Flattening a list of object properties - javascript

I'm finding it difficult to write this code in a functional style after years of working with an imperative mindset.
Given an input like:
[{'id': 'foo', frames: ['bar', 'baz']}, {'id': 'two', frames: ['three', 'four']}]
The output should be:
[ { foo: 'bar' }, { foo: 'baz' }, { two: 'three' }, { two: 'four' } ]
How would one write this in a functional style in javascript?

First let's create a function which given an object returns an array of frames:
function toFrames(obj) {
var id = obj.id;
return obj.frames.map(function (frame) {
var obj = {};
obj[id] = frame;
return obj;
Next we create a concat function:
function concat(a, b) {
return a.concat(b);
Finally we do the transformation:
var input = [{
id: "foo",
frames: ["bar", "baz"]
}, {
id: "two",
frames: ["three", "four"]
var output = input.map(toFrames).reduce(concat);
See the demo for yourself:
var input = [{
id: "foo",
frames: ["bar", "baz"]
}, {
id: "two",
frames: ["three", "four"]
var output = input.map(toFrames).reduce(concat);
alert(JSON.stringify(output, null, 4));
function toFrames(obj) {
var id = obj.id;
return obj.frames.map(function (frame) {
var obj = {};
obj[id] = frame;
return obj;
function concat(a, b) {
return a.concat(b);
Isn't functional programming fun?
An explanation:
The toFrames function takes a object (for example { id: "foo", frames: ["bar", "baz"] }) and returns the list of frame objects (i.e. [{ foo: "bar" }, { foo: "baz" }]).
The concat function just concatenates two arrays. The .reduce(concat) method call flatttens arrays like [[a,b],[c,d]] to [a,b,c,d].
Given an input list of objects, we first convert each object into a list of frames, resulting in a list of list of frame objects.
We then flatten the nested list to produce the desired output.

You can do it this way supposing arr is the input
result = []; // array
arr.forEach(function(o) { // go through elements
for (var i = 0; i < o.frames.length; i++) { // make a since we need to get two objs per element
var obj = {}; // an object which will be over written for every iteration
obj[o.id] = o.frames[i]; // set property name and value
result.push(obj); // finally push it in the array


Merging two Javascript objects with similar keys

I need to merge two objects(obj1, obj2), that happen to share similar keys.
obj1 = {
0:{"Example1": "Example1"},
1:{"Example1": "Example1"},
2:{"Example1": "Example1"}
obj2 = {
0:{"Example2": "Example2"},
1:{"Example2": "Example2"},
2:{"Example2": "Example2"}
Expected result:
obj3 = {
0:{"Example1": "Example1"},
1:{"Example1": "Example1"},
2:{"Example1": "Example1"},
3:{"Example2": "Example2"},
4:{"Example2": "Example2"},
5:{"Example2": "Example2"},
Usual approach when merging two objects:
const obj3 = Object.assign({}, obj1, obj2);
Problem: They do share many keys, as such, in obj3, only the contents of obj2 are going to be found.
My approach:
let obj3= Object.assign({}, obj1);
for(let i=0; i<obj2.length; i++) {
obj3[obj3.length + i] = obj2[i];
Question: Is there, another more elegant, pre-defined way of merging two objects with similar keys?
Although I still think obj1 and obj2 should be arrays...
const obj1 = {
0:{"Example1": "Example1"},
1:{"Example1": "Example1"},
2:{"Example1": "Example1"}
const obj2 = {
0:{"Example2": "Example2"},
1:{"Example2": "Example2"},
2:{"Example2": "Example2"}
const result = Object.fromEntries(
Object.values(obj1) // get the values of the first object
.concat(Object.values(obj2)) // get the values of the second object and add them to the values of the first
.map((value, index) => [ index, value ]) // re-index them
// or if you need actual copies of the "inner" objects
.map((value, index) => [
Object.assign({}, value)
Is this "more elegant". Maybe...
The objects in your code are key-value pairs rather than a simple list (array).
From the looks of it there are only two possible scenarios:
Your objects have a meaningful, unique key associated to them (for example, this very question on stackoverflow has key 69316153 – look at the URL bar). In this case, you really can't merge the two as they have conflicting keys. Think if there was another question on this website with the same ID as this one!
The keys are not meaningful and you're happy with the same object being re-assigned a different key. In this case the correct data structure to use is arrays (obj1 = [{"Example": "..."}, {"Example": "..."}]).
If the latter is your situation, this code will work:
const obj3 = Object.values(obj1).concat(Object.values(obj2))
Object.values(obj) returns an array of values, discarding all of the keys.
Let's say we have:
const obj1 = {
1: { Name: "Apple" },
2: { Name: "Watermelon" },
const obj2 = {
2: { Name: "Pear" },
5: { Name: "Tomato" }
Object.values(obj1) will return [{ Name: "Apple" }, { Name: "Watermelon" }], while Object.values(obj2) will return [{ Name: "Pear" }, { Name: "Tomato" }].
With const obj3 = Object.values(obj1).concat(Object.values(obj2)) you will end up with:
obj3 = [
{ Name: "Apple" },
{ Name: "Watermelon" },
{ Name: "Pear" },
{ Name: "Tomato" }
Because you have key-value maps and not arrays, you can't just combine the objects. Your only way would be to iterate through all the keys and add them to the final result.
E.g. something along the lines:
const obj1 = {
0:{"Example1": "Example1"},
1:{"Example1": "Example1"},
2:{"Example1": "Example1"}
const obj2 = {
0:{"Example2": "Example2"},
1:{"Example2": "Example2"},
2:{"Example2": "Example2"}
function merge(...args) {
return Object.fromEntries( // Create entries
args // From all arguments
.flatMap(o => Object.values(o)) // Get values (discard keys)
.map((element, index) => [ index, element ]) // Remap them
console.log(merge(obj1, obj2));
// Will output
// {
// 0: { Example1: "Example1" },
// 1: { Example1: "Example1" },
// 2: { Example1: "Example1" },
// 3: { Example2: "Example2" },
// 4: { Example2: "Example2" },
// 5: { Example2: "Example2" }
// }

