javascript-jquery carousel function error - javascript

I am having an issue with this carousel that I am building with javaScript/jQuery.
I know I could probably find a plugin to do the same thing, but I am fairly new to javaScript and need the practice. Chrome is throwing me an
Uncaught TypeError: Undefined is not a function
I'm assuming its a syntax error, but I am unable to find it. Chrome claims in on line 42 which is the doc.ready function. What am I doing wrong?
/* carousel
has a list of items
if the list size is greater than x, only show n based on screen size
each list item is composed of an image, title, description and button
the carousel will have an arrow on the left and right, allowing users to scroll through the list items
the list should wrap
the "show" strategy is:
-- if user clicks right arrow
---- get the last visible list item
---- check for the existence of a next item
---- if there isn't a next item
------ moved the first item of the list the then end of the list
------ display it
-- the inverse is also true*/
function initFeaturedWork() {
var $work = $('.featuredWork');
var $pageWrap = $('.page-wrap');
if ($work && $work.length > 0) {
if ($work.length <= 3) {
} else {
$.each($work, function(index) {
if (index < 4)
else return;
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).on('click', '.backArrow', function(e) {
var $lastWrap = $(this).siblings('.page-wrap').last();
var $threecolumn = $lastWrap.find('.threecolumn');
var $first_visible = $threecolumn.filter(':visible').first();
var $prev = $first_visible.prev();
var $moveFirst = $threecolumn.last();
if ($prev && $prev.length > 0) {
} else {
$(document).on('click', '.forwardArrow', function(e) {
var $firstWrap = $(this).siblings('.page-wrap').first();
var $threecolumn = $firstWrap.find('.threecolumn');
var $last_visible = $threecolumn.filter(':visible').last();
var $next = $;
var $moveLast = $threecolumn.first();
if ($next && $next.length > 0) {
} else {


check if class exists on that page javascript

I have an index page and a dashboard, on the index I'm using typewriter and particlesjs on the index only, and on the dashboard I have a sidebar.
If I have all the code as-is, I get errors as the page is still looking for typewriter and particlesjs on all pages.
So I have attempted to wrap each section around an if so the plan is if that class or id exists on that page it will only render that JS. So I've created the following code.
edited code below based on groovy_guy's answer
document.querySelector('nav .toggle').addEventListener('click', e => {
document.querySelector('nav .hidden').classList.toggle('show')
let checkTypewriter = document.getElementById('typewriter');
if (checkTypewriter.length > 0) {
new Typewriter('#typewriter', {
strings: ['Website Developer', 'Freelancer' , 'System Admin'],
autoStart: true,
loop: true
let checkParticlesjs = document.getElementsByClassName('particlesjs');
if (checkParticlesjs.length > 0) {
let particles = Particles.init({
selector: '.particlesjs',
color: ['#48F2E3', '#48F2E3', '#48F2E3'],
connectParticles: true,
maxParticles: 200
let checkSidebar = document.getElementsByClassName('sidebar');
if (checkSidebar.length > 0) {
user_wants_collapse = false;
// Fetch all the details element.
const details = document.querySelectorAll("details");
// Add the onclick listeners.
details.forEach((targetDetail) => {
targetDetail.addEventListener("click", () => {
// Close all the details that are not targetDetail.
