Javascript function is not calling from code behind button click - javascript

I'M calling javascript function from button click
StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder();
bldr.AppendFormat("var Timer = new myTimer({0},{1},'{2}','timerData');", this.timerStartValue, this.TimerInterval, this.txtResult.ClientID);
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "TimerScript", bldr.ToString(), true);
ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField("timerData", timerStartValue.ToString());
Button code.
<asp:Button ID="Next" runat="server" OnClick="Button1_Click" Text="Next"
Width="58px" />
same code is calling from another button click.
"myTimer" is my javascript function... js code...
<script type="text/javascript">
function myTimer(startVal, interval, outputId, dataField) {
this.value = startVal;
this.OutputCntrl = document.getElementById(outputId);
this.currentTimeOut = null;
this.interval = interval;
this.stopped = false; = null;
var formEls = document.documentElement;
if (dataField) {
for (var i = 0; i < formEls.length - 1; i++) {
if (formEls[i].name == dataField) { = formEls[i];
i = formEls.length + 1;
myTimer.prototype.go = function () {
if (this.value > 0 && this.stopped == false) {
this.value = (this.value - this.interval);
if ( { = this.value;
var current = this.value;
this.OutputCntrl.innerHTML = this.Hours(current) + ':' + this.Minutes(current) + ':' + this.Seconds(current);
this.currentTimeOut = setTimeout("Timer.go()", this.interval);
else {
alert('Time Out!');
myTimer.prototype.stop = function () {
this.stopped = true;
if (this.currentTimeOut != null) {
myTimer.prototype.Hours = function (value) {
return Math.floor(value / 3600000);
myTimer.prototype.Minutes = function (value) {
return Math.floor((value - (this.Hours(value) * 3600000)) / 60000);
myTimer.prototype.Seconds = function (value) {
var hoursMillSecs = (this.Hours(value) * 3600000)
var minutesMillSecs = (this.Minutes(value) * 60000)
var total = (hoursMillSecs + minutesMillSecs)
var ans = Math.floor(((this.value - total) % 60000) / 1000);
if (ans < 10)
return "0" + ans;
return ans;
Please check updated code..
full Js code i updated now.

If you Used Update Panels Then You can Use:
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "javascriptFunction();", true);
Other Wise You can Use
(GetType(),Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "javascriptFunction();",true);


Have to call alert for rest JS to run on Iphone (safari)

I'm having trouble with JS code not executing on iPhone if I don't call alert before if statement. This is my code:
submitHandler = (e) => {
var dataFromForm = $("#send").serialize();
alert(); // Without this the code below wont execute on iphne
if (window.localStorage) {
if (localStorage.getItem("timeout")) {
const timePrev = localStorage.getItem("timeout");
const timeNow = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
if (timeNow - timePrev >= 300) {
var available = true;
} else {
var available = false;
document.getElementById("message").innerHTML =
'<span class="fail"> Spam protection</span>';
} else {
var available = true;
} else {
var available = true;
if (available) {
$.post("mail.php", dataFromForm, function (data) {
document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = "";
data = JSON.parse(data);
if (data.statusBool === true) {
document.getElementById("message").innerHTML =
'<span class="success">' + data.status + "</span>";
document.getElementById("name").value = "";
document.getElementById("email").value = "";
document.getElementById("msg").value = "";
var timenow = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
localStorage.setItem("timeout", timenow);
} else {
document.getElementById("message").innerHTML =
'<span class="fail">' + data.status + "</span>";
setTimeout(function () {
document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = "";
}, 3000);
code below alert doesn't execute if I don't put alert before that statement.
Does anyone know how to solve this, or have an idea of what could I use instead of alert, so it's not visible for the user?
Answer by #Chris G
localStorage.setItem('timeout', new Date().getTime() / 1000 - 400);
var available = false;
const timePrev = window.localStorage && window.localStorage.getItem('timeout');
if (timePrev) {
const timeNow = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
if (timeNow - timePrev >= 300) available = true;
if (available) {
console.log("it's available")
} else {
document.getElementById('message').innerHTML = '<span class="fail"> fail message</span>';

