sampling values in array with good performance - javascript

I have a function which takes an array of values and a sampling rate. The function should remove values randomly by the sampling rate. For instance a sampling rate of 20% should remove 20% of the values. How can I achieve this with a very good performance, because I will iterate over more than 10.000 values?
My idea is something like
for(var i = values.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
var rnd = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1);
if(rnd < samplingRate)
but I think the Math.random() function is no performant choice.

There's really no need to iterate over the whole array if you only want to operate on 20% of it.
Loop for n times where n = Math.floor(0.20 * originalArray.length) - 1 and on each iteration get a random element from the array and remove it.

Unless you need to support older browsers use the .filter() method:
var samplingPercentage = samplingRate / 100;
var filtered = values.filter(function() {
return Math.random() < samplingPercentage;


Generate random & unique 4 digit codes without brute force

I'm building an app and in one of my functions I need to generate random & unique 4 digit codes. Obviously there is a finite range from 0000 to 9999 but each day the entire list will be wiped and each day I will not need more than the available amount of codes which means it's possible to have unique codes for each day. Realistically I will probably only need a few hundred codes a day.
The way I've coded it for now is the simple brute force way which would be to generate a random 4 digit number, check if the number exists in an array and if it does, generate another number while if it doesn't, return the generated number.
Since it's 4 digits, the runtime isn't anything too crazy and I'm mostly generating a few hundred codes a day so there won't be some scenario where I've generated 9999 codes and I keep randomly generating numbers to find the last remaining one.
It would also be fine to have letters in there as well instead of just numbers if it would make the problem easier.
Other than my brute force method, what would be a more efficient way of doing this?
Thank you!
Since you have a constrained number of values that will easily fit in memory, the simplest way I know of is to create a list of the possible values and select one randomly, then remove it from the list so it can't be selected again. This will never have a collision with a previously used number:
function initValues(numValues) {
const values = new Array(numValues);
// fill the array with each value
for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
values[i] = i;
return values;
function getValue(array) {
if (!array.length) {
throw new Error("array is empty, no more random values");
const i = Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length);
const returnVal = array[i];
array.splice(i, 1);
return returnVal;
// sample code to use it
const rands = initValues(10000);
This works by doing the following:
Generate an array of all possible values.
When you need a value, select one from the array with a random index.
After selecting the value, remove it from the array.
Return the selected value.
Items are never repeated because they are removed from the array when used.
There are no collisions with used values because you're always just selecting a random value from the remaining unused values.
This relies on the fact that an array of integers is pretty well optimized in Javascript so doing a .splice() on a 10,000 element array is still pretty fast (as it can probably just be memmove instructions).
FYI, this could be made more memory efficient by using a typed array since your numbers can be represented in 16-bit values (instead of the default 64 bits for doubles). But, you'd have to implement your own version of .splice() and keep track of the length yourself since typed arrays don't have these capabilities built in.
For even larger problems like this where memory usage becomes a problem, I've used a BitArray to keep track of previous usage of values.
Here's a class implementation of the same functionality:
class Randoms {
constructor(numValues) {
this.values = new Array(numValues);
for (let i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) {
this.values[i] = i;
getRandomValue() {
if (!this.values.length) {
throw new Error("no more random values");
const i = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.values.length);
const returnVal = this.values[i];
this.values.splice(i, 1);
return returnVal;
const rands = new Randoms(10000);
Knuth's multiplicative method looks to work pretty well: it'll map numbers 0 to 9999 to a random-looking other number 0 to 9999, with no overlap:
const hash = i => i*2654435761 % (10000);
const s = new Set();
for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
const n = hash(i);
if (s.has(n)) { console.log(i, n); break; }
To implement it, simply keep track of an index that gets incremented each time a new one is generated:
const hash = i => i*2654435761 % (10000);
let i = 1;
These results aren't actually random, but they probably do the job well enough for most purposes.
This is copy-paste from my answer to another question here. The code was in turn ported from yet another question here.
function isPrime(n) {
if (n <= 1) return false;
if (n <= 3) return true;
if (n % 2 == 0 || n % 3 == 0) return false;
for (let i = 5; i * i <= n; i = i + 6) {
if (n % i == 0 || n % (i + 2) == 0) return false;
return true;
function findNextPrime(n) {
if (n <= 1) return 2;
let prime = n;
while (true) {
if (isPrime(prime)) return prime;
function getIndexGeneratorParams(spaceSize) {
const N = spaceSize;
const Q = findNextPrime(Math.floor(2 * N / (1 + Math.sqrt(5))))
const firstIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * spaceSize);
return [firstIndex, N, Q]
function getNextIndex(prevIndex, N, Q) {
return (prevIndex + Q) % N
// Each day you bootstrap to get a tuple of these parameters and persist them throughout the day.
const [firstIndex, N, Q] = getIndexGeneratorParams(10000)
// need to keep track of previous index generated.
// it’s a seed to generate next one.
let prevIndex = firstIndex
// calling this function gives you the unique code
function getHashCode() {
prevIndex = getNextIndex(prevIndex, N, Q)
return prevIndex.toString().padStart(4, "0")
For simplicity let’s say you want generate non-repeat numbers from 0 to 35 in random order. We get pseudo-randomness by polling a "full cycle iterator"†. The idea is simple:
have the indexes 0..35 layout in a circle, denote upperbound as N=36
decide a step size, denoted as Q (Q=23 in this case) given by this formula‡
Q = findNextPrime(Math.floor(2 * N / (1 + Math.sqrt(5))))
randomly decide a starting point, e.g. number 5
start generating seemingly random nextIndex from prevIndex, by
nextIndex = (prevIndex + Q) % N
So if we put 5 in we get (5 + 23) % 36 == 28. Put 28 in we get (28 + 23) % 36 == 15.
This process will go through every number in circle (jump back and forth among points on the circle), it will pick each number only once, without repeating. When we get back to our starting point 5, we know we've reach the end.
†: I'm not sure about this term, just quoting from this answer
‡: This formula only gives a nice step size that will make things look more "random", the only requirement for Q is it must be coprime to N
This problem is so small I think a simple solution is best. Build an ordered array of the 10k possible values & permute it at the start of each day. Give the k'th value to the k'th request that day.
It avoids the possible problem with your solution of having multiple collisions.

