How to run jslint on the client? - javascript

For testing purposes, obviously not for production. What is the best way to do this?
Googling I found this tutorial, and of course the project on github.
For starters which files do I need to run:
// removed
and is there an API reference. I see there is a large comment block in jslint.js that seems to server this purpose but was wondering if there is something easier to read.
Because the client has no file access, I was planning on ajaxing the code in to get its contents.
Please never the mind, on why I want to do this on the client.

If you include the JSLint script you will have access to a single global variable, JSLINT. You can invoke it with a string and an optional map of options:
var valid = JSLINT(code, options);
The result will be true or false, depending on whether the code passed the check based on the provided options.
After this call you can inspect the JSLINT.errors property for an array of warnings, if any.
This is precisely what I have done to build JSLint integration into the editor in the articles on

Have you looked at ? Source is available here:
The browser bundle is available here: and the docs describe how to call it (


Can't set values on `process.env` in client-side Javascript

I have a system (it happens to be Gatsby, but I don't believe that's relevant to this question) which is using webpack DefinePlugin to attach some EnvironmentVariables to the global variable: process.env
I can read this just fine.
Unfortunatley, due to weirdnesses in the app startup proces, I need have chosen to do some brief overwritting of those EnvironmentVariables after the site loads. (Not interested in discussing whether that's the best option, in the context of this question. I know there are other options; I want to know whether this is possible)
But it doesn't work :(
If I try to do it explicitly:
process.env.myVar = 'foo';
Then I get ReferenceError: invalid assignment left-hand side.
If I do it by indexer (which appears to be what dotenv does) then it doesn't error, but also doesn't work:
process.env['myVar'] = 'foo';
will log undefined twice.
What am I doing wrong, and how do I fix this?
The premise behind this attempted solution was flawed.
I was under the impression that webpack "made process.env.* available as an object in the browser".
It doesn't!
What it actually does is to transpile you code down into literals wherever you reference process.env. So what looks like fetch(process.env.MY_URL_VAR); isn't in fact referencing a variable, it's actually being transpiled down into fetch("") at compile time.
That means that it's conceptually impossible to modify the values on the "process.env object", because there is not in fact an actual object, in the transpiled javascript.
This explains why the direct assignment gives a ref error (you tried to execute "someString" = "someOtherString";) but the indexer doesn't. (I assume that process.env gets compiled into some different literal, which technically supports an indexed setter)
The only solutions available would be to modify the webpack build process (not an option, though I will shortly raise a PR to make it possible :) ), use a different process for getting the Env.Vars into the frontEnd (sub-optimal for various other reasons) or to hack around with various bits of environment control that Gatsby provides to make it all kinda-sorta work (distasteful for yet other reasons).

Is there a way to tell Google Closure Compiler to *NOT* inline my local functions?

