Want to get the div object that is currently visible - javascript

On window scroll end I want to know which div is current visible to user?
How can i get the name of the div which is currently on the screen or you can say the div which is currently visible by user through jquery?

Check the visibility of the div using it's id. Then retrieve the name of the div.

You can apply a class on all the divs in the form, and loop through them.
in place of alert you can get the div element and do whatever you want.

Assuming that you want to display the last div visible in CURRENT VIEWPORT, try this:
$.fn.inView = function(){
var win = $(window);
obj = $(this);
var scrollPosition = win.scrollTop();
var visibleArea = win.scrollTop() + win.height();
var objEndPos = (obj.offset().top + obj.outerHeight());
return(visibleArea >= objEndPos && scrollPosition <= objEndPos ? true : false)
var lastelem;
lastdiv = $(this);
If you want to just know the last visible div on the window you can just use $('div:visible:last')

Hi below code can help you
$( "div:visible").each(function () {


Giving specific css with jquery for each instance of div depending on text height

I have a grid with several boxes (280px by 280px)and I need to vertical align text enclosed on hover overlays.
My code is working for first element but txt lenght/height varies on each box and I need a function that assigns top padding depending on specific p height.
I believe I can use .each , but I wasn't able to implement it successfully.
Here is my working code that I need to modify to target each box individually:
var txtHeight = $( ".login-item .lgn-overlay p" ).height();
var topPadding = ((284 - txtHeight) / 2);
$('.login-item .lgn-overlay').css('padding-top', topPadding);
$('.login-item .lgn-overlay').each(function(){
var $this = $(this);
$this.css('padding-top', function(){
return ((284 - $this.find("p").height()) / 2);
Try if this works. I made this on plan page so correct if any error in the code
Try something like this
//determine this programmatically
var necessaryHeight = 200;
$('.login-item .lgn-overlay').each(function () {
//this = each individual element
//$this = a jQuery wrapper for the given element.
var $this = $(this);
//The rest I think you understand
var thisHeight = $this.outerHeight();
var missingHeight = necessaryHeight - thisHeight;
var addedPadding = missingHeight / 2;
$this.css('padding-top', addedPadding);

scrollTop to active element in a overflow scroll div

I have a specific question about .scrollTop. I have a div with a specific height and a lot of p tags inside:
<div id="scroll">
<!-- till name50 -->
depending on the name you click it gets a class .active. What I then want to do is scroll the div so, that the name is at the top. So what I get is that I can use scrollTop in an animate function like this:
$('#scroll').animate({scrollTop: value });
but how can I get the var value. I tried it with
var value = $('#scroll p').hasClass('active').position().top;
But somehow it does not work.
Some help is much appreciated.
You need to check scrollTop() for the container #scroll and add that back to the position() arg.
var $scroll = $('#scroll');
var $this = $(this);
"scrollTop": $this.position().top + $scroll.scrollTop()
}, 1000);
To just get the value:
var value = $('#scroll').scrollTop();

Javascript Custom Alert Box with Image alignment

I Have created Custom Alert Box in Javascript . I Have added text with images. but It is not align proberly. It came some thing like this.
I am trying to add the correct mark and text with same line, how can I achieve this. can anyone please help me. I have added my Custom alert box Function below.
function createCustomAlert(txt, string_url,fd) {
// shortcut reference to the document object
d = document;
// if the modalContainer object already exists in the DOM, bail out.
if (d.getElementById("modalContainer")) return;
// create the modalContainer div as a child of the BODY element
mObj = d.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(d.createElement("div"));
mObj.id = "modalContainer";
// make sure its as tall as it needs to be to overlay all the content on the page
mObj.style.height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight + "px";
// create the DIV that will be the alert
alertObj = mObj.appendChild(d.createElement("div"));
alertObj.id = "alertBox";
// MSIE doesnt treat position:fixed correctly, so this compensates for positioning the alert
if (d.all && !window.opera) alertObj.style.top = document.documentElement.scrollTop + "px";
// center the alert box
alertObj.style.left = (d.documentElement.scrollWidth - alertObj.offsetWidth) / 2 + "px";
// create an H1 element as the title bar
h1 = alertObj.appendChild(d.createElement("h1"));
btn2 = alertObj.appendChild(d.createElement("img"));
btn2.id = "fd";
btn2.src = fd;
// create a paragraph element to contain the txt argument
msg = alertObj.appendChild(d.createElement("p"));
msg.innerHTML = txt;
// create an anchor element to use as the confirmation button.
//btn = alertObj.appendChild(d.createElement("a"));
//btn.id = "closeBtn";
//btn.href = "";
btn = alertObj.appendChild(d.createElement("img"));
btn.id = "closeBtn";
btn.src = 'new-go-next2.png';
// set up the onclick event to remove the alert when the anchor is clicked
btn.onclick = function () { removeCustomAlert(); window.location = string_url; return false; }
well yes creating a table would be a great approach to solve your problems , btw u can also try some internal divs with proper position anf the element having correct float attribute
Rather creating div element create table with two Columns. First of which will contain 'Image' for OK and Second one will contain your 'Text'.
Check if this helps.

Add new item to bottom of scrollabe div

I'm trying to append a div to the bottom of a another div, by clicking a button in javascript, but once the height of the outer container is reached, it no longer scrolls the list to the bottom, after an insert.
Please see the fiddle here
If you click the red add button until you get to about 13 items in the list, it seems something goes wrong with the scrollTop function, and it it no longer functions correctly (hovers around the same spot in).
I'm pretty lost on this, and have tried a bunch of different combinations of css settings for both the container and side div. Please help me.
I've reformatted your code to be more jQuery-esque. The main change, however, was to change the list.scrollTop() function so that it just scrolls to the bottom of list:
$(document).ready(function() {
var list = $("#q-d-list");
$(document).on('click', '#add', function() {
$('.active', list).removeClass("active");
var count = list.children().length + 1;
var active = $('<div />', {
'data-qid': count,
'class': 'mli active'
}).text('q' + count).appendTo(list);
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/MrvcB/19/
rather than
$(document).ready(function () {
var count = 2;
$("#add").live("click", function () {
var list= $("#q-d-list");
// remove the active class from the old item
var $clone = $(list.find("div:last-child").removeClass("active").clone());
var str_count = "q"+count.toString();

Jquery: Blur function does not work with Div tag

I am trying to create a Jquery Tree plugin for my current project. In the plugin, there are 3 compomnents: a text box containing the result selected from the tree , a div containing the tree and a button to show the div. It works fine, except that i cannot make it auto lose the popup div if the tree lose its focus.
Here is the code to create the div
createTree = function() {
$.getJSON(_options.jsonSrc, function(data) {
nDiv = document.createElement("div");
nDiv.id = "divRootAd";
$(nDiv).css('display', 'none');
jsonObj = data["treeJson"];
nUl = document.createElement("ul");
repositionDiv = function() {
if ($('#divRootAd').is(':hidden')) {
// get the field position
var sf_pos = $("#txtAdVal").offset();
var sf_top = sf_pos.top;
var sf_left = sf_pos.left;
// get the field size
var sf_height = $("#txtAdVal").height();
// apply the css styles - optimized for Firefox
$("#divRootAd").css("left", sf_left);
$("#divRootAd").css("top", sf_top + sf_height + 5);
alert("lose focus");
} else {
The line alert("lose focus") does not work when i move the mouse outside the div. Can anyone suggest a solution for this ?
Instead of blur you could use mouseout
alert("lose focus");
Hope it helps