Coundown cokie set up

I cant figuret how set cookie for my countdownt timeer, that if i refresh page it vill not disapear but vill counting.
i be glad if eny can help. i use jquery 2.1.4 and this java countdown script, but when i refresh page all my coundown timers are lost!
* Created by op on 18.07.2015.
function leadZero (n)
n = parseInt(n);
return (n < 10 ? '0' : '') + n;
function startTimer(timer_id) {
var timer = $(timer_id);
var time = timer.html();
var arr = time.split(":");
var h = arr[0];
h = h.split(" / ");
h = h[1];
var m = arr[1];
var s = arr[2];
if (s == 0)
if (m == 0)
if (h == 0)
m = 60;
s = 59;
timer.html(' / '+leadZero(h)+":"+leadZero(m)+":"+leadZero(s));
setTimeout(function(){startTimer(timer_id)}, 1000);
function timer (name, time)
var timer_name = name;
var timer = $(timer_name);
var time_left = time;
timer.html(' / '+ time);
$('.fid').click(function (e)
var timer_name = '.timer_'+$(this).data('fid');
var timer = $(timer_name);
if (timer.html() == '')
var time_left ='timer');
var hours = leadZero(Math.floor(time_left / 60));
var minutes = leadZero(time_left % 60);
var seconds = '00';
timer.html(' / '+hours+':'+minutes+':'+seconds);
$.each($('.tab'), function () {
$(this).click(function () {
$.each($('.tab'), function() {
if (window.location.hash != '')
var tab = window.location.hash.split('-');
tab = tab[0];
It would help if you actually set a cookie.
Setting the cookie would go like:
document.cookie="timer=" + time;
And then call it at the beginning of your code
var time = getCookie("timer");
The getCookie() function is outlined in that link, as well as a base knowledge about them.

How to fix Javascript Timer In Page concept)

I Am trying to add Javascript timer in my project, it is implemented and runing as i needed, but if am pressing any key in that it is disappering for me. But Timer is runing.
Js. code
function myTimer(startVal, interval, outputId, dataField) {
this.value = startVal;
this.OutputCntrl = document.getElementById(outputId);
this.currentTimeOut = null;
this.interval = interval;
this.stopped = false; = null;
var formEls = document.documentElement;
if (dataField) {
for (var i = 0; i < formEls.length - 1; i++) {
if (formEls[i].name == dataField) { = formEls[i];
i = formEls.length + 1;
myTimer.prototype.go = function () {
if (this.value > 0 && this.stopped == false) {
this.value = (this.value - this.interval);
if ( { = this.value;
var current = this.value;
this.OutputCntrl.innerHTML = this.Hours(current) + ':' + this.Minutes(current) + ':' + this.Seconds(current);
this.currentTimeOut = setTimeout("Timer.go()", this.interval);
else {
alert('Time Out!');
myTimer.prototype.stop = function () {
this.stopped = true;
if (this.currentTimeOut != null) {
myTimer.prototype.Hours = function (value) {
return Math.floor(value / 3600000);
myTimer.prototype.Minutes = function (value) {
return Math.floor((value - (this.Hours(value) * 3600000)) / 60000);
myTimer.prototype.Seconds = function (value) {
var hoursMillSecs = (this.Hours(value) * 3600000)
var minutesMillSecs = (this.Minutes(value) * 60000)
var total = (hoursMillSecs + minutesMillSecs)
var ans = Math.floor(((this.value - total) % 60000) / 1000);
if (ans < 10)
return "0" + ans;
return ans;
I'm calling it from button control.
void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)
string timerVal = Request.Form["timerData"];
if (timerVal != null || timerVal == "")
timerVal = timerVal.Replace(",", String.Empty);
timerStartValue = long.Parse(timerVal);
private Int32 TimerInterval
object o = ViewState["timerInterval"];
if (o != null) { return Int32.Parse(o.ToString()); }
return 50;
set { ViewState["timerInterval"] = value; }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder();
bldr.AppendFormat("var Timer = new myTimer({0},{1},'{2}','timerData');", this.timerStartValue, this.TimerInterval, this.lblTimerCount.ClientID);
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "TimerScript", bldr.ToString(), true);
ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField("timerData", timerStartValue.ToString());
void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder();
bldr.AppendFormat("var Timer = new myTimer({0},{1},'{2}','timerData');", this.timerStartValue, this.TimerInterval, this.lblTimerCount.ClientID);
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "TimerScript", bldr.ToString(), true);
ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField("timerData", timerStartValue.ToString());
I'M displaying it into Label control.
<asp:Label ID="lblTimerCount" runat="server" Height="27px"
In Page_PreInit 'string timerVal' value is coming same after page_load which I'M passing, it starting timer from starting.?
Please correct me.
These are the simple steps you need to follow:
1) upon page load, set the timerinterval on a hidden element
Your html should look like this:
<input type="button" id="btnStartTimer" name="StartTimer" value="Start" />
<input type="hidden" id="hdnInterval" name="Interval" value="50" />
<label>Show Timer:</label>
<label id="lblOutput"></label>
$('#YourButtonId').on('click', function(e){e.preventDefault; Timer.Go(); });
Your button js click event should look like this:
$('#btnStartTimer').on("click", function (e) {
var interval = $('#hdnInterval').val();
var timer = new myTimer(0, interfal, "lblOutput", null);
Something along those lines. This will make post backs unnecessary