details.forEach((detail) => {
if (detail !== targetDetail) {
document.querySelector('section').addEventListener('click', (ev) => {
// close any open details elements that this click is outside of
let target =;
let detailsClickedWithin = null;
while (target && target.tagName != 'DETAILS') {
target = target.parentNode;
if (target && target.tagName == 'DETAILS') {
detailsClickedWithin = target;
(details) => && details != detailsClickedWithin
).forEach(details => = false);
// if the sidebar collapse is true and is re-expanded by clicking a menu item then clicking on the body should re-close it
if (user_wants_collapse == true && (document.querySelectorAll('.sidebar details'))) {
// when the sidebar menu is clicked this sets the user_wants_collapse var to true or false and toggles is--expand class on body
document.querySelector('.sidebar .menu-link').addEventListener('click', () => {
user_wants_collapse = !user_wants_collapse
// show all text
document.querySelectorAll('.sidebar .title').forEach((el) => {
// changing sidebar menu items and menu collapse icons
const icon = document.querySelector('.menu-link-arrows span');
if (icon.classList.contains('fa-angle-double-left')) {
} else {
// making sure the sidebar menu items re-expands the sidebar on click
let x = document.querySelectorAll('.sidebar details');
let i;
for (i = 1; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i].addEventListener('click', () => {
// changing sidebar menu items and menu collapse icons
// change menu items and menu collapse icons
const icon = document.querySelector('.sidebar-drop-parent-arrow span');
if (icon.classList.contains('fa-chevron-down')) {
} else {
if (document.querySelector('body').classList.contains('is--expand')) {
when loading the JS I'm not getting any console errors but I'm not seeing any result of the JS.
Why don't you use querySelector()? I think that's more uniform across your codebase. Besides, I see that you only care about one element and not a list of elements, so this method is ideal since it gets the first element that encounters.
const checkTypewriter = document.querySelector('#typewriter')
if (checkTypewriter) {
// Element with an ID 'typewriter' exist in the DOM.
const checkParticlesjs = document.querySelector('.particlesjs')
if (checkParticlesjs) {
// Element with a class named "particlesjs" exist in the DOM.
Also, make sure to check if an element exist before attaching an event listener:
const toggleNav = document.querySelector('nav .toggle')
if (toggleNav) {
toggleNav.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
document.querySelector('nav .hidden').classList.toggle('show')
For Javascript:
var checkTypewriter = document.getElementsByClassName('typewriter');
if (checkTypewriter.length > 0) {
// Here write your code
var checkParticlesjs = document.getElementsByClassName('particlesjs');
if (checkParticlesjs.length > 0) {
// Here write your specific code
For JQuery:
if ($("#typewriter")[0]){
// Here write your code
if ($(".particlesjs")[0]){
// Here write your specific code
This is how you can check if your classes exist,

How to get onInit() the current count of items in thumbnails Fancybox 3

I'm trying to get current count of images in onInit() function Fancybox v3
onInit: function() {
if(___Count_of_Thumbnails___ > 4){
var left = $('html');
var right= $('html');
setTimeout(function() {
// if($('.fancyfunc').length > 5){
// }
}, 1);
} is array containing all gallery items, so you can get item count like this:
onInit: function(instance) {;
FYI, instance.$refs contains references to interface elements, for example, instance.$refs.container would be container element.

Detect URL if it is already opened and throw pop-up : HTML+JS [duplicate]

I want to check with JavaScript if the user has already opened my website in another tab in their browser.
It seems I cannot do that with pagevisibility...
The only way I see is to use WebSocket based on a session cookie, and check if the client has more than one socket. But by this way, from current tab, I have to ask my server if this user has a tab opened right next to their current browser tab. It is a little far-fetched!
Maybe with localstorage?
The shorter version with localStorage and Storage listener
<script type="text/javascript">
// Broadcast that you're opening a page.
localStorage.openpages =;
var onLocalStorageEvent = function(e){
if(e.key == "openpages"){
// Listen if anybody else is opening the same page!
localStorage.page_available =;
if(e.key == "page_available"){
alert("One more page already open");
window.addEventListener('storage', onLocalStorageEvent, false);
Works on page crash as well.
Stimulate page crash in chrome: chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz
Live demo
Using local storage I created a simple demo that should accomplish what your looking to do. Basically, it simply maintains a count of currently opened windows. When the window is closed the unload events fire and remove it from the total window count.
