Node.js Q Promises Multiple Parameters - javascript

Trying to cleanup my callback spaghetti code using the Q promise library in my nodejs express app, but I'm having trouble translating some parts of it. Having trouble passing multiple arguments to functions and dealing with the scope.
Here's a simplified "synchronous" version to show my logic:
function updateFacebook(req, res) {
var user = getUserFromDB(userid);
var profile = getUserProfileFromAPI(accessToken);
var success = updateUserDB(user, profile);
res.json({ result: success });
So I convert the callback functions to return promises
function getUserFromDB(userid) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
// somewhere in here there's a deferred.resolve(user object);
return deferred.promise;
function getUserProfileFromAPI(accessToken) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
// somewhere in here there's a deferred.resolve(profile object);
return deferred.promise;
function updateUserDB(user, profile) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
// somewhere in here there's a deferred.resolve(updated user object);
return deferred.promise;
function handleResponse(res, user) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
// was thinking about putting the res.json here
// i have no way of passing in the res
// and res is out of scope...
return deferred.promise;
Now the problem is linking them up, I tried...
Q.when(getUserFromDB(userid), getUserProfileFromAPI(accessToken))
Q.all([getUserFromDB(userid), getUserProfileFromAPI(accessToken)])
Super confused. Any direction would be much appreciated.

Looks like your handleResponse is expecting two params, but updateUserDB is only resolving a single object. You could do something like:
function getResponseHandler(res) {
return function(user) {
// your handleResponse code here
// which now has access to res
and then call it like:
Q.all([getUserFromDB(userid), getUserProfileFromAPI(accessToken)])


returning data in node js

I have two files in my application,
var fs = require('fs');
var dotenv = require('dotenv');
var designtokenfile = require ('./designtokenfile');
var designtokendb = require ('./designtokendb');
var TYPE=process.env.TYPE;
var DesignFactory={};
DesignFactory.storeDesign = function(TYPE) {
if (TYPE == 'file') {
var data=design.designtokenfile.load();
} else if (TYPE == 'db') {
return designtokendb;
now, I have another designtokenfile.js file,
var fs = require('fs');
var load = function() {
fs.readFile('output.txt', 'utf8', function (err,data) {
return data;
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
So my problem is am not able get data returned from load method. when I print data inside storeDesign method returned from load function, it displays undefined.
but I want contents of output.txt inside storeDesign method.
Please help me.
Instead of:
var load = function() {
fs.readFile('output.txt', 'utf8', function (err, data) {
return data;
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
which has no way of working because the if after the return would never be reached, use this:
var load = function(cb) {
fs.readFile('output.txt', 'utf8', function (err,data) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
cb(null, data);
and use it like this:
load((err, data) => {
if (err) {
// handle error
} else {
// handle success
Or use this:
var load = function(cb) {
return new Promise(resolve, reject) {
fs.readFile('output.txt', 'utf8', function (err, data) {
if (err) {
and use it like this:
load().then(data => {
// handle success
}).catch(err => {
// handle error
In other words, you cannot return a value from a callback to asynchronous function. Your function either needs to tak a callback or return a promise.
You need to reed more about asynchronous nature of Node, about promises and callbacks. There are a lot of questions and answers on Stack Overflow that I can recommend:
promise call separate from promise-resolution
Q Promise delay
Return Promise result instead of Promise
Exporting module from promise result
What is wrong with promise resolving?
Return value in function from a promise block
How can i return status inside the promise?
Should I refrain from handling Promise rejection asynchronously?
Is the deferred/promise concept in JavaScript a new one or is it a traditional part of functional programming?
How can I chain these functions together with promises?
Promise.all in JavaScript: How to get resolve value for all promises?
Why Promise.all is undefined
function will return null from javascript post/get
Use cancel() inside a then-chain created by promisifyAll
Why is it possible to pass in a non-function parameter to Promise.then() without causing an error?
Implement promises pattern
Promises and performance
Trouble scraping two URLs with promises
http.request not returning data even after specifying return on the 'end' event
async.each not iterating when using promises
jQuery jqXHR - cancel chained calls, trigger error chain
Correct way of handling promisses and server response
Return a value from a function call before completing all operations within the function itself?
Resolving a setTimeout inside API endpoint
Async wait for a function
JavaScript function that returns AJAX call data
try/catch blocks with async/await
jQuery Deferred not calling the resolve/done callbacks in order
Returning data from ajax results in strange object
javascript - Why is there a spec for sync and async modules?
Return data after ajax call success
fs.readFile ist asynchrone so you need to pass a callback function or use fs.readFileSync
You are getting undefined because of asynchronous nature.. Try for the following code:
var fs = require('fs');
var load = function(callback) {
fs.readFile('output.txt', 'utf8', function (err,data) {
//return data;
callback(null, data);
if (err) {
callback("error", null);
var fs = require('fs');
var dotenv = require('dotenv');
var designtokenfile = require ('./designtokenfile');
var designtokendb = require ('./designtokendb');
var TYPE=process.env.TYPE;
var DesignFactory={};
DesignFactory.storeDesign = function(TYPE) {
if (TYPE == 'file') {
var data=design.designtokenfile.load(function(err, res){
} else {
} else if (TYPE == 'db') {
return designtokendb;

