavaScript is synchronous and single-threaded with various callback mechanisms"
In order to accomplish your goal, though you may still get some ordering issues with the top array, you will need to wrap your .similar() call in another function that takes both arguments. Your reference to the "item" on the top search is changing:
function searchNestedSimilar(item, topRes) {
search.similar(item, function (err, similarResult) {
if (err){
if (!topRes){
var res1 = topRes.data
var res2 = similarResult.data
// append results to array
function searchLocate(item) {
search.locate(item, function (err, searchResult) {
if (err){
if (!searchResult){
console.log("Cannot find it");
searchNestedSimilar(item, searchResults);
I encapsulated both calls to keep it modular, but since "item" is in the closure, you really only need the searchLocate() function to wrap your capture your item reference during iteration.
This is a good case for Promises (see Bluebird JS for example http://bluebirdjs.com/docs/getting-started.html) or you could do it with
This page talks about it well, too. http://promise-nuggets.github.io/articles/14-map-in-parallel.html
There are many Stack Overflows discussing Promises as well. Understanding JS Promises for example.
A rough example of how to write this with a Promise:
var search = require('./search');
var myList = ['cat','dog','mouse']
var all_results = []
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var locate = Promise.promisify(search.locate);
var similar = Promise.promisify(search.similar);
for (i = 0; i < myList.length; i++){
// locate function
locate(myList[i], function (err, searchResult) {
if (err) {
if (!searchResult){
console.log("Cannot find it");
}).then(function(result) {
//similarity function
similar(myList[i], function (err, similarResult) {
if (err){
if (!similarResult){
var res1 = searchResult.data
var res2 = similarResult.data
// append results to array
}).finally(function() {
// NOP

In Node.js design patterns unleashing zalgo why is the asynchronous path consistent?

In the great book i'm reading now NodeJs design patterns I see the following example:
var fs = require('fs');
var cache = {};
function inconsistentRead(filename, callback) {
if (cache[filename]) {
//invoked synchronously
} else {
//asynchronous function
fs.readFile(filename, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
cache[filename] = data;
function createFileReader(filename) {
var listeners = [];
inconsistentRead(filename, function(value) {
listeners.forEach(function(listener) {
return {
onDataReady: function(listener) {
and usage of it:
var reader1 = createFileReader('data.txt');
reader1.onDataReady(function(data) {
console.log('First call data: ' + data);
The author says that if the item is in cache the behaviour is synchronous and asynchronous if its not in cache. I'm ok with that. he then continues to say that we should be either sync or async. I'm ok with that.
What I don't understand is that if I take the asynchronous path then when this line var reader1 = createFileReader('data.txt'); is executed can't the asynchronous file read finish already and thus the listener won't be registered in the following line which tries to register it?
JavaScript will never interrupt a function to run a different function.
The "file has been read" handler will be queued until the JavaScript event loop is free.
The async read operation won't call its callback or start emitting events until after the current tick of the event loop, so the sync code that registers the event listener will run first.
Yes,I feel the same when read this part of the book.
"inconsistentRead looks good"
But in the next paragraphs I will explain the potential bug this kind of sync/async functions "could" produce when used (so it could not pass too).
As a summary, was happen in the sample of use is:
In an event cycle 1:
reader1 is created, cause "data.txt" isn't cached yet, it will respond async in other event cycle N.
some callbacks are subscribed for reader1 readiness. And will be called on cycle N.
In event cycle N:
"data.txt" is read and this is notified and cached, so reader1 subscribed callbacks are called.
In event cycle X (but X >= 1, but X could be before or after N): (maybe a timeout, or other async path schedule this)
reader2 is created for the same file "data.txt"
What happens if:
X === 1 : The bug could express in a no mentioned way, cause the data.txt result will attempt to cache twice, the first read, the more fast, will win. But reader2 will register its callbacks before the async response is ready, so they will be called.
X > 1 AND X < N: Happens the same as X === 1
X > N : the bug will express as explained in the book:
You create reader2 (the response for it is already cached), the onDataReady is called cause the data is cached (but you don't subscribe any subscriber yet), and after that yo subscribe the callbacks with onDataReady, but this will not be called again.
