jQuery get class of selected element - javascript

I have a bunch of divs that are buttons on my site. When I click a button I want a sub nav to show. All the sub navs have the class of "subNab" but also have a class the same as the main nav appended with "Sub". For example I have:
<div class="navBox audits">
<div class="subNav auditsSub">
<div class="navBox">
<p>Audits Sub1</p>
<div class="navBox">
<p>Audits Sub2</p>
Currently I have the sub nav hiding on page load and showing on a click function, along with hiding the subNav again so they don't just stack up. I have the below code with the different class names for each button. There's got to be an easier way.
Thanks in advance!

Can you give me the full code so I can see exactly how you want to handle your menu. If you organize your code correctly you don't have to give each trigger button a class.
Maybe this is what you are looking for:
$(document).ready( function() {
$('.menu ul li a').click(function(event){
event.preventDefault(); // prevents link from redirrecting
$('.submenu').hide(); // hide all submenu items
$(this).siblings('.submenu').slideDown (); // show only child submenu


Open menu on click close other menus

I have been working on getting a popup menu on a button.
There are 7 buttons with this menu, on the page in different containers. So far you can click the button and the menu opens.
Each menu opens with its own version of this, which works but not efficient:
....etc... x7, one for each button menu.
I have tried to close the menu if an item is clicked but doesnt function with:
//close if menu <a> is clicked
And using the following to close the menu if an item that is not this element is clicked (does not work):
$(document).mouseup(function (e)
var container = $("#oclick");
if (!container.is(e.target) // if the target of the click isn't the container...
&& container.has(e.target).length === 0) // ... nor a descendant of the container
which i was hoping would also fix the issue when 1 menu is open and your next click is another menu, so you have both open.
The menu buttons will be serving separate divs (or card like boxes and are not siblings next to eachother. Hence finding it hard to compact the code. had to give each menu its own click functions.
it is a mess sorry. would be nice to see where im going wrong here.
fiddle --> https://jsfiddle.net/s4nk1zev/118/
html structure for one "card" with one "menu button".
<div class="country_card">
<span class="cc-t goth upperC">Portugal </span> <span class="cc-t goth upperC blued">Visa</span>
<div class="cc-txt">
text in here
<div class="cc-btn">
<button class="tablabel country-btn-portugal" id="portimg"></button>
<div id="mcontainer" class="dropdowna">
<a id="mclose" class="mclose" href="#home">Overview</a>
<a id="mclose" href="#about">Application Process</a>
<a id="mclose" href="#contact">Investment Options</a>
Well, this is how I would have done that.
Here is the updated fiddle
And this script would do enough
//open menu
//close if menu clicked
//close if anything but menu clicked
What it does is, just listen for any click on the button and add active class to the next of it. Removing active class from all the active elements if there is any.
Secondly, you can use a class (as I've added one dpd) on the menue items to detect a click on them to close the open menu.
One more thing. Identifiers must be unique for each element you use. I've also updated them to be unique
Hope that helps
SInce your button and menu tags appear to always be siblings, if you add a common class to all your dropdowns, you can get a list of all of them more easily. Like this:
<div id="mcontainer" class="dropdown dropdowna">
Also as a suggestion, it's really not a very good idea to have duplicate ids in your document. It's against the html standard, and it can cause strange issues with getting tags by id.
Once you have a common class on all your dropdowns, you can do something like this to close all others, and toggle the one related to the button you're clicking.
function fnClick(e){
var $dd = $(this).next();
//open menu
here's an update of your fiddle to demonstrate:
You can try using promise().done(), and reviewing the html class. This is a fiddle for you: https://jsfiddle.net/zxoLmf71/
using a promise on an element let you wait for the code to finish execution before start the new one. this is the code:
//open menu
const buttons = $('.country-btn');
const dropDownMenus = $('.dropdownmenu');
const dropDownItems = $('.dropDownItem')
buttons.click(function() {
$(this).next('div').promise().done(function() {
//close if menu clicked
dropDownItems.click(function() {
Hope it helps

Mobile menu drop down

I'm using the responsive menu script from PureCss example. I'd like for the menu to disappear after the user clicks a link. How could I automatically hide the menu after a click has been made?
I've tried to use hide() or .fadeOut(), but it doesn't work
Add an Event Listener to your anchor elements inside the menu that on click trigger a function that reproduce the action of when the hamburger menu icon is pressed, so it removes the class active from
<div id="layout" class=" active">
<div id="menu" class='active'>…</div>
So try to add in your ui.js file, inside your main function:
var ulElem = document.getElementById('ulElem');
ulElem.onclick = function (e) {
if(e.target.classList.value === "pure-menu-link") {
toggleClass(layout, active);
toggleClass(menu, active);
toggleClass(menuLink, active);
And remember to set the id name of the ui element on your HTML file as id=uiElem.
You can as well try this
In html, assuming you have something like this:
<nav id="toggleMenu">
//all your links
In jquery,
$('#toggleMenu li a').click(function(){