When you first look at it, you may think there's more going on than there really is. Most of it was a shotty attempt to add logic into who was the "main" window, and who should take over as the "main" window as you closed children. (Hence the setTimeout calls to recheck if it should be promoted to a main window) After some head scratching, I decided it would take too much time to implement and was outside the scope of this question. However, if you have two windows open (Main, and Child) and you close the Main, the child will be promoted to a main.
For the most part you should be able to get the general idea of whats going on and use it for your own implementation.
See it all in action here:
Oh yeah, to actually see it in action... Open the link in multiple windows. :)
I've made the necessary changes to have the the local storage maintain the "main" window. As you close tabs child windows can then become promoted to a main window. There are two ways to control the "main" window state through a parameter passed to the constructor of WindowStateManager. This implementation is much nicer than my previous attempt.
// noprotect
var statusWindow = document.getElementById('status');
(function (win)
//Private variables
var _initialized = false;
var _isMainWindow = false;
var _unloaded = false;
var _windowArray;
var _windowId;
var _isNewWindowPromotedToMain = false;
var _onWindowUpdated;
function WindowStateManager(isNewWindowPromotedToMain, onWindowUpdated)
_onWindowUpdated = onWindowUpdated;
_isNewWindowPromotedToMain = isNewWindowPromotedToMain;
_windowId =;
_initialized = true;;
//Determine the state of the window
//If its a main or child window
function determineWindowState()
var self = this;
var _previousState = _isMainWindow;
_windowArray = localStorage.getItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY);
if (_windowArray === null || _windowArray === "NaN")
_windowArray = [];
_windowArray = JSON.parse(_windowArray);
if (_initialized)
//Determine if this window should be promoted
if (_windowArray.length <= 1 ||
(_isNewWindowPromotedToMain ? _windowArray[_windowArray.length - 1] : _windowArray[0]) === _windowId)
_isMainWindow = true;
_isMainWindow = false;
if (_windowArray.length === 0)
_isMainWindow = true;
_windowArray[0] = _windowId;
localStorage.setItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(_windowArray));
_isMainWindow = false;
localStorage.setItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(_windowArray));
//If the window state has been updated invoke callback
if (_previousState !== _isMainWindow)
//Perform a recheck of the window on a delay
//Remove the window from the global count
function removeWindow()
var __windowArray = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY));
for (var i = 0, length = __windowArray.length; i < length; i++)
if (__windowArray[i] === _windowId)
__windowArray.splice(i, 1);
//Update the local storage with the new array
localStorage.setItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(__windowArray));
//Bind unloading events
function bindUnload()
win.addEventListener('beforeunload', function ()
if (!_unloaded)
win.addEventListener('unload', function ()
if (!_unloaded)
WindowStateManager.prototype.isMainWindow = function ()
return _isMainWindow;
WindowStateManager.prototype.resetWindows = function ()
win.WindowStateManager = WindowStateManager;
var WindowStateManager = new WindowStateManager(false, windowUpdated);
function windowUpdated()
//"this" is a reference to the WindowStateManager
statusWindow.className = (this.isMainWindow() ? 'main' : 'child');
//Resets the count in case something goes wrong in code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>JS Bin</title>
<div id='status'>
<span class='mainWindow'>Main Window</span>
<span class='childWindow'>Child Window</span>
border:1px solid black;
margin:0 auto;
#status.main .mainWindow,
#status.child .childWindow
(2021) You can use BroadcastChannel to communicate between tabs of the same origin.
For example, put the following at the top level of your js code, then test by opening 2 tabs:
const bc = new BroadcastChannel("my-awesome-site");
bc.onmessage = (event) => {
if ( === `Am I the first?`) {
bc.postMessage(`No you're not.`);
alert(`Another tab of this site just got opened`);
if ( === `No you're not.`) {
alert(`An instance of this site is already running`);
bc.postMessage(`Am I the first?`);
I know it is late, but maybe help someone
This snippet of code, will detect how many tabs are open and how many are active (visible) and if none of tabs is active, it will choose last opened tab, as active one.