Transform JS collection to an object with specific keys and grouped values

I would like to create this JS function with these arguments:
transform([{a:1, b:'1', c:true},{a:'1', b:2, c:3, d:false}, {a:1, c:'test'}], ['a','b','c']);
First argument is an array of objects
Second one is array of keys.
I would like to get this output object:
{a:[1, '1', 1], b:['1', 2],c:[true, 3, 'test']}
As you can see the second argument became the keys to the created object
and all values under these keys where grouped together.
And maybe an option to pass a unique argument to function and get this (duplicate values removed):
{a:[1, '1'], b:['1', 2], c:[true, 3, 'test']}
What is the fast and/or elegant way to do it?
Is there any lodash/underscore helper for it?
As an additional generalism. How can the input (the first argument) be a generic collection with nested levels (array or object of nested levels of arrays or objects) ?
You can use Array.prototype.reduce
let param1 = [{a:1,b:'1',c:true},{a:'1',b:2,c:3,d:false},{a:1,c:'test'}];
let param2 = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
function test(objArr, keys) {
let returnObject = {};
keys.forEach(key => returnObject[key] = []);
return objArr.reduce((ret, obj) => {
keys.forEach(key => {
if (obj[key] !== undefined)
return ret;
}, returnObject);
console.log(JSON.stringify(test(param1, param2)));
Try this:
function transform(data,keys){
let results = {};
//loop all you keys
keys.forEach(index => {
//loop your arrays
data.forEach(element => {
//if there is a match add the key to the results object
if(index in element) {
if(!(index in results)) results[index] = [];
//check if a value already exists for a given key.
if(!(element[index] in results[index])) results[index].push(element[index]);
return results;
console.log(transform([{a:1,b:'1',c:true},{a:'1',b:2,c:3,d:false},{a:1,c:'test'}], ['a','b','c']));
You can loop over the key array and pass this key to another function which will use forEach method. This getMatchedKeyValues using forEachwill return an array of elements whose key matches
var arr = [{
a: 1,
b: '1',
c: true
}, {
a: '1',
b: 2,
c: 3,
d: false
}, {
a: 1,
c: 'test'
var keys = ['a', 'b', 'c']
function transform(keyArray) {
var newObj = {};
// looping over key array
keyArray.forEach(function(item) {
// adding key property and calling a function which will return
// an array of elements whose key is same
newObj[item] = getMatchedKeyValues(item)
return newObj;
function getMatchedKeyValues(keyName) {
var valArray = [];
arr.forEach(function(item) {
if (item[keyName]) {
return valArray;
I coded below , pls have a look this solution.
function test(arr, arr1) {
return arr.reduce((total, current) => {
arr1.forEach(curr => {
if (typeof total[curr] === "undefined") total[curr] = [];
if (current[curr]) total[curr].push(current[curr]);
return total;
}, {});
{ a: 1, b: "1", c: true },
{ a: "1", b: 2, c: 3, d: false },
{ a: 1, c: "test" }
["a", "b", "c"]

