Detecting eye contact in image in Javascript [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am hoping to develop a way to try to detect if a person is actually looking at the camera in an image (or via a webcam), I realize that any implementation would have low accuracy, but any accuracy at all would be significant. I have found a lot of good examples using the webcam and HTML5.
I've also found some really useful code in this project:
And in this one:
But all of these focus on head movement, and facial recognition. Is there any implementation in any language that has any success in this? Or is it basically impossible right now? If it exists in a different language other than javascript, thats ok, as long as its open source I could see how they have developed an algorithm.

We once created a game which tracks your eyes, here's an working example. The eye tracking is not 100% accurate since it was an 24 hours hackathon project :) and it heavily depends on the environment and the person (in dark environments and people wearing glasses or even with asian people the detection doesn't work properly). I think with some tweaks you could achieve great results with it.
We used jsfeat for the eyetracking since it is more performant than trackingjs.
Here is our project on github if you're interested.


Why do websites try to hide their front-end technoloies? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Recently I started learning web development. I tried to read the HTML and CSS codes of some famous websites in my web browser. But I observed that they intentionally mess everything such as changing the real names of the bootstrap classes, while looking at the design architecture and page layout anyone could guess what kinds of technologies are used.
What would be the possible reasons?
I think it's not about security because any average programmer can still know everything about their front-end technologies if he puts some efforts.
There are multiple reasons.
Some companies, indeed, try to obfuscate some of all of the code to hinder some of the attacks. That is not 100% proof, of course, because a sophisticated actor can still reverse engineer almost any code that's out in the open.
However, most of the times it's simply how modern frontend development is done nowadays. The trend has been moving more and more towards using various build, bundle, code-minification and packaging tools. Like Webpack, for example.
What you see simply is a result of source code being processed packaged for optimal delivery and running in the browser.
The days when we could view web-page source and inspect pure HTML/JS/CSS, as it was written by the original developer, are long gone.

Free Basics Platform( [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Free Basics has a policy that you need to disable Javascript code in your website now I have a desktop version website and I want to register it on Free Basics platform should I responsive the same website and disable or hide the Javascript using some Php scripts or css or I have to make a new responsive website with not even a single line of Javascript code?
help will be much appreciated thanks
I was intrigued and looked at their technical guidelines - did you read those?
You have to have a site that is specifically designed to work on a low-end devices which are not capable (among other things) to run javascript. While you may detect javascript capability, other requirements of this platform are not easily detected, such as the requirement for smaller image sizes etc. After all, the target users for this applications might be in the area where 20 y/o computer on 9kbps modem is considered to be a good machine.
So I'd say that to pass their technical evaluation you will have to create a separate site, that is targeting their needs.

What program does apple uses to create modular javascript files [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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When I looked at the new MacBook website from Apple I saw a nice smooth scrolling effect on the wireless page. I started digging in the JavaScript and found an uncompressed JavaScript file and I was blown away. (
There were so many comments, and you could almost follow what they were thinking when they created this script. I tried to create a JavaScript file like this on my own, but in less than 5 minutes I figured out that it was almost impossible to keep it nice looking and understandable. So my question is: What program does Apple use to create this kind of JavaScript files? It is not a default code editor, but a program that supports built file. There are some good ones out there, but they all have libraries you have to follow, this one is just plain JavaScript and nothing more.
There's no tool to magically make your code look nice.
Apple has a strict code style guide that requires all developers to show discipline when writing code, or their code will be rejected from entering their repo.
It's nothing special really, just proper developer discipline.

New to algorithms, where to begin? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have been struggling as to where to begin learning algorithms because of the insane amount of information out there. I don't have any knowledge on algorithms other than solving a Rubik's cube. I'm wondering what is a good source for a beginner to learn algorithms and if they're useful. I should also mention that the languages I know are PHP, Javascript and MySQL.
Upvote for wanting someting to learn and actually asking.
As #jbarker2160 wrote: Computer-programs are algorithms. If you know MySQLs SQL dialect you might run into the PROCEDURE command. A good example for that.
If you read about Computer history you will soon learn that some early computer programs were nothing else than a series of switch-combinations (on/off) represented by little holes in a paper. Modern programming languages like JavaScript are a high-level abstraction from that "binary" code but deep in their core they still just talk "on" and "off".
Good luck with your programming!

Website Graphics Smooth Transitions [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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So I'm fairly new to PHP, but I have a project I'm working on and I've got a doubt about a specific aspect of web development.
My website has a major requirement, it needs to be very user friendly, and it has a lot of information that will be displayed in graphs (pie charts, column/line graphs).
My question is regarding aesthetics: is it possible to implement a smooth transition like the one microsoft office 2013 uses regarding its graphs?
If you have used ms office 2013, one thing that I noticed was its flow, and I would like to implement that feature in my website when changing values in one graph. Of course I'd much rather have functionality over looks, but if I can have both, it would be great.
This is my fisrt question here and I have searched this subject, but I haven't got any useful tip. Anyhow, if you give me some pointers on this subject (basically if it really is doable or not), I'd really appreciate it.
PHP is a server-side language. In order to change anything DOM related after the page loads, you need to use JavaScript.
jQuery Transit looks okay for what you need. You could also look at RaphaelJS, and D3 is great for graphs. is a charting DSL for D3 that would make it way easier to make charts.