This code will handle windows/tab crash too and it will refresh the count at crash.
Because localStorage is not supported on Stack Overflow currently, please test here.
Open in several tabs or windows
<div id="holder_element"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
//Create a windows ID for each windows that is oppened
var current_window_id = + "";//convert to string
var time_period = 3000;//ms
//Check to see if PageVisibility API is supported or not
var PV_API = page_visibility_API_check();
function page_visibility_API_check ()
var page_visibility_API = false;
var visibility_change_handler = false;
if ('hidden' in document)
page_visibility_API = 'hidden';
visibility_change_handler = 'visibilitychange';
var prefixes = ['webkit','moz','ms','o'];
//loop over all the known prefixes
for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++){
if ((prefixes[i] + 'Hidden') in document)
page_visibility_API = prefixes[i] + 'Hidden';
visibility_change_handler = prefixes[i] + 'visibilitychange';
if (!page_visibility_API)
//PageVisibility API is not supported in this device
return page_visibility_API;
return {"hidden": page_visibility_API, "handler": visibility_change_handler};
if (PV_API)
document.addEventListener(PV_API.handler, function(){
//console.log("current_window_id", current_window_id, "document[PV_API.hidden]", document[PV_API.hidden]);
if (document[PV_API.hidden])
//windows is hidden now
//skip_once = true;
//windows is visible now
//skip_once = false;
check_current_window_status ();
}, false);
** ADD CURRENT WINDOW TO main_windows LIST **
//update active_window to current window
localStorage.active_window = current_window_id;
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function ()
** ADD TO main_windows LIST **
function add_to_main_windows_list(window_id)
var temp_main_windows_list = get_main_windows_list();
var index = temp_main_windows_list.indexOf(window_id);
if (index < 0)
//this windows is not in the list currently
localStorage.main_windows = temp_main_windows_list.join(",");
return temp_main_windows_list;
** GET main_windows LIST **
function get_main_windows_list()
var temp_main_windows_list = [];
if (localStorage.main_windows)
temp_main_windows_list = (localStorage.main_windows).split(",");
return temp_main_windows_list;
function remove_from_main_windows_list(window_id)
var temp_main_windows_list = [];
if (localStorage.main_windows)
temp_main_windows_list = (localStorage.main_windows).split(",");
var index = temp_main_windows_list.indexOf(window_id);
if (index > -1) {
temp_main_windows_list.splice(index, 1);
localStorage.main_windows = temp_main_windows_list.join(",");
//remove from active windows too
return temp_main_windows_list;
** GET active_windows LIST **
function get_active_windows_list()
var temp_active_windows_list = [];
if (localStorage.actived_windows)
temp_active_windows_list = (localStorage.actived_windows).split(",");
return temp_active_windows_list;
** REMOVE FROM actived_windows LIST **
function remove_from_active_windows(window_id)
var temp_active_windows_list = get_active_windows_list();
var index = temp_active_windows_list.indexOf(window_id);
if (index > -1) {
temp_active_windows_list.splice(index, 1);
localStorage.actived_windows = temp_active_windows_list.join(",");
return temp_active_windows_list;
** ADD TO actived_windows LIST **
function add_to_active_windows(window_id)
var temp_active_windows_list = get_active_windows_list();
var index = temp_active_windows_list.indexOf(window_id);
if (index < 0)
//this windows is not in active list currently
localStorage.actived_windows = temp_active_windows_list.join(",");
return temp_active_windows_list;
//If the last update didn't happened recently (more than time_period*2)
//we will clear saved localStorage's data and reload the page
function manage_crash()
if (localStorage.last_update)
if (parseInt(localStorage.last_update) + (time_period * 2) <
//seems a crash came! who knows!?
function check_current_window_status(test)
if (PV_API)
var active_status = "Inactive";
var windows_list = get_main_windows_list();
var active_windows_list = get_active_windows_list();
if (windows_list.indexOf(localStorage.active_window) < 0)
//last actived windows is not alive anymore!
