Nested attributes with Angular.js - javascript

I have been racking my brain and google all morning trying to figure this out but I have come to the conclusion that I need to ask the experts! I am trying to do nested attributes with Sinatra and Angular, don't worry about the Sinatra side of things I am just trying to get the data to the server side in the correct manner at the moment. Please see the code below for an explanation of
My Input:
<input type="text" placeholder="{{item.placeholder}}" ng-model="question.possible_answer_attributes[$index][title]" class="form-control" />
My model object:
$scope.question = new Question({
poll_id: parseInt($,
title: '',
kind: 'open',
possible_answer_attributes: [] // I believe the issue may lie here
My factory:
.factory('Question', function($resource) {
return $resource('/api/questions/:id', { id: '#id' }, {
'update' : { method: 'PUT' },
'get_by_poll' : { method: 'GET', url: '/api/questions_by_poll/:id', isArray: true }
My object at time of running save function:
{"poll_id"=>1, "title"=>"123123", "kind"=>"multiple", "possible_answer_attributes"=>[{"undefined"=>"412312"}, {"undefined"=>"1234124"}, {"undefined"=>"234235234"}]}
I do not understand why my "possible_answer_attributes" keys are coming through as "undefined". It may be something very simple that I have missed, but any feedback would be great!
Thanks in advance!

In order to address the title property, you would need to use a string to index into the object:
This should hold as long as possible_answer_attributes array looks like:
[{ title: 'my title' }]


Unit test for creation object

I'm started to learn unit test using jasmine. And maybe someone can explain me - how I need to check creating new object like:
const outLog = {
time: newTime,
request: {
direction: 'OUT',
method: data.request.method,
title: data.request.url,
headers: getHeaders(data.request.headers),
response: {
status: '',
headers: {},
body: {},
if (data.response && data.response !== null) {
outLog.response.status = data.response.status;
outLog.response.body =;
outLog.response.headers = getHeaders(data.response.headers);
Do I need to fill the fields like request method, request title with real data and check
const outLog = {
request: {
method: 'POST',
title: 'title',
For checking objects, most frameworks usually provide some sort of pretty diff when you compare two objects.
To get this you'd first need to compare it to an object literal:
request: {
method: 'POST',
title: 'title',
This also removes a LOT of logic from all the expect statements, which should help with maintenance and debugging. Additionally, when there are many different assertions, the earlier ones mask the later ones, creating unnecessary feedback loops, when the same thing could be accomplished with a single assertion. one of the unit testing thought leaders addresses this by recommending that unit tests should only ever have a single assertion to help keep them focused, reduce debugging time, and make them easier to work on and understand.

Angular Factory - Altering Returned Data

I'm following along on the Angular JS Tutorial and I was wondering if there is an alternate approach to how I'm modifying it.
Currently, I am returning data with a factory that is defined as such:
factory('Card', ['$resource',
return $resource('cards/:cardId.json', {}, {
query: {
method: 'GET',
params: {cardId: 'cards'},
isArray: true
This is all good and working, as cards.json has all of the cards available and that's exactly what I want to return.
The method that they're describing, such as dealing with a RESTful service, assumes that there are multiple other specific JSON files that could get returned based on the route. I understand how to use that with an actual service, but let's say I wanted to alter the returned JSON data before it gets bound to my module so I don't have a bunch of extra data that I don't need?
Lets say /cards/foo.json contains something like this:
"id": "foo",
"name": "Bar",
"img": "foobar.png",
"unnecessaryKey": "remove me"
But where would I write a function that only returns:
"id": "foo",
"name": "Bar",
"img": "foobar.png"
Would I assign it in the same place where the query function is, such as:
return $resource('cards/:cardId.json', {}, {
query: {
method: 'GET',
params: {cardId: 'cards'},
isArray: true
alterReturnedData: {
// doStuffToFormatData
Or would it be best to just modify it in my Component as I'm doing now?
function alterReturnedData(data){
// doStuffToFormatData
var unmodified = Card.get({cardId:'foo'}, function(){ = alterReturnedData(unmodified);
I just feel like it'd be better to return the data from the Service I actually want to the Component Controller instead of having a lot of logic in there to skew it around.
Is my approach OK to run this function in the Controller?
Or is it best to alter it in the Service, and how would I do so?

