javascript delete file on unlimited upload button - javascript

thanks for the upcoming assistance, I am working on a uploader and trying to add a javascript delete link to each extra input field. I have one that adds a child.
here is a codepen:
What I am wanting to do is during creation of the extra input fields, Here is my code if anyone is able to help.
I also tried these methods and they didnt work
<script language="javascript">
function _add_more() {
var del = document.createTextNode("Delete ");
var extra = document.createElement('input');
I tried changing what I have for that line into
var del = document.createTextNode('delete ');
But it just showed it as text instead of making it a clickable link, I am really unsure on how to create the function to remove a child without effecting any others. Thank you for the upcoming support

You'll need to attach an event handler to the click of the delete link.
Something like this. (Updated as per comment)
<script language="javascript">
function _add_more() {
var del = document.createElement("a");
del.href="#"; // Apply link styling
var extra = document.createElement('input');
var additionalFile = document.createElement('span');
del.addEventListener('click', function(event){


How to change href value using javascript?

I have a wordpress site and theme that is providing me an ability to change elements in menu widget on all pages it appears only.
So, what I want to do is to change links and names of menu elements locally on one page. I have an id's for menu li elements, 'menu-item-7062' for example and a href tag inside it with already defined link and text values.
I have already tried and injected this code snippets in after all post content:
<script type='text/javascript'> document.getElementById('menu-item-7062').href = 'new link'; </script>
I have also created a function that is triggers after onclick event:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("menu-item-7062").onclick = function() {
document.getElementById("menu-item-7062").href="my new link";
Unfortunately, they didn't affect my old link. Returning to my question, what are other solutions I could try in order to change both a href link and text value? What possible mistakes I have made?
Here is my anchor tag
Автоматизация технологических процессов
A tag located under the <li id="menu-item-7062">, there is my mistake.
Did you try setAttribute function
document.getElementById("menu-item-7062").setAttribute("href", "my new link");
I have successfully affected a tag by query selector:
<script type="text/javascript">
var tag = document.querySelector('a[href=""]');
tag.innerHTML = "new";
you should try this..
var a = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
a[0].href = "";
if you doesn't know index of a then you should get id of a and then set link.
This will help you to check and set href for tag "a" without "id":
const parent = document.getElementById("menu-item-7062");
if(parent.firstElementChild.localName === 'a') {
const child = parent.firstElementChild;
child.href = 'my new link';
const parent = document.getElementById("menu-item-7062");
parent.firstElementChild?.href = 'my new link';

how to add events as attribute to an element

I have this code:
var elmnt = document.createElement("div");
elmnt.onclick = function () {
at this time, elmnt.outerHTML is <div></div>.
But this is what I want to get:
<div onclick="alert('hello')"></div>
I really don't know what I'm looking for,
would you help me?
This worked for me:
var elmnt = document.createElement("div");
// var elmnt_text = document.createTextNode('click to see alert');
// elmnt.appendChild(elmnt_text);
elmnt.addEventListener('click', function(){
By commenting the two lines of code, you will see the div with its handler when you inspect element as in
<div onclick="alert('hello')"></div>
However, I wanted to be sure that it works so I dynamically created a text node for the div for testing purpose, and the click event fires as expected.
Hope this helps.

Javascript, have links all auto open in new tabs

I have a very simple javascript which turns book isbns in to clickable URL links to What I am trying to do is add a function that when "clicked" opens all the URL links in new tabs. This saves me the time of clicking every single link.
Is this doable? =)
<div><b>ISBN Hyperlinker</b></div>
<textarea id=numbers placeholder="paste isbn numbers as csv here" style="width:100%" rows="8" >
<div><b>Hyperlinked text:</b></div>
<div id="output" style="white-space: pre"></div>
//the input box.
var input = document.getElementById('numbers');
var output = document.getElementById('output')
var base =
//adding an event listener for change on the input box
input.addEventListener('input', handler, false);
//function that runs when the change event is emitted
function handler () {
var items = input.value.split(/\b((?:[a-z0-9A-Z]\s*?){10,13})\b/gm);
// Build DOM for output
var container = document.createElement('span'); (item, index) {
if (index % 2) { // it is the part that matches the split regex:
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.textContent = item.trim();
link.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
link.setAttribute('href', base + item);
} else { // it is the text next to the matches
// Replace output
output.innerHTML = '';
handler(); // run on load
You can trigger a click event manually, like:
But that's just an example to show you easily that it would work with your given code. I would suggest having a button like "Open All Links" and having that button use a selector to gather up all the links and then loop through them and call the click method on each one. You would be making things easier on yourself giving the outer container (the output div) an ID that you could use as the initial outer selector.

