Javascript Nested Literal to string - javascript

I am looking for a technique to run over a object of nested properties and wish to join the properties'.
This is the object I'd like to join:
var array = {
prop1: {
foo: function() {
// Your code here
prop2: {
bar1: 'some value',
bar2: 'some other value'
The result should look like this:
[ 'prop1', 'foo' ],
[ 'prop2', 'bar1' ],
[ 'prop2', 'bar2' ]
Then I'd like to join the array to strings formatted like this:
Any tips?
EDIT: Forgot to say it should work for deeper arrays too.

Something along these lines?
var array = {
prop1: {
foo: function() {
// Your code here
prop2: {
bar1: 'some value',
bar2: 'some other value'
var newA = [],
newB = [];
for ( var obj in array ) {
for (var inObj in array[obj]) {
newA.push([obj, inObj]);
newB.push(obj + '.' + inObj);

This is quite a different problem now that you have specified that it needs to support arbitrary depths. In order to solve it we need to use recursion and we need to use a second recursive parameter which keeps track of where we are in the nested hierarchy.
function objectPropertiesToArrays(obj, prepend) {
// result will store the final list of arrays
var result = [];
// test to see if this is a valid object (code defensively)
if(obj != null && obj.constructor === Object) {
for (var propertyName in obj) {
var property = obj[propertyName],
// clone prepend instantiate a new array
list = (prepend || []).slice(0);
// add the property name to the list
// if it isn't a nested object, we're done
if (property.constructor !== Object) {
// if it is a nested object, recurse
} else {
// recurse and append the resulting arrays to our list
result = result.concat(objectPropertiesToArrays(property, list));
return result;
var obj = {
prop1: {
foo: function() { }
prop2: {
bar1: 'some value',
bar2: 'some other value'
prop3: {
x: {
y: [],
z: 'test'
erg: 'yar'
["prop1", "foo"],
["prop2", "bar1"],
["prop2", "bar2"],
["prop3", "x", "y"],
["prop3", "x", "z"],
["prop3", "erg"]


How to add non duplicate objects in an array in javascript?

I want to add non-duplicate objects into a new array.
var array = [
id: 1,
label: 'one'
id: 1,
label: 'one'
id: 2,
label: 'two'
var uniqueProducts = array.filter(function(elem, i, array) {
return array.indexOf(elem) === i;
console.log('uniqueProducts', uniqueProducts);
// output: [object, object, object]
live code
I like the class based approach using es6. The example uses lodash's _.isEqual method to determine equality of objects.
var array = [{
id: 1,
label: 'one'
}, {
id: 1,
label: 'one'
}, {
id: 2,
label: 'two'
class UniqueArray extends Array {
constructor(array) {
array.forEach(a => {
if (! this.find(v => _.isEqual(v, a))) this.push(a);
var unique = new UniqueArray(array);
<script src=""></script>
Usually, you use an object to keep track of your unique keys. Then, you convert the object to an array of all property values.
It's best to include a unique id-like property that you can use as an identifier. If you don't have one, you need to generate it yourself using JSON.stringify or a custom method. Stringifying your object will have a downside: the order of the keys does not have to be consistent.
You could create an objectsAreEqual method with support for deep comparison, but this will slow your function down immensely.
In two steps:
var array=[{id:1,label:"one"},{id:1,label:"one"},{id:2,label:"two"}];
// Create a string representation of your object
function getHash(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj)
.sort() // Keys don't have to be sorted, do it manually here
.map(function(k) {
return k + "_" + obj[k]; // Prefix key name so {a: 1} != {b: 1}
.join("_"); // separate key-value-pairs by a _
function getHashBetterSolution(obj) {
return; // Include unique ID in object and use that
// When using `getHashBetterSolution`:
// { '1': { id: '1', label: 'one' }, '2': /*etc.*/ }
var uniquesObj = array.reduce(function(res, cur) {
res[getHash(cur)] = cur;
return res;
}, {});
// Convert back to array by looping over all keys
var uniquesArr = Object.keys(uniquesObj).map(function(k) {
return uniquesObj[k];
// To show the hashes
You can use Object.keys() and map() to create key for each object and filter to remove duplicates.
var array = [{
id: 1,
label: 'one'
}, {
id: 1,
label: 'one'
}, {
id: 2,
label: 'two'
var result = array.filter(function(e) {
var key = Object.keys(e).map(k => e[k]).join('|');
if (!this[key]) {
this[key] = true;
return true;
}, {});
You could use a hash table and store the found id.
var array = [{ id: 1, label: 'one' }, { id: 1, label: 'one' }, { id: 2, label: 'two' }],
uniqueProducts = array.filter(function(elem) {
return !this[] && (this[] = true);
}, Object.create(null));
console.log('uniqueProducts', uniqueProducts);
Check with all properties
var array = [{ id: 1, label: 'one' }, { id: 1, label: 'one' }, { id: 2, label: 'two' }],
keys = Object.keys(array[0]), // get the keys first in a fixed order
uniqueProducts = array.filter(function(a) {
var key = (k) { return a[k]; }).join('|');
return !this[key] && (this[key] = true);
}, Object.create(null));
console.log('uniqueProducts', uniqueProducts);
You can use reduce to extract out the unique array and the unique ids like this:
var array=[{id:1,label:"one"},{id:1,label:"one"},{id:2,label:"two"}];
var result = array.reduce(function(prev, curr) {
if(prev.ids.indexOf( === -1) {
return prev;
}, {array: [], ids: []});
If you don't know the keys, you can do this - create a unique key that would help you identify duplicates - so I did this:
concat the list of keys and values of the objects
Now sort them for the unique key like 1|id|label|one
This handles situations when the object properties are not in order:
var array=[{id:1,label:"one"},{id:1,label:"one"},{id:2,label:"two"}];
var result = array.reduce(function(prev, curr) {
var tracker = Object.keys(curr).concat(Object.keys(curr).map(key => curr[key])).sort().join('|');
if(!prev.tracker[tracker]) {
prev.tracker[tracker] = true;
return prev;
}, {array: [], tracker: {}});