Chaining array of promise returning functions with $q

I have an array of functions, where each function returns promise from ajax call.
var promises = [];
if (form.$valid) {
Object.keys($scope.Model.Data.FormFiles).forEach(function (key) {
var file = $scope.Model.Data.FormFiles[key];
function uploadFile(){
var deferred = $q.defer();
var upload = Upload.upload({
url: "/api/ir/funnelApi/UploadFile",
data: { file: file }
upload.then(function (response) {
// do something
}, function (error) {
}, function (evt) {
return deferred.promise;
What i am trying to do is, if all the file has been uploaded successfully then do something.
$q.all(promises).then(function (responses) {
// do something
}, function (errors) {
// if any of the file upload fails, it should come here
But the problem is the ajax are never fired and the $q.all always moves to success with the function array.
What's the wrong i am doing??
You are pushing references of the function to array....not invoking the function and pushing the returned promise
Try changing:
Creating a new promise using $q.defer(); is also an antipattern when Upload.upload() already returns a promise and you could simply return that instead

AngularJS Promise Returns Empty Array

I have this code in a factory:
getAyahsByJuz: function (juzIndex) {
var response = [];
var promises = [];
var self = this;
var deferred = $q.defer();
$timeout(function () {
$http.get('data/quran.json').success(function (data) {
var ayahs = Quran.ayah.listFromJuz(juzIndex);
angular.forEach(ayahs, function (value, key) {
var promise = self.getVerse(value.surah, value.ayah).then(function (res) {
var verse = {
surah: value.surah,
ayah: value.ayah,
text: res
}, function (err) {
}, 30);
$q.all(promises).then(function() {
return deferred.promise;
Please note that everything is working fine the verse object is returning properly. However, when I use this in a controller using .then(res). res returns [] instead of the array filled with the verse objects.
Can anyone point out why? Thanks!
The short answer is because your $q.all runs before $timeout & before the $http embedded in $timeout. Let's boil your original code down to its relevant components:
getAyahsByJuz: function (juzIndex) {
var response = [];
var promises = [];
var deferred = $q.defer();
// ...irrelevant stuff that will happen after a $timeout
// this happens IMMEDIATELY (before $timeout):
$q.all(promises).then(function() { // wait for empty promise array
deferred.resolve(response); // resolve with empty response array
}); // side note: this is a broken chain! deferred.promise can't reject
return deferred.promise; // send promise for empty array
See the problem? If for some odd reason you need to keep that $timeout, here's the fix with substantial promise refactoring & removing the awful jquery-inspired non-promisy success syntax):
getAyahsByJuz: function (juzIndex) {
var self = this;
// $timeout itself returns a promise which we can post-process using its callback return value
return $timeout(function () {
// returning the $http promise modifies the $timeout promise
return $http.get('data/quran.json').then(function (response) { // you never used this response!
var versePromises = [];
var ayahs = Quran.ayah.listFromJuz(juzIndex);
angular.forEach(ayahs, function (value, key) {
// we'll push all versePromises into an array…
var versePromise = self.getVerse(value.surah, value.ayah).then(function (res) {
// the return value of this `then` modifies `versePromise`
return {
surah: value.surah,
ayah: value.ayah,
text: res
return $q.all(versePromises); // modifies $http promise — this is our ultimate promised value
// if a versePromise fails, $q.all will fail; add a `catch` when using getAyahsByJuz!
}, 30);
However, there is still a huge issue here… why aren't you using the server response of your $http call anywhere? What is the point of that first call?
Also I find that $timeout to be extremely suspicious. If you need it then it's likely there's something bad going on elsewhere in the code.

