Website Graphics Smooth Transitions [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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So I'm fairly new to PHP, but I have a project I'm working on and I've got a doubt about a specific aspect of web development.
My website has a major requirement, it needs to be very user friendly, and it has a lot of information that will be displayed in graphs (pie charts, column/line graphs).
My question is regarding aesthetics: is it possible to implement a smooth transition like the one microsoft office 2013 uses regarding its graphs?
If you have used ms office 2013, one thing that I noticed was its flow, and I would like to implement that feature in my website when changing values in one graph. Of course I'd much rather have functionality over looks, but if I can have both, it would be great.
This is my fisrt question here and I have searched this subject, but I haven't got any useful tip. Anyhow, if you give me some pointers on this subject (basically if it really is doable or not), I'd really appreciate it.

PHP is a server-side language. In order to change anything DOM related after the page loads, you need to use JavaScript.
jQuery Transit looks okay for what you need. You could also look at RaphaelJS, and D3 is great for graphs. is a charting DSL for D3 that would make it way easier to make charts.


Similar and simplified examples (newbie questions) [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm currently studying about web development, I still don't know about jquery, but I've a little knowledge about javascript, html and css (basic).
I've been looking at some examples in github to improve my skills, and I've found this content;
I perfectly understand the theory, but I do not know how to put it into practice, I would like for any similar examples (simplified alternatives) and how to convert the exported code generated by javascript into a html5 table?
Any example would be appreciated! thanks for your attention!
First of all, jQuery does not generate code. It's a framework, you load it into a web page, and then you can use it from within Javascript code in that page.
I suggest you start by looking at the source of, if an editable tables is what you need. There are more general frameworks to do this, e.g. Aloha
To try it yourself, I'd suggest you bite the bullet equip yourself with some kind of web server, be it on a server somewhere, or on your local machine, so you can easily try out things like this, copy the sources, alter the code etc.., and quickly hit reload on your browser.
While it may seem easier to run a local server and point your browser at http://localhost/something, IMHO it also takes more tinkering to get browsers to embrace that fully. You don't need the extra grief while already learning all those new concepts. If you want to tackle this seriously, consider getting a hosting service or small VPS somewhere. If you don't know how to do that, get help for that first, but get it out of the way. It'll save you much grief.

Detecting eye contact in image in Javascript [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am hoping to develop a way to try to detect if a person is actually looking at the camera in an image (or via a webcam), I realize that any implementation would have low accuracy, but any accuracy at all would be significant. I have found a lot of good examples using the webcam and HTML5.
I've also found some really useful code in this project:
And in this one:
But all of these focus on head movement, and facial recognition. Is there any implementation in any language that has any success in this? Or is it basically impossible right now? If it exists in a different language other than javascript, thats ok, as long as its open source I could see how they have developed an algorithm.
We once created a game which tracks your eyes, here's an working example. The eye tracking is not 100% accurate since it was an 24 hours hackathon project :) and it heavily depends on the environment and the person (in dark environments and people wearing glasses or even with asian people the detection doesn't work properly). I think with some tweaks you could achieve great results with it.
We used jsfeat for the eyetracking since it is more performant than trackingjs.
Here is our project on github if you're interested.

Single Page App with Bootstrap and AngularJS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am new to javascript (although I've developed a small nodejs API server before, but it is nothing interactive, animating, or fancy at all)
I'd like to develop a static, single page website that works on modern browser and mobiles. The intended design looks a lot like
which is quite common with
Static Title Bar that follows wherever user scroll
< li > on the left acting like quick jump control + navigation/position indicator
I'm totally at blank on how to achieve such impressive look and feel and animation and responsiveness. So far, I tried out several libraries such as Twitter's BootStrap, Google's AngularJS, and AmberJS but none is as impressive as my intended outcome. The closest I get into is the sample from but that's my best trial.
Would any of you recommend any good resources (technology/libraries, or getting started guide and tutorial) to get off the ground fast?
Thank you very much!
Do anyone has open source projects or sample on GitHub that uses any javascript/css libraries to achieve cross device, responsive, single page web app?
Please provide the breakdown of the libraries used as well., since javascript libraries are numerous
EmberJS has a nice guide from the official website. Their API documentation is also helpful. Moreover, you can take a look at the source which is heavily documented.
If you need help, there are community forums.
If you are into screencasts, here is one free and one paid.
A word of caution using resources from Internet: EmberJS is in a "stabilizing" phase as they work towards version 1.0. So, if you read an old resource, it might not work using the current version of EmberJS.

Building a JavaScript grid from scratch [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am curious to know what it takes to build a JavaScript grid from scratch. The grid should have features like jqGrid
Can anyone please give me inputs?
What it takes to build something similar to jqGrid:
A huge, HUGE amount of time.
If something similar to what you want exists already, why would you want to spend lots and lots of time re-inventing the wheel? Anyhow, if you have nothing better to do, want to learn from it or if you are just curious, here is a list of skills that are needed to create a similar system:
HTML object manipulation.
Style manipulation.
Tons of different event handlers.
AJAX to grab (pages of) documents to display. Probably some server-side stuff too...
Creating of a nice layout system wich works in every browser.
Creating handlers to read and manage the different file types to support (XML, JSON, etc)
Creating HTML forms and reading them out with JS and then use AJAX to resave an XML, JSON, etc document back to the server.
An Algorithm to allow searching in the data you display.
Keyboard manipulation and the toggling off of standard key-events.
10. Tons and TONS of debugging to make sure it looks nice in all browsers.
Of course, this is only a tip of the iceberg since I don't really know the jqGrid program myself. I created this list by looking at some of the examples and reading the Features page.
Again, I would not recommend to rebuild such a big system from scratch, but the choice is of course yours ;).

Create a button for a user to create a screenshot [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am hoping someone may have a solution for a situation I am in. I have created an online web map tool that leverages javascript, html5, jquery, and CSS to distribute information such as zoning and streets to users. The problem I have run into is getting the page to print once the user finds what they are looking for. I have tried:
Using CSS to create a print setup that works across multiple browsers but it does not work correctly and the mapDiv does not print correctly as it does not center on the map but instead focuses on only a certaing portion of the Did.
Using html2canvas to print the canvas, but it will not print the mapDiv, but will print everything else.
Using fireshot api for creating the screenshot, but it will only work in Friefox from what I have seen.
Using the ESRI print javascript api tool, but it does not generate the desired result either.
This being said, ultimately what I would like to create is a button which will screen capture what the user sees and allow them to save it to their own disk and the print. I know javascript and html does not natively have this functionality because of potential security risks and the like, but I was hoping someone here may have found a plugin which works to create a screen capture. I am okay processing this on my server if needed, but in essence I need a way of doing a Alt+PrtScr without having the user do this themselves so they capture what they are seeing.
Any and all thoughts are welcome. Also explanation of how to leverage any plugins would be helpful as well as I am a bit of a rookie at this aspect of coding and want to make sure I enable this tool properly. Thanks!