Here's what I'm looking for:
I want to use the wonderful features of SIMPLE mode minification while disabling just one specific feature (disable local function inline).
UPDATE: The answer is NO, it's not possible given my setup. But for me there is a workaround given I am using Grails.
As #Chad has explained below, "This violates core assumptions of the compiler". See my UPDATE3 below for more info.
I'm using CompilationLevel.SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS which does everything I want, except that it's inlining my local functions.
Is there any way around this? For example, is there a setting I can place in my JS files to tell Google Closure not to inline my local functions?
It would be cool to have some directives at the top of my javascript file such as:
// This is a JS comment...
// google.closure.compiler = [inlineLocalFunctions: false]
I'm developing a Grails app and using the Grails asset-pipeline plugin, which uses Google Closure Compiler (hereafter, Compiler). The plugin supports the different minification levels that Compiler supports via the Grails config grails.assets.minifyOptions. This allows for 'SIMPLE', 'ADVANCED', 'WHITESPACE_ONLY'.
AssetCompiler.groovy (asset-pipeline plugin) calls ClosureCompilerProcessor.process()
That eventually assigns SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS on the CompilerOptions object. And by doing so, CompilerOptions.inlineLocalFunctions = true as a byproduct (this is hard coded behavior in Compiler). If I were to use WHITESPACE_ONLY the result would be inlineLocalFunctions=false.
So by using Asset Pipeline's 'SIMPLE' setting, local functions are being inlined and that is causing me trouble. Example: ExtJS ext-all-debug.js which uses lots of local functions.
SO post Is it possible to make Google Closure compiler *not* inline certain functions? provides some help. I can use its window['dontBlowMeAway'] = dontBlowMeAway trick to keep my functions from inlining. However I have LOTS of functions and I'm not about to manually do this for each one; nor would I want to write a script to do it for me. Creating a JS model and trying to identity local functions doesn't sound safe, fun nor fast.
The previous SO post directs the reader to, where the window['bla'] trick is explained, and it works.
Wow thanks for reading this long.
Help? :-)
Okay. While spending all the effort in writing this question, I may have a trick that could work. Grails uses Groovy. Groovy makes method call interception easy using its MetaClass API.
I'm going to try intercepting the call to:
List<T1> externs, List<T2> inputs, CompilerOptions options)
My intercepting method will look like:
// Then delegate call to the real compile() method
It's bed time so I'll have to try this later. Even so, it would be nice to solve this without a hack.
The response in a similar post (Is it possible to make Google Closure compiler *not* inline certain functions?) doesn't resolve my problem because of the large quantity of functions I need inlined. I've already explained this point.
Take the ExtJS file I cited above as an example of why the above similar SO post doesn't resolve my problem. Look at the raw code for ext-all-debug.js. Find the byAttribute() function. Then keep looking for the string "byAttribute" and you'll see that it is part of strings that are being defined. I am not familiar with this code, but I'm supposing that these string-based values of byAttribute are later being passed to JS's eval() function for execution. Compiler does not alter these values of byAttribute when it's part of a string. Once function byAttribute is inlined, attempts to call the function is no longer possible.
UPDATE3: I attempted two strategies to resolve this problem and both proved unsuccessful. However, I successfully implemented a workaround. My failed attempts:
Use Groovy method interception (Meta Object Protocol, aka MOP) to intercept
Fork the closure-compiler.jar (make my own custom copy) and modify by setting options.setInlineFunctions(Reach.NONE); instead of LOCAL.
Method interception doesn't work because Compiler.compile() is a Java class which is invoked by a Groovy class marked as #CompileStatic. That means Groovy's MOP is not used when process() calls Google's Compiler.compile(). Even ClosureCompilerProcessor.translateMinifyOptions() (Groovy code) can't be intercepted because the class is #CompileStatic. The only method that can be intercepted is ClosureCompilerProcessor.process().
Forking Google's closure-compiler.jar was my last ugly resort. But just like #Chad said below, simply inserting options.setInlineFunctions(Reach.NONE) in the right place didn't resurrect my inline JS functions names. I tried toggling other options such as setRemoveDeadCode=false to no avail. I realized what Chad said was right. I would end up flipping settings around and probably destroying how the minification works.
My solution: I pre-compressed ext-all-debug.js with UglifyJS and added them to my project. I could have named the files ext-all-debug.min.js to do it more cleanly but I didn't. Below are the settings I placed in my Grails Config.groovy:
grails.assets.minifyOptions = [
grails.assets.minifyOptions.excludes = [
Done. Problem solved.
Keywords: minify, minification, uglify, UglifyJS, UglifyJS2
In this case, you would either need to make a custom build of the compiler or use the Java API.
However - disabling inlining is not enough to make this safe. Renaming and dead code elimination will also cause problems. This violates core assumptions of the compiler. This local function is ONLY referenced from within strings.
This code is only safe for the WHITESPACE_ONLY mode of the compiler.
Use the function constructor
var fnc = new Function("param1", "param2", "alert(param1+param2);");
Closure will leave the String literals alone.

Catch JavaScript errors from compressed files

I catch JS errors by subscribing to window.onerror event, so if someone catches 'undefined variable' error, I send it to server for debugging purposes.
As you know this event return 'message of error', 'url' and 'line' where error occurred.
The problem are in compressed files.
If file is compressed, all the code goes in one line and it's big problem to determine the exact place of error.
Is there any solution for this problem?
JavaScript compressors usually do two things:
Remove all unneccessary white-space (“unneccessary” in terms of syntactical validaty).
shorten variable names, if possible. This applies to local variables, i.e. those which are not in the global scope or members of an object.
There are some other optimizations, such as function inlining, but these are usually not so problematic.
As for the first point, you can run the code through one of the many JavaScript source formatters. This should give you a pretty readable JavaScript file.
As for the second point, the obfuscation is usually not reversible. If “speaking” variable names like width, height or whatever have been changed to a or b, you cannot know what they were meant to express in the first place.
If this problem applies to an open source product, you can usually download the sources and try to reconstruct the problem with them.
If it's closed source, and only “beautifying” the code doesn't help, you have to write a bug report to the vendor.
No. There is no way to "unminify" a JavaScript include for the purposes of error logging.
Your best bet is probably to log the Error Type in the hope that this will help you debug the problem.
If you really want to get to the specific line number you would have to remove the minimization and rely on browser caching to attain performance.
I think you could use source maps...
Its a file that can be generated when minifying, and can be used to map the line/character of the minified file to the original source.
The best answer regarding this question I found here
Malyw suggests yo use Uglify with max-line-len option and sourcemaps.
That's probably the best solution to identify exact place in code