Malformed request when creating billing plan

So I a using the node paypal-rest-sdk module and I'm trying to create a billing plan. Using the documentation here I made this JSON:
const billingPlanAttributes = {
name: 'Subscription',
description: 'Monthly subscription plan',
type: 'INFINITE',
payment_definitions: [{
name: 'Regular monthly infinite payments',
type: 'REGULAR',
frequency_interval: '1',
frequency: 'MONTH',
cycles: '0',
amount: {
currency: 'USD',
amount: '4.99',
merchant_preferences: {
cancel_url: 'http://localhost:3000/subscribe/cancel',
return_url: 'http://localhost:3000/subscribe/return',
auto_bill_amount: 'YES',
But when using the paypal.billingPlan.create(... function I get the error 'MALFORMED_REQUEST', 'Incoming JSON request does not map to API request'. So I guess my JSON is not in the correct format or I'm missing something that is need.
The documentation has a charge_models key but it does not mention that it is required unlike other keys.
If you can point me in the right direction that would be great.
Edit: changed the return url and cancel url to include the full domain but still same error.
There could be more to this, but I noticed one thing wrong with your JSON. Remove commas for items last in a list. After 'amount' and 'merchant_preferences'. JSON is picky.
late answer, I know, but ran in exactly the same issue than you.
In the create function of the billing plan
public function create($apiContext = null, $restCall = null)
$payLoad = $this->toJSON();
$json = self::executeCall(
return $this;
I found out, that the toJSON method always returned false. Why the hell!?!
I did the same as you did and copied the complete sample code into my code. Then it worked as expected. Now I checked, what the difference was in to my code.
I realized, that I used an umlauts (ä,ü,ö) in the name and description of the billing plan. I changed the umlauts to
'ä' => 'ae',
'ö' => 'oe'
'ü' => 'ue'
Then it worked fine! Maybe someone else is running in this issue, too.

Sequelize: .createAssociation() or .setAssociation doesn't update the original object with created data

I've been stuck on this for a while. Take the following code as an example:
include: [{ model: models.RankedStats, as: 'SummonerRankedStats', required: true }],
where: { summonerId: summonerId, server: server }
}).then(function(summoner) {
totalWins: 0,
totalLosses: 0
}).then(function(rankedStats) {
summoner.setSummonerRankedStats(rankedStats).then(function() {
//This outputs undefined
summoner.getSummonerRankedStats().then(function(srs) {
//This outputs the RankedStats that were just created
include: [{ model: models.RankedStats, as: 'SummonerRankedStats', required: true }],
where: { summonerId: summonerId, server: server }
}).then(function(summoner) {
//This outputs the SummonerRankedStats object
So, to put it simply... If I have a Summoner (var summoner) and perform a .setAssociation() or .createAssociation() on it, and then log summoner, the data created isn't there. If I fetch it again from the database (with .getAssociation() or by searching for that Summoner again) I can access it, but I was hoping to avoid that extra DB call.
Is there a way to add this information to the original object when using .create() or .set()? It can be achieved by doing something like:
summoner.dataValues.SummonerRankedStats = rankedStats
But that seems somewhat hacky :)
Is there a correct way to do it, or does it even make any sense?
Thanks in advance!

How to add a new object to an array nested inside an object?

I'm trying to get a handle on using $resource in angularjs and I keep referencing this answer AngularJS $resource RESTful example for good examples. Fetching a record and creating a record work fine, but now i'm trying to add a "section" to an existing mongo record but can't figure it out.
documents collection
_id: 'theid',
name: 'My name",
sections: [
title: 'First title'
title: 'Second title'
angular controller snippet
var document = documentService.get({_id: 'theid'});
//document.sections.push($scope.section); <-- This does NOT work
//document.new_section($scope.section); <-- could do this and then parse it out and insert it in my backend code, but this solution seems hacky and terrible to me.
document.$save(function(section) {
return $resource(SETTINGS.base + '/documents/:id', { id: '#id' },
update: { method: 'PUT' }
From the link i posted above, If I was just updating the name field, I could just do something like this:
var document = documentService.get({_id: 'theid'}); = "My new name";
document.$save(function(section) {
I'm just trying to add an object to a nested array of objects.
Try this:
documentService.get({_id: 'theid'}, function(document) {

