How to make properties and functions private in JavaScript? - javascript

I developed this short script but I'm wondering what is the best way to make $ul, $el and some functions e.g. select private. At the moment these are part of public interface but I would like to hide these. Wrap into another function returning DropDown object maybe? What would be the proper way to do this? Code below:
namespace = {};
namespace.DropDown = function(el) {
this.$el = $(el)
this.$trigger = this.$el.find(".trigger");
this.$ul = this.$el.find("ul");
this.$li = this.$ul.find("li");
this.$trigger.on("click", $.proxy(, this));
} = function(e) {
// position selected element in the middle
var scrollUp,
panelCenter = this.$ul.scrollTop() + (this.$ul.innerHeight() / 2),
selectedPositionTop = this.$ul.scrollTop() + this.$ul.find(".selected").position().top;
if (selectedPositionTop > panelCenter) {
scrollUp = selectedPositionTop - panelCenter;
this.$ul[0].scrollTop = this.$ul[0].scrollTop + scrollUp;
} else {
scrollUp = panelCenter - selectedPositionTop;
this.$ul[0].scrollTop = this.$ul[0].scrollTop - scrollUp;
// position elements whole container (list container)
var triggerTop = this.$trigger.offset().top + (parseInt(this.$trigger.css("padding-top")) || 0) + (parseInt(this.$trigger.css("border-top") || 0)),
t = Math.abs(triggerTop - this.$ul.find(".selected").offset().top);
this.$ul.css("top", -t + "px");
this.$"click", $.proxy(, this));
$(document).one("click", $.proxy(this.close, this));
namespace.DropDown.prototype.close = function() {
this.$ul.css("top", "0px");
} = function(e) {
$(function() {
new namespace.DropDown($(".dropdown")[0]);
new namespace.DropDown($(".dropdown")[1]);
new namespace.DropDown($(".dropdown")[2]);
I managed to wrap it into another function so I could get the properties and functions e.g. $ul, select off the protootype and make private via closure. It does work and I am able to keep guts of the object private but is this the best way to got? it seems overly complicated to me. Also I'm sure I'm not the first to come up with this and so is there a name for this pattern? Modified code below:
namespace = {};
namespace.DropDown = function(el) {
var $el = $(el),
$trigger = $el.find(".trigger"),
$ul = $el.find("ul"),
$li = $ul.find("li");
DropDown = function() {
$trigger.on("click", $.proxy(, this));
function select(e) {
} = function(e) {
// position selected element in the middle
var scrollUp,
panelCenter = $ul.scrollTop() + ($ul.innerHeight() / 2),
selectedPositionTop = $ul.scrollTop() + $ul.find(".selected").position().top; //- $ul.find(".selected").outerHeight();
if (selectedPositionTop > panelCenter) {
scrollUp = selectedPositionTop - panelCenter;
$ul[0].scrollTop = $ul[0].scrollTop + scrollUp;
} else {
scrollUp = panelCenter - selectedPositionTop;
$ul[0].scrollTop = $ul[0].scrollTop - scrollUp;
// position elements whole container (list container)
var triggerTop = $trigger.offset().top + (parseInt($trigger.css("padding-top")) || 0) + (parseInt($trigger.css("border-top") || 0)),
t = Math.abs(triggerTop - $ul.find(".selected").offset().top);
$ul.css("top", -t + "px");
$"click", $.proxy(select, this));
//$ul[0].scrollTop = this.scrollPos;
$(document).one("click", $.proxy(this.close, this));
DropDown.prototype.close = function() {
$ul.css("top", "0px");
return new DropDown();
$(function() {
new namespace.DropDown($(".dropdown")[0]);
new namespace.DropDown($(".dropdown")[1]);
new namespace.DropDown($(".dropdown")[2]);
I should have mentioed that I want to keep the methods on prototype rather than directly on the object itself via this.functionname. I want to avoid method duplication as this will happen if these are attached to this directly. For this simple reason this question is not duplicate.

