Self exit button - javascript

I got my page to open with JS, with
<a href="javascript:openNewWindow();">
Now, the webpage will open in _self. I need to find a way to get a link, that will close my window. This doesnt work:
<a href="javascript:window.close();">
Now what to do? Anyone knows a better way to close self window? The second script has to be in the opened page.

This is a correction of my previous answer:;
newdocument.write("Hello World.<input type='button' value='close' onclick='window.close()' />");
as you can see, window.close() works ok.
For a specific example, you can use this -> create 2 files:
1. windowOpener.html
<input type="button" value="open" onclick="'newWindow.html')" />
2. newWindow.html
<input type="button" value="close" onclick="window.close()" />
if you'll run windowOpener.html and click 'open' it will open 'newWindow.html'. clicking 'close' in the new opened window, will close it. voila.


How to close the webpage on its own on clicking a button

I have a page where a <button> is kept on which onClick() event fires and redirects the new page in new tab. Meanwhile I want the parent page to close itself as soon as the <button> is clicked with opening the new page in new tab. Its basically for some security feature for the website. How can this be done?
Here is my <button>, let me know where can i correct myself.
<button formtarget="_blank" type="submit" name="submit" onClick="'quiz.php?unit_id=<?php echo $fnc->encode($unit_id) ; ?>');self.close();" value="submit" class="btn btn-info" style='margin-left: 35%;margin-bottom: 10px;' ><i class="glyphicon"></i> Start Quiz</button>
you can close window by below function
function close(){
setTimeout("window.close()", 500);
But keep in mind that : Scripts may close only the windows that were opened by it.
The window close and open new tab
<script language="javascript">
function quitWindow(cmd)
if (cmd=='quit')
open(location, '_self').close();
return false;
<input type="submit" onclick="return quitWindow('quit');" value="Close This Window and open new Tab" />
If you use firefox, you should about:config by writing url bar and set
dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows = true
otherwise does not work firefox
I think this might work.
function openWindow( url )
{, '_blank');
<button onclick="javascript:openWindow(yourHref);return false;">Submit</button>
You cant close your webpage if the user clicked the link of your website from any other place other than your website, due to security reasons.

How to get window.print() to run locallly?

Hi I have been writing a website for the last couple of weeks but cannot get the Javascript function window.print() to run locally in my browser. I do not have server space yet so I cannot check the online functionality. Here is my code:
<input type="button" value="Print this page" onclick="window.print();" />
Does anyone know if this function can run on a local machine? Or is there a problem with my code? Thanks
The syntax is fine. It should work.
You might also want to try onclick="javascript:window.print();" and see if that works.
Another option you can try then is to create a function inside a script tag and call it from your onclick event:
<input type="button" value="Print this page" onclick="PrintMe()" />
function PrintMe(){
It might be a problem with the form tag..
try using button without form requirement
<button onclick="window.print();">Print this page</button>
Or if you are using the form
<input type="button" value="Print this page" onclick="window.print();return false;" />
if alert works and then enables this to work what happens if you try
onclick="console.log(window.print());return false;"
Capitilize the C in onClick. That might help. That's how I learned it, anyway.

Close popup window opened by a different domain

I have a link in abc domain which opens a popup window and opens a page in a different domain. I need to add a button on the popup which calls window.close() and closes it via javascript. Is is even doable? can I close a popup using windo.close which has been opened by a different domain?
Do you mean something like this:
function openWin(){"","","width=200,height=100");
function closeWin(){
hooked up to these buttons:
<input type="button" value="Open 'myWindow'" onclick="openWin()" />
<input type="button" value="Close 'myWindow'" onclick="closeWin()" />
it's a tad crude but should work... I'd also make it unobtrusive if I were you, I've used obtrusive code just to get an answer to you quickly

How to close popup and redirect a page

My site using php and i create an online quiz and the quiz show in pop up mode.
Currently when i want to redirect my page using the script below. it goes to my homepage BUT it still at the pop up mode. I want it to close the pop up and go to homepage after I click finish.
How can I do that?
<script type="text/javascript">
window.parent.location = "../../../"
You can access the window that opened a popup with the window.opener property on the popup. So, something like this should work:
If you wanted to put that behavior in the onclick event on a submit button you're building like this:
echo "<input type=\"submit\"
value=\"".get_string("finishattempt", "quiz")."\"
onclick=\"$onclick\" />\n";
You'd need to assign the String window.opener.location.href='someUrl';window.close(); to the variable $onclick before echoing the submit button out.
You can try this code (used on an HTML button):
<input type="button" onclick="parent.window.opener.location=''; window.close();">
And have a look at some similar threads like this one: Javascript: Close Popup, Open New Window & Redirect
[EDIT] See this article too
this way you can do it ..
<script type="text/javascript">
function close_window(){
window.opener.location = 'pop_up.php';
html code..
<form method="post" name="frm_2" id="frm_2">
<input type="submit" name="btn_close" id="btn_close" onclick="return close_window();" />

Open button in new window?

How would I go about making the button open in a new window, emulating "a href, target = _blank"?
I currently have:
<button class="button" onClick="window.location.href='';">
<span class="icon">Open</span>
The button isn't in a form, I just want to make it open in a new window.
Opens a new window with the url you supplied :)
<button class="button" onClick="'');">
<span class="icon">Open</span>
I couldn't get your method to work #Damien-at-SF...
So I resorted to my old knowledge.
By encasing the input type="button" within a hyperlink element, you can simply declare the target property as so:
<a href="" target="_blank">
<input type="button" class="button" value="Open" />
The 'target="_blank"' is the property which makes the browser open the link within a new tab. This attribute has other properties, See: for further details.
Since the 'value=""' attribute on buttons will write the contained string to the button, a span is not necessary.
Instead of writing:
for most HTML elements you can simply close them with a trailing slash, like so:
<element />
Oh, and finally... a 'button' element has a refresh trigger within it, so I use an 'input type[button]' to avoid triggering the form.
Good Luck Programmers.
Due to StackOverflow's policy I had to change the domain in the example:
<input type="button" onclick="; return false;" value="click me" />
You can acheive this using method, passing _blank as one of the parameter. You can refer the below links which has more information on this.
Hope this will help you.
If you strictly want to stick to using button,Then simply create an open window function as follows:
function myfunction() {"mynewpage.html");
Then in your html do the following with your button:
So you would have something like this:
function joinfunction() {"mynewpage.html");
<button onclick="myfunction()" type="button" class="btn btn-default subs-btn">Join</button>

