Javascript two-dimensional array - javascript

I want to create a two dimensional array in a javascript function. I found code that should do that but doesn't. I declare the array then define a function to add elements to the array which are also arrays.
// Array function
var card_array = new Array();
function card_array(card_id, card_top, card_left) {
this.card_id = card_id;
this.card_top = card_top;
this.card_left = card_left;
// Toggle LinkCard minimize/expand
function toggle_linkcard(toggle, card_id) {
var icard = 0;
$('.linkcard').each(function () {
card_top = $(this).position().top;
card_left = $(this).position().left;
card_i = $(this).attr('id');
card_array[card_array.length++] = new card_array(card_i, card_top, card_left);
The line of code where I add elements to the array breaks the code.
card_array[card_array.length++] = new card_array(card_i, card_top, card_left);
What should I fix in that?

You defined the function's name as card_array, same name as the variable's. So after that line of code, you don't have any variable named card_array, only the function. Try changing your variable or function name.

The problem here is that you have two values with the same name: card_array
A variable named which is initialized to a new Array()
A function which takes 3 parameters
The function declaration happens last and hence wins. So when you execute the expression card_array[card_array.length++] you are doing so on a function instance, not an array.
To fix this change the function name to a unique name.

Just change this line:
var card_array = new Array();
var my_card_array = new Array();
And this one:
card_array[card_array.length++] = new card_array(card_i, card_top, card_left);
my_card_array.push(new card_array(card_i, card_top, card_left));
And of course, change the alert.


JS- Call a method from a generated button for a specific object

I m new at coding , and I m searching for a way to launch a specific prototype method for each object of my array from a generated button
I've got json data to loop , and include each object on a js array.
//My data got 3 objects
var readArr = JSON.parse(myData)
var js_arr = [];
// loop on the array of object
for (var i = 0; i < readArr.length; i++) {
var generatedObject = new Object();
//init method from prototype
generatedObject.init(readArr[i].prop1, readArr[i].prop2, readArr[i].prop3, readArr[i].prop4, readArr[i].prop5,
readArr[i].prop6, readArr[i].prop7, readArr[i].prop8);
//generated a div which will contains a button for each occurence
var newCntent = document.createElement('div'); = readArr[i].prop1 + i;
newCntent.className = "cntent";
//create a button inside the div
var newBtn = document.createElement('div'); = i + readArr[i].prop1;
newBtn.className = "etalonBtn";
newBtn.innerHTML = readArr[i].prop1;
I've got a prototype method on my Object class and what I want is launch that method for each object linked with a button.
The first generated button will launch the method for js_arr[0], the second for js_arr[2], to code the fact that when I click on the button , the method must be call by "the object of the array which permetted your creation"
I don't have any clue on the way I can do this I tried several things:
newBtn.addEventListener('click', function () {
(returning read_arr[i] is not defined), so I just want to change that read_arr[i] by this now famous :"the object of the array which permetted your creation" !
and I really need help on this...
Thank you by anticipation and sorry for this preschool english.
The issue is that when you're getting to the click function (i.e. - when actually clicking the button) you're already out of the loop, so js doesn't know what 'read_arr[i]' is.
You need to pass 'read_arr[i]' as a parameter to the function.
Basically something like this:
newBtn.addEventListener('click', function (object) {
This will change the function's signiture to also take a parameter- object, and also pass js_arr[i] as that parameter.
Hope that helps
you could also assign and bind the function to call when you create the button in your loop:
var newBtn = document.createElement('div'); = i + readArr[i].prop1;
newBtn.className = "etalonBtn";
newBtn.innerHTML = readArr[i].prop1;
newBtn.onclick = jsArr[i];

Javascript Pass Array as a Parameter to a Function with Multiple Parameters

I am trying to pass a string variable and two arrays to a global function. Something like this:
function send_times_to_device(stop_name, times, headsigns) {
// function code here
Later in code:
var stop_name = "temp";
var times = new Array(json.length);
var headsigns = new Array(json.length);
if(times.length < 6){
send_times_to_device(stop_name, times, headsigns);
How would I do this correctly in Javascript?
Thanks in advance!
You guys were right, there was an error elsewhere in my code, this works!
new Array(n), creates an array with n undefined entries in it.
If you want to create an array with an integer value as the first entry use :
function send_times_to_device(stop_name, times, headsigns) {
// function code here
var stop_name = "temp";
var times = [json.length];
var headsigns = [json.length];
send_times_to_device(stop_name, times, headsigns);

