How To Get JSON Hierarchy Values - javascript

Hi All, How can I get the id value by using JQuery Mobile, Thanks
Here I Attach The Code, I just only want to display the id or alert msg for testing, many thanks

var obj = {
"total_rows": 7,
"offset": 0,
"rows": [
"id": "637184110f5faea091fdbdcf618a353a",
"key": "637184110f5faea091fdbdcf618a353a",
"value": {
"rev": "1-f59c856e98e1c5f11578562778d8cf3b"
}, {
"id": "637184110f5faea091fdbdcf618b85d2",
"key": "637184110f5faea091fdbdcf618b85d2",
"value": {
"rev": "1-17731aef6d1d52e0d2ad03e2772d1a0a"
for (id in obj.rows) {

jsonObj = {
"total_rows": 7,
"offset": 0,
"rows": [
"id": "637184110f5faea091fdbdcf618a353a",
"key": "637184110f5faea091fdbdcf618a353a",
"value": {
"rev": "1-f59c856e98e1c5f11578562778d8cf3b"
"id": "637184110f5faea091fdbdcf618b85d2",
"key": "637184110f5faea091fdbdcf618b85d2",
"value": {
"rev": "1-17731aef6d1d52e0d2ad03e2772d1a0a"
var rowsArray = jsonObj["rows"] //alternatively jsonObj.rows
for (row in rowsArray) {
console.log(; //alternatively row["id"]
alert(; //alternatively row["id"]
Why do you need jQuery mobile for this json?
EDIT With $.each
Since you are hell bent on using jQuery
var rowsArray = jsonObj["rows"]
$.each(rowsArray, function(i, row) {
$.each(rowsArray, function(i, row) {

var jsonObj = '{
First you can even do this without using jQuery.
Without jQuery:-
for(i=0; i< string.rows.length; i++){
With jQuery
$.each(jsonObj, function(key, value){
console.log(key, value);


Remove duplicate array from response comparing attribute value

I want to remove a duplicate array from the response on the basis of the attribute value. If the attribute_value data match with other array attribute value then other should be removed.
The logic is very simple. check duplicate attribute_value in each array and remove duplicate array and return
In response. now you can see the attribute value = 1 is thrice
and attribute value = 2 is twice
How do i compare and remove whole array if I see attribute value duplicate?
I tried with filter method which seems not working. Please help.
for(var j=0; j<social_post_link.length; j++){
newFilterarray = social_post_link[j].activity_attributes[0].attribute_value.filter(function(item, index) {
if (social_post_link[j].activity_attributes[0].attribute_value.indexOf(item) == index){
return social_post_link;
"id": "484822",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868117",
"activity_id": "484822",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "1",
"id": "484884",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868175",
"activity_id": "484884",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "1",
"id": "484888",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868182",
"activity_id": "484888",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "1",
"id": "484823",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868120",
"activity_id": "484823",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "2",
"id": "484975",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868344",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "2",
"id": "484891",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868189",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "3",
"id": "484903",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868200",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "4",
Desired output
"id": "484822",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868117",
"activity_id": "484822",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "1",
"id": "484823",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868120",
"activity_id": "484823",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "2",
"id": "484891",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868189",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "3",
"id": "484903",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868200",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "4",
You can probably use the lodash utility uniqBy,
where iteratee is a function that returns the value you want to compare against.
In your case, it would probably look like the following:
const uniqueLinks = _.uniqBy(social_post_link, item =>
Here is a vanilla JS function that will accomplish the same.
const filterByIteratee = (array, iteratee) => {
// Empty object to store attributes as we encounter them
const previousAttributeNames = {
return array.filter(item => {
// Get the right value
const itemValue = iteratee(item)
// Check if we have already stored this item
if (previousAttributeNames.hasOwnProperty(itemValue)) return false
else {
// Store the item so next time we encounter it we filter it out
previousAttributeNames[itemValue] = true
return true
It will loop through an array, store its identifier by some function, and return only the first instance of each item.
Use it the same way:
const uniqueLinks = filterByIteratee(social_post_link, item =>
This is probably not the best performing solution. but it works for your requirements.
var resultArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < social_post_link.length; i++) {
var currentSocialLink = social_post_link[i];
for (var j = 0; j < currentSocialLink.activity_attributes.length; j++) {
if (!resultArray.some(val =>
val.activity_attributes.some(activity =>
activity.attribute_value === currentSocialLink.activity_attributes[j].attribute_value))) {
function removeDuplicates(myArr, prop) { // removes duplicate objects from array
return myArr.filter((obj, pos, arr) => {
return => mapObj[prop]).indexOf(obj[prop]) === pos;
I found this function not too long ago which removes duplicate objects from an array. Pass it the array and the property you wish to not be duplicated.