Flattening a list of object properties

I'm finding it difficult to write this code in a functional style after years of working with an imperative mindset.
Given an input like:
[{'id': 'foo', frames: ['bar', 'baz']}, {'id': 'two', frames: ['three', 'four']}]
The output should be:
[ { foo: 'bar' }, { foo: 'baz' }, { two: 'three' }, { two: 'four' } ]
How would one write this in a functional style in javascript?
First let's create a function which given an object returns an array of frames:
function toFrames(obj) {
var id =;
return (frame) {
var obj = {};
obj[id] = frame;
return obj;
Next we create a concat function:
function concat(a, b) {
return a.concat(b);
Finally we do the transformation:
var input = [{
id: "foo",
frames: ["bar", "baz"]
}, {
id: "two",
frames: ["three", "four"]
var output =;
See the demo for yourself:
var input = [{
id: "foo",
frames: ["bar", "baz"]
}, {
id: "two",
frames: ["three", "four"]
var output =;
alert(JSON.stringify(output, null, 4));
function toFrames(obj) {
var id =;
return (frame) {
var obj = {};
obj[id] = frame;
return obj;
function concat(a, b) {
return a.concat(b);
Isn't functional programming fun?
An explanation:
The toFrames function takes a object (for example { id: "foo", frames: ["bar", "baz"] }) and returns the list of frame objects (i.e. [{ foo: "bar" }, { foo: "baz" }]).
The concat function just concatenates two arrays. The .reduce(concat) method call flatttens arrays like [[a,b],[c,d]] to [a,b,c,d].
Given an input list of objects, we first convert each object into a list of frames, resulting in a list of list of frame objects.
We then flatten the nested list to produce the desired output.
You can do it this way supposing arr is the input
result = []; // array
arr.forEach(function(o) { // go through elements
for (var i = 0; i < o.frames.length; i++) { // make a since we need to get two objs per element
var obj = {}; // an object which will be over written for every iteration
obj[] = o.frames[i]; // set property name and value
result.push(obj); // finally push it in the array

