Page Element only appearing on mobile devices? - javascript

I am building a WordPress website and there is a second navigation box that is only displayed on small mobile devices. I cannot figure out for the life of me how to get rid of it. I am unable to find out what it even is due to a lack of page inspection tools on android. is the website and I use a Samsung Galaxy S3 to get a feel for small mobile devices so if you do any checking I would suggest a similarly sized android phone.
I would love an explanation for why it is there and what causes it to exist.


wix mobile not able to fit javascript embedding on mobile version

i have been having problems in wix mobile website version I have a javascript quoter embedded on the desktop version now how do i make that fit in the mobile dimension? any tips on getting that done is where it is i have resized the first page of the quoter where you put in your information and what not. i had to scale the image and push it out of the box to fit the screen, problem is when second page after that loads its not proportional to the mobile version and it looks like the page being displayed is greater than the mobile screen. Please help me out as i have no coding skills to be able to code my way out of it but I'm open to suggestions. Thank you for whoever takes the time of reading this and give me a suggestion much love god bless.
Hey #exodus seems like you're running into responsive site issues. Normally you could resolve it by developing with mobile-first in mind by setting #media responsive CSS.
I'm not too familiar with Wix, however I did find this Wix documentation here which guides you through having a mobile-friendly view and layout.

CSS overflow on apple devices only bug

I've implemented a mobile version of a website I've used some media queries at 900px for laptop / medium devices, and 768px for phones / small devices.For Apple devices (safari and chrome), the CSS breaks for the detailed job listing page. I find this very strange as it works perfectly in the Chrome Responsive Design tool when selecting all the Apple devices...It occurs on all iPhones I believe (tested iPhone 7 and iPhone XR), though I'm unable to reproduce it on my desktop. I suspect this is because I'm using a specific CSS attribute which doesn't work for the iOS webkit but I'm only using flexbox so I'd expect this to work.
I'm not sure which parts of the CSS to attach, but the React code is not minified and available from the sources tab. The entire App overview is available at /static/js/App.tsx, and the specific module responsible for this page is at /static/js/components/JobDetails.tsx (from the sources tab). Thank you in advance.
Examples of working and not working are attached below:
Apple broken:
Android working as intended:

Preview webpage at mobile device

I am new to html. I'm currently using django to create a website and wondering is there some way that I can preview my website at phone? For instance, if I set my width to be 1000px, how this will behave in a mobile device?
if you are using google chrome, you can inspect the page (CTRL + SHIFT + I ) and then select the device icon in the upper left corner. This option will show you how your website will respond on mobile.
You should build a responsive web application. Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and development should respond to the user’s behaviour and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation.
The practice consists of a mix of flexible grids and layouts, images and an intelligent use of CSS media queries. As the user switches from their laptop to iPad, the website should automatically switch to accommodate for resolution, image size and scripting abilities.
You can use the Google Chrome dev-tools, but I find them woefully inadequate and often inaccurate. They don't render the site I am currently working on very well.
I would recommend using a tool like Ngrok. It can be used to let you host the development environment on your local machine while easily viewing the site on your mobile device.
First of all, I reccomend using frameworks like Bootstrap which make all your components on your page 100% responsive (components adjust to the display size automatically) if you want them to be.
When your testing your website on your browser, right click anywhere and select "inspect". You will be promted a viewing window where you can select the mobile device of your choice to emulatee your website on it.
See image

Galaxy s3 breaks responsive layout

This is the site I'm developing:
This site displays correctly on iPhone, and 4 other android devices I tested but on my galaxy s3 it appears to remove the css class for the logo.
logo doesn't appear on s3
"Welcome to the Syndicate Where Old Jazz Comes Alive Open May 2013" Doesn't appear. The weird thing is. The text is there! just not visible.
(You can copy and paste the text in the mobile browser)
If you scroll to bottom and then scroll up real quick the logo loads for 1 second then disappears.
If I use chrome or firefox on s3 everything looks perfect.
If I use dolphin (with jetpack) it's perfect.
If I use dolphin (without jetpack) same as screenshot.
I realize I need to get into mobile debugging but as of right now everything I saw for mobile debugging was for chrome and firefox which displays the page correctly so doesn't really help.
I would just leave this as a comment but don't have high enough rep yet...
I had trouble with S3 before because of its extremely high resolution in comparison to other phones. I see that you are using 480, 750, 800px to identify devices. Just be aware that the high resolution of that phone 1280 x 720.

Large images on Android with Titanium

I need to display a huge image (at least 2000x2000) on Android with Titanium and let the user scroll around, just like they were using a scroll view on iOS. However, I know Android doesn't support the same kind of scroll view, so I opted to use an ImageView.
I'm unable to display this image properly or at least the way I'd like (without it being blurry when you zoom in) because of memory issues. Has anyone found a way to make large scrollable images work in Titanium on Android without potential memory crashes?
I tried WebView also, but it seemed to resize my image and when you zoomed it was blurry as well. I was hoping Android webview supported SVG, but it looks like they don't on a majority of devices.
This is by far the best answer I've found:
I tried it and it works well with Titanium web views.

