Catch JavaScript errors from compressed files - javascript

I catch JS errors by subscribing to window.onerror event, so if someone catches 'undefined variable' error, I send it to server for debugging purposes.
As you know this event return 'message of error', 'url' and 'line' where error occurred.
The problem are in compressed files.
If file is compressed, all the code goes in one line and it's big problem to determine the exact place of error.
Is there any solution for this problem?

JavaScript compressors usually do two things:
Remove all unneccessary white-space (“unneccessary” in terms of syntactical validaty).
shorten variable names, if possible. This applies to local variables, i.e. those which are not in the global scope or members of an object.
There are some other optimizations, such as function inlining, but these are usually not so problematic.
As for the first point, you can run the code through one of the many JavaScript source formatters. This should give you a pretty readable JavaScript file.
As for the second point, the obfuscation is usually not reversible. If “speaking” variable names like width, height or whatever have been changed to a or b, you cannot know what they were meant to express in the first place.
If this problem applies to an open source product, you can usually download the sources and try to reconstruct the problem with them.
If it's closed source, and only “beautifying” the code doesn't help, you have to write a bug report to the vendor.

No. There is no way to "unminify" a JavaScript include for the purposes of error logging.
Your best bet is probably to log the Error Type in the hope that this will help you debug the problem.
If you really want to get to the specific line number you would have to remove the minimization and rely on browser caching to attain performance.

I think you could use source maps...
Its a file that can be generated when minifying, and can be used to map the line/character of the minified file to the original source.

The best answer regarding this question I found here
Malyw suggests yo use Uglify with max-line-len option and sourcemaps.
That's probably the best solution to identify exact place in code


Telling if a requested file is Javascript

I have a program that logs every GET/POST request made by a website during the page load process. I want to go through these requests one by one, execute them, and then determine if the file that was returned is a Javascript. Given that it won't have a .js ending (because of scripts like this, yanked from a minute ago), how can I parse the file gotten from the request and identify if it is a Javascript file?
It is better to get a false positive than a false negative. That is, I would rather have some non-JS included in the JS-list than cut some real JS from the list.
The javascript link that you referred does not have a content type, nor does it have the js extension.
Any text file can be considered javascript if it can get executed which can make detection from scratch very difficult. There are two methods that come to mind.
Run a linter on the file contents. If the error is a syntax error or a Parsing error, it is not javascript. If there are no syntax error or parsing error, it should be considered javascript
Parse the AST (Abstract syntax tree) for the file contents. A javascript file would parse without errors. There should be a number of AST libraries available. I haven't worked with JS AST, so can't recommend any one of them but a quick search should give you some options.
I am not sure but probably a linter would also run AST before doing syntax checks. In this case, running AST seems like a lighter option.
The easiest way would be to check if there was anything identifying javascript files by their URI, because the alternatives are a lot heavier. But since you said this isn't an option, you can always check the syntax of the contents of each file using some heuristic tool. You can also check the response headers for its content-type.

Get code of specific line in Javascript file

When catching an error, I want to get with the stack trace the actual code of the line that triggered the error.
Given that I have the path to the file and the line number throwing the error, what's the best way to also get the actual code of that line?
Beyond the obvious of "looking it up in the file", there are a few things you can do to get it automatically. Checkout the Tracekit project on GitHub. For errors it captures, it will do an AJAX request for the script and find the relevant lines in the text.
Alternatively, if you're looking for a way to handle this automatically, you should consider a service like TrackJS that will capture all the relevant scripts and apply sourcemaps for you. I am one of the original developers and I've used it on many projects to fix bugs ridiculously fast :)

JSCOMPILER_PRESERVE after compiling javascript with KJSCompiler

After compiling my JavaScript source with KJSCompiler ( I get this weird function wrapped around my code. If I try to include it in my live source code I get this error in the console "Uncaught ReferenceError: JSCOMPILER_PRESERVE is not defined ".
I thought that this problem occurred because I didn't add the "wrapper" in the JSON file of kjscompiler. After trying that it still occurs.
Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?
I came across this when using Closure Compiler directly via the Java API.
It seems to be caused by running the compiler in checks-only mode but with protect hidden side effects enabled. The late pass to remove protection of hidden side effects is skipped in checks-only mode.
I'm not sure about KJSCompiler specifically, but it might help to look at changing the compilation level to SIMPLE or ADVANCED, and/or how you might be able to control what checks and optimisations run to KJSCompiler, e.g. turning off CompilerOptions.protectHiddenSideEffects.
In addition to Steve S's answer:
set protectHiddenSideEffects after setting optimization level, as options.setProtectHiddenSideEffects(false); didn't work for me for GCC version v20180204 if I set it before setting CompilationLevel.
//To remove JSCOMPILER_PRESERVE error:

How to run jslint on the client?

For testing purposes, obviously not for production. What is the best way to do this?
Googling I found this tutorial, and of course the project on github.
For starters which files do I need to run:
// removed
and is there an API reference. I see there is a large comment block in jslint.js that seems to server this purpose but was wondering if there is something easier to read.
Because the client has no file access, I was planning on ajaxing the code in to get its contents.
Please never the mind, on why I want to do this on the client.
If you include the JSLint script you will have access to a single global variable, JSLINT. You can invoke it with a string and an optional map of options:
var valid = JSLINT(code, options);
The result will be true or false, depending on whether the code passed the check based on the provided options.
After this call you can inspect the JSLINT.errors property for an array of warnings, if any.
This is precisely what I have done to build JSLint integration into the editor in the articles on
Have you looked at ? Source is available here:
The browser bundle is available here: and the docs describe how to call it (

Is it possible to compile WebDriverJS without minimizing the code by Google Closure Compiler?

I need to modify WebDriverJS for my purposes. The compiled source is giving me a hard time debugging, though. Describing function names and comments would help me out big time! So I was wondering whether it is possible to compile WebDriverJS without minimizing it's content.
The build.desc for the JavaScript compilation is using js_binary which is using Google Closure Compiler. Anyone of you know how to compile it and preserve functionnames and comments? This would rather be a merge of all sources then a compilation.
Thanks to Chads Post in "Potential differences between compiled and uncompiled Javascript" I've taken a deeper look at the flags of closure compiler.
--compilation_level=WHITESPACE_ONLY preserves function and variable names
--formatting=PRETTY_PRINT doesn't remove linebreaks
--formatting=PRINT_INPUT_DELIMETER gives me a better overview in which file to search for the source
Unfortunately I still couldn't figure out how to save the comments, but thats just a small problem since I can look them up in the source code.
Seems like the compilation_level doesn't remove the goog.required-calls. I've got to remove them somehow, because the script doesn't work with them.
Update 2:
I've removed all goog.require($mod) and goog.provide($mod) calls and defined Objects where needed (typically to find right after the // Input $int comments). It's working now.

