How would I go about making the button open in a new window, emulating "a href, target = _blank"?
I currently have:
<button class="button" onClick="window.location.href='';">
<span class="icon">Open</span>
The button isn't in a form, I just want to make it open in a new window.
Opens a new window with the url you supplied :)
<button class="button" onClick="'');">
<span class="icon">Open</span>
I couldn't get your method to work #Damien-at-SF...
So I resorted to my old knowledge.
By encasing the input type="button" within a hyperlink element, you can simply declare the target property as so:
<a href="" target="_blank">
<input type="button" class="button" value="Open" />
The 'target="_blank"' is the property which makes the browser open the link within a new tab. This attribute has other properties, See: for further details.
Since the 'value=""' attribute on buttons will write the contained string to the button, a span is not necessary.
Instead of writing:
for most HTML elements you can simply close them with a trailing slash, like so:
<element />
Oh, and finally... a 'button' element has a refresh trigger within it, so I use an 'input type[button]' to avoid triggering the form.
Good Luck Programmers.
Due to StackOverflow's policy I had to change the domain in the example:
<input type="button" onclick="; return false;" value="click me" />
You can acheive this using method, passing _blank as one of the parameter. You can refer the below links which has more information on this.
Hope this will help you.
If you strictly want to stick to using button,Then simply create an open window function as follows:
function myfunction() {"mynewpage.html");
Then in your html do the following with your button:
So you would have something like this:
function joinfunction() {"mynewpage.html");
<button onclick="myfunction()" type="button" class="btn btn-default subs-btn">Join</button>
I want to link my button with another page. I am using the code given below to do so.
<button type="button" value="button text" class="commonBtn"
onclick="location.href='manaliPackages.html'";> View Variations</button>
But it is not working... Why not?
Your code should work just fine
(I'm assuming manaliPackages.html is a file in the same directory as the html file holding your code.)
For example: link/to/your/html/file.html contains the following:
<button type="button" value="button text" class="commonBtn"
onclick="location.href='manaliPackages.html'";> View Variations</button>
Clicking this button would open: link/to/your/html/manaliPackages.html
Also, it is considered bad practice to use inline code, you should consider adding an event listener instead.
Please provide a snapshot of your browser console
So i wanted to open a new page replacing the current one, i found that the method should be putting the second parameter on _self but nothing happen...
By the way, if i use the _blank parameter or i left it empty it opens in a new page. The rest of the function works good, but i can't find a way to close the current page and open the new one that i want.
Here is the javascript and the html buttom that call the function.
<button id="rgstr_btn" type="submit" class="btn btn-info" onClick="store()">Register</button>
function store() {
localStorage.setItem('nome', nome.value);
localStorage.setItem('pw', pw.value);'url', '_self');
Button has a type attribute which defaults to submit:
While this does not affect "everyday" buttons, if the button resides in a form, this way it will submit the form, and result in some page loading, which clashes with your own attempt.
You can just add a type="button" attribute to the button to avoid that:
<button id="rgstr_btn" type="button" class="btn btn-info" onClick="store()">Register</button>
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ opens the URL in a new window.
To replace the URL in the current window, use:
window.location.href = '';
Currently, I'm doing an application and I need login to this one particular website. Basically, I need to make this button click using a javascript but I have no idea how to.
This is the button code I retrieved from the website:
<button type="submit" class="uk-width-1-1 uk-button uk-button-primary uk-button-large">Sign in</button>
Thank you for your help in advance
You can click on the button programmatically, in case of pure javascript :
In case of Android JS Interface :
The general way to have button click events is to use something like jQuery. For example lets set the button to have an ID
<button id="my-button" type="submit" class="uk-width-1-1 uk-button uk-button primary uk-button-large">Sign in</button>
Then we would apply a click event to it with jQuery
$('#my-button').click(function(){alert('button has been clicked');})
Instead of the alert you could put whatever code you want in there :D
Example: Codepen example
EDIT: Example for a class:
Example for a class
(Note that we use a "." instead of "#" in the call)
I am doing the following:
<a href="">
<button disabled="disabled" >ABC</button>
This works good but I get a HTML5 validation error that says "Element 'button' must not be nested within element 'a button'.
Can anyone give me advice on what I should do?