//set the last added window, as active_window
localStorage.active_window = windows_list[windows_list.length - 1];
if (! document[PV_API.hidden])
//Window's page is visible
localStorage.active_window = current_window_id;
if (localStorage.active_window == current_window_id)
active_status = "Active";
if (active_status == "Active")
active_windows_list = add_to_active_windows(current_window_id);
active_windows_list = remove_from_active_windows(current_window_id);
console.log(test, active_windows_list);
var element_holder = document.getElementById("holder_element");
element_holder.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", "<div>"+element_holder.childElementCount+") Current Windows is "+ active_status +" "+active_windows_list.length+" window(s) is visible and active of "+ windows_list.length +" windows</div>");
console.log("PageVisibility API is not supported :(");
//our INACTIVE pages, will remain INACTIVE forever, you need to make some action in this case!
localStorage.last_update =;
//check storage continuously
check_current_window_status ();
}, time_period);
//initial check
check_current_window_status ();

jQuery Tree issue - add first child li

I have 2 columns, on the left side a team with users, on the right column, will be displayed the users i have selected. so everything its working but i'm trying to implement a new feature as follow:
I have 2 list level like a tree (only 2 levels). When i click on a user, i'm able to select it sending to the right column. Also, when i click (single click) on the first level (team name), the second level (users) appear as toggle jquery function. i need so, when i double click on a team (level 1) all users on that tree turns selected and go to column on the right side.
Also, when i click on the team (first level) on the right side, all the users get removed back.
My code to add the users jquery current is:
$(document).ready(function () {
var maxAllowed = 10000;
var $selectTable = $("#mytable");
var $selectList = $("#selected_users ul")
var getActivated = function () {
var activated = new Array();
$selectTable.find('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').closest("li").each(function () {
var $obj = new Object;
var currentBox = $(this).find('input[type="checkbox"]');
$ = currentBox.val();
$obj.boxid = currentBox.attr("id");
$ = $(this).find("label").text();
return activated;
var updateActiveList = function () {
// Truncate list
$(getActivated()).each(function () {
$selectList.append("<li><a href='#' class='remove' data-id='" + + "' data-box-id='" + this.boxid + "'>" + + "</li></a>");
var countActivated = function () {
return getActivated().length;
$('#view').click(function () {
allIds = new Array();
getActivated().each(function () {
$selectList.on("click", "a.remove", function () {
$('#' + $(this).data("box-id")).prop("checked", false);
$selectTable.on("change", 'input[type="checkbox"]', function (event) {
if ($(this).is(":checked") && countActivated() > maxAllowed) {
console.log("max reached!");
$(this).prop("checked", false);
Here's a jsFiddle with working example:
Thanks all!
Hi, i just added a code to separate single click from double click. So when the user single click, will open the tree. now i need when the user double click on the first level, add both (first level and they're childrens to the right side.
Follow code for single and double clicks:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#mytable').on('click', '.toggle', function (ul) {
//Gets all <tr>'s of greater depth
//below element in the table
var findChildren = function (ul) {
var depth ='depth');
return ul.nextUntil($('ul').filter(function () {
return $(this).data('depth') <= depth;
var el = $(this);
var ul = el.closest('ul'); //Get <tr> parent of toggle button
var children = findChildren(ul);
var el=$(this);
if (alreadyclicked){
alreadyclicked=false; // reset
clearTimeout(alreadyclickedTimeout); // prevent this from happening
alreadyclicked=false; // reset when it happens
//Remove already collapsed nodes from children so that we don't
//make them visible.
//(Confused? Remove this code and close Item 2, close Item 1
//then open Item 1 again, then you will understand)
var subnodes = children.filter('.expand');
subnodes.each(function () {
var subnode = $(this);
var subnodeChildren = findChildren(subnode);
children = children.not(subnodeChildren);
//Change icon and hide/show children
if (ul.hasClass('collapse')) {
} else {
return children;
// do what needs to happen on single click.
