Website which can handle database [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am a beginner here. I would like to create a website for our network , to collect some basic information & in making a graph out of it . The problem is that i don't know in which platform shall i proceed. I am stuck with whether to use Drupal ( i have only heard of it & interested in studying ) or any other tools. Please help me to develop it efficiently.I know php & javascript basics. Give your opinion on it, please.

My honest opinion would be to try and dive into MySQLi and PHP and build a custom application. Mainly because it'll help you learn (trust me). It seems very hard at first but it'll be fun and you'll be able to achieve exactly what you want essentially.
As far as I know Drupal is a content management system, like a blog. So it's not really cut out for just gathering stats and making graphs from them. I suppose you could set up a basic Google Form for gathering information and then transferring it into a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. More work that way but it's very easy and no development work involved.
Really depends what type of information you're after to be honest. A quick Google search can return loads of cool web apps for small business teams etc if you have a look around and see what does what. Really some more information on what you're collecting would be best though.

WordPress has plugins for everything. Including one that hooks into google graphs.
It's also fairly cookie cutter and well documented. If you're not a programmer at heart, but more jus interested in using it as a quick and dirty tool to get a job done quick, it may be the app for you.


Using firebase for personal projects. Is there a risk of bills and how to avoid them? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I ma looking to do a course and a a tutorial form youtube.
This project more specifically as it has a lot of features I would like to learn and my back-end knowledge is very basic currently.
Since the video was released firebase plans have changed and you read tales of huge bills.
Is there a way to avoid this? and if anyone knows the project will I be safe from billing whilst building it? The project will never be published anywhere, just used by me for practise and testing which seems fine as the limits for free users are quite big. I just have some fear from reading horror stories of accidental loops and the like!
Any help or advice on this is welcome
I don't think you should be worried about racking up huge bills if you're not going to publish the project anywhere and if you're on the free plan they literally can't bill you. even if you decide the project is really cool and you want to publish it you won't have to use their other plans unless for specific reasons (like cloud functions for example). So basically don't worry it's a really good platform to help with your development. I myself have done tons of projects where I used firebase in the backend and it's been great.

List folder contents, create thumbnails [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm sure this question has been asked and answered many times but I can't for the life of me find the answer I'm looking for.
Please bear with me, hopefully this will make sense, also I'm an enthusiast coder so please be gentle.
So I run a website for a very small 4x4 club. We hold get together once a month and get our cars all dirty. A few hundred photos get taken and are then uploaded to the website. I have to then manually create the html and thumbnails which can take quite a long time.
So, I'm looking for help and advice to make this task much easier and quicker. The website is running on IIS and I don't have root access so it's difficult to install anything.
Hopefully there's something out there to help me with this.
Many thanks..
It sounds like you need content management system.
Checkout, which is the most famous and widely used content management system. It is also very easy to get started and does not require any coding knowledge.
What is a content management system (CMS)?
A CMS allows you to manage your website via an easy to use portal. No coding is required. No scripting is required. The CMS is essentially a layer on top of all your code. It does the coding for you.
Instead of manually typing out the code to put your pictures, a CMS will let you simply upload the photo, as if it was a normal file. Then you can add any captions, headers etc. Depending on the complexity of the CMS.
This should make your life a lot easier. Check out

Similar and simplified examples (newbie questions) [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm currently studying about web development, I still don't know about jquery, but I've a little knowledge about javascript, html and css (basic).
I've been looking at some examples in github to improve my skills, and I've found this content;
I perfectly understand the theory, but I do not know how to put it into practice, I would like for any similar examples (simplified alternatives) and how to convert the exported code generated by javascript into a html5 table?
Any example would be appreciated! thanks for your attention!
First of all, jQuery does not generate code. It's a framework, you load it into a web page, and then you can use it from within Javascript code in that page.
I suggest you start by looking at the source of, if an editable tables is what you need. There are more general frameworks to do this, e.g. Aloha
To try it yourself, I'd suggest you bite the bullet equip yourself with some kind of web server, be it on a server somewhere, or on your local machine, so you can easily try out things like this, copy the sources, alter the code etc.., and quickly hit reload on your browser.
While it may seem easier to run a local server and point your browser at http://localhost/something, IMHO it also takes more tinkering to get browsers to embrace that fully. You don't need the extra grief while already learning all those new concepts. If you want to tackle this seriously, consider getting a hosting service or small VPS somewhere. If you don't know how to do that, get help for that first, but get it out of the way. It'll save you much grief.

Website Graphics Smooth Transitions [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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So I'm fairly new to PHP, but I have a project I'm working on and I've got a doubt about a specific aspect of web development.
My website has a major requirement, it needs to be very user friendly, and it has a lot of information that will be displayed in graphs (pie charts, column/line graphs).
My question is regarding aesthetics: is it possible to implement a smooth transition like the one microsoft office 2013 uses regarding its graphs?
If you have used ms office 2013, one thing that I noticed was its flow, and I would like to implement that feature in my website when changing values in one graph. Of course I'd much rather have functionality over looks, but if I can have both, it would be great.
This is my fisrt question here and I have searched this subject, but I haven't got any useful tip. Anyhow, if you give me some pointers on this subject (basically if it really is doable or not), I'd really appreciate it.
PHP is a server-side language. In order to change anything DOM related after the page loads, you need to use JavaScript.
jQuery Transit looks okay for what you need. You could also look at RaphaelJS, and D3 is great for graphs. is a charting DSL for D3 that would make it way easier to make charts.

Is there a prebuilt website with logins I can work from? (Just starting to use javascript) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to build a website that allows users to upload files and a few other actions. I have zero experience with javascript so I was wondering if there was some type of built site that already had logins coded so I could just work on the other logic?
I'm a long time delphi developer so I'm not new to programming. Any javascript video references would be great as well.
Thanks in advance.
You don't want to be handling logins with plain-old JavaScript unless you start building a super cool NodeJS setup, which, I wouldn't recommend if you have zero experience with JavaScript.
To ease your JS adventure, check out which makes it easier to code JS without worrying so much about browser quirks.
For easy server-side login, I recommend PHP since there are literally millions of tutorials and free code snippets out there, hosting is cheap, and an enormous community of PHP developers online to help you. To ease your PHP adventure, start with a framework such as CodeIgniter.
To answer your question, here's an example of a PHP + JavaScript (JQuery) login solution:
In order to upload files, you'll need a server-sided script, possibly done in PHP.
As for communicating with the server, it can be somewhat daunting for a beginner, but it's largely done via xmlhttprequest (otherwise known as AJAX).
Here's a tutorial on how to use it by W3CSchools, but there are plenty more on the net:
One word of advice; don't make the mistake of relying of a JS library too soon; familiarize yourself with the language and its capabilities. A lot of answerers are just going to say "Use JQuery." You can (and possibly should), but it's important to know how Javascript works without it.