Make source maps refer to original files on remote machine

Using Google Closure Compiler to minify a bunch of javascripts. Now I'd like to also add source maps to those to debug out in the wild.
Thing is, I want to keep the original (and preferrably also the map files) on a completely different place, like another server. I've been looking for a solution to this, and found out about the sourceRoot parameter. But it seems as it's not supported?
Also found this --source_map_location_mapping parameter, but no documentation whatsoever. Seems as it wants a pipe-delimited argument (filesystem-path|webserver-path). Tried a couple of different approaches to this, like local filename|remote url but without prevail. That just gives me No such file or directory and java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
Has anyone succeeded to place the minified/mapped source files on a remote machine?
Or does anyone know of any documentation for --source_map_location_mapping?
Luckily Google Closure Compiler's source code is available publicly
REM --source_map_location_mapping is case SENSITIVE !
REM need extra escaped double quote --source_map_location_mapping="\"C:/tools/closure/^|httpsa://bla/\"" as per
java -jar compiler.jar --compilation_level=SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS --create_source_map=C:\tools\closure\latest\ --output_wrapper "%output%//#" --js=C:\tools\closure\mapslayer.js --js_output_file=maplayer.min.js --source_map_location_mapping="\"C:/tools/closure/^|httpsa://bla/\""
The flag should be formatted like so:
The flag should be repeated if you need multiple locations:
--source_map_location_mapping=foo/|http://bar --source_map_location_mapping=xxx/|http://yyy
But what I expect that you are running into is that the "|" might be interpreted by your command shell. For example:
echo --source_map_location_mapping=foo/|http://bar
-bash: http://bar: No such file or directory
(The choice to use "|" was unfortunate). Make sure it is escaped appropriately. like:
I submitted a pull request to report an error for badly formatted flag values:
which will at least you know that your flag value is incorrect (so you won't see the out of bounds exception).
John is correct functionality-wise, but I think I can clear it up a bit (as this was super confusing for me to get working).
I suspect many people have the same issue as I:
source map urls are generated relative to your current directory
they don't necessarily match up to relative urls on your website/server
Even if they did match up directly, the strangely-defined pseudo-spec found here means that Chrome/Firefox are going to try to load your paths relative to your sourcemap. i.e. the browser loads /assets/sourcemaps/, sees assets/js/main.js, and loads /assets/sourcemap/assets/js/main.js (yay). (Or it might be relative to the original js file actually, I just happened to have them in the same directory).
Let's use the above example. Say we have assets/js/main.js in our sourcemap, and want to make sure that loads To do this, you'd pass the option:
Like John mentioned, quotes are important, and repeat the arg multiple times for multiple options. The prefixed / will let Firefox/Chrome know you want it relative to your website root. (If you're doing this in something like grunt-closure-tools you'll need to escape more:
This way, we can essentially map any given sourcemap path to any given website path. It's not really a perfect replacement for some sort of closure source root, but it does let you map each section of your sources individually to their own roots, so it's not that bad a compromise, and does give some additional flexibility (i.e. you could specify some cdn paths for some of your assets but not for other).
An additional thing you might find helpful, you can automatically add the sourceMappingURL via an output_wrapper. (Though, if you want the ability to debug in production, you should probably prefer some ability to make the server return X-Sourcemap: headers instead, inaccessible by the public)
--output_wrapper="(function(){%output%}).call(this); //# sourceMappingURL=/assets/js/"

Is it possible to compile WebDriverJS without minimizing the code by Google Closure Compiler?

I need to modify WebDriverJS for my purposes. The compiled source is giving me a hard time debugging, though. Describing function names and comments would help me out big time! So I was wondering whether it is possible to compile WebDriverJS without minimizing it's content.
The build.desc for the JavaScript compilation is using js_binary which is using Google Closure Compiler. Anyone of you know how to compile it and preserve functionnames and comments? This would rather be a merge of all sources then a compilation.
Thanks to Chads Post in "Potential differences between compiled and uncompiled Javascript" I've taken a deeper look at the flags of closure compiler.
--compilation_level=WHITESPACE_ONLY preserves function and variable names
--formatting=PRETTY_PRINT doesn't remove linebreaks
--formatting=PRINT_INPUT_DELIMETER gives me a better overview in which file to search for the source
Unfortunately I still couldn't figure out how to save the comments, but thats just a small problem since I can look them up in the source code.
Seems like the compilation_level doesn't remove the goog.required-calls. I've got to remove them somehow, because the script doesn't work with them.
Update 2:
I've removed all goog.require($mod) and goog.provide($mod) calls and defined Objects where needed (typically to find right after the // Input $int comments). It's working now.