jquery function not firing on load

looking for some help on a dumb problem.
I have these functions:
function update_pred(){
var sum_pred = 0;
var importo_pred = this.value;
importo_pred = importo_pred.replace(",",".");
sum_pred += parseFloat(importo_pred);
function update_ipo(){
var sum_ipo = 0;
var importo_ipo = this.value;
importo_ipo = importo_ipo.replace(",",".");
sum_ipo += parseFloat(importo_ipo);
These are supposed to update a table cell based on the values of some other field with a specific class.
If I call each of these functions from a change event in Jquery everything works fine.
What is not working is this:
I am not able to fire the two functions on page load. I load each value from mysql and I want to display the sums on load.
What do I miss?
Thanks for the help as usual!
Solved. The problem was related to this piece of code:
Turning it to the right form of:
$('.ipo').change(function(){ update_ipo(); });
did the trick.
This code was working by itself but was hanging all other javascript from working.

Removing element from web page through firefox extension

I'm going to develop a firefox extension which adds a button beside the file input fields (the <input type="file"> tag) when a file is selected.
The file overlay.js, which contains the extension's logic, manages the "file choose" event through this method:
var xpitest = {
onFileChosen: function(e) {
var fileInput = e.explicitOriginalTarget;
var parentDiv = fileInput.parentNode;
var newButton = top.window.content.document.createElement("input");
newButton.setAttribute("type", "button");
newButton.setAttribute("id", "Firefox.Now_button_id");
newButton.setAttribute("value", "my button");
newButton.setAttribute("name", "Firefox.Now_button_name");
parentDiv.insertBefore(newButton, fileInput);
window.addEventListener("change", function(e) {xpitest.onFileChosen(e)},false);
My problem is that, everytime I choose a file, a new button is being added, see this picture:
If I select the same file more than once, no new button appears (this is correct).
As we can see, on the first file input, only one file has been selected.
On the second one I've chosen two different files, in effect two buttons have been created...
On the third, I've chosen three different files.
The correct behavior should be this:
when a file is chosen, create my_button beside the input field
if my_button exists, delete it and create another one (I need this, beacuse I should connect it to a custom event which will do something with the file name)
My question is: how can I correctly delete the button? Note that the my_button html code does not appear on page source!
Pardon me if I'm thinking too simply, but couldn't you just do this?
var button = document.getElementById('Firefox.Now_button_id')
Is this what you were looking for? Feel free to correct me if I misunderstood you.
Solved. I set an ID for each with the following method:
onPageLoad: function(e){
var inputNodes = top.window.content.document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for(var i=0; i<inputNodes.length; i++){
I call this method only on page load:
var appcontent = document.getElementById("appcontent"); // browser
appcontent.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", xpitest.onPageLoad, true);
Then I've modified the onFileChosen method in this way:
onFileChosen: function(e) {
var fileInput = e.explicitOriginalTarget;
var parentDiv = fileInput.parentNode;
var buttonId = + "Firefox.Now_button_id";
var oldButton = top.window.content.document.getElementById(buttonId);
var newButton = top.window.content.document.createElement("input");
newButton.setAttribute("type", "button");
newButton.setAttribute("id", buttonId);
newButton.setAttribute("value", "my button");
newButton.setAttribute("name", "Firefox.Now_button_name");
parentDiv.insertBefore(newButton, fileInput);