X === N: Well, this is an edge case, and if the reader2 portion run first will pass the same as X === 1, but, if run after "data.txt" readiness portion of inconsistentRead then will happen the same as when X > N
this example was more helpful for me to understand this concept
const fs = require('fs');
const cache = {};
function inconsistentRead(filename, callback) {
if (cache[filename]) {
console.log("load from cache")
} else {
fs.readFile(filename, 'utf8', function (err, data) {
cache[filename] = data;
function createFileReader(filename) {
const listeners = [];
inconsistentRead(filename, function (value) {
console.log("inconsistentRead CB")
listeners.forEach(function (listener) {
return {
onDataReady: function (listener) {
const reader1 = createFileReader('./data.txt');
reader1.onDataReady(function (data) {
console.log('First call data: ' + data);
setTimeout(function () {
const reader2 = createFileReader('./data.txt');
reader2.onDataReady(function (data) {
console.log('Second call data: ' + data);
}, 100)
╰─ node zalgo.js
inconsistentRead CB
First call data: :-)
load from cache
inconsistentRead CB
when the call is async the onDataReady handler is set before file is read and in the async the the itration finishes before onDataReady is setting the listener
I think the problem can also be illustrated with a simpler example:
let gvar = 0;
let add = (x, y, callback) => { callback(x + y + gvar) }
add(3,3, console.log); gvar = 3
In this case, callback is invoked immediately inside add, so the change of gvar afterwards has no effect: console.log(3+3+0)
On the other hand, if we add asynchronously
let add2 = (x, y, callback) => { setImmediate(()=>{callback(x + y + gvar)})}
add2(3, 3, console.log); gvar = 300
Because the order of execution, gvar=300 runs before the async call setImmediate, so the result becomes console.log( 3 + 3 + 300)
In Haskell, you have pure function vs monad, which are similar to "async" functions that get executed "later". In Javascript these are not explicitly declared. So these "delayed" executed code can be difficult to debug.

Using Async waterfall in node.js

I have 2 functions that I'm running asynchronously. I'd like to write them using waterfall model. The thing is, I don't know how..
Here is my code :
var fs = require('fs');
function updateJson(ticker, value) {
//var stocksJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("stocktest.json"));
fs.readFile('stocktest.json', function(error, file) {
var stocksJson = JSON.parse(file);
if (stocksJson[ticker]!=null) {
console.log(ticker+" price : " + stocksJson[ticker].price);
console.log("changing the value...")
stocksJson[ticker].price = value;
console.log("Price after the change has been made -- " + stocksJson[ticker].price);
console.log("printing the the Json.stringify")
console.log(JSON.stringify(stocksJson, null, 4));
fs.writeFile('stocktest.json', JSON.stringify(stocksJson, null, 4), function(err) {
if(!err) {
console.log("File successfully written");
if (err) {
}); //end of writeFile
} else {
console.log(ticker + " doesn't exist on the json");
} // end of updateJson
Any idea how can I write it using waterfall, so i'll be able to control this? Please write me some examples because I'm new to node.js
First identify the steps and write them as asynchronous functions (taking a callback argument)
read the file
function readFile(readFileCallback) {
fs.readFile('stocktest.json', function (error, file) {
if (error) {
} else {
readFileCallback(null, file);
process the file (I removed most of the console.log in the examples)
function processFile(file, processFileCallback) {
var stocksJson = JSON.parse(file);
if (stocksJson[ticker] != null) {
stocksJson[ticker].price = value;
fs.writeFile('stocktest.json', JSON.stringify(stocksJson, null, 4), function (error) {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log("File successfully written");
else {
console.log(ticker + " doesn't exist on the json");
processFileCallback(null); //callback should always be called once (and only one time)
Note that I did no specific error handling here, I'll take benefit of async.waterfall to centralize error handling at the same place.
Also be careful that if you have (if/else/switch/...) branches in an asynchronous function, it always call the callback one (and only one) time.
Plug everything with async.waterfall
], function (error) {
if (error) {
//handle readFile error or processFile error here
Clean example
The previous code was excessively verbose to make the explanations clearer. Here is a full cleaned example:
function readFile(readFileCallback) {
fs.readFile('stocktest.json', readFileCallback);
function processFile(file, processFileCallback) {
var stocksJson = JSON.parse(file);
if (stocksJson[ticker] != null) {
stocksJson[ticker].price = value;
fs.writeFile('stocktest.json', JSON.stringify(stocksJson, null, 4), function (error) {
if (!err) {
console.log("File successfully written");
else {
console.log(ticker + " doesn't exist on the json");
], function (error) {
if (error) {
//handle readFile error or processFile error here
I left the function names because it helps readability and helps debugging with tools like chrome debugger.
