Javascript: How to display next array value on button click - javascript

I am trying to write a code in javascript/jquery and html which I thought would be fairly simple, but turns out to be quite challenging (to me). I have a program which computes the first x numbers of the fibonacci sequence, and stores it in an array. What I am trying to do is make two buttons that will display the next or previous number in the sequence. This is what I have so far.
var all = new Array();
fib = function (numMax) {
for (i = 0, j = 1, k = 0; k < numMax; i = j, j = x, k++) {
x = i + j;
//window.document.write(x + " ");
all[k] = x;
fibon = function () {
getElementById("mynum").innerHTML = "all[+1]";
<input type="text" id="mynum">
<button onclick="fibon();">Next</button>

You need a variable that contains the current index, and then increment it each time you click.
fibindex = 0;
function fibon() {
if (fibindex >= all.count) {
document.getElementById("mynum").value = "We've run out of Fibonacci numbers";
} else {
document.getElementById("mynum").value = all[fibindex];
Also, notice that you should not put quotes around a use of a variable. Add you use .value to fill in an input, not .innerHTML.


Adding splitted values in loops

I suggest u look at this picture, and then u look at the code I have written:
function addNumbers() {
var splitted = document.getElementById("listInput").value.split(" ");
for(i = 0; i <= splitted.length; i+=1) {
document.getElementById("resultNumberTotal").value = splitted[i];
I am taking the value from the box which says "Enter list of numbers and/or words" and I am splitting it. I split it so I have all the numbers like this "1 2 3" and so I can add them. I use the for loop for that. The for loop goes through every number and then it adds it. But when I press the button, it shows me undefined.
Why am I getting undefined?
function addNumbers() {
var splitted = document.getElementById("listInput").value.split(" ");
//make sure that the values are in a number format
document.getElementById("resultNumberTotal").value = splitted.reduce(function(a, b) {return Number(a) + Number(b);}, 0)
for the best practice make sure that allow number only for the input fields :) good luck
You need to somehow add the numbers up, either using the += operator, or by using something like .reduce() as I have done below.
function addNumbers() {
var val = document.getElementById("listInput").value;
document.getElementById("resultNumberTotal").value = val.split(" ").reduce(function(runningTotal, currentArrayElement) {
// make sure the value they typed is a number
// if not, fail gracefully and simply ignore it
if (!isNaN(Number(currentArrayElement))) {
// if it is a number, add it to the running total
runningTotal+= Number(currentArrayElement);
return runningTotal; // return the running total
}, 0); // start with 0 as the initial value for runningTotal
<input type="text" id="listInput" placeholder="insert values here..." style="width: 300px;" />
<button onclick="addNumbers()">Add Numbers</button>
Number Total: <input id="resultNumberTotal"/>
You are getting undefined, because you are displaying the value of the last element of the array and not doing the Sum as you mentioned in the question.
Following code always overrides the value of resultNumberTotal by the value of splitted[i]. Since, your for loop iterates for i <= splitted.length it reaches the index which doesn't exist in the array, when you get a property which doesn't exist on an object, you get undefined
for(i = 0; i < splitted.length; i+=1) {
document.getElementById("resultNumberTotal").value = splitted[i];
So, for doing the sum, you need to make the code like
function addNumbers() {
var splitted = document.getElementById("listInput").value.split(" ");
var total = 0;
for(i = 0; i < splitted.length; i++) {
var numberValue = +splitted[i];
total = total + numberValue ;
document.getElementById("resultNumberTotal").value = total;

Printing in Javascript

i have a question that seems basic but i can't seem to figure it out.
Write a program that takes the value of a variable called “input” (declared as any whole number at the top of your program) and outputs a square made of asterisks () as large as the number (input). For example, if the “input” is declared with the value 5, your program would display a square made of 25 asterisks() – ie ; 5 asterisks () high, by 5 asterisks () long.
The code i've come up with so far is below. I don't really understand how to make a string continuously print. If i did star = i then it turns into numbers and will print the numbers. So how do i make it so they connect? I also can't figure out where i should put the new line. console.log(star "\n"); gives me an error. Please help :)
var input = 2;
var star = "*";
var i = 0;
do {
} while (i < input);
You can use String.repeat() (ES6 only) along with \r\n to add new line
var input = 5,
star = "*",
str = [],
i = 0;
do {
str.push( Array(input).join(star) ); // use array(length).join
} while (i < input);
str = str.join("\r\n"); // add breaklines
console.log Will output a single line to the console containing whatever you pass it as an argument. You are trying to print a line of n asterisks n times.
The first step you should take is constructing the string of asterisks. You can concatenate a string to another with the + operator:
var input = 2;
var star = "*";
var line = "";
for(var i = 0; i < input; i++) {
line = line + star;
Once you have constructed line you can then print it n times:
for(var i = 0; i < input; i++) {
Hint: You could create an empty array and then create a loop ending at your wanted number of asterisks after which you will join all the members of the array together. (Writing the code here wouldn't help you much since you mentioned it's an homework).
You could approach this in two ways. If we call your input value n, then we can log either n strings each consisting of n stars, or we can log a single string, containing (n * n) stars, with line breaks after every nth star.
Below is an example of a function that could do this task.
function stars (input) {
var output = ''
for (var i = 0; i < input; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < input; j++) {
output += '*'
output += '\n'
return output
You can use the repeat-function to print a character multiple times.
var input = 2;
var star = "*";
var i = 0;
while(i++ < input){
This repeats the * character input times in input lines.

