D3 data binding with slider and play/pause - javascript

I am looking to implement a map with a 'play/pause' feature that will overlay items as the time scale progresses. However, I also wanted to give users the ability to set the time themselves. Very similar to
Mike's work here
Any ideas on the best way to implement this? I would like to avoid html element sliders because of a lack of styling options (as far as filling up the bar with different colors, it gets messy overlaying SVG). There is also d3.slider (independent open source on git), but the documentation is lacking. Is using a brush handler the best option?
Thank you!


Clicking area of image to change that area's color

How does one implement functionality similar to the one shown in this gif in a website?
Specifically, the part where the user clicks on a (non-rectangular) area of the image and that area then changes colour.
A long, long time ago when the internet was still young, there was something called image maps. Is that still the preferred approach? I heard about svg, does that provide this type of functionality? What about canvas?
I don't know about image maps to get them in this shape of hit areas.
But I recommend using canvas for these type of applications.
You have multiple options for doing that, being image maps one of them. However, I wouldn't do it with it, nowadays, there are better solutions.
You can either use canvas, as suggested before, for example using a canvas library like http://fabricjs.com/ or, maybe a bit easier, using SVG elements.
The benefit of SVG is that they render as normal DOM elements in a website, so you can debug then in the inspector, attach normal click events to them, style them using CSS, etc.
multiple options for this.
CANVAS animations
FLASH( wouldn't recommend this option.,Pretty outdated)
Plain html css (But this wont be customisable in future for different shapes, a lot of time consuming when compared to other ways and confusing unless written with good documentation.)
html+css way: you can always make most of the geometrical shapes with css and html. But, curves we have svgs to go for and use css/svg transitions for visuals

XPages client side: listen to and trigger an event (pure CSJS)

I'll try to describe what I'd like to have.
At the moment, I have custom control Desk with:
an Accordion Container (dojo)
several Accordion Panes, of which
one contains custom control Agenda
In custom control Agenda, there's nothing really special, expect for
custom control Tiles
In custom control Tiles, I display meeting info in a nice way, as tiles. There can be multiple tiles on one row. In order to make things looking perfect, I have to spread these tiles over the full line, justified, using CSS (that part works, 99%). What doesn't work is that when the accordion is hidden when the page loads, I have no details on the size of each tile so I can't do my calculations (i.e. offsetWidth==0).
So I have to delay the calculations to when the accordion is activated and onShow is triggered. But how to pass this on downwards, all the way to the custom control Tiles?
Tiles is used in other places too, so it cannot be a fixed reference. It doesn't even know that it's inside an accordion...
How can I call/trigger a function that's inside the Tiles custom control from the top custom control, Desk, in a transparent way?
NB A code example, even an illustrative one, would be very complicated to make (I think).
Could someone give me a push into the right direction? Events and triggers maybe? Pass accordion id down to the Tiles cc and then do something brilliant?
I have a solution right now, but it isn't exactly a beautiful and transparent one.
I gave the Tiles a styleClass="Tiles", and then I can find these Tiles using getElementsByClassName. It's not the proper way, but it's a way, the pragmatic one.

Polymer's Animated Pages used with Angularjs

I would like to ask if there are any examples related to Polymer's animated pages ( http://www.polymer-project.org/docs/elements/core-elements.html#core-animated-pages ) and how we can build a similar demo using the resources provided in the Angular/material repo (https://github.com/angular/material).
I would like to achieve http://www.polymer-project.org/components/core-animated-pages/demos/music.html but I don't want to use Polymer since I would like to use Angular.
Can you please provide me some directions in order to start?
What they typically do with Polymer is have two connected elements which shows only one and when you perform some action, the other gets shown (from display: none) and animates from certain dimentions to its final form. Sometimes elements also shift but it depends on whether the content is able to move to its new position or not.
You have to work with css transition, transform and display. Sometimes even custom animations. And you are mostly changing multiple divs to their final form. I think the most difficult would be animating colors (from white to pink or from yellow to green for example) as those are most difficult to do (performance-wise).
If you look at the example you've set (final link) you see there's a list of items with a detail div and once you click the item you show the detail and transform the contents to its final dimentions.
Just know that these things are pretty hard if you aren't very much into Angular or HTML/CSS/Javascript.
The framework of Polymer for Web is very much a work in progress and i wouldn't be surprised if it took a few months to get similar results for both native and web.
You can take example from things like this: https://medium.com/tictail-makers/giving-animations-life-8b20165224c5 or https://www.polymer-project.org/apps/topeka/ or http://codepen.io/collection/amheq/ . And don't forget to speed it up by using some bootstrap theme like this http://fezvrasta.github.io/bootstrap-material-design/ or something.
I've been struggling with the same problem as there isn't much to go from right now. You stated the Angular project but that will take time. If you want to do it now, you have to do quite some work (if you do, share it with us), but you might be better of with postponing this until most of the bugs and problems have been solved.
Thats what i'm doing now.

javascript - Drag and drop with intelligent snap guides

I am currently building a widget that will allow users to design a layout for an application-specific task. And I would like to provide a powerpoint/keynote-esque interface (a la 280slides) for the users. However, I would also like to provide "snap guides" (sorry, I do not have any better words to describe them) which are basically guides taht help users align multiple elements on the page.
An example of this can be seen in the Flash IDE where, upon dragging the IDE automatically calculates the dimension and position of peripheral objects and attempts to align them. The mockingbird application (https://gomockingbird.com/mockingbird/) achieves something similar. (Hint: try dragging some objects and see how there are guides which attempt to align the object in their bounding boxes).
I believe a similar effect could be achived by caching an array of elements on the viewport and calculating the position and dimension of each element to find the best-fit snap. However, how do I calculate the most-probable position of the element being dragged? Are there any alternative solutions?
With someone with better knowledge, please enlighten me! :)
I suggest using a library that has already been written to accomplish this. For example, jQuery UI's Draggable does exactly this and is very customizable.

How do I learn how to create a quick and easy set of draggable panes in jQuery UI?

I want to enable the user to drag a bar up/down to reveal/hide content in two contiguous panes. I also need to create some buttons that move the bar to some preset locations. I know this is all possible, but am not sure where to start.
I'm creating a prototype whose purpose is to figure out the right user experience, so it's OK if it's not going to scale to 300 million simultaneous users on IE6/Windows Millenium. ;-)
That's a rather complicated thing to do from scratch, so consider using a plugin. Wijmo is based on jQuery UI and has an open-source splitter widget. The documentation is decent as well.
While I don't see any methods to resize it, you may be able to add one and contribute it back to the project.