How to merge two dictionaries in javascript

I have two arrays of objects:
var myArr1 = [];
var myArr2 = [];
And I want them to be merged by their keys into a new Attribute, so the result will be:
I tried to achieve it with lodash's _.merge() but I failed miserably. _.merge only adds the second array after the first, but does not match their keys / ids.
You could map the second array to a new property and merge later.
With lodash
var data1 = [{ any: 1, some: 1 }, { any: 2, some: 2 }, { any: 3, some: 3 }],
data2 = [{ other: 1 }, { other: 2 }, { other: 3 }];
console.log(_.merge(data1, _.map(data2, x => ({ myNewAttribute: x }))));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.15.0/lodash.min.js"></script>
With ES6, without lodash
var data1 = [{ any: 1, some: 1 }, { any: 2, some: 2 }, { any: 3, some: 3 }],
data2 = [{ other: 1 }, { other: 2 }, { other: 3 }];
console.log(data1.map((a, i) => Object.assign({}, a, { myNewAttribute: data2[i] })));
You don't need lodash:
myArr1.map((e1, idx) => Object.assign({}, e1, {myNewAttribute: myArr2[idx]}))
You could get fancy and write a little function called map2, which takes two arrays, and invokes a callback with the two elements:
function map2(a1, a2, fn) {
return a1.map((elt, idx) => fn(elt, a2[idx]);
Now you can write the solution as
map2(myArr1, myArr2, (e1, e2) => Object.assign({}, e1, {myNewAttribute: e2}))
From the perspective of program design, what we are doing here is "separating concerns". The first concern is the abstract operation of looping over two arrays in parallel and doing something with each pair of elements. That is what is represented by map2. The second concern is the specific way you want to combine the elements. That is what is represented by the function we are passing to map2. This could be made clearer and somewhat self-documenting by writing it separately:
function combineObjects(e1, e2) {
return Object.assign({}, e1, {myNewAttribute: e2});
map2(myArr1, myArr2, combineObjects);
Of course, in the real world, you'd want to handle the case where the two arrays were of different length, pass an index to the callback as a third parameter for use if necessary, support a third thisArg-type parameter analogous to map, etc.
You can do like this:
var first = [{any:1,some:1},{any:2,some:2},{any:3,some:3}];
var second = [{other:1},{other:2},{other:3}];
for(var i = 0; i < first.length; i++){
if(first[i] && second[i]){
first[i]['mycustomitem'] = second[i];
In order to prove, what I did comment 30 minutes ago -
How to merge two dictionaries in javascript -
there is a possible reduce approach ...
... firstly provided as lodash based example ...
myArr1 = [
{any: 1, some: 1},
{any: 2, some: 2},
{any: 3, some: 3}
myArr2 = [
{other: 1},
{other: 2}
mergedObjectList = _.reduce(myArr1, function (collector, item_1, idx) {
item_2 = collector[idx],
merger = _.assign({}, item_1, item_2);
// or whatever one wants to do to `merger` with `myNewAttribute`
collector[idx] = merger;
return collector;
}, _.clone(myArr2));
console.log("myArr1 : ", myArr1);
console.log("myArr2 : ", myArr2);
console.log("mergedObjectList : ", mergedObjectList);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.15.0/lodash.min.js"></script>
... and secondly as language core only based example ...
myArr1 = [
{any: 1, some: 1},
{any: 2, some: 2},
{any: 3, some: 3}
myArr2 = [
{other: 1},
{other: 2}
mergedObjectList = myArr1.reduce(function (collector, item_1, idx) {
item_2 = collector[idx],
merger = Object.assign({}, item_1, item_2);
// or whatever one wants to do to `merger` with `myNewAttribute`
collector[idx] = merger;
return collector;
}, Array.from(myArr2));
console.log("myArr1 : ", myArr1);
console.log("myArr2 : ", myArr2);
console.log("mergedObjectList : ", mergedObjectList);
Try this function:
function mergeDictionary(_dctn1,_dctn2)
var newDict = [];
for(var i in _dctn1)
newDict[i] = _dctn1[i];
for(var j in _dctn2)
if(newDict[j] == undefined)
newDict[j] = _dctn2[j];
for(var k in _dctn2[j])
newDict[j][k] = _dctn2[j][k];
return newDict;
var myArr1 = [];
var myArr2 = [];
console.log(mergeDictionary(myArr1, myArr2));

How do I get a specific object from an immutable js map by value?