in node, using Q, make 2 functions work in parallel but wait only for the first one to fulfill its promise

In my environment I use node +q (which I'm not a great expert of), so the main argument is: promises.
I have a function that needs to make 2 operations in parallel, a very long one and a very short one.
var parallelWrapper = function(input) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
var fastPromise = fastComputation()
.then(function(data) {
function(err) {
// of course this one below is not going to work properly
var slowPromise = slowComputation()
.then(function(data) {
.then(function(data) {
.fail(function(err) {
Q.all([fastPromise, slowPromise]);
retrun deferred.promise;
this function will be called in a chain of promises, because the result of the first operation is needed, while the result of the 2nd is not.
var myLongChainOfFunctions = function() {
var deferred = Q.defer();
/* Do Something with the data returned only by fastPromise*/
return deferred.promise;
What I would like to do is to make them go in parallel but to resolve as soon as fastPromise is done, so that the chained promises can move forward, but obviously at some point in the future I would also like slowPromise to finish.
So I just would like slowPromise to live its life, do what it has to do and not care too much if succeed or fails.
My impression is that it's not possible with Q, but maybe there's a solution I'm not spotting.
I would have done so:
var parallelWrapper = function(input) {
var fastPromise = fastComputation();
var slowPromise = slowComputation()
.then(function(data) {
return makeSomething();
.then(function(data) {
return makeSomethingElse();
return Q([fastPromise, slowPromise]).all();
And second example somthing like this:
var myLongChainOfFunctions = function() {
return firstFunction(someParams)
ok, you can do this like:
var parallelWrapper = function(input) {
.then(function(data) {
return makeSomething();
.then(function(data) {
return makeSomethingElse();
return fastComputation();

Serial execution with Q promises

I think I'm misunderstanding how Q promises work. I want my first promise to resolve before the next one starts, but that's not happening. Here is my code:
var Q = require('q');
function doWork(taskName) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
console.log('starting', taskName);
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('done with', taskName);
return deferred.promise;
doWork('task one')
.then(doWork('task two'))
.then(function() { console.log('all done'); });
This code produces:
$ node test.js
starting task one
starting task two
done with task one
done with task two
all done
I would hope that it produces:
$ node test.js
starting task one
done with task one
starting task two
done with task two
all done
What am I doing wrong?
This works:
doWork('task one')
.then(function() {
return doWork('task two')
.then(function() {
console.log('all done');
That makes sense - just calling doWork directly in then() will fire off the timeout immediately, instead of giving Q a chance to wait until task one is complete.
The reason is that the doWork needs to be referenced as a function. If you want to reference a function inside the '.then' then you just give the function name, you don't pass the parameters. When the parser sees .then(doWork('taskTwo'))it will run doWork('taskTwo') BEFORE the .then is even evaluated. It's trying to bind the function parameter.
In this case, if you return the parameter for the next task in the resolved promise of the previous task then the parser will call doWork with the correct parameter and in the correct order.
var Q = require('q');
function doWork(taskNum) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
console.log('starting', taskNum);
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('done with task', taskNum);
return deferred.promise;
.then(function(lastTaskNum) { console.log('all done'); });
Sample code using q and request
var Q = require('q'),
request = require('request'),
api = {}; = function (options) {
var deferred = Q.defer();, function (error, response, body) {
error ? deferred.reject(error) : deferred.resolve(body);
return deferred.promise;
api.get = function (options) {
var deferred = Q.defer();, function (error, response, body) {
error ? deferred.reject(error) : deferred.resolve(response);
return deferred.promise;
.post({url: ''})
.then(function (body) {
return api.get({url: 'http://myspace.hell'});
}, function (error) {
//error handling logic
.then(function (response) {
}, function (error) {
//error handling logic
.done(); //when you are done
In the code above, you can see that I define 2 API methods: get and post.
I'm using the request library.
my post api method, resolves the promise with the body of response object returned by
my get api method, resolves the promise with the response of the request.get() call
You can see exactly how you can chain these 2 api call using the promises.
In the first then I return the second promise, so that I can chain the promise.