I want to make countdown then capatcha

I got countdown code
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
countDown('my_div1', '<form>1+1=<input name="d" type="text" /></form>', 10);
function countDown(elID, output, seconds) {
var elem = document.getElementById(elID),
start = new Date().getTime(), end = start+seconds*1000,
timer = setInterval(function() {
var now = new Date().getTime(), timeleft = end-now, timeparts;
if( timeleft < 0) {
elem.innerHTML = output;
else {
timeparts = [Math.floor(timeleft/60000),Math.floor(timeleft/1000)%60];
if( timeparts[1] < 10) timeparts[1] = "0"+timeparts[1];
elem.innerHTML = "Time left: "+timeparts[1];
I want when the countdown end appear CAPTCHA or question if this right, then continue to link
try to put the countdown function here
window.onload = function() {
countDown('my_div1', //here// , 10);
Assume that your countdown coding is working fine and you have a div in which captcha is stored say div id = "captchadiv",
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
set the visibility of the captcha hidden here.
countDown('my_div1', '<form>1+1=<input name="d" type="text" /></form>', 10);
function countDown(elID, output, seconds) {
var elem = document.getElementById(elID),
start = new Date().getTime(), end = start+seconds*1000,
timer = setInterval(function() {
var now = new Date().getTime(), timeleft = end-now, timeparts;
if( timeleft < 0) {
elem.innerHTML = output;
set visibility of captchadiv to visibile.
else {
timeparts = [Math.floor(timeleft/60000),Math.floor(timeleft/1000)%60];
if( timeparts[1] < 10) timeparts[1] = "0"+timeparts[1];
elem.innerHTML = "Time left: "+timeparts[1];
add a function here to validate the captcha.
If validation succeeds, do success action.
If validation fails, set captcha visibility to hidden and again call the counttDown function.
Check this out. (Untested version)
<script type="text/javascript">
var mathenticate;
window.onload = function() {
countDown('my_div1', '<form>1+1=<input name="d" type="text" /></form>', 10);
function countDown(elID, output, seconds) {
var elem = document.getElementById(elID),
start = new Date().getTime(), end = start+seconds*1000,
timer = setInterval(function() {
var now = new Date().getTime(), timeleft = end-now, timeparts;
if( timeleft < 0) {
elem.innerHTML = output;
mathenticate = {
bounds: {
lower: 5,
upper: 50
first: 0,
second: 0,
generate: function()
this.first = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.bounds.lower) + 1;
this.second = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.bounds.upper) + 1;
show: function()
return this.first + ' + ' + this.second;
solve: function()
return this.first + this.second;
var $auth = $('<input type="text" name="auth" />');
else {
timeparts = [Math.floor(timeleft/60000),Math.floor(timeleft/1000)%60];
if( timeparts[1] < 10) timeparts[1] = "0"+timeparts[1];
elem.innerHTML = "Time left: "+timeparts[1];
$('#form').on('submit', function(e){
if( $auth.val() != mathenticate.solve() )
alert('wrong answer!');
// If you want to generate a new captcha, then
}else {
document.location.href = '';

JavaScript countdown timer not starting

I tried using this JavaScript countdown timer on my page but the timer won't start.
What am I doing wrongly?
var CountdownID = null;
var start_msecond = 9;
var start_sec = 120;
window.onload = countDown(start_msecond, start_sec, "timerID");
function countDown(pmsecond, psecond, timerID) {
var msecond = ((pmsecond < 1) ? "" : "") + pmsecond;
var second = ((psecond < 9) ? "0": "") + psecond;
document.getElementById(timerID).innerHTML = second + "." + msecond;
if (pmsecond == 0 && (psecond-1) < 0) { //Recurse timer
var command = "countDown("+start_msecond+", "+start_sec+", '"+timerID+"')";
CountdownID = window.setTimeout(command, 100);
alert("Time is Up! Enter your PIN now to subscribe!");
else { //Decrease time by one second
if (pmsecond == 0) {
if (psecond == 0) {
var command = "countDown("+pmsecond+", "+psecond+", '"+timerID+"')";
CountdownID = window.setTimeout(command, 100);
<span style="color:red" name="timerID" id="timerID">91.6</span>
here is what you need to do first
window.onload = countDown(start_msecond, start_sec, "timerID");
should be
window.onload = function () {
countDown(start_msecond, start_sec, "timerID");
also you should avoid using a string in your setTimeout function:
CountdownID = window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
See here