I created an immutable map (with Immutable-JS) from a list of objects:
var result = [{'id': 2}, {'id': 4}];
var map = Immutable.fromJS(result);
Now i want to get the object with id = 4.
Is there an easier way than this:
var object = map.filter(function(obj){
return obj.get('id') === 4
Essentially, no: you're performing a list lookup by value, not by index, so it will always be a linear traversal.
An improvement would be to use find instead of filter:
var result = map.find(function(obj){return obj.get('id') === 4;});
The first thing to note is that you're not actually creating a map, you're creating a list:
var result = [{'id': 2}, {'id': 4}];
var map = Immutable.fromJS(result);
Immutable.Map.isMap(map); // false
Immutable.List.isList(map); // true
In order to create a map you can use a reviver argument in your toJS call (docs), but it's certainly not the most intuitive api, alternatively you can do something like:
// lets use letters rather than numbers as numbers get coerced to strings anyway
var result = [{'id': 'a'}, {'id': 'b'}];
var map = Immutable.Map(result.reduce(function(previous, current) {
previous[ current.id ] = current;
return previous;
}, {}));
Immutable.Map.isMap(map); // true
Now we have a proper Immutable.js map which has a get method
var item = Map.get('a'); // {id: 'a'}
It may be important to guarantee the order of the array. If that's the case:
Use an OrderedMap
Do a set method on the OrderedMap at each iteration of your source array
The example below uses "withMutations" for better performance.
var OrderedMap = Immutable.OrderedMap
// Get new OrderedMap
function getOm(arr) {
return OrderedMap().withMutations(map => {
arr.forEach(item => map.set(item.id, item))
// Source collection
var srcArray = [
id: 123,
value: 'foo'
id: 456,
value: 'bar'
var myOrderedMap = getOm(srcArray)
// --> { id: 123, value: 'foo' }
// --> { 123: {id: 123, value: 'foo'}, 456: {id: 456, value: 'bar'} }
// --> [ {id: 123, value: 'foo'}, { id: 456, value: 'bar' } ]
When using fromJS for array, you'll get List not map. It will be better and easier if you create a map. The following code will convert the result into Immutable map.
const map = result.reduce((map, json) =>
map.set(json.id, Immutable.fromJS(json))
, Map());
Now, you can
map.get('2'); //{'id': 2}
Note, if the result has nested structure and if that has array, it will be a List with the above code.
With ES2015 syntax (and constants):
const result = map.find(o => o.get('id') === 4);
Is there already a way thats easier? I don't know. but you can write your own function. Something like this should work:
var myFunc = function(id){
var object = map.filter(function(obj){return obj.get('id') === id}).first();
return object;
Then you would just do:
var myObj = myFunc(4);

Javascript Nested Literal to string

I am looking for a technique to run over a object of nested properties and wish to join the properties'.
This is the object I'd like to join:
var array = {
prop1: {
foo: function() {
// Your code here
prop2: {
bar1: 'some value',
bar2: 'some other value'
The result should look like this:
[ 'prop1', 'foo' ],
[ 'prop2', 'bar1' ],
[ 'prop2', 'bar2' ]
Then I'd like to join the array to strings formatted like this:
Any tips?
EDIT: Forgot to say it should work for deeper arrays too.
Something along these lines? http://jsfiddle.net/X2X2b/
var array = {
prop1: {
foo: function() {
// Your code here
prop2: {
bar1: 'some value',
bar2: 'some other value'
var newA = [],
newB = [];
for ( var obj in array ) {
for (var inObj in array[obj]) {
newA.push([obj, inObj]);
newB.push(obj + '.' + inObj);
This is quite a different problem now that you have specified that it needs to support arbitrary depths. In order to solve it we need to use recursion and we need to use a second recursive parameter which keeps track of where we are in the nested hierarchy.
function objectPropertiesToArrays(obj, prepend) {
// result will store the final list of arrays
var result = [];
// test to see if this is a valid object (code defensively)
if(obj != null && obj.constructor === Object) {
for (var propertyName in obj) {
var property = obj[propertyName],
// clone prepend instantiate a new array
list = (prepend || []).slice(0);
// add the property name to the list
// if it isn't a nested object, we're done
if (property.constructor !== Object) {
// if it is a nested object, recurse
} else {
// recurse and append the resulting arrays to our list
result = result.concat(objectPropertiesToArrays(property, list));
return result;
var obj = {
prop1: {
foo: function() { }
prop2: {
bar1: 'some value',
bar2: 'some other value'
prop3: {
x: {
y: [],
z: 'test'
erg: 'yar'
["prop1", "foo"],
["prop2", "bar1"],
["prop2", "bar2"],
["prop3", "x", "y"],
["prop3", "x", "z"],
["prop3", "erg"]