Loop through jQuery arrays / Output values to a div

I have a button that dynamically creates 2 inputs per click
Data of Input 1: string
Data of Input 2: number (float) (0-100)
I am creating an array of each like this.
var recipe_flavour_name = $("input[name='flav-name']").map(function() {return $(this).val();}).get();
var recipe_flavour_percent = $("input[name='flav-percent']").map(function(){return $(this).val();}).get();
As far as I can tell, the arrays are comma separated values.
Let's for simplicity's sake say:
recipe_flavour_name = a,b,c
recipe_flavour_percent = 5,6,7
I then want to take the number value to use in a function and then loop through all the values and use jQuery's .html() to add the values to a div.
I have tried this: flavPercent1 is just recipe_flavour_percent
var arrayLength = flavPercent1.Length;
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
var flavML = (flavPercent1[0] / 100 * 100 * 1000) / 1000;
var flavGrams = (flavML * .98 * 100) / 100;
var flavPercent = (flavML / 100 * 1E4) / 100;
But I only get flavGrams and flavPercent returned, dynamically adding more data to the array does nothing.
What do I want to achieve?
Grab the values of specified inputs in an array.
Pass them to a function.
Loop through the values and output them in HTML using jQuery.
I hope that makes sense and thanks in advance.
Ok, so assuming that you don't have a problem getting the arrays you need, the problem lies within your for loop.
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
var flavML = (flavPercent1[0] / 100 * AMOUNT * 1000) / 1000;
var flavGrams = (flavML * .98 * 100) / 100;
var flavPercent = (flavML / AMOUNT * 1E4) / 100;
You put everything in the for loop, yet make no reference to the index. I'm assuming everywhere you put [0] you actually want [i]. This means that every time the index increases, you are getting the next array element.
You should use .append instead of .html. .html means that the current html will be replaced by what you are adding.
Finally, although making it dynamic is possible, I'm not sure that JQuery is the best libary to use in this case. I'd suggest taking a look at libraries such as Vue or MoonJs (both are very light and very simple libraries) etc... to find a much easier, and frankly better way to do this. They allow for dynamic rendering, and what you are trying to do becomes insanely simplified.
Hope this helps.
(hopefully) WORKING CODE:
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
var flavML = (flavPercent1[i] / 100 * AMOUNT * 1000) / 1000;
var flavGrams = (flavML * .98 * 100) / 100;
var flavPercent = (flavML / AMOUNT * 1E4) / 100;

Javascript. Two arrays, same size, drastically different performance. Why?