Hide div when the page is loaded and show when link is clicked

I took this simple code for drop down menu and it's working so far. The problem is that when I load the page, #drop menu is displayed, which is obviously not what we want. The goal is to show the #drop menu when #submenu link is clicked, not immediately.
I modified my code below, because I need a div element, not a list.
$(document).ready( function(){
$('#submenu').click( function(event){
$(document).click( function(){
<div id = "drop" >
Add some css:
#drop { display: none; }
just put this code in your dropdown.
<div id = "drop" style="display:none;">
and your problem will be resolved when page load drop div will be hidden that u can use toggle or show command in jquery function.
Imran Qasim
Since you don't want your element to be displaced when the page first loads, why not set its visibilty to hidden in the html, like style="visbility:hidden",and assign submenu link an action listener function and reference this element via getElementById and set its visibility to visible.
document.getElementbyId("dropDownMenu").style.visibility = "visible"
If you dont't want to use css then you can do it with jquery.
<div id = "drop" >
<scitpt type="text/javascipt">
$(document).ready( function(){
$('#submenu').click( function(event){
$(document).click( function(){

Click Tab, Tabs Disappear

Creating tabs in jQuery. When you click another tab, all the tabs disappear. Can't figure out the fix
Here's the page not working: http://www.sleepfullnights.com/products/sfn-537
Here's the JSFiddle another guy made of it working: http://jsfiddle.net/gravitybox/7pHg4/ I've copied and pasted every element of this into the page and the issue is still there.
One person pointed out that something is giving the tabs the css "display:none" when clicked and I can't find where to fix it.
Also, another observation someone made was that "In Chrome dev tools, if you right click the ul.tabs in the "Elements" tab and select "Break On > Attributes modifications", it breaks on "$(contentLocation).show().addClass('active').siblings().hide().removeClass('act‌​ive');" when you click a tab".
Here's the jQuery code I have:
$(document).ready(function() {
var active, content, links = $(this).find('a');
active = links.first().addClass('active');
content = $(active.attr('href'));
links.not(':first').each(function () {
active = $(this);
content = $($(this).attr('href'));
return false;
And the code from the working JSFiddle:
$(document).ready(function() {
var active, content, links = $(this).find('a');
active = links.first().addClass('active');
content = $(active.attr('href'));
links.not(':first').each(function () {
active = $(this);
content = $($(this).attr('href'));
return false;
Any help/guidance is greatly appreciated.
I'm the one who noted "In Chrome dev tools, if you right click the ul.tabs in the "Elements" tab and select "Break On > Attributes modifications", it breaks on "$(contentLocation).show().addClass('active').siblings().hide().removeClass('act‌​ive');"
It breaks there because that line is what is hiding the ul containing the tabs.
Looking at your website's code, you need to change the following inside app.js on Line 39.
to this:
You only want to target the div siblings of the selected tab's content div. Right now, the ul is also a sibling of the selected div. Without the 'div', siblings() will select all of its siblings and hide() them (thus hiding the tabs too).
Preferably, I would add a tab-content class to the tab content div elements and use siblings('.tab-content') instead of siblings('div') to be more specific. That way if you add another div that happens to be a sibling, it won't hide that.
What's Going On
The code used for those tabs is much more complicated than you need, and I'm not really sure what is breaking. Rather than try to fix it, it would be easier to just start over. This is what you want:
Every time a user clicks on a tab, all tabs have the active class removed, and all content is hidden. Then, the active clicked on tab is given the active class and it's content is shown. This should seem instantaneous to the user. You will need to add a class to your content divs to accomplish this easily. I'd add tab-content.
Working Fiddle
HTML (Only change is adding the class)
<div class="tab-content" id="tab-1">
<div class="tab-content" id="tab-2">
<div class="tab-content" id="tab-3">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.tabs li a').click(function(event){
$('.tabs li a').removeClass('active');
It's definitely a problem with the ul getting display: none. You could try overriding it in the click handler with $('ul.tabs').css('display','block'). It's hard to tell where the issues is coming from because of the amount of scripts on your page.

How would I trigger a javascript responsive menu to hide on click?

I'm using the following JS to show and hive a responsive-specific menu. Basically, when an h4 is clicked, a list with my my within #secondary-navigation slides down. I'm using this menu on a page with page anchors, so I'd like the menu to slideUp when one of the menu items is clicked. How would I go about accomplishing this with my code below? Thanks for any help.
(function($) {
$(function() {
var header = $('h4', '#secondary-navigation');
header.click(function() {
if($(this).next().is(':hidden')) {
} else {
</script><!-- end mobile nav -->
Edit: I misread your question at first. You need to add a second function that triggers when one of the menu children is clicked. That's a separate event.
Assuming your menu items are wrapped in a div or ul with an id of #menu:
$('#menu a').click(function() {
Add this as a separate function, outside of the one you posted above.