// use el instead of $(this) because $(this) is
// no longer the element
},300); // <-- dblclick tolerance here
return false;
And new jsFiddle is:
To distinguish different groups I am wrapping each group/section in a wrapper div with class .wrapper
<div class="wrapper">
Also I attached a double click event to .wrapper and currently I have made it to alert its inner labels.Just write some additional code to add these labels to the right side like you are currently adding one element on click.Below is the code with jQuery .dblclick() function which attaches a double-click event to .wrapper.
Check this fiddle

NEED HELP. Author has abandoned to fix this jQuery plugin!

I am trying to implemented this jQuery news ticker style plugin from
Like mentioned in the comments (around May) there is a bug and the author lost its will to give a bug fix.
The bug is:
In Mac browsers (Firefox, Opera and Safari, all OSX) - links (a href) don’t ‘work’ until each list item has finished scrolling/revealing. Basically after this plugin has loaded, all the a href stops working.
Here is the code for the plugin (
News ticker plugin (BBC news style)
Bryan Gullan,2007-2010
version 2.2
updated 2010-04-04
Documentation at
Demo at
Use and distrubute freely with this header intact.
(function($) {
var name='newsTicker';
function runTicker(settings) {
tickerData = $(settings.newsList).data('newsTicker');
if(tickerData.currentItem > tickerData.newsItemCounter){
// if we've looped to beyond the last item in the list, start over
tickerData.currentItem = 0;
else if (tickerData.currentItem < 0) {
// if we've looped back before the first item, move to the last one
tickerData.currentItem = tickerData.newsItemCounter;
if(tickerData.currentPosition == 0) {
if(tickerData.newsLinks[tickerData.currentItem].length > 0) {
else {
//only start the ticker itself if it's defined as animating: otherwise it's paused or under manual advance
if (tickerData.animating) {
if( tickerData.currentPosition % 2 == 0) {
var placeHolder = tickerData.placeHolder1;
else {
var placeHolder = tickerData.placeHolder2;
if( tickerData.currentPosition < tickerData.newsItems[tickerData.currentItem].length) {
// we haven't completed ticking out the current item
var tickerText = tickerData.newsItems[tickerData.currentItem].substring(0,tickerData.currentPosition);
if(tickerData.newsLinks[tickerData.currentItem].length > 0) {
$(tickerData.newsList + ' li a').text(tickerText + placeHolder);
else {
$(tickerData.newsList + ' li').text(tickerText + placeHolder);
tickerData.currentPosition ++;
setTimeout(function(){runTicker(settings); settings = null;},tickerData.tickerRate);
else {
// we're on the last letter of the current item
if(tickerData.newsLinks[tickerData.currentItem].length > 0) {
$(tickerData.newsList + ' li a').text(tickerData.newsItems[tickerData.currentItem]);
else {
$(tickerData.newsList + ' li').text(tickerData.newsItems[tickerData.currentItem]);
if (tickerData.animating) {
tickerData.currentPosition = 0;
tickerData.currentItem ++;
runTicker(settings); settings = null;
else {// settings.animating == false
// display the full text of the current item
var tickerText = tickerData.newsItems[tickerData.currentItem];
if(tickerData.newsLinks[tickerData.currentItem].length > 0) {
$(tickerData.newsList + ' li a').text(tickerText);
else {
$(tickerData.newsList + ' li').text(tickerText);
// Core plugin setup and config
jQuery.fn[name] = function(options) {
// Add or overwrite options onto defaults
var settings = jQuery.extend({}, jQuery.fn.newsTicker.defaults, options);
var newsItems = new Array();
var newsLinks = new Array();
var newsItemCounter = 0;
// Hide the static list items
$(settings.newsList + ' li').hide();
// Store the items and links in arrays for output
$(settings.newsList + ' li').each(function(){
if($(this).children('a').length) {
newsItems[newsItemCounter] = $(this).children('a').text();
newsLinks[newsItemCounter] = $(this).children('a').attr('href');
else {
newsItems[newsItemCounter] = $(this).text();
newsLinks[newsItemCounter] = '';