You can create private methods and variables via closures, however another approach which may be simpler and create more fluid / cleaner reading code could be to designate private/public via convention. For example:
this._privateVariable = true;
this.publicVariable = true;
using underscores for private, no underscore for public etc.. /edited thanks HMR

This is the general form for making public and private attributes
var MyClass = (function(){
var myclass = function(){}
var privateMethod = function(){ return 1; }
myclass.prototype.publicMethod = function(){ return privateMethod() + 1; }
return myclass;
Properties that are put on myclass, or on myclass.prototype, will public. However, variables that are declared with var will not be publicly available, though other methods will still have access to them. In the above example, publicMethod is the only publicly available method, but it is able to call privateMethod, because they were defined in the same scope.

like this also:
function SampleClass() {
// private
var _type = 'aClass';
// private
var _dothis = function (action) {
return 'i did this ' + action;
return {
// public
type: _type,
// public
dothis: function (action) {
return _dothis(action);


using revealling moduler pattern for complex in javascript

I have a very complex class so i decided to break into sub modules and trying to use revealing modules pattern.
I have main class and decided to divide into smaller container function. but in current scenario
But i am not able to access any internal function from outside i.e callSearchResultWithCallBack using searchFinder.Search.callSearchResultWithCallBack(). which pattern should i use to keep this code clean as well have control to call internal function in sub module.
var searchFinder;
function SearchFinder() {
me = this;
this.searchResult = null;
this.init = function() {
var declareControls = function() {
this.SearchButtons = jQuery('.doSearch');
this.InputLocation = jQuery('#inputLocation');
this.InputDistanceWithIn = jQuery('#inputDistanceWithIn');
this.InputName = jQuery('#inputName');
var addEvents = function() { {
var fillControls = function() {
var getGetCategory = function() {
this.Search = function() {
var url = '';
var searchCriteria = {};
function validateAndCreateCriteria() {
function validateAandGetCategory() {
if (SearchValidation.ValidateZipCode(me.InputLocation.val().trim())) {
searchCriteria.location = me.InputLocation.val().trim();
} else if (SearchValidation.ValidateCityState(me.InputLocation.val().trim())) {
searchCriteria.location = me.InputLocation.val().trim();
// need to access it outsite
function callSearchResultWithCallBack() {
me.searchResult(searchCriteria, SearchResultCallBack);
function SearchResultCallBack() {
jQuery(function() {
searchFinder = new SearchFinder();
<script src=""></script>
This code has multiple issues, first I will address the fact that for example declareControls is not executing. First declare the function than execute!
this.init = function() {
var declareControls = function() {
this.SearchButtons = jQuery('.doSearch');
this.InputLocation = jQuery('#inputLocation');
this.InputDistanceWithIn = jQuery('#inputDistanceWithIn');
this.InputName = jQuery('#inputName');
var addEvents = function() { {
var fillControls = function() {
var getGetCategory = function() {
//createAccordian(); //not defined
Now let's look at others problems that will arise.
the me object referring to this is in the scope of searchFinder and does not refer to the same this in the instance of searchFinder.
function jQuery can be replaced by the commonly used $.
searchFinder.Search.callSearchResultWithCallBack() this is never going to work. Since the Search function is an object and callSearchResultWithCallBack isn't a property of this function.
Solution; make it part of the prototype of Search.
Move callSearchResultWithCallBack outside the search function.
Add prototype to Search function
Call function via prototype.
function callSearchResultWithCallBack() {
me.searchResult(searchCriteria, SearchResultCallBack);
function SearchResultCallBack() {
this.Search.prototype.callSearchResultWithCallBack = callSearchResultWithCallBack;
If you want to fire this function outside of search use this:
Please remember that callSearchResultWithCallBack will throw an error because searchCriteria is undefined.
This fixes your problems for now, but this code has to be revised thoroughly. But this should get you started.