If you use underscore (on npm), you can also replace the first function with _.partial(fs.readFile, 'stocktest.json')
First and foremost, make sure you read the documentation regarding async.waterfall.
Now, there are couple key parts about the waterfall control flow:
The control flow is specified by an array of functions for invocation as the first argument, and a "complete" callback when the flow is finished as the second argument.
The array of functions are invoked in series (as opposed to parallel).
If an error (usually named err) is encountered at any operation in the flow array, it will short-circuit and immediately invoke the "complete"/"finish"/"done" callback.
Arguments from the previously executed function are applied to the next function in the control flow, in order, and an "intermediate" callback is supplied as the last argument. Note: The first function only has this "intermediate" callback, and the "complete" callback will have the arguments of the last invoked function in the control flow (with consideration to any errors) but with an err argument prepended instead of an "intermediate" callback that is appended.
The callbacks for each individual operation (I call this cbAsync in my examples) should be invoked when you're ready to move on: The first parameter will be an error, if any, and the second (third, fourth... etc.) parameter will be any data you want to pass to the subsequent operation.
The first goal is to get your code working almost verbatim alongside the introduction of async.waterfall. I decided to remove all your console.log statements and simplified your error handling. Here is the first iteration (untested code):
var fs = require('fs'),
async = require('async');
function updateJson(ticker,value) {
async.waterfall([ // the series operation list of `async.waterfall`
// waterfall operation 1, invoke cbAsync when done
function getTicker(cbAsync) {
fs.readFile('stocktest.json',function(err,file) {
if ( err ) {
// if there was an error, let async know and bail
return; // bail
var stocksJson = JSON.parse(file);
if ( stocksJson[ticker] === null ) {
// if we don't have the ticker, let "complete" know and bail
cbAsync(new Error('Missing ticker property in JSON.'));
return; // bail
stocksJson[ticker] = value;
// err = null (no error), jsonString = JSON.stringify(...)
function writeTicker(jsonString,cbAsync) {
fs.writeFile('stocktest.json',jsonString,function(err) {
cbAsync(err); // err will be null if the operation was successful
],function asyncComplete(err) { // the "complete" callback of `async.waterfall`
if ( err ) { // there was an error with either `getTicker` or `writeTicker`
console.warn('Error updating stock ticker JSON.',err);
} else {
console.info('Successfully completed operation.');
The second iteration divides up the operation flow a bit more. It puts it into smaller single-operation oriented chunks of code. I'm not going to comment it, it speaks for itself (again, untested):
var fs = require('fs'),
async = require('async');
function updateJson(ticker,value,callback) { // introduced a main callback
var stockTestFile = 'stocktest.json';
function getTicker(cbAsync) {
fs.readFile(stockTestFile,function(err,file) {
function parseAndPrepareStockTicker(file,cbAsync) {
var stocksJson = JSON.parse(file);
if ( stocksJson[ticker] === null ) {
cbAsync(new Error('Missing ticker property in JSON.'));
stocksJson[ticker] = value;
function writeTicker(jsonString,cbAsync) {
fs.writeFile('stocktest.json',jsonString,,function(err) {
],function asyncComplete(err) {
if ( err ) {
console.warn('Error updating stock ticker JSON.',err);
The last iteration short-hands a lot of this with the use of some bind tricks to decrease the call stack and increase readability (IMO), also untested:
var fs = require('fs'),
async = require('async');
function updateJson(ticker,value,callback) {
var stockTestFile = 'stocktest.json';
function parseStockTicker(file,cbAsync) {
var stocksJson = JSON.parse(file);
if ( stocksJson[ticker] === null ) {
cbAsync(new Error('Missing ticker property in JSON.'));
function prepareStockTicker(stocksJson,cbAsync) {
stocksJson[ticker] = value;
],function asyncComplete(err) {
if ( err ) {
console.warn('Error updating stock ticker JSON.',err);
Basically nodejs (and more generally javascript) functions that require some time to execute (be it for I/O or cpu processing) are typically asynchronous, so the event loop (to make it simple is a loop that continuously checks for tasks to be executed) can invoke the function right below the first one, without getting blocked for a response. If you are familiar with other languages like C or Java, you can think an asynchronous function as a function that runs on another thread (it's not necessarily true in javascript, but the programmer shouldn't care about it) and when the execution terminates this thread notifies the main one (the event loop one) that the job is done and it has the results.