newsItemCounter ++;
var tickerElement = $(settings.newsList); // for quick reference below, {
newsList: settings.newsList,
tickerRate: settings.tickerRate,
startDelay: settings.startDelay,
loopDelay: settings.loopDelay,
placeHolder1: settings.placeHolder1,
placeHolder2: settings.placeHolder2,
controls: settings.controls,
ownControls: settings.ownControls,
stopOnHover: settings.stopOnHover,
newsItems: newsItems,
newsLinks: newsLinks,
newsItemCounter: newsItemCounter - 1, // -1 because we've incremented even after the last item (above)
currentItem: 0,
currentPosition: 0,
stop: function(event) {
// show remainder of the current item immediately
tickerData =;
if (tickerData.animating) { // only stop if not already stopped
tickerData.animating = false;
play: function(event) {
// show 1st item with startdelay
tickerData =;
if (!tickerData.animating) { // if already animating, don't start animating again
tickerData.animating = true;
setTimeout(function(){runTicker(tickerData); tickerData = null;},tickerData.startDelay);
resume: function(event) {
// start from next item, with no delay
tickerData =;
if (!tickerData.animating) { // if already animating, don't start animating again
tickerData.animating = true;
// set the character position as 0 to ensure on resume we start at the right point
tickerData.currentPosition = 0;
tickerData.currentItem ++;
runTicker(tickerData); // no delay when resuming.
next: function(event) {
// show whole of next item
tickerData =;
// stop (which sets as non-animating), and call runticker
// set the character position as 0 to ensure on resume we start at the right point
tickerData.currentPosition = 0;
tickerData.currentItem ++;
previous: function(event) {
// show whole of previous item
tickerData =;
// stop (which sets as non-animating), and call runticker
// set the character position as 0 to ensure on resume we start at the right point
tickerData.currentPosition = 0;
tickerData.currentItem --;
if (settings.stopOnHover) {
mouseover: function(event) {
tickerData =;
if (tickerData.animating) { // stop if not already stopped
if (tickerData.controls) { // ensure that the ticker can be resumed if controls are enabled
tickerData =;
// set up control buttons if the option is on
if (tickerData.controls || tickerData.ownControls) {
if (!tickerData.ownControls) {
$('<ul class="ticker-controls"><li class="play">Play</li><li class="resume">Resume</li><li class="stop">Stop</li><li class="previous">Previous</li><li class="next">Next</li></ul>').insertAfter($(tickerData.newsList));
// tell it to play
// News ticker defaults
jQuery.fn[name].defaults = {
newsList: "#news",
tickerRate: 80,
startDelay: 100,
loopDelay: 3000,
placeHolder1: " |",
placeHolder2: "_",
controls: true,
ownControls: false,
stopOnHover: true
Any solutions? I am not a programmer so if someone could point out where to patch it greatly appreciated!
UPDATE: it seems only the links with ? mark becomes disabled.
I just happened to come across this post. I do still support the ticker, and there have been a few releases since last July.
The way to mitigate this issue was that there's now a "stop on hover" option, which pauses the ticker and completes (immediately) the display of an item when the user hovers over it (including of course being about to click it).
If this is still of relevance to you, if you still have issues with the latest version it'd be worth reading through the thread of comments; please do get in touch if you've still a problem (if one of the comments was yours and I missed it, then sorry!). The "official" way is to post a bug report on the jQuery plugins site, which fully tracks any reported issues, but I do try to respond to anyone who requests support via the blog.
If there are any elements with the ID of news in your document, there might be a collision happening... Might this be the case? I'd search your html document for any occurrences of id="news" and correct them, seeing as though passing the proper parameters into the plugin might require a bit of extra research.

