Browse local image folder from an HTML page - javascript

I'm writing an esay live blogging app.
I have a form in the backend and I can upload to the server text messages or images.
At this moment everything is working with a simple file upload field, but I want to speed up the process so:
1) reflex camera attached via USB that save images in a local folder on my mac
2) a "preview" of the folder in the backend, updating live while I shoot picture
3) when I select a shot I will upload to the server (this is not difficult).
I cannot find the right plugin to "watch" and interact a local directory. Any idea?


Can't locate on device's local storage nativescript file-system generated directory

I'm creating an audio file and it seems working fine because the indicator that it records and audio shows no error. But after the app generates the directory, I can't locate it on local storage.
I am using this code
var audioFolder = fs.knownFolders.currentApp().getFolder("audio");
This code shows
enter image description here
This what I get when I tried to locate it on local storage
enter image description here
Current app directory is something that is only visible to your app, so you will not be able to locate it with any file manager apps.
If you like other apps to access those audio files, be visible in any file manager apps, then use external storage directory.

FineUpload - deleting local copy of uploaded image

I'm using fineupload S3 in an angular mobile web application to handle the capture and upload of images from the device camera.
I have a requirement to make sure that the captured images are not displayed in the device gallery and not stored on the device. (image and video)
The deleteFile function of fineupload doesn't appear to handle this task and it instead looks like its designed to delete the uploaded file from the server.
So i'm looking for a solution to either prevent the device from storing the captured images in the first place or to delete the files once they've been uploaded.
As far as I know the browser (either mobile or desktop) does not have the privileges to manipulate the file system. If your using cordova/phonegap you should try removing the photo with the file system API provided by them.

Guacamole VNC File Transfer

I am using Guacamole HTML5 clientless VNC viewer. I am trying to upload a file via Guacamole over VNC. Is this possible?
I looked at the application's homepage and this function seems possible. There is an event called onfile in guacamole.all.js, but there isn't a code sample to replicate this functionality.
How do I upload a file via Guacamole over VNC?
Guacamole uses SFTP to transfer files back and forward to the computer, so it doesn't transfer files over the VNC connection like TightVNC can. This means that you will have to setup an SFTP server on the computer running the VNC-server to be able to transfer files to the computer. If you have done that, you will have to provide the SFTP server details in your connection details page.
Once everything is setup properly you can start uploading and downloading files. For uploading you need to set a "standard uploading directory" in your connection properties. To upload something to that directory simply drag a file and drop it in the view screen in your browser. A little dialog with the upload process will appear and the file will be transferred to the remote computer!
For downloading open the guacamole menu while viewing your remote computer by pressing ctrl+alt+shift. If everything is setup properly you will see a device which you can browse and select the files you want to download. Good luck with this.
P.S. If the VNC-server is running on a windows machine, look at freeFTPd. It's a free lightweight program that can be setup to start at windows startup. Perfect solution for using with guacamole. If you are running linux it shouldn't be too hard to find an sftp server.

Upload file from directoy path

I'm trying to upload a file on an android phone using HTML5 and Javascript. Everything works perfectly except the phone asks the user to select an app to find the file. Is there a way to skip the app selection, and force the user to select a file from the Chrome Downloads directory?
Additional Info: I am able to skip the app selection when the user downloads the file by using "data:application/octet-stream;Content-Disposition:attachment". Is there something similar for uploading a file?

JavaScript Drag drop documents/files

Is it possible to drag and drop files (not images and not links to files) from one browser window into a droppable file uploader?
I.E. I know you can drag from your desktop to the browser, but how about between browser windows or even between tabs?
My website's backend generates PDF documents, and it'd be great if they could be dragged straight into gmail attachment drop box from the icon in my backend instead of downloading them then uploading them, lol.
Just not sure how to do it or if its possible... Any ideas?
I don't think you can drag files that haven't been downloaded to the client. Files are usually stored on a server and linked to from the browser...images however are downloaded so the client machine has the file at hand to use.
Your file uploader could "on drop" do a web request for the file?