On element's width change using css event [duplicate]

Is it possible to simply add event listeners to certain elements to detect if their height or width have been modified? I'd like do this without using something intensive like:
$(window).resize(function() { ... });
Ideally, I'd like to bind to specific elements:
$("#primaryContent p").resize(function() { ... });
It seems like using a resize handler on the window is the only solution, but this feels like overkill. It also doesn't account for situations where an element's dimensions are modified programatically.
I just came up with a purely event-based way to detect element resize for any element that can contain children, I've pasted the code from the solution below.
See also the original blog post, which has some historical details. Previous versions of this answer were based on a previous version of the blog post.
The following is the JavaScript you’ll need to enable resize event listening.
var attachEvent = document.attachEvent;
var isIE = navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident/);
var requestFrame = (function(){
var raf = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
function(fn){ return window.setTimeout(fn, 20); };
return function(fn){ return raf(fn); };
var cancelFrame = (function(){
var cancel = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame ||
return function(id){ return cancel(id); };
function resizeListener(e){
var win = || e.srcElement;
if (win.__resizeRAF__) cancelFrame(win.__resizeRAF__);
win.__resizeRAF__ = requestFrame(function(){
var trigger = win.__resizeTrigger__;
trigger.__resizeListeners__.forEach(function(fn){, e);
function objectLoad(e){
this.contentDocument.defaultView.__resizeTrigger__ = this.__resizeElement__;
this.contentDocument.defaultView.addEventListener('resize', resizeListener);
window.addResizeListener = function(element, fn){
if (!element.__resizeListeners__) {
element.__resizeListeners__ = [];
if (attachEvent) {
element.__resizeTrigger__ = element;
element.attachEvent('onresize', resizeListener);
else {
if (getComputedStyle(element).position == 'static') = 'relative';
var obj = element.__resizeTrigger__ = document.createElement('object');
obj.setAttribute('style', 'display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; pointer-events: none; z-index: -1;');
obj.__resizeElement__ = element;
obj.onload = objectLoad;
obj.type = 'text/html';
if (isIE) element.appendChild(obj); = 'about:blank';
if (!isIE) element.appendChild(obj);
window.removeResizeListener = function(element, fn){
element.__resizeListeners__.splice(element.__resizeListeners__.indexOf(fn), 1);
if (!element.__resizeListeners__.length) {
if (attachEvent) element.detachEvent('onresize', resizeListener);
else {
element.__resizeTrigger__.contentDocument.defaultView.removeEventListener('resize', resizeListener);
element.__resizeTrigger__ = !element.removeChild(element.__resizeTrigger__);
Here’s a pseudo code usage of this solution:
var myElement = document.getElementById('my_element'),
myResizeFn = function(){
/* do something on resize */
addResizeListener(myElement, myResizeFn);
removeResizeListener(myElement, myResizeFn);
Here is a jQuery plugin with watch and unwatch methods that can watch particular properties of an element. It is invoked as a method of a jQuery object. It uses built-in functionality in browsers that return events when the DOM changes, and uses setTimeout() for browsers that do not support these events.
The general syntax of the watch function is below:
$("selector here").watch(props, func, interval, id);
props is a comma-separated string of the properties you wish to
watch (such as "width,height").
func is a callback function, passed the parameters watchData, index, where watchData refers to an object of the form { id: itId, props: [], func: func, vals: [] }, and index is the index of the changed property. this refers to the changed element.
interval is the interval, in milliseconds, for setInterval() in browsers that do not support property watching in the DOM.
id is an optional id that identifies this watcher, and is used to remove a particular watcher from a jQuery object.
The general syntax of the unwatch function is below:
$("selector here").unwatch(id);
id is an optional id that identifies this watcher to be removed. If id is not specified, all watchers from the object will be removed.
For those who are curious, the code of the plugin is reproduced below:
$ = function(props, func, interval, id) {
/// <summary>
/// Allows you to monitor changes in a specific
/// CSS property of an element by polling the value.
/// when the value changes a function is called.
/// The function called is called in the context
/// of the selected element (ie. this)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="prop" type="String">CSS Property to watch. If not specified (null) code is called on interval</param>
/// <param name="func" type="Function">
/// Function called when the value has changed.
/// </param>
/// <param name="func" type="Function">
/// optional id that identifies this watch instance. Use if
/// if you have multiple properties you're watching.
/// </param>
/// <param name="id" type="String">A unique ID that identifies this watch instance on this element</param>
/// <returns type="jQuery" />
if (!interval)
interval = 200;
if (!id)
id = "_watcher";
return this.each(function() {
var _t = this;
var el = $(this);
var fnc = function() {, id) };
var itId = null;
if (typeof (this.onpropertychange) == "object")
el.bind("propertychange." + id, fnc);
else if ($.browser.mozilla)
el.bind("DOMAttrModified." + id, fnc);
itId = setInterval(fnc, interval);
var data = { id: itId,
props: props.split(","),
func: func,
vals: []
$.each(data.props, function(i) { data.vals[i] = el.css(data.props[i]); });, data);
function __watcher(id) {
var el = $(this);
var w =;
var changed = false;
var i = 0;
for (i; i < w.props.length; i++) {
var newVal = el.css(w.props[i]);
if (w.vals[i] != newVal) {
w.vals[i] = newVal;
changed = true;
if (changed && w.func) {
var _t = this;, w, i)
$.fn.unwatch = function(id) {
this.each(function() {
var w = $(this).data(id);
var el = $(this);
if (typeof (this.onpropertychange) == "object")
el.unbind("propertychange." + id, fnc);
else if ($.browser.mozilla)
el.unbind("DOMAttrModified." + id, fnc);
return this;
Yes it is possible. You will have to track all of the elements on load and store it. You can try out the demo here. In it, you don't have to use any libraries, but I used jQuery just to be faster.
First thing first - Store their initial size
You can do that by using this method:
var state = []; //Create an public (not necessary) array to store sizes.
$(window).load(function() {
$("*").each(function() {
var arr = [];
arr[0] = this
arr[1] = this.offsetWidth;
arr[2] = this.offsetHeight;
state[state.length] = arr; //Store all elements' initial size
Again, I used jQuery just to be fast.
Second - Check!
Of course you will need to check if it has been changed:
function checksize(ele) {
for (var i = 0; i < state.length; i++) { //Search through your "database"
if (state[i][0] == ele) {
if (state[i][1] == ele.offsetWidth && state[i][2] == ele.offsetHeight) {
return false
} else {
return true
Simply it will return false if it has not been change, true if it has been change.
Hope this helps you out!