Multiplication table in JavaScript returns undefined with multiplication number WHY?

Script part:
function makeTable() {
var num = document.getElementById('Numb').value;
var myPara = document.getElementById('para');
var tb = new Array();
for (var i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
var result = num * i;
tb[i] = tb[i] + "<br>";
tb = tb.join("");
myPara.innerHTML = tb;
HTML part
<input type = "number" value = "" id = "Numb" placeholder = "TABLE NUMBER">
<input type = "button" value = "Give me Table" onClick = "makeTable()">
<p align = "center" name = "myownpara" id = "para"> </p>
When I run this code it returns undefined with first element of array
Arrays start at 0, not 1. Change it to var i= 0 in your 'for' loop and add the line if(i==0) continue; right after starting your for loop to skip over 0.
Actually, another problem is your array. It might be best to initialise your 0th element because you are looking at it later. Change new Array() to new Array(""): To already add a 0th element so you dont have to when you use my aforementioned continue statement.
Update, refinement
I refined your code below. I don't know why you are using an array, as you want to output a string anyway. So Just add it to the string for every element as it reduces the amount of things you need to do. The below will work. I also removed you 'myPara' as you only use it once anyway, so theres no point in saving it.
Also note that in this case we don't need to start at 0 as we don't have an array to add to.
function makeTable() {
var num = document.getElementById('Numb').value;
// lets use a string since thats what you want in the end and its easier.
var tb = "";
for (var i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
// add it to the string. I reduced the number of steps as its so simple
// You don't need to save stuff in vars for this thing.
tb += (num * i) + "<br>";
document.getElementById('para') = tb;