Method 1
const { performance } = require('perf_hooks');
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
let x = new Array(1000);
x.fill(new Array(1000).fill(0));
performance.measure('A to B', 'A', 'B');
const measure = performance.getEntriesByName('A to B')[0];
console.log(measure.duration); // 5.5ms
Method 2
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
let x = new Array(1000000);
performance.measure('C to D', 'C', 'D');
const measure2 = performance.getEntriesByName('C to D')[0];
console.log(measure2.duration); // 594ms
Method 1 is a million size array, but evenly distributed. To retrieve / store, i would treat this as content-addressable storage via some elementary hash to put and retrieve elements. 5.5ms for hundred million elements
Method 2 is a straight million size array. It is two orders of magnitude higher to initialize! 594ms for hundred million elements.
Can someone help explain whats going on here and shed some light on ideal array sizes / array configurations? I imagine this has to do with some kind of optimizations under the hood in v8/C++ land.
let x = new Array(1000);
x.fill(new Array(1000).fill(0));
That is two arrays. x is an array with 1000 references to one array that's filled with 1000 zeroes.
Total number of elements: 2000 (length of x is 1000 + the array it refers to has the length of 1000).
let x = new Array(1000000);
This is one array with million zeroes.
Total number of elements: 1000000.

Shuffling a poker deck in JavaScript with window.crypto.getRandomValues

A poker deck has 52 cards and thus 52! or roughly 2^226 possible permutations.
Now I want to shuffle such a deck of cards perfectly, with truly random results and a uniform distribution, so that you can reach every single one of those possible permutations and each is equally likely to appear.
Why is this actually necessary?
For games, perhaps, you don't really need perfect randomness, unless there's money to be won. Apart from that, humans probably won't even perceive the "differences" in randomness.
But if I'm not mistaken, if you use shuffling functions and RNG components commonly built into popular programming languages, you will often get no more than 32 bits of entropy and 2^32 states. Thus, you will never be able to reach all 52! possible permutations of the deck when shuffling, but only about ...
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005324900157 %
... of the possible permutations. That means a whole lot of all the possible games that could be played or simulated in theory will never actually be seen in practice.
By the way, you can further improve the results if you don't reset to the default order every time before shuffling but instead start with the order from the last shuffle or keep the "mess" after a game has been played and shuffle from there.
So in order to do what is described above, one needs all of the following three components, as far as I have understood:
A good shuffling algorithm that ensures a uniform distribution.
A proper RNG with at least 226 bits of internal state. Since we're on deterministic machines, a PRNG will be all we'll get, and perhaps this should be a CSPRNG.
A random seed with at least 226 bits of entropy.
Now is this achievable? What do we have?
Fisher-Yates shuffle will be fine, as far as I can see.
The xorshift7 RNG has more than the required 226 bits of internal state and should suffice.
Using window.crypto.getRandomValues we can generate the required 226 bits of entropy to be used as our seed. If that still isn't enough, we can add some more entropy from other sources.
Are the solutions (and also the requirements) mentioned above correct? How can you implement shuffling using these solutions in JavaScript in practice then? How do you combine the three components to a working solution?
I guess I have to replace the usage of Math.random in the example of the Fisher-Yates shuffle with a call to xorshift7. But that RNG outputs a value in the [0, 1) float range and I need the [1, n] integer range instead. When scaling that range, I don't want to lose the uniform distribution. Moreover, I wanted about 226 bits of randomness. If my RNG outputs just a single Number, isn't that randomness effectively reduced to 2^53 (or 2^64) bits because there are no more possibilities for the output?
In order to generate the seed for the RNG, I wanted to do something like this:
var randomBytes = generateRandomBytes(226);