Global Variable with $(this)

I am trying to make the coding a lot easier for me and so I assigned a global.
var parent = $(this).parent().parent().parent();
var parentModule = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent();
And I use these through out my code to make $(this) a lot easier and save on all the parents. Though $(this) would technically be universal being within that certain event (click,hover, and so forth)
Is there a way of actually doing this as I believe it is not possible like the way I write it.
maybe a function or something?
var parent, parentModule = null;
function getParents(e){
parent = $(e.currentTarget).closest(".module");
parentModule = $(e.currentTarget).closest(".module").parent();
$(close).on('click',function (e) {
if (parentModule.hasClass('open')) {
var a = ReadCookie('ToHide');
if (a.split(",").length === 0) {
var b = "#"+parent.attr("id") + " #"+parentModule.attr("id");
SetCookie('ToHide', b, 100);
} else {
var d = a + "," + "#"+ parent.attr("id") + " #"+parentModule.attr("id");
SetCookie('ToHide',d, 100);
If you want to set the values of those global variables using a function, try this:
var parent, parentModule = null;
function getParents(e){
parent = $(e.currentTarget).closest(".yourParentSelector");
parentModule = $(e.currentTarget).closest(".yourParentModuleSelector");
//do whatever you want with parent and parentModule variables
Use closest() instead of parent()
Here's the FIDDLE

