Is it possible to prevent JavaScript Worker html5 game manipulation? - javascript

In working to make a HTML5 browser game, I can't help but consider the fact that a game like that can't be competitive or valued based on the ease of editing the code of the game through dev console.
For example like this:
The user changes around values of variables and then resumes the scripts causing the game to be directly effected.
I'm thinking of possible ways to avoid such manipulations:
Custom Browser (setup like Tor? custom routing used to detect unhampered browser with no console tools avialable)
detection if dev tools are open Find out whether Chrome console is open , How to detect Chrome Inspect Element is running or not? (but this is only Chrome, what about IE, FF, SF, O?
Any insight or additional thoughts would be great.

Being that JavaScript is a client side language, you'll be hard pressed to provide total security from having it manipulated.


Minimizing apps via nodejs || plain js

I'm currently working on personal automation project and I want to add 'minimize app' feature.
For example: When I click button, I want to minimize the current browser. I already have window.close(); but this will close the app definitly. I found things like window.minimalize(); or window.minimize();, but none of them worked for me. So is there a way to minimize app?
Edited: It does not have to be only client-side JS, it can be used as terminal based nodejs app. Ex: I type minimize Google Chrome, and it will minimize it.
One Google search for how to minimize browser gives the following result:
There is no way to minimize the browser window within javascript. No, there isn't. However, depending on what you're doing and which browsers you're targeting, you could play around with the blur and focus events of the window to achieve similar effect.
Alternatively, if such control is required, you could always port your code to Electron.js or Neutrino.js, which were made to let you create desktop applications using JavaScript.
Maybe if you post some code and give us a train of thought to follow, we could work something out.

How do you detect if firefox DevTools is open? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to detect if browser console / inspector is *open*?
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I've been searching high and low but all I could find are ways to detect chrome Dev Tools and FireBUG Dev Tools. Is there a way to detect, on Firefox, that the Inspect Element/console/Dev Tool is open?
It is impossible to actually hide your client side source code without actually removing said code from being accessed client side. The simple reason for this is the fact that the code has to be downloaded to the client for it to be used. Once downloaded, it's visible to the user. No exceptions. You can do things like 'security through obscurity', but that too is not going to prevent people from downloading/viewing the source. It's just going to make the code harder to read.
If you want to prevent users from seeing your code, you're basically forced to handle the parts of the code you wish to hide server side. This way, only the input and output are visible to users, while hiding the logic that processes it.
There are some other tricks you could potentially do to make it harder to acces your code (not impossible by a long shot), but I wouldn't recommend those either. Those are usually reliant on browser security settings, easily prevented through broswer add-ons, etc.
If instead you want to prevent users from seeing your code, because you're handling security sensitive operations client side, I suggest you go back to web development 101 and check why that's an inherently bad idea.
EDIT: To purely detect if DevTools is open, you can use this: and simply follow the readme.

Detecting microphone/audio device change in Chrome with javascript

I'm trying to detect whenever the default/selected microphone changes or gets disconnected in a web app using plain Javascript. The idea is to let the user know if the correct microphone is selected and working or not.
The best option I've found is MediaDevices.ondevicechange. But it seems to be behind the Experimental Web Platform features flag in Google Chrome:
It is behind the Experimental Web Platform features flag, and use call it with navigator.mediaDevices.ondevicechange = ...
Another answer on this topic echoes the same thing:
Browser Support It looks like it's pretty patchy as of writing this. See this related question: Audio devices plugin and plugout event on chrome browser for further discussion, but the short story is for Chrome you'll need to enable the "Experimental Web Platform features" flag.
My question is two-fold:
Is my understanding actually correct that I cannot use MediaDevices.ondevicechange on Chrome without the experimental features flag? (I cannot use this flag because of some other constraints).
Is there another way for me to detect an audio device change?