function generateRandomBytes(n) {
var data = new Uint8Array(
Math.ceil(n / 8)
return data;
Is this correct? I don't see how I could pass randomBytes to the RNG as a seed in any way, and I don't know how I could modify it to accep this.
Here's a function I wrote that uses Fisher-Yates shuffling based on random bytes sourced from window.crypto. Since Fisher-Yates requires that random numbers are generated over varying ranges, it starts out with a 6-bit mask (mask=0x3f), but gradually reduces the number of bits in this mask as the required range gets smaller (i.e., whenever i is a power of 2).
function shuffledeck() {
var cards = Array("A♣️","2♣️","3♣️","4♣️","5♣️","6♣️","7♣️","8♣️","9♣️","10♣️","J♣️","Q♣️","K♣️",
var rndbytes = new Uint8Array(100);
var i, j, r=100, tmp, mask=0x3f;
/* Fisher-Yates shuffle, using uniform random values from window.crypto */
for (i=51; i>0; i--) {
if ((i & (i+1)) == 0) mask >>= 1;
do {
/* Fetch random values in 100-byte blocks. (We probably only need to do */
/* this once.) The `mask` variable extracts the required number of bits */
/* for efficient discarding of random numbers that are too large. */
if (r == 100) {
r = 0;
j = rndbytes[r++] & mask;
} while (j > i);
/* Swap cards[i] and cards[j] */
tmp = cards[i];
cards[i] = cards[j];
cards[j] = tmp;
return cards;
An assessment of window.crypto libraries really deserves its own question, but anyway...
The pseudorandom stream provided by window.crypto.getRandomValues() should be sufficiently random for any purpose, but is generated by different mechanisms in different browsers. According to a 2013 survey:
Firefox (v. 21+) uses NIST SP 800-90 with a 440-bit seed. Note: This standard was updated in 2015 to remove the (possibly backdoored) Dual_EC_DRBG elliptic curve PRNG algorithm.
Internet Explorer (v. 11+) uses one of the algorithms supported by BCryptGenRandom (seed length = ?)
Safari, Chrome and Opera use an ARC4 stream cipher with a 1024-bit seed.
A cleaner solution would be to add a generic shuffle() method to Javascript's array prototype:
// Add Fisher-Yates shuffle method to Javascript's Array type, using
// window.crypto.getRandomValues as a source of randomness.
if (Uint8Array && window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues) {
Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
var n = this.length;
// If array has <2 items, there is nothing to do
if (n < 2) return this;
// Reject arrays with >= 2**31 items
if (n > 0x7fffffff) throw "ArrayTooLong";
var i, j, r=n*2, tmp, mask;
// Fetch (2*length) random values
var rnd_words = new Uint32Array(r);
// Create a mask to filter these values
for (i=n, mask=0; i; i>>=1) mask = (mask << 1) | 1;
// Perform Fisher-Yates shuffle
for (i=n-1; i>0; i--) {
if ((i & (i+1)) == 0) mask >>= 1;
do {
if (r == n*2) {
// Refresh random values if all used up
r = 0;
j = rnd_words[r++] & mask;
} while (j > i);
tmp = this[i];
this[i] = this[j];
this[j] = tmp;
return this;
} else throw "Unsupported";
// Example:
deck = [ "A♣️","2♣️","3♣️","4♣️","5♣️","6♣️","7♣️","8♣️","9♣️","10♣️","J♣️","Q♣️","K♣️",
Combining this answer from here with this answer from another question, it seems the following could be a more general and modular (though less optimized) version:
// Fisher-Yates
function shuffle(array) {
var i, j;
for (i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
j = randomInt(0, i + 1);
swap(array, i, j);
// replacement for:
// Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min
function randomInt(min, max) {
var range = max - min;
var bytesNeeded = Math.ceil(Math.log2(range) / 8);
var randomBytes = new Uint8Array(bytesNeeded);
var maximumRange = Math.pow(Math.pow(2, 8), bytesNeeded);
var extendedRange = Math.floor(maximumRange / range) * range;
var i, randomInteger;
while (true) {
randomInteger = 0;
for (i = 0; i < bytesNeeded; i++) {
randomInteger <<= 8;
randomInteger += randomBytes[i];
if (randomInteger < extendedRange) {
randomInteger %= range;
return min + randomInteger;
function swap(array, first, second) {
var temp;
temp = array[first];
array[first] = array[second];
array[second] = temp;
I personally think you could move outside the box a little bit. If you're that worried about randomness, you could look into an API key from ( ) or parse it out of a link like this: .
Sure, your datasets could be intercepted, but if you get a few hundred thousand sets of them then shuffle those sets you would be fine.