No, it isn't valid HTML5 according to the HTML5 Spec Document from W3C:
Content model: Transparent, but there must be no interactive content descendant.
The a element may be wrapped around entire paragraphs, lists, tables, and so forth, even entire sections, so long as there is no interactive content within (e.g. buttons or other links).
In other words, you can nest any elements inside an <a> except the following:
<audio> (if the controls attribute is present)
<img> (if the usemap attribute is present)
<input> (if the type attribute is not in the hidden state)
<menu> (if the type attribute is in the toolbar state)
<object> (if the usemap attribute is present)
<video> (if the controls attribute is present)
If you are trying to have a button that links to somewhere, wrap that button inside a <form> tag as such:
<form style="display: inline" action="" method="get">
<button>Visit Website</button>
However, if your <button> tag is styled using CSS and doesn't look like the system's widget... Do yourself a favor, create a new class for your <a> tag and style it the same way.
If you're using Bootstrap 3, this works quite well
Primary link
I've just jumped into the same issue and I solved it substituting 'button' tag to 'span' tag. In my case I'm using bootstrap. This is how it looks like:
<a href="#register">
<span class="btn btn-default btn-lg">
The following solution relies on JavaScript.
<button type="button" onclick="location.href=''">ABC</button>
If the button is to be placed inside an existing <form> with method="post", then ensure the button has the attribute type="button" otherwise the button will submit the POST operation. In this way you can have a <form> that contains a mixture of GET and POST operation buttons.
It would be really weird if that was valid, and I would expect it to be invalid. What should it mean to have one clickable element inside of another clickable element? Which is it -- a button, or a link?
These days even if the spec doesn't allow it, it "seems" to still work to embed the button within a <a href...><button ...></a> tag, FWIW...
Another option is to use the onclick attribute of the button:
<button disabled="disabled" onClick="location.href=''" >ABC</button>
This works, however, the user won't see the link displayed on hover as they would if it were inside the element.
You can add a class to the button and put some script redirecting it.
I do it this way:
<button class='buttonClass'>button name</button>
window.location.href = "";
why can also embeded picture on button as well
<FORM method = "POST" action = "">
<button type="submit" name="Submit">
<img src="img/Att_hack.png" alt="Text">
Explanation and working solution here:
Howto: div with onclick inside another div with onclick javascript
by executing this script in your inner click handler:
if (!e) var e = window.event;
e.cancelBubble = true;
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
It is illegal in HTML5 to embed a button element inside a link.
Better to use CSS on the default and :active (pressed) states:
body{background-color:#F0F0F0} /* JUST TO MAKE THE BORDER STAND OUT */
a.Button{padding:.1em .4em;color:#0000D0;background-color:#E0E0E0;font:normal 80% sans-serif;font-weight:700;border:2px #606060 solid;text-decoration:none}
<p><a class="Button" href="">Click me<a>
Use formaction attribute inside the button
PS! It only works if your button type="submit"
<button type="submit" formaction="">Submit</button>
Im actually having a problem with html5 button in visualforce pages. I have a requirement where when i click on a button, it should redirect to a certain page (user do not want link). For some reason which i don't know, the function i'm executing do not work with HTML5 button (in fact the page only refresh but do not redirect) but when i use input of type button, the function is executed as expected.
I want to use the html5 button as there are some specific css already defined for button in the plugin im using. Find below codes for my button and javascript function :
<button class="butt" onclick="newContact()" >Nouveau</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
function newContact(){
window.location = "/apex/VFP01_NewContact";
What did I do wrong here, and what is the limitation of html5 button ?
Got to know the answer. In visualforce page, the html5 button execute a submit of my form. A way to prevent this, was to specify the attribute type="button".
You really have two options.
You could consider wrapping a element with an anchor tag that points to the URL that you want to target as seen below :
<!-- Target the "YourAction" action in your "YourController" controller -->
<a href='#Url.Action("YourAction","YourController")'>
<input type="Button" id="mybutton" name="url button" value="Next" />
or you could handle this purely through Javascript and perform your navigation that way :
<!-- The onclick event will trigger a Javascript call to navigate -->
<input type="Button" id="mybutton" name="url button" value="Next" onclick="window.location.href='#Url.Action("YourAction","YourController")';" />