Slow javascript execution in IE11 until developer tools are enabled

I have a very large javascript application, which contains mostly asm.js code (it's built upon urho3d c++ engine which is them compiled into asm.js).
It runs great on most browsers (chrome, firefox, safari, edge) but is extremely slow on IE11. The thing is, it is only slow until you open developer tools. With developer tools open, IE11 becomes ~10 times faster and is almost as fast as other browsers.
Here is a minimal example that reproduces the issue:
Open the page in any working browser, the time between "Run - start" message and "Run - finish" message should be around 1-2 seconds.
Open the page in IE11 without developer tools, time should be around 35-50 seconds.
Open developer tools and reload, time should be around 2-3 seconds.
Another important note is that if I start profiling session in developer tools, performance drops like if developer tools were closed. So I can actually profile the problem. But I've spent several hours profiling and I've tried inserting log messages in big functions but I haven't found no bottleneck. All functions take roughly the same time to execute and if I insert log message in a middle of a big functions, they'll usually break into 2 similar parts. So there is no single function that is responsible for slowdown, the code execution is just slow. Bit shifts, functions calls, arithmetic operations - it seems like they all just take way too much time compared to open developer tools.
I really need to make my app work on IE11 and the fact that it works with developer tools open drives me crazy. I'm trying to find a way to make IE think that tools are open even when they are not, or achieve good performance by any other means. So my questions is how can I achieve performance equal to IE11 with developer tools open without actually manually opening the tools?
This is a very broad question so I'd like to break it down into several smaller questions:
Is there a way to make IE11 think developer tools are open? Maybe there is something like x-ua-compatible meta tag I am missing?
What's causing the slowdown when developer tools are closed? I've heard that console.log function calls are slow without developer tools on IE8 and 9, maybe there is a similar thing on IE11? Maybe asm.js is not optimized? If I knew what's causing this I could at least try to rewrite code to avoid this.
Is there a way to open developer tools from javascript code? Maybe I could ask users to press a button on website to "make app faster". Asking them to press F12 or navigate settings seems too much.
When the debugger is enabled, asm.js compilation will be disabled and execution will fallback to be executed as normal JS - you can see the console.logs along these lines at the start of execution.
asm.js has been disabled as the script debugger is connected. Disconnect the debugger to enable asm.js. in Edge,
asm.js type error: Disabled by debugger in Firefox,
whilst Chrome will simply not open 01_HelloWorld.js in the debugger when you attempt to.
Disabling the debugger in IE (debugger tab, socket symbol; eighth from the left), and thus enabling asm.js will allow you to have dev tools open but see the slower execution. I have a horrible feeling that the slowdown when the debugger is closed is actually just IE11's speed issues with asm.js's optimisations.
There are a lot of references to IE11 being poorly optimised for asm.js. goes as far as listing IE11 as not supporting asm.js at all.
This appears to be backed up by Microsoft themselves:
There would certainly appear to be some support for it, though clearly it has a number of speed issues as demonstrated in a number of benchmarks, for instance:
Which shows IE11 around 10x slower than other browsers, or:
Which is based on: - You can try it for yourself.
And many others. It may simply be that the IE11 implementation of asm.js is so poor that it is considerably slower with it, than without it.
EDIT: Added Microsoft platform status link.
There are two workaround for this issue:
to add setInterval(30000, () => {}) to your initialization function;
add MutationObserver=null to the beginning of the main html
You can also reference the discussion here:
This is just a guess but I had a similar problem in react-native then I found out about this:
When debugging remotely, your js bundle is using chrome's JSC and when
running on a device it's using the JSC provided by Apple on your phone.
Make sure that urho3d is not changing environment when developer tools are on/off.

Debug JS from a Browser within a Windows App

today I am asked to write some Javascript for a Website which runs within a Windows App. The app uses a browser internally (I guess some version of IE) to render its content on screen, what is represented by a static/local website.
The main Problem is, that there isn't any way to debug that, what is normally possible with the default developer tools of each browser.
So my question(s): Is there any way to start the developer tools by JS, in case the browser internally used is IE? Are the any other ways to pull some debug data out of the app, such that I could view that output anywhere else?
So in case somebody else has already dealt with a problem alike, I would really be interested to get some ideas, how to solve that properly.