Group and count values in an array

I have an array with objects, like the following.
b = {
"issues": [{
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "200",
"name": "Backlog"
}, {
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "202",
"name": "close"
}, {
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "201",
"name": "close"
I want to count how many issues have status close, and how many have backlog. I'd like to save the count in a new array as follows.
a = [
{Name: 'Backlog', count: 1},
{Name: 'close', count: 2}
I have tried the following.
b.issues.forEach(function(i) {
var statusName =;
if (statusName in a.Name) {
a.count = +1;
} else {
Name: statusName,
count: 1
That however doesn't seem to be working. How should I implement this?
This is a perfect opportunity to use Array#reduce. That function will take a function that is applied to all elements of the array in order and can be used to accumulate a value. We can use it to accumulate an object with the various counts in it.
To make things easy, we track the counts in an object as simply {name: count, otherName: otherCount}. For every element, we check if we already have an entry for name. If not, create one with count 0. Otherwise, increment the count. After the reduce, we can map the array of keys, stored as keys of the object, to be in the format described in the question. See below.
var b = {
"issues": [{
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "200",
"name": "Backlog"
}, {
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "202",
"name": "close"
}, {
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "201",
"name": "close"
var counts = b.issues.reduce((p, c) => {
var name =;
if (!p.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
p[name] = 0;
return p;
}, {});
var countsExtended = Object.keys(counts).map(k => {
return {name: k, count: counts[k]}; });
.as-console-wrapper {
max-height: 100% !important;
Array#reduce does not modify the original array.
You can easily modify the function passed to reduce to for example not distinguish between Backlog and backlog by changing
var name =;
var name =;
for example. More advanced functionality can also easily be implemented.
Using ES6 Arrow functions you can do it with minimum syntax
var b = {
"issues": [{
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "200",
"name": "Backlog"
}, {
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "202",
"name": "close"
}, {
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "201",
"name": "close"
var countOfBackLog = b.issues.filter(x => {
return === "Backlog"
var countOfClose = b.issues.filter(x => {
return === "close"
a =[{Name: 'Backlog', count : countOfBackLog}, {Name: 'close', count : countOfClose}]
More about arrow functions here
You can write like this. It is dynamic.
var a = {};
for(var key in b["issues"]){
a[b["issues"][key]] = 1;
a[b["issues"][key]] = a[b["issues"][key]]+1;
var c = [];
for(var key1 in a){
name : key1,
count : a[key1]
Something like this should do the trick. Simply iterate over your data, keep 2 counters with the number of each type of issue, and create the data format you want in the end. Try it live on jsfiddle.
var b = {
"issues": [{
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "200",
"name": "Backlog"
}, {
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "202",
"name": "close"
}, {
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "201",
"name": "close"
var data = [];
for(var issue of b.issues){
var entryFound = false;
var tempObj = {
count: 1
for(var item of data){
if( ==={
entryFound = true;

How to iterate through deeply nested objects inside of a JSON?

