I want to insert values dynamically to hash map - javascript

var markerList1={};
var markerList=[];
and adding iterator values from the one for loop
function addSomething() // this function will multiple times from a for loop
image ='../css/abc/'+image[iterator]+'.png';
var data = respData[iterator];
var box = getbox(data);
var markerOpts = {
position : coordinates[iterator],
map : map,
icon :image,
title :data[1],
id : data[11]
var vmarks = new google.maps.Marker(markerOpts);
whenever we call the function i want append the array's values to same index
but i'm not getting above result, when i markerList1[data[11]) then i'm getting only the last value i.e thirdvmark
i want output like this= markerList1[data[11]] = {firstvmark, secondvmark, thirdvmark};

You cannot do push to an object markerList1, only to an array.
change this
To this
markerList1[markerOpts.title] = vmarks;

markerList1[data[11]] is never initialized before you push something inside.
You can initialize it only once with a simple test:
if (! (data[11] in markerList1) ) {
markerList1[data[11]] = [];
Or in a shorter and safer way:
markerList1[data[11]] = markerList1[data[11]] || [];
(And please put data[11] in a variable)

Try this-
var vmarks = new google.maps.Marker(markerOpts);
markerList.push(vmarks);//you already pushing vmarks to array
markerList1[markerOpts.title]=markerList;//assign array to your markerList1 map


Json array getting first data

I have an array which I declared as var myclinicsID = new Array(); and now, I push some data in it,when I alert it using alert(JSON.stringify(myclinicsID)) it gives me output of ["1","2","3","4"]
Now I want to use this for my function and when I look at in console, it gives me undefined, am I doing correct by my code :
I want to get myclinicsID first data element which is the value is 1
Should be
All you need the array index. When you say myclinicsID[0]['clinic_id'], that is trying to get the clinic_id property of "1" which is obvious undefined.
Why myclinicsID[0]['clinic_id'] ? As there is nothing like clinic_id in your array.
Your array is single dimensional array. Hence, you can directly access the first element from an array using myclinicsID[0].
var myclinicsID = new Array();
myclinicsID[0] = 1;
myclinicsID[1] = 2;
myclinicsID[2] = 3;
myclinicsID[3] = 4;
function getbarSeriesData(clientID) {

remove items from array with the same id one by one

the problem is that I have multiple objects with the same id. As you can see this works when it comes to removing all the items with the same id. How I can remove the objects one by one no matter if they are the same ID...thanks
var obj = this.get('object');
var obj = this.get('object');
var filter = this.get('individualObjects').findBy('obj_id', obj.get('obj_id'));
Well to filter array you would need to use Array.filter to find out the items that do not belong in the "individualObjects" and later simply remove them by using "removeObjects"
var objects = this.get('individualObjects')
var notWanted = objects.filterBy('obj_id', this.get('object.obj_id'));
and solution 2
var removeObj = this.get('object');
var objects = this.get('individualObjects')
// As the condition is true given object is returned
var notWanted = objects.filter(obj => { return obj.get('obj_id') === removeObj.get('obj_id')  });
Ok so you want to remove items one by one. Weird but can be accomplished
first get the length for
var notWantedCount = objects.filterBy('obj_id', this.get('object.obj_id')).length;
for(var i=0; i <= notWantedCount; i++) {
var toRemove = individualObjects.findBy('obj_id', obj.get('obj_id'));
// Make some custom actions one by one.
I don't know ember, but you'll want to do a foreach on the array, and then test for id on each one. It should be something like this:
var obj = this.get('object');
self = this;
this.get('individualObjects').each(function(individualObject) {
if (individualObject.get('obj_id') == obj.get('obj_id'))
... you want to do something here? ...
That way you can remove each object individually. Running any necessary code before or after it's removed. If you want to sort it first, you can do that before running the each function.

