Flux architecture misunderstanding in example chat app - javascript

I'm trying to understand the Flux example chat app. The authors mention this unidirectional data flow:
However, in the example app there are dependencies between Action Creators (ChatMesssageActionCreator) and Stores (MessageStore), and between Stores (MessageStore, ThreadStore) and Web API Utils (ChatMessageUtils), which seems to be against the unidirectional data flow rule:
Is it recommended to follow the given example, or should one design a better pattern?
I figured out that the ChatMessageUtils doesn't belong to Web API Utils, so the two arrows from store shouldn't point there, therefore maybe they're okay.
However the connection between the ActionCreators and the Store seems still strange.

The example is a bit forced, and it was created with the purpose of trying to show how waitFor() works. The WebAPI aspect of the example is pretty half-baked and really should be revised.
However, even though MessageStore.getCreatedMessageData(text) passes a value to the store, it's still a getter. It's not setting data on the store. It's really being used as a utility method, and a good revision (pull request?) would be to move that method to a Utils module.
To improve upon the example for the real world, you might do a couple things:
Call the WebAPIUtils from the store, instead of from the ActionCreators. This is fine as long as the response calls another ActionCreator, and is not handled by setting new data directly on the store. The important thing is for new data to originate with an action. It matters more how data enters the system than how data exits the system.
Alternatively, you might want to have separate client-side vs. server-side IDs for the messages. There might be few advantages of this, like managing optimistic renderings. In that case, you might want to generate a client-side id in a Utils module, and pass that id along with the text to both the dispatched action and the WebAPIUtils.
All that said, yes the example needs revision.


Passing values between components: Pass References vs Subjects

tl;dr: Why not pass variables by reference between components to have them work on the same data instead of using e.g. BehaviorSubjects?
I'm writing a sort of diary application in Angular 8. I have two components (Navbar and Dashboard) and a service (EntryService).
Navbar lists the entries, Dashboard provides the textarea, EntryService glues them together and communicates with the database.
While debugging the application I stumbled upon a way to communicate between the service and a component that i haven't thought of before.
By accident I passed a variable (entry: Entry) from the Dashboard by reference to the EntryService. The service saved to the database getting a unique ID back and saving this ID into the entry variable. This change immediately reflected to the Dashboard because of the 'passing by reference'.
Until now I was using Subjects to update the components on changes, but passing references around seems to be much simpler, because I want to work on the same data on both components and the service.
I've studied Angular for a while now and not read about this approach, so I'm wondering if it is a bad idea or design and if yes why?
Thanks for your answers!
Passing by reference can be handy. But as a general approach to keep the application components in sync it has some draw backs. With Subjects you can easily investigate in which places of the application the value of the Subject will be changed by checking where the Subject.next() function is being called. When you pass your object by reference to a hundred components/services it will be much more difficult to find out, which of them modify the object and more importantly when, becaue often you want to trigger other changes afterwards. When you subscribe to Subjects, you get notifications about changes and can react to them. Subjects and Subscribers are an example for an Observer/Observable pattern, it allows you to decouple your application logic. And they are much more flexible, for example you can have a Subject which can return the last x number of changes or you can debounce the changes when you track user input, you can apply filters to them etc.