Text Analysis webpage does not work

For a homework assignment, I have to make a web page that has a text area. The user inputs some text, hits the analyse button, and the output is supposed to be a list of the frequency of words of a given number of characters. For example, "one two three" would be two words of three characters and one word of five characters. The text area works fine, but I can"t seem to get the output to appear.
Here is the html:
<textarea id="text" rows="26" cols="80"></textarea>
<input type="button" id="analyse" value="Analyse Text">
<div id="output"></div>
The JavaScript file has 6 functions. The first function returns an array that stores the number of characters for each word in the input textarea:
function getWordInfo() {
var text = document.getElementById("text").value;
//the variable wordArray uses a regular expression to parse the input
var wordArray = text.split("/\w\w+/g");
var arrayLength = wordArray.length;
var charArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
var splitWord = wordArray[i].split("");
var wordLength = splitWord.length;
return charArray;
The second function is a simple object constructor that has a name property and a count property. The count property has a default value of 0.
function obCon(name,count) { //object constructor = name;
this.count = count;
count = typeof count !== "undefined" ? count : 0;
The third function returns an array that stores word objects. Each object has a name property and a count property. The name property is the number of characters in a word. The count property counts how many times an object with a given name property appears.
function arCon() { //array constructor
var charNum = getWordInfo();
var arrayLength = charNum.length;
var obArr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
if (typeof obArr.indexOf( === charNum[i] ) != "undefined" ) { // checks if the object needed exists
obArr.indexOf( === charNum[i] ).count = obArr.indexOf( === charNum[i] ).count + 1;
var newOb = new obCon(charNum[i]);
newOb.count = newOb.count + 1;
return obArr;
The fourth function is a string formatter, meant format the objects from arCon into a single readable string, then store it in an array.
function formatter() {
var strAr = arCon();
var arrayLength = strAr.length;
var formatStr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
var str = "Number of characters: " + strAr[i].name + ", Number of words with this length: " + strAr[i].count;
return formatStr;
The fifth function is called for an event handler, meant to handle the click of the analyse button. On click, it is meant to get the div tag, get the formatted array, then loop though each element in the array, where it creates a p element element, pulls the formatted string, sets the p element value to the formatted string, then appends the p element to the div tag.
function analyseButtonClick() {
var div = document.getElementById("output");
var str = formatter();
var arrayLength = str.length;
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
var par = document.createElement("p");
var format = str[i];
par.value = format;
The sixth function is an init function that handles the button click.
function init() {
var button = document.getElementById("analyse");
button.onclick = analyseButtonClick;
window.onload = init;
I have run this though a validator, and it shows me that there are no syntax errors, so it must be a logic error. However, all the functions seem to do what they are supposed to do, so I am not sure where I went wrong.
edit1: ok, have replaced the third function with four new functions. a function that returns the highest number in the array returned by getWordInfo, a function that constructs objects with name properties from 2 up to that number, a function that update the count properties of the objects, and a function that removes unused objects. here they are:
function maxNum() {
var array = getWordInfo();
var num = Math.max.apply(Math, array);
return num;
function objArrCon() { //object array constructor
var num = maxNum();
var array1 = [];
for (var i = 2; i === num; i++) {
var myObj = new objCon(i,0);
return array1;
function objArrParse() { //updates the object with word info
var array1 = getWordInfo();
var array2 = objArrCon();
var loopLength1 = array1.length;
var loopLength2 = array2.length;
for (var i = 0; i < loopLength1; i++) {
for (var m = 0; m < loopLength2; m++) {
if (array2[m].name === array1[i]) {
return array2;
function objArrTrun() { //removes unused objects
var array1 = objArrParse();
var loopLength = array1.length;
for (var i = 0;i < loopLength; i++) {
if (array1[i].count === 0) {
array.splice(i, array1);
return array1;
still does not work, but im getting there!
I have written this in jQuery because 1) it's not my homework assignment and 2) it would be good practice (for you) to translate it back into normal JavaScript. You'll need to rewrite the event handler, along with the two getters/setters ($("text area").val() and $("tbody").append()).
Your main problem is that you have made your solution too complicated! If all you want to do is display the number, Y, of words with length, X, then you should do the following:
Grab the value of the text area and store in text
Remove all non-alphanumeric characters.
Split the text string wherever one or more spaces is present and store it in text
Loop through the array and map each array element, based on its length, to wordMap
Loop through wordMap and append it to wherever in the DOM you want the results to be
$("#analyze").click(function () {
var text = $("textarea").val().replace(/[^\d\w ]+/g," ").split(/[ ]+/);
// this grabs the value of the text area, replaces all non-numerical
// and non-alphabetical characters with "", and then splits it into an array
// wherever one or more spaces is present.
var wordMap = {};
// makes an object that will be used as an associative array
text.forEach(function (d) {
// loops through the array
// if there is no key called d.length in wordMap
if (!wordMap[d.length])
wordMap[d.length] = 1; // set its count to one
wordMap[d.length]++; //otherwise, increment it
// loop through all the properties of wordMap
for (var x in wordMap) {
$("tbody").append("<tr><td>" + x + "</td><td>"
+ wordMap[x] + "</td></tr");
<textarea placeholder="type something..."></textarea>
<button id="analyze">Click to analyze</button>
<div id="results">
<th>Length of Word</th>
<th>Number of Occurrences</th>

calculating average using for loop in javascript

function averageCalculator (numvalues) {
for(i=0, i <= numvalues, i++>) {
var score = prompt("input the score")
result1 += score;
alert(result1 / 3);
this function is later triggered by a button with onclick="averageCalculator (2)
<input type="button" value="Click for the average" onclick="averageCalculator (2)">
any ideas why its not working? it should prompt you for 2 values and then alert you with the average. not sure whats wrong.
Your code has multiple issues. The for loop is not well formatted and you need to terminate statements with a semi-colon. Also you need to declare variables. And your loop will run numvalues+1 times which is why i removed the = in your loop. Also if you want to calculate an average you want to divide by numvalues.
function averageCalculator (numvalues) {
var result1 = 0;
for(i=0; i < numvalues; i++) {
var score = prompt("input the score");
result1 += score;
alert(result1 / numvalues);
On top of the invalid syntax you will run into a common "problem" with javascript here. The inputs are treated as strings and instead of being added they will be concatenated. Providing 2 and 2 as scores will result in 11. 2 concatenated with 2 = 22 / 2 = 11. You need to cast the value to a number explicitly before adding them together:
function averageCalculator (numvalues) {
var result1 = 0;
for(i=0; i < numvalues; i++) {
var score = prompt("input the score");
result1 += Number(score);
alert(result1 / numvalues);
Above code will correctly return 2
The syntax of your for-loop is wrong:
for(i=0, i <= numvalues, i++>) {
should be
for(i=0; i <= numvalues; i++) {
Tip: Also, it's better to use
for(var i=0; i <= numvalues; i++) {
since then i will be a local variable instead of a global one.
Try like this
for(var i=0; i <= numvalues; i++){}
An alternative solution (using a functional programming libary, like Underscore.js):
function averageCalculator(numValues) {
var numbers =, function(element) {
return +prompt('input the score');
var result = _.reduce(numbers, function(memo, number) {
return memo + number;
}, memo);
alert(result / 3);
While a little bit more complicated (and less efficient), you'll get rid of loops altogether.
The +prompt('input the score') does effectivly the same as Number(prompt('input the score')).