As said once the first function has ended its job it must be able to notify that its job is finished and it does so invoking the callback function you pass to it. to make an example:
var callback = function(data,err)
do something with the received data
something went wrong
asyncFunction1(someparams, callback);
the execution flow would call: asyncFunction1, asyncFunction2 and every function below until asyncFunction1 ends, then the callback function which is passed as the last parameter to asyncFunction1 is called to do something with data if no errors occurred.
So, to make 2 or more asynchronous functions execute one after another only when they ended you have to call them inside their callback functions:
function asyncTask1(data, function(result1, err)
asyncTask2(data, function(result2, err2)
//call maybe a third async function
result1 is the return value from asyncTask1 and result2 is the return value for asyncTask2. You can this way nest how many asynchronous functions you want.
In your case if you want another function to be called after updateJson() you must call it after this line:
console.log("File successfully written");

Node.js unexpected stack overflow with multiple get requests

I have a function that GETs a JSON object from a remote server, or from a local cache on-disk.
In a use-case, i have to call this function several thousand times with varying arguments, but when i do so, i get max stack overflow errors. I must be making a recursive call somewhere, but i can't see where it could be as my process.nextTick function calls seem to be in the right place.
I get none of my log.error readouts in the console, which would be evident if any of the recursive calls to retry the request were made.
The console output shows a repeated occurrence of
(node) warning: Recursive process.nextTick detected. This will break in the next version of node. Please use setImmediate for recursive deferral.
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
Then the program exits.
Can anyone offer any help regarding what i may be doing wrong? I'm completely stumped.
Below is the function that invokes the problematic function "tf2inv.loadInventory()"
function refreshInventories(accounts, force, callback) {
//job executes download function, then pushes to inventories object
var inventories = {};
var Qinv = async.queue(function (task, invCallback) {
function(inv, alias) {
inventories[alias] = inv;
}, 100)
//when all queue jobs have finished, callback with populated inventories object
Qinv.drain = function (err) {
log.info('All inventories downloaded');
//adding jobs to the queue
for (var i = accounts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
force: force,
steamid: accounts[i]
Shown here is the function that either parses from the cache, or requests from the remote server.
var loadInventory = function(force, sid, callback) {
var invLoc = invFolder+sid
if(force) {
if(fs.existsSync(invLoc)) {
if(fs.existsSync(invLoc)) {
var body = fs.readFileSync(invLoc);
try {
var inventory = JSON.parse(body);
} catch (e) {
log.error("parsing " + sid+"'s inventory");
loadInventory(true, sid, invFolder, callback);
process.nextTick(function() { callback(inventory, sid) })
} else {
var urlPre = "http://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_440/GetPlayerItems/v0001/?key=";
var urlSidPre = "&steamid=";
var urlInvSuf = "&inventory=yes";
var URL = urlPre+steam_API+urlSidPre+sid+urlInvSuf;
http.get(URL, function (res) {
var body = '';
res.on('data', function (data) {
fs.appendFile(invLoc, data);
res.on('end', function() {
try {
inventory = JSON.parse(body);
} catch (e) {
if(fs.existsSync(invLoc)) {
log.error("parsing " + sid+"'s downloaded inventory");
loadInventory(force, sid, invFolder, callback)
process.nextTick(function() { callback(inventory, sid) })
res.on('error', function (e, socket) {
log.error(sid + " inventory error")
if(fs.existsSync(invLoc)) {
log.debug('Retrying inventory')
loadInventory(force, sid, invFolder, callback);
res.on('close', function () {res.emit('end'); log.error('connection closed')})
.on('error', function(e) {
if(fs.existsSync(invLoc)) {
log.debug('Retrying inventory')
loadInventory(force, sid, invFolder, callback)
It is likely to be failing to parse the body coming back from the server. It then immediately calls itself again, failing again, infinitely looping and causing a stack overflow.
I suggest you do not retry automatically on a failed parse - if it fails once, it is likely to fail again. It would be best to call back with the error, and let the part of your programming calling this handle the error, or passing it back to the point where it can let the user know that something is wrong.