Redux/sagas: Approach for larger API's

I've worked with Redux/sagas workflows on small projects based off of this real-world example, but the logic of those is not nearly as complex. How should I be approach working with a more comprehensive api (i.e., Reddit's API), without making things overly verbose?
Do I make a const for every endpoint? i.e.,
export const fetchUser = login => callApi(`users/${login}`, userSchema)
Should I be worried about managing the entity cache?
Is there a way how to further reduce complexity/boilerplate (i.e. further grouping request types with get/put/post/delete for the same endpoint)?
Are there any examples out there that deal with bigger/more complex than the real-world?
I think the answer depends on how fluid you want your components to be.
I'm working on a large codebase using sagas, our pages are separated into "types", for example a "list" type, "form" type etc.
We have one saga responsible for fetching content, while each pageComponent when being rendered is responsible for supplying the endpoints.
this allows a very modular approach, to add a component you need to deal with one subsection of your file system.
Our pages are mostly a configuration file that contains all this information, and we use this configuration to render a "generic" component with the correct data.
Saga reusability
I see Sagas as sequential processes, they can be for async fetching data, but they're also useful for anything that needs to be dealt with in sequence.
These "Flows" are sometimes very similar in a codebase, and those are the ones you want to generalize.
Like you said, the most common operations are CRUD for any endpoint, that can be easily grouped together.
Login is extremely different than loadUserList and different things need to happen afterwards, however loadUserList and loadRepoList is extremely similar.
Things that impact reusability
Your ability to control your API's, if you can dictate the shape of the API you consume, you can get away with even more generalizations in front end.
The shape of the application(Front-wise) - are your pages strangely dependent on one another's state? for example it's not uncommon for insurance programs to have forms that link to one another, you can fill the first 3 forms in any order you want, but once all three are complete the 4th unlocks.
Each of these dependancies will normally have their own saga that controls the flow of your use story.
Does your application require syncing? You can easily create sagas that automatically sync data with your different endpoints and update your Redux State, there's much to consider here, including if we decide to interrupt the user with new data(we might want to let him know that the form he's editing has out dated data) - syncs require a distinct saga as there are usually various business rules when to sync what data - if the rules are very different this can force you to create multiple sagas)
Common Sagas that can be unified
UserSagas - login, logout.
FetchData - fetch a single record, or a collection.
DeleteData - Delete a single record, or a collection of IDs
Data Syncing - Updating your local data from a remote periodically.
Regarding the entity cache
Entity cache is just a name they picked, but this goes back the points mentioned before.
Does your application run on stale data, or do you fetch from the server every time your component is loaded?
If the data is only fetched once and you display stale data, you'll store it in a type of cache(that's basically the redux store).
If you show stale data, this is the way to go.

Where to put non-ui logic in react/redux app?

I'm writing a react/redux app that has a Job object that fires Events from time to time. On these Events the user is expected to react. I can easily write the React component that shows such a job or events, but don't know where to put the logic when
the user is not on the Job page
and an Event happens
and I would like to pop up a notification
Of course, once I get access to the store, I can create the notification too.
Shall I handle such logic in a React container that render() nothing?
Or handle it with vanilla JS when I load a Job data?
Or to handle it in the reducer when the data is stored? (probably not recommended)
My problem with the option two is that I don't know how to access the redux store from a totally ad-hoc code, as my store is not a global object.
What do you recommend?
Generally speaking, the two places that you'd put code that needs to access the store (for either dispatching or receiving state updates) is in middleware or a connected component. If you specifically want to respond to an action coming through, then you would need to use middleware.
I actually threw together a sample timer middleware in a chat discussion a few weeks ago. I just pasted it as a gist here as an example: https://gist.github.com/markerikson/ca96a82d6fdb29388aca4052a9455431 . Illustrates the idea of doing something asynchronously in the background.
You may also want to look through the list of middlewares in my Redux addons catalog: https://github.com/markerikson/redux-ecosystem-links/blob/master/middleware.md . Numerous examples of ways to execute background-ish logic.
Finally, https://github.com/yelouafi/redux-saga (which is itself a middleware) is a fairly common lib used to do background-ish logic.

Can I send an AJAX call in React and Redux without action creators and reducers?

I have a few ajax requests that are not directly manipulating my apps state. In a react/redux application is it necessary (or is there any benefit) to dispatch an action for these ajax requests instead of just sending an ajax request directly in the component?
To simplify my scenario, I essentially have a list of objects on my redux state. I am using a form to post a new object to the database, upon successful post I am redirecting to the list page where a GET request is sent and the list is fetched and the state is updated.
The AJAX call to post a new object is not directly manipulating my state.
The team I am working with is going through the full 3 step redux async steps
ex: 'FETCH_REQUESTED', 'FETCH_SUCCESS', 'FETCH_FAIL' along with the respective reducers for all the AJAX requests and it's a big hassle to add more and the reducers don't seem to make sense.
You can absolutely send AJAX calls directly from components!
Redux is a tool for making shared state globally available to multiple components, and changed in predictable way. In any case where you don’t find this necessary, don’t do it.
Keeping AJAX calls in action creators is convenient when different components make the same API requests and then change the state in similar ways. It is also convenient if you want to avoid firing off a request when there is already some cached data available, and you want to keep such checks in a single place rather than scattered across the components.
That said Redux is only concerned with how global state is updated, and if you just need to make an AJAX request from some component, you don’t have to write an action creator or a reducer for it unless you find it convenient.
Generally saying Redux (and Flux) is what you might consider refactoring your code to when you have many complicated components; not what you should start every component with. You can use only the parts of it that you need (e.g. just the synchronous stuff), or even avoid it altogether in some cases (e.g. a collapsible panel doesn’t have to store its state in a store). Only use it when you understand the specific benefits it gives you in a particular situation, never “just in case” or because it is popular.
See also my answer to “How do dispatch a Redux action with a timeout?”
To address your specific example, you might want to use Redux for this if you use the benefits Redux gives you: maybe you dispatch an action to update the form optimistically and display the new list right away, and merge it with the fetched list when it is available so that the interaction appears instantaneous. That is the use case for async action creators. If you’re not looking at this kind of UX complexity, I’m not sure Redux is necessary at all.
Try using below link
It can help you to manage AJAX request state without those verbose actions and reducers.