Javascript creating function to share variables between other functions

I have a couple click functions with jQuery that share the same variables, so I created a function to return those variables.
While this works, I'm wondering whether programmatically speaking this is the right or most efficient way to do this:
function clickVars($me){
var $curStep = $('.cust-step-cur'),
$nextStep = $'.cust-step'),
nextStepLen = $nextStep.length,
$list = $('.cust-list'),
$btnCheck = $('.cust-btn.checklist'),
hasChecklist = $me.hasClass('checklist');
return {
curStep: $curStep,
nextStep: $nextStep,
nextStepLen: nextStepLen,
list: $list,
btnCheck: $btnCheck,
hasChecklist: hasChecklist
// Checklist Click
$('.option-list a').on('click',function(){
var $me = $(this),
myVars = clickVars($me);
currentStepIn(myVars.nextStep, myVars.list, myVars.btnCheck);
// Navigation
if(animReady === false)
return false;
var $me = $(this),
myVars = clickVars($me);
if(myVars.hasChecklist && myVars.list.hasClass('cust-step-cur'))
return false;
if(myVars.nextStepLen === 0 || $me.hasClass('checklist')) {
myVars.nextStep = myVars.list;
animReady = false;
currentStepIn(myVars.nextStep, myVars.list, myVars.btnCheck);
Is this a standard way of generated shared variables between multiple functions?
In AS3 it's good practice to do:
// Variable definitions
var enabled:Boolean = false;
public function myFunction(){
enabled = true;
So in JavaScript I've been doing:
// Variable defintions
var a,b,c,d,e = 0;
function alterVariables(){
a = 1;
b = 2;
You have to understand you are not sharing variables between functions. Moreover, each time you click those elements, clickVars function is called again and again, even if you click only one element multiple times. So this code is very bad expirience. Check this:
// Defined ones
var nodes = {
$elements : $('.elements'),
$otherElements : $('.otherElements'),
// In case you have multiple .selector elements in your DOM
$('.selector').each(function() {
// Defined ones for each element
var $element = $(this), isList = $element.hasClass('.list');
$element.bind('click', function(){
$('.anotherSelector').each(function() {
// Yep, here is some duplicate code. But there won't be any
// performance improvement if you create special method for
// such small piece of code
var $element = $(this), isList = $element.hasClass('.list');
$element.bind('click', function(){

Jquery Referencing this

Given the object:
// A data set
$.DataArea = function () {
// Default options
$.extend(this, {
class: 'DataSet',
data: new Array(),
container: null
// Add a bar to this object
this.addBar = function(startDate, endDate, label) {
var insertPos =;[insertPos] = new $.DataBar();[insertPos].startDate = startDate;[insertPos].endDate = endDate;[insertPos].label = label;
this.container.children('.jobArea').append('<div class="bar-wrapper"><div class="bar">' + label + '</div></div>');
// Bind the bar to a div
this.bind = function(docID) {
this.container = $('#' + docID);
this.container.append('<div class="jobArea"></div>')
this.init = function() {
this.container.children('.jobArea .bar, .jobArea .marker').each(function(i) {
$(i).bind("selectstart", _preventDefault);
The line $(this).bind("selectstart", _preventDefault); I think is not working, because $(this) is conflicting with the this of the object?
How can I correctly reference the selected element in the each loop in a non conflicting way? (If that's the problem)
DataArea in use:
var MyData = new $.DataArea();
MyData.addBar("", "", "Bar 1");
MyData.addBar("", "", "Bar 2");
Go back to using this instead of i, and use the find()[docs] method instead of the children()[docs] method.
this.init = function() {
this.container.find('.jobArea .bar, .jobArea .marker').each(function(i) {
$(this).bind("selectstart", _preventDefault);
This is necessary becuase .bar and .marker are not direct descendants of container.
The second variable passed to the .each() callback is the actual element. You should be able to re-write it like so:
this.container.children('.jobArea .bar, .jobArea .marker').each(function(i,e) {
$(e).bind("selectstart", _preventDefault);
I think it's also worth mentioning that the selectstart event is not supported in all browsers which may actually be the problem.