How to resort a Javascript array when only the first value has changed

I've got a little app that recalculates the apportionment of seats in Congress in each state as the user changes the population hypothetically by moving counties between states. There are functionally infinite combinations, so I need to compute this on the fly.
The method is fairly straightforward: You give each state 1 seat, then assign the remaining 385 iteratively by weighting them according to population / ((seats * (seats + 1)) and assigning the seat to the top priority state.
I've got this working fine the obvious way:
function apportion(states) {
var totalReps = 435;
// assign one seat to each state
states.forEach(function(state) {
state.totalReps = 1;
totalReps -= 1;
state.priority = / Math.sqrt(2); //Calculate default quota
// sort function
var topPriority = function(a, b) {
return b.priority - a.priority;
// assign the remaining 385
for (totalReps; totalReps > 0; totalReps -= 1) {
states[0].totalReps += 1;
// recalculate the priority for this state
states[0].priority = states[0].data.population / Math.sqrt(states[0].totalReps * (states[0].totalReps + 1));
return states;
However, it drags a little when called several times a second. I'm wondering whether there's a better way to place the state that received the seat back in the sorted array other than by resorting the whole array. I don't know a ton about the Javascript sort() function and whether it will already do this with maximal efficiency without being told that all but the first element in the array is already sorted. Is there a more efficient way that I can implement by hand?
jsFiddle here:
Using a strategy of avoiding sorts, the following keeps an array of priorities that is aligned with the states object and uses Math.max to find the highest priority value, then indexOf to find its position in the array, then updates the states object and priorities array.
As with all performance optimisations, it has very different results in different browsers (see, but is at least no slower (Chrome) and up to 4 times faster (Firefox).
function apportion1(states) {
var totalReps = 435;
var sqrt2 = Math.sqrt(2);
var priorities = [];
var max, idx, state, n;
// assign one seat to each state
states.forEach(function(state) {
state.totalReps = 1;
state.priority = / sqrt2; //Calculate default quota
totalReps -= states.length;
while (totalReps--) {
max = Math.max.apply(Math, priorities);
idx = priorities.indexOf(max);
state = states[idx];
n = ++state.totalReps;
state.priority = / Math.sqrt(n * ++n);
priorities[idx] = state.priority;
return states;
For testing I used an assumed states object with only 5 states, but real population data. Hopefully, with the full 50 states the benefit will be larger.
Another strategy is to sort on population since that's how the priorities are distributed, assign at least one rep to each state and calculate the priority, then run from 0 adding reps and recalculating priorities. There will be a threshold below which a state should not get any more reps.
Over to you. ;-)
Here's a really simple method that apportions based on population. If may allocation one too many or one too few. In the first case, find the state with the lowest priority and at least 2 reps (and recalc priority if you want) and take a rep away. In the second, find the state with the highest priority and add one rep (and recalc priority if required).
function simple(states) {
var totalPop = 0;
var totalReps = 435
states.forEach(function(state){totalPop +=});
var popperrep = totalPop/totalReps;
state.totalReps = Math.round( / popperrep);
state.priority = / Math.sqrt(state.totalReps * (state.totalReps + 1));
return states;
Untested, but I'll bet it's very much faster than the others. ;-)
I've updated the test example for the simple function to adjust if the distribution results in an incorrect total number of reps. Tested across a variety of scenarios, it gives identical results to the original code even though it uses a very different algorithm. It's several hundred times faster than the original with the full 50 states.
Here's the final version of the simple function:
function simple(states) {
var count = 0;
var state, diff;
var totalPop = states.reduce(function(prev, curr){return prev +},0);
var totalReps = 435
var popperrep = totalPop/totalReps;
state.totalReps = Math.round( / popperrep) || 1;
state.priority = / Math.sqrt(state.totalReps * (state.totalReps + 1));
count += state.totalReps;
// If too many reps distributed, trim from lowest priority with 2 or more
// If not enough reps distributed, add to highest priority
while ((diff = count - totalReps)) {
state = states[getPriority(diff < 0)];
state.totalReps += diff > 0? -1 : 1;
count += diff > 0? -1 : 1;
state.priority = / Math.sqrt(state.totalReps * (state.totalReps + 1));
// console.log('Adjusted ' + + ' ' + diff);
return states;
// Get lowest priority state with 2 or more reps,
// or highest priority state if high is true
function getPriority(high) {
var idx, p = high? 0 : +Infinity;
states.forEach(function(state, i){
if (( high && state.priority > p) || (!high && state.totalReps > 1 && state.priority < p)) {
p = state.priority;
idx = i;
return idx;