Global scope for every request in NodeJS Express

I have a basic express server that needs to store some global variables during each request handling.
More in depth, request handling involves many operation that need to be stored in a variable such as global.transaction[]
Of course if I use the global scope, every connection will share information of its transaction and I need a global scope because I need to access the transaction array from many other modules, during my execution.
Any suggestion on this problem? I feel like is something very trivial but I'm looking for complicated solutions :)
Many thanks!
This is a case scenario, to be more clear.
On every request I have 3 modules (ModuleA, ModuleB, ModuleC) which read the content of 10 random files in one directory. I want to keep track of the list of file names read by every request, and send back with res.write the list.
So ModuleA/B/C need to access a sort of global variable but the lists of request_1, request_2, request_3 etc... don't have to mix up.
Here is my suggestion avoid global state like fire.
It's the number one maintenance problem in Node servers from my experience.
It makes your code not composable and harder to reuse.
It creates implicit dependencies in your code - you're never sure which piece depends on which and it's not easy to verify.
You want the parts of code that each piece of an application uses to be as explicit as possible. It's a huge issue.
The issue
We want to synchronize state across multiple requests and act accordingly. This is a very big problem in writing software - some say even the biggest. The importance of the way objects in the application communicate can not be overestimated.
Some solutions
There are several ways to accomplish sharing state across requests or server wide in a Node server. It depends on what you want to do. Here are the two most common imo.
I want to observe what the requests do.
I want one request to do things based on what another request did.
1. I want to observe what the requests do
Again, there are many ways to do this. Here are the two I see most.
Using an event emitter
This way requests emit events. The application reads events the requests fire and learns about them accordingly. The application itself could be an event emitter you can observe from the outside.
You can do something like:
request.emit("Client did something silly", theSillyThing);
And then listen to it from the outside if you choose to.
Using an observer pattern
This is like an event emitter but reversed. You keep a list of dependencies on the request and call a handler method on them yourself when something interesting happens on the request.
Personally, I usually prefer an event emitter because I think they usually solve the case better.
2. I want one request to do things based on what another request did.
This is a lot tricker than just listening. again, there are several approaches here. What they have in common is that we put the sharing in a service
Instead of having global state - each request gets access to a service - for example when you read a file you notify the service and when you want a list of read files - you ask the service. Everything is explicit in the dependency.
The service is not global, only dependencies of it. For example, it can coordinate resources and the data, being some form of Repository).
Nice theory! Now what about my use case?
Here are two options for what I would do in your case. It's far from the only solution.
First option:
Each of the modules are an event emitter, whenever they read a file they emit an event.
A service listens to all their events and keeps count.
Requests have access to that service explicitly and can query it for a list of files.
Requests perform writes through the modules themselves and not the added service.
Second option:
Create a service that owns a copy of module1, module2 and module3. (composition)
The service delegates actions to the modules based on what is required from it.
The service keeps the list of files accessed since the requests were made through it.
The request stops using the modules directly - uses the service instead.
Both these approaches have advantages and disadvantages. A more complicated solution might be required (those two are in practice pretty simple to do) where the services are abstracted further but I think this is a good start.
One simple way is storing data on the request object.
Here is an example (using Express):
app.get('/hello.txt', function(req, res){
req.transaction = req.transaction || [];
if (req.transaction.length) {
// something else has already written to this array
However, I don't really see how you can need this. When you call moduleA or moduleB, you just have to pass an object as argument, and it solves your issue. Maybe you're looking for dependency injection?
using koa ctx.state doc for this scenario, in express I believe this Plugin should serve your needs.
in order to keep some data that will be resused by another request on the save server app, I propose to use session in expresse and avoid any global state or any props drilling from one request to another.
In order to manage session state in express you could use :
session-file-store save the session in a file
express-mongodb-session : save the session in mongoDb
mssql-session-store -> for a relation db
Of course there is another technique ti manage session in NodeJs.