I want to insert values dynamically to hash map

var markerList1={};
var markerList=[];
and adding iterator values from the one for loop
function addSomething() // this function will multiple times from a for loop
image ='../css/abc/'+image[iterator]+'.png';
var data = respData[iterator];
var box = getbox(data);
var markerOpts = {
position : coordinates[iterator],
map : map,
icon :image,
title :data[1],
id : data[11]
var vmarks = new google.maps.Marker(markerOpts);
whenever we call the function i want append the array's values to same index
but i'm not getting above result, when i markerList1[data[11]) then i'm getting only the last value i.e thirdvmark
i want output like this= markerList1[data[11]] = {firstvmark, secondvmark, thirdvmark};
You cannot do push to an object markerList1, only to an array.
change this
To this
markerList1[markerOpts.title] = vmarks;
markerList1[data[11]] is never initialized before you push something inside.
You can initialize it only once with a simple test:
if (! (data[11] in markerList1) ) {
markerList1[data[11]] = [];
Or in a shorter and safer way:
markerList1[data[11]] = markerList1[data[11]] || [];
(And please put data[11] in a variable)
Try this-
var vmarks = new google.maps.Marker(markerOpts);
markerList.push(vmarks);//you already pushing vmarks to array
markerList1[markerOpts.title]=markerList;//assign array to your markerList1 map

javascript copying array to another

i have the following code snippet, where inside for loop the value to contain is not getting assigned, is this is the proper way to copy array to other.??
as here
var groupParam = "rsTxTraceMsgAside&rsExpTraceMsgAside&rsTxTraceMsgBside&rsExpTraceMsgBside&#hp1TxTraceMsg&hp1ExpTraceMsg&#";
var grpNameArr = groupParam.split("#");
var groupcn= groupCondition.split("&");
var m=grpNameArr.length;
var contain=new Array();
var cmds=new Array();
var ii;
contain[ii] = groupCn[ii];
cmds[ii] = grpNameArr[ii];
If you want to clone an array you can use slice() method as mentioned in this page:
var oldArray = ["mip", "map", "mop"];
var newArray = oldArray.slice();
your array declaration is wrong , it should be like :-
var groupcn=["All","All","All","All"];
var grpNameArr=["abc","def","ghi"];
you can use :
var contain=groupcn.concat();
var cmds=grpNameArray.concat();
So, after your edit, I see your problem was that you has some typo's in your variable names.
var grpNameArr = groupParm.split("#");
var groupcn= groupCondtn.split("&");
var grpNameArr = groupParam.split("#");
// ^ Missing `a` and `r`.
var groupCn= groupCondition.split("&");
// ^ Capital C ^ Missing `i`'s and `o`.
Old Answer
These 2 lines:
var groupcn = All,All,All,All;
var grpNameArr = abc,def,ghi;
Are probably your problem.
What you're doing there is assigning the variable All to a new variable groupcn, then declaring All as a new variable, 3 times.
var groupcn=All,
All, // new variable with the name `All`
All, // new variable with the name `All`
All; // new variable with the name `All`. These 3 override `All`
You'll need to initialize them like this:
var groupcn = [All,All,All,All];
var grpNameArr = [abc,def,ghi];
Other than that, assuming m is the length of groupcn, the code should work.
However, a shorter solution is to copy the arrays like this:
var contain = groupcn.slice();
var cmds = grpNameArr.slice();
Following mistakes were in the code
Using one loop for both the arrays. Since there length is not same two different loops should be used.
There was typo mistake in groupcn variable.
Check this code
<!DOCTYPE html>
function chk()
var groupParam = "rsTxTraceMsgAside&rsExpTraceMsgAside&rsTxTraceMsgBside&rsExpTraceMsgBside&#hp1TxTraceMsg&hp1ExpTraceMsg&#";
var grpNameArr = groupParam.split("#");
var groupcn= groupCondition.split("&");
var contain=new Array();
var cmds=new Array();
var ii;
contain[ii] = groupcn[ii];
cmds[ii] = grpNameArr[ii];
alert("groupcn = "+contain);
alert("grpNameArr = "+cmds);
<body onload="chk()">

Javascript Dynamic GetElementByID

I would like to use the same function on two different elements without duplicating my code and changing the id. I'd like to pass the ID as a parameter into my function but it's not working.
function getSelected(id){
var selected = new Array();
**var selObj = document.getElementById(id);** //The problem is here
var count = 0;
for (x=0; x<selObj.options.length; x++){
if (selObj.options[x].selected){
selected[count] = selObj.options.value;
Any ideas?
Looks to me as if the error is somewhere else, specificially in this line:
selected[count] = selObj.options.value;
Shouldn't that be:
selected[count] = selObj.options[x].value;
or (without the need for an extra "count" variable)
selected.push( selObj.options[x].value );
(Furthermore, you're missing a var in front of x = 0, thus making x a global variable.)