Filter array of objects

I get an array of objects from a MongoDB through API.
I then need to filter the result furthermore (client side).
I'll work with long lists (could be some thousand of results), each object has about 10 properties with some arrays in it.
Example of an object:
_id: xxxxxxx,
foo: [
{ a: "b", c: "d" },
{ a: "b", c: "d" }
data: {
a: "b",
c: "d"
I loop the array async to improve speed:
async.filter(documents, function(value) {
// Search inside the object to check if it contains the given "value"
}, function(results) {
// Will do something with the result array
How can I search inside the current object to check if it contains the given value without know in which property I'll find the value?
Though I've not included the async part but I believe overall searching approach could be like this:
// Input Array
var inpArr = [{
id: 1,
foo: [{
a: "dog",
b: "cat"
}, {
id: 2,
foo: [{
a: "kutta",
b: "billi"
var myFilter = function(val, item, index, array) {
var searchResult = scanProperties(item, val);
return searchResult;
// Note: pass additional argument to default filter.
// using Function.Prototype.Bind
var filterResult = inpArr.filter(myFilter.bind(null, "dog"));
// Recursively scan all properties
function scanProperties(obj, val) {
var result = false;
for (var property in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(property) && obj[property] != null) {
if (obj[property].constructor == Object) {
result = result || scanProperties(obj[property], val);
} else if (obj[property].constructor == Array) {
for (var i = 0; i < obj[property].length; i++) {
result = result || scanProperties(obj[property][i], val);
} else {
result = result || (obj[property] == val);
return result;
JS Fiddle Searching an Array of Objects
You can simply iterate through each and every item recursively, like this
var data = {
_id: 1243,
foo: [{
a: "b",
c: "d"
}, {
a: "b",
c: "d"
data: {
a: "b",
c: "d"
function findValue(value) {
function findItems(document) {
var type =;
if (type.indexOf("Array") + 1) {
return document.some(findItems);
} else if (type.indexOf("Object") + 1) {
return Object.keys(document).some(function(key) {
return findItems(document[key]);
} else {
return document === value;
return findItems;
# false
# true

JS - Lodash; Nested Objects (parents/children) to flat array

I am using lodash (although solution doesn't have to) and I want to convert the following structure:
{ prop1: 'root',
prop2: 'someVal',
children: [
{ prop1: 'first Child',
prop2: 'some other val',
children: [
{ prop1: 'last child'
prop2: 'another value'
children: []
to a flat array:
[ { prop1: 'root', prop2: 'someVal' },
{prop1: 'firstChild', prop2: 'some Other Val'},
{prop1: 'last child', prop2: 'another value'}
The depth can vary, and the last child will always have [] assigned to its children property; Note that in that particular case, the children array will always have a single item in it
Should be fairly straightforward but it seems I just can't put the finger on it for some reasons
Solved with this snippet (in CoffeeScript)
flatten = (node) ->
row = node
_.each node.children or [], (el) ->
flatten el
ancestors.push row
This is for using an anonymous target to flatten into (e.g. flattened)
flatten = (collection, flattened = [])->
_.each collection, (obj)->
flattened.push obj
flatten obj.children, flattened
Solution using pure JS:-,console
var flatArray = function(input){
var result = [];
var arr = [], newObj = {};
for (var key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if(key !== "children"){
newObj[key] = obj[key];
arr = obj[key];
return result;
Here is an Typescript version of the solution of #jusopi
const flatten = (collection: any[], flattened?: any[]) => {
if (!flattened) {
flattened = [];
_.each(collection, (obj) => {
flatten(obj.children, flattened);
return flattened;

Sort array of objects by arbitrary list in JavaScript

Given an array of objects like this:
objects = [
{ id: 'aaaa', description: 'foo' },
{ id: 'bbbb', description: 'bar' },
{ id: 'cccc', description: 'baz' }
And an array of strings like this:
order = [ 'bbbb', 'aaaa', 'cccc' ];
How would I sort the first array so that the id attribute matches the order of the second array?
Try this:
objects.sort(function(a, b){
return order.indexOf( - order.indexOf(
Assuming the variables are like you declared them in the question, this should return:
{ id: 'bbbb', description: 'bar' },
{ id: 'aaaa', description: 'foo' },
{ id: 'cccc', description: 'baz' }
(It actually modifies the objects variable)
You need a way to translate the string into the position in the array, i.e. an index-of function for an array.
There is one in newer browsers, but to be backwards compatible you need to add it if it's not there:
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
Array.prototype.indexOf = function(str) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) if (this[i] == str) return i;
return -1;
Now you can sort the array by turning the string into an index:
objects.sort(function(x,y){ return order.indexOf( - order.indexOf(; });
Use a mapping object for (almost) constant access time:
/* Create a mapping object `orderIndex`:
"bbbb": 0,
"aaaa": 1,
"cccc": 2
const orderIndex = {}
order.forEach((value, index) => orderIndex[value] = index);
// Sort
objects.sort((a, b) => orderIndex[] - orderIndex[]);
// data
const objects = [
{ id: 'aaaa', description: 'foo' },
{ id: 'bbbb', description: 'bar' },
{ id: 'cccc', description: 'baz' }
const order = [ 'bbbb', 'aaaa', 'cccc' ];
/* Create a mapping object `orderIndex`:
"bbbb": 0,
"aaaa": 1,
"cccc": 2
const orderIndex = {}
order.forEach((value, index) => orderIndex[value] = index);
// Sort
objects.sort((a, b) => orderIndex[] - orderIndex[]);
// Log
console.log('orderIndex:', orderIndex);
console.log('objects:', objects);