access javascript array element by JSON object key

I have an array that looks like this
var Zips = [{Zip: 92880, Count:1}, {Zip:91710, Count:3}, {Zip:92672, Count:0}]
I would like to be able to access the Count property of a particular object via the Zip property so that I can increment the count when I get another zip that matches. I was hoping something like this but it's not quite right (This would be in a loop)
I know that's not right and am hoping that there is a solution without looping through the result set every time?
I know that's not right and am hoping that there is a solution without
looping through the result set every time?
No, you're gonna have to loop and find the appropriate value which meets your criteria. Alternatively you could use the filter method:
var filteredZips = Zips.filter(function(element) {
return element.Zip == 92880;
if (filteredZips.length > 0) {
// we have found a corresponding element
var count = filteredZips[0].count;
If you had designed your object in a different manner:
var zips = {"92880": 1, "91710": 3, "92672": 0 };
then you could have directly accessed the Count:
var count = zips["92880"];
In the current form, you can not access an element by its ZIP-code without a loop.
You could transform your array to an object of this form:
var Zips = { 92880: 1, 91710: 3 }; // etc.
Then you can access it by
To transform from array to object you could use this
var ZipsObj = {};
for( var i=Zips.length; i--; ) {
ZipsObj[ Zips[i].Zip ] = Zips[i].Count;
Couple of mistakes in your code.
Your array is collection of objects
You can access objects with their property name and not property value i.e Zips[0]['Zip'] is correct, or by object notation Zips[0].Zip.
If you want to find the value you have to loop
If you want to keep the format of the array Zips and its elements
var Zips = [{Zip: 92880, Count:1}, {Zip:91710, Count:3}, {Zip:92672, Count:0}];
var MappedZips = {}; // first of all build hash by Zip
for (var i = 0; i < Zips.length; i++) {
MappedZips[Zips[i].Zip] = Zips[i];
MappedZips is {"92880": {Zip: 92880, Count:1}, "91710": {Zip:91710, Count:3}, "92672": {Zip:92672, Count:0}}
// then you can get Count by O(1)
// or can change data by O(1)
jsFiddle example
function getZip(zips, zipNumber) {
var answer = null;
if (zip.Zip === zipNumber) answer = zip;
return answer;
This function returns the zip object with the Zip property equal to zipNumber, or null if none exists.
did you try this?

Push to array a key name taken from variable

I have an array:
var pages = new Array();
I want to push my pages data to this array like this:
$('li.page').each(function () {
var datatype = $(this).attr('data-type');
var info = $(this).attr('data-info');
but this code doesn't replace datatype as variable, just puts datatype string as a key.
How do I make it place there actual string value as a key name?
I finally saw what you were trying to do:
var pages = new Array();
$('li.page').each(function () {
var datatype = $(this).attr('data-type');
var info = $(this).attr('data-info');
var temp = {};
temp[datatype] = info;
$('li.page').each(function () {
//get type and info, then setup an object to push onto the array
var datatype = $(this).attr('data-type'),
info = $(this).attr('data-info'),
obj = {};
//now set the index and the value for the object
obj[datatype] = info;
Notice that you can put a comma between variable declarations rather than reusing the var keyword.
It looks like you just want to store two pieces of information for each page. You can do that by pushing an array instead of an object:
pages_order.push([datatype, info]);
You have to use datatype in a context where it will be evaluated.
Like so.
var pages = [];
$('li.page').each(function () {
var datatype = $(this).attr('data-type'),
info = $(this).attr('data-info'),
record = {};
record[datatype] = info;
You only need one var it can be followed by multiple assignments that are separated by ,.
No need to use new Array just use the array literal []
You may add below single line to push value with key:
pages_order.yourkey = value;

Javascript two-dimensional array

I want to create a two dimensional array in a javascript function. I found code that should do that but doesn't. I declare the array then define a function to add elements to the array which are also arrays.
// Array function
var card_array = new Array();
function card_array(card_id, card_top, card_left) {
this.card_id = card_id;
this.card_top = card_top;
this.card_left = card_left;
// Toggle LinkCard minimize/expand
function toggle_linkcard(toggle, card_id) {
var icard = 0;
$('.linkcard').each(function () {
card_top = $(this).position().top;
card_left = $(this).position().left;
card_i = $(this).attr('id');
card_array[card_array.length++] = new card_array(card_i, card_top, card_left);
The line of code where I add elements to the array breaks the code.
card_array[card_array.length++] = new card_array(card_i, card_top, card_left);
What should I fix in that?
You defined the function's name as card_array, same name as the variable's. So after that line of code, you don't have any variable named card_array, only the function. Try changing your variable or function name.
The problem here is that you have two values with the same name: card_array
A variable named which is initialized to a new Array()
A function which takes 3 parameters
The function declaration happens last and hence wins. So when you execute the expression card_array[card_array.length++] you are doing so on a function instance, not an array.
To fix this change the function name to a unique name.
Just change this line:
var card_array = new Array();
var my_card_array = new Array();
And this one:
card_array[card_array.length++] = new card_array(card_i, card_top, card_left);
my_card_array.push(new card_array(card_i, card_top, card_left));
And of course, change the alert.