I know there are plenty of questions about iterating through JSON objects but I haven't found one that quite relates to my exact problem. This is the JSON that I'm trying to iterate through:
psinsights = {
"kind": "pagespeedonline#result",
"id": "/speed/pagespeed",
"responseCode": 200,
"title": "PageSpeed Home",
"score": 90,
"pageStats": {
"numberResources": 22,
"numberHosts": 7,
"totalRequestBytes": "2761",
"numberStaticResources": 16,
"htmlResponseBytes": "91981",
"cssResponseBytes": "37728",
"imageResponseBytes": "13909",
"javascriptResponseBytes": "247214",
"otherResponseBytes": "8804",
"numberJsResources": 6,
"numberCssResources": 2
"formattedResults": {
"locale": "en_US",
"ruleResults": {
"AvoidBadRequests": {
"localizedRuleName": "Avoid bad requests",
"ruleImpact": 0.0
"MinifyJavaScript": {
"localizedRuleName": "Minify JavaScript",
"ruleImpact": 0.1417,
"urlBlocks": [
"header": {
"format": "Minifying the following JavaScript resources could reduce their size by $1 ($2% reduction).",
"args": [
"type": "BYTES",
"value": "1.3KiB"
"type": "INT_LITERAL",
"value": "0"
"urls": [
"result": {
"format": "Minifying $1 could save $2 ($3% reduction).",
"args": [
"type": "URL",
"value": ""
"type": "BYTES",
"value": "717B"
"type": "INT_LITERAL",
"value": "1"
"result": {
"format": "Minifying $1 could save $2 ($3% reduction).",
"args": [
"type": "URL",
"value": "\"
"type": "BYTES",
"value": "258B"
"type": "INT_LITERAL",
"value": "0"
"SpriteImages": {
"localizedRuleName": "Combine images into CSS sprites",
"ruleImpact": 0.0
"version": {
"major": 1,
"minor": 11
Now, I'm trying to write a function that iterates through all of the ruleResults objects and returns an array of the localizedRuleName properties. According to the JSON, ruleResults has three member objects (AvoidBadRequests, MinifyJavaScript, and SpriteImages). Each of these has a localizedRuleName property I'm trying to access, but when I print out my array, it's blank. Here's how I've written my function:
function ruleList(results) {
var ruleArray = [];
for(var ruleName in results.formattedResults.ruleResults){
ruleArray[counter] = results.formattedResults.ruleResults[ruleName].localizedRuleName;
return ruleArray;
Can you guys help me get on the right track? I used basically this same method to iterate through the pageStats of the JSON and it worked perfectly. I'm not sure why I can't get it to work with these deeper nested objects and properties.
your problem is not your iteration, but your undefined variable "counter".
Instead of using a counter can use the "push" function:
function ruleList(results) {
var ruleArray = [];
for(var ruleName in results.formattedResults.ruleResults){
return ruleArray;
Hope this helps.
you're probably getting a javascript error since counter is not defined. you can try this:
function ruleList(results) {
var ruleArray = [];
var counter = 0;
for(var ruleName in results.formattedResults.ruleResults){
ruleArray[counter] = results.formattedResults.ruleResults[ruleName].localizedRuleName;
return ruleArray;

Delete certain parts of json array

I'd like to create a new JSON array based on certain values.
Sample JSON:
var array =
"entries": {
"houses": [
"category": {
"important": {
"category": {
"important": {
"category": {
"important": {
Now I need a way to search through this array and create a new array with all houses that have a category with category_id=1. Of course it should keep all the rest of the infos like important.
The new array should look like:
"entries": {
"houses": [
"category": {
"important": {
"category": {
"important": {
Any help is appreciated!
You can use Array.filter to do this:
var filteredResults = array.entries.houses.filter(function(house) {
return house.category && house.category_id == 1;
This code works.
var houses = array.entries.houses;
var newHouses = [];
for (var i = 0; i < houses.length; i++)
if (houses[i].category.category_id == "1") {
Check this out:

filter result using 2 JSON

This is my saved localstorage,
I want to filter below result, to get HP.
"industries": [
"id": 1,
"name": "oil and gas",
"merchant": [
"id": 1,
"name": "ABC",
"id": 2,
"name": "DEF",
"id": 3,
"name": "GHJ",
"id": 2,
"name": "IT",
"merchant": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Apple",
"id": 2,
"name": "HP",
"id": 3,
"name": "Google",
I thought of using multiple $.each but it have to iterate few times and it's quite redundant.
I would prefer using Javascript for loop, that way you can skip iterating over every object once required element is found.
Without jQuery (using for)
var i, j, merchant = null;
for(i = 0; i < data['industries'].length; i++){
if(data['industries'][i]['id'] == arg[0]['industry_Id']){
for(j = 0; j < data['industries'][i]['merchant'].length; j++){
if(data['industries'][i]['merchant'][j]['id'] == arg[0]['merchant_id']){
merchant = data['industries'][i]['merchant'][j];
if(merchant !== null){ break; }
With jQuery (using $.each)
var merchant_found = null;
$.each(data['industries'], function(i, industry){
if(industry['id'] == arg[0]['industry_Id']){
$.each(industry['merchant'], function(i, merchant){
if(merchant['id'] == arg[0]['merchant_id']){
merchant_found = merchant;
return (!merchant_found);
return (!merchant_found);
var arg = [{"industry_Id":1,"merchant_id":2}];
var data = {
"industries": [
"id": 1,
"name": "oil and gas",
"merchant": [
"id": 1,
"name": "ABC",
"id": 2,
"name": "DEF",
"id": 3,
"name": "GHJ",
"id": 2,
"name": "IT",
"merchant": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Apple",
"id": 2,
"name": "HP",
"id": 3,
"name": "Google",
var i, j, merchant = null;
for(i = 0; i < data['industries'].length; i++){
if(data['industries'][i]['id'] == arg[0]['industry_Id']){
for(j = 0; j < data['industries'][i]['merchant'].length; j++){
if(data['industries'][i]['merchant'][j]['id'] == arg[0]['merchant_id']){
merchant = data['industries'][i]['merchant'][j];
if(merchant !== null){ break; }
document.writeln("<b>Without jQuery:</b><br>");
document.writeln((merchant !== null) ? "Found " + merchant['name'] : "Not found");
var merchant_found = null;
$.each(data['industries'], function(i, industry){
if(industry['id'] == arg[0]['industry_Id']){
$.each(industry['merchant'], function(i, merchant){
if(merchant['id'] == arg[0]['merchant_id']){
merchant_found = merchant;
return (!merchant_found);
return (!merchant_found);
document.writeln("<br><br><b>With jQuery:</b><br>");
document.writeln((merchant_found) ? "Found " + merchant_found['name'] : "Not found");
<script src=""></script> {
return {
return == selector.industry_Id;
})[0].merchant.filter(function(merchant) {
return == selector.merchant_id;
// => DEF
If you want "HP", you want industry 2, not industry 1.
.filter(...)[0] is not really optimal. You could use .find(...), but that is not yet universally supported. Or you could use plain old JavaScript and write for loops instead to make it fast. Or you could use objects with ID keys instead of arrays to make lookups faster.
When it comes into a position where collection of data is what you're processing, I suggest you to take a look at underscore.js. It's not optimal choice for the best performance but it does make you code more readable and makes more sense especially when compared with loop.
Say data is a variable which stores your JSON data.
Try this:
// Given this selector criteria
var select = [{"industry_Id":1,"merchant_id":2}];
function filterByCriteria(criteria, data){
var match = [];
_.each(criteria, function(crit){
function matchIndustry(rec){ return }
function matchMerchant(rec){ return }
// Filter by industry id
var industry = _.first(_.where(data.industry, matchIndustry));
// Filter by merchant id
var merchant = _.where(industry.merchant, matchMerchant);
_.each(merchant, function addToMatchResult(m){
return match;
var filteredData = filterByCriteria(select, data);
From snippet above, any merchants which match the search criteria will be taken to the match list. Is it more readable to you?
Do you even need numerical id's? Gets super easy when you don't.
"industry": {
"oil and gas":{
"merchant": {
"ABC": {
"name": "ABC oil"
"DEF": {
"name": "DEF gas"
"GHJ" :{
"name": "GHJ oil and gas"
"IT": {
"merchant": {
"Apple" : {
"name": "Apple computers"
"HP": {
"name": "Hewlett Packard"
"Google": {
"name": "Google. Maw haw haw"
var data = '{"industry": {"oil and gas":{"merchant": {"ABC": {"name": "ABC oil"},"DEF": {"name": "DEF gas"},"GHJ" :{"name": "GHJ oil and gas"}}},"IT": {"merchant": {"Apple" : {"name": "Apple computers"},"HP": {"name": "Hewlett Packard"},"Google": {"name": "Google. Maw haw haw"}}}}}';
data = JSON.parse(data);
var merchant = data.industry['IT'].merchant['HP'];

