Jquery thumbnail gallery - javascript

I'm looking for a jquery thumbnail gallery like this one (or similar) on http://www.badoo.com .
Anyone know where can I get it?
Thanks you so much.

Have you looked at this posting for creating a collage, which I believe is similar to what you want:
You will probably have to kick the source around a bit to do precisely what you want, bit it's a good starting point.

There is a jQuery plugin which helps you to create a collage - https://github.com/sandeepravi/collage.
With a little bit HTML/CSS and this plugin, you can easily create the collage.
Hope this helps!


Adding thumbnails to basic jQuery slider

I have used the Basic jQuery slider which can be found at http://www.basic-slider.com/ and it works in my site. I am pretty new to jQuery but understand HTML and CSS pretty well. I was just wondering, is there a way to make it so rather than the numbers underneath the images, it comes up with thumbnails of the images above it?
My code is pretty much exactly the same as the code given but altered to my own website.
I'm bad at explaining things but I hope I've explained myself properly at hope somebody can help!
You could just use an image tag and add the images between each anchor tag where the site you linked has 1,2,3.

Circular timer/clock in milliseconds

I am looking for a flash clock online which displays in milliseconds. I need it to be circular style (not digital) and never stop (unless page is refreshed).
Anyone know know any?
Something like this:
It also provides a nice walk-through of how to build it, so it should be easy to modify if you feel up to it.
You can use Images and CSS3 transform:rotate() for doing this.
You can also use jQuery rotate() for this.
Here is a pretty good flash alternative.
It shows not only the coding required, but help with the interface. It also provides a working sample.
Hope this helps.

Javascript direction (forward backward) buttons [duplicate]

I'm using the s3Slider javascript slideshow on the homepage of a site I am developing:
I really like this slideshow but it has no way to enable the user to go to the next or previous image.
How can I add these buttons? Does anybody know the necessary javascript code I need to use or what changes should be made.
Suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I know you didn't ask for suggestions, but let me just throw this out there as a solution:
After messing around with a ton of sliders, I've ended up going back to this one time after time. (and there is a 4KB version if all you want is the fade effect)
It has pretty decent documentation and is overall pretty easy and straightforward to use.
Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there. Best of luck to you!
Just to hack something in, I'd modify your s3slider copy to include something like this (insert at line 38)
$(element).bind("s3slidernext", function() {
current = items[currNo+1];
Then you can probably just call
To move the slider forward. Bind that to a button and you're all set.
there are many jquery libraries that can help you out there like http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/

slide show with css and javascript

hi every one just i want to make imsge slide show with help of css,javascript or jquery like
this is in flash but i want it the image come dynamically from database in php.
can any one help me please .
There is a nice jquery plugin that might be interesting for you:
And an example how to add slides dynamically (found in the 'even more demos' section):
try this http://static.flowplayer.org/tools/scrollable.html
This can help you
If you are using jQuery I would recommend jQuery cycle. http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/. It's very extensible and should be able to do what you want it to do.
Perhaps have a look at loxiastudio.com
I've made a couple of slide shows on the site, in both Flash and jQuery. They look great!
If you need help getting the slide show onto your site the help section has some really handy tutorials.

How to create an endless picture-show without marquee?

I wrote a module for Joomla! 1.5 which shows the pictures (banners) with the most clicks. Now I want to show this list scrolling on the home-site. With "marquee" there is a break after the last picture.
I've found an advice which said I'll have to create a div-container with overflow: hidden and a second div with javascripte which changes the positions of the pictures.
Can anyone help me to write this code, because I don't get javascripte?
There are plenty of free ones you can get that are already written for you.
Try one of these jquery scripts to do what you are looking for...
The best way to implement such feature is looking to this great JQuery Video tutorial and you will have a great product :)
URL: JQuery Spy effect
MOV: Jquery Spy effect
Hope that is exactly what you are looking for.

