windows.onload vs resize different width - javascript

I need to adjust several elements in width and height in relation to window width. So I am using
window.onload = function() {
to call my function.
After window resize everything is displayed correctly - but not onload. I guessed that this had something to do with the window-width-value.
So, I printed the width value of window and recognized that - onload - my window width had a value 'x' and when I resized for 1px left or right value 'x' of window width increased / decreased + / - 18px.
I assume that this causes the problems on my website onload. Does anybody know the reason for this and has anybody a solution how to fix it? That would be great!
Its not that onload doesn't work at all. Its just the wrong values that it seems to get when it reads out the window width.

You can do like this:
$(window).on('load resize',function(){
}).resize(); // trigger resize when page is loaded

Consider this scenario:
Some of the content is hidden via CSS. The resulting page is short and no horizontal scrollbar is required.
You calculate the window width on load event at which point scrollbars are not there.
You un-hide the content and now the page is tall and requires horizontal scrollbar.
The width of the window decreases by 17px (usual width of scrollbar) without you noticing.
If this is the case then one solution is to force the window horizontal scrollbar using CSS. You can use the following (although I recommend searching more on StackOverflow):
html {
overflow-y: scroll;


Is it possible to have a container that keeps its aspect ratio while resizing according to the screen/window size?

I've made an example on paint
This might be overthinking this but I'm trying to have a div that always keeps its aspect ratio (9:16) and that is showing entirely on screen whatever the windows size. I tried searching for "div keep aspect ratio" but in these cases the div doesn't resize with the window. I thought using javascript to check when the height of the window is greater than its width (and vice versa) and change the css but I don't know if it's possible to run a javascript function upon resizing the page. Also, all my content is in this container and I just want black bars to fill the rest.
Thanks for helping.
There are lots of ways to do that.
use javascript resize function:
window.onresize = function() {
// resize your div according to window size
use Jquery resize function:
// resize your div according to window size
use css #media
#media all and (min-height:640px) and (max-height:960px){
// resize your div according to window size

Possible to set max-height on an element with position fixed just once?

I have a sidebar (id="sidebar") set up with position=fixed on the top right hand corner.
The issue is when the window height is smaller than the sidebar, I want the sidebar to have a scrollbar. Currently, I have a function where I am setting max-height, called by window.resize as well as in some other places:
$("#sidebar").css("max-height", window.innerHeight - 15);
This is working, and the scrollbar appears and works as it should when I resize my window smaller than the sidebar. My question is: Is there possibly a way where I could avoid having to set max-height on every resize event, and instead calling something once on setup and still get the same scrolling behavior?
You don't need JS for this. Use CSS:
#sidebar {max-height:calc(100vh - 15px)}

Why does $(window).width() change while the page is loading?

I noticed that my scripts were setting widths incorrectly, so I tried the following snippet:
var prev;
This printed 2 different values: 1464 and 1481. Since these are 17px apart, I'm almost certain this is caused by scrollbars. The second value is the correct value.
Why does $(window).width() change without resizing the window? Shouldn't it return the browser window's width, which should be constant?
$(window).width() returns the width of the window object excluding scrollbars (otherwise known as the viewport width). Depending on the operating system and browser, the vertical scrollbar can often subtract from the viewport width. This means you should call this function once all your content has been loaded, and you'll need to call it again if the content changes.
Putting this in the $.ready() function won't guarantee that you'll get the correct width with respect to the final page content. This is because $.ready fires when the DOM is loaded, but there might still be images/fonts that can affect the layout. It's very possible that a scrollbar can get added after you call $.ready(). The easiest solution to this problem is to place your call inside the $(window).load() function instead, as this fires when all content has been loaded, and there's nothing more to render.
Generally speaking, it's a good idea to set the width on DOM ready, window load, window resize, and any time the content changes. This can be done like so:
$(function() {
var window_width;
function set_window_width() {
window_width = $(window).width();
// do something with window_width
set_window_width(); // set width on DOM ready
$(window).on('load resize', set_window_width); // set width on window load and resize
function custom_load_content() {
// load / change content
Most (if not all) of the time, the viewport width is what you want. You're probably using the width to perform some calculations and/or resize some elements, and this should always be relative to the viewport, because your CSS is relative to the viewport. But, if for some reason you want to get the width including scrollbars, you can use window.innerWidth instead (source).
$(window).width() is affected by the margin, border and padding.
These can change as the DOM is being loaded.
As mentioned above, make sure you are waiting until $(document).ready() before you start looking at / twiddling with the DOM objects.
More info here
In most of the cases, the window width changes with the content, so there must be some ajax call coming which changes some content of the window. You can use browser debug tool and open the network traffic window to see what comes when the window width changes, debug into the javascript file to find which part of window changes with that ajax call, this may help you to find the reason.

Positioning div elements left & top not working with content in FireFox

I've got a webpage with a full-screen canvas. Over the canvas I'm going to place and position divs that will contain UI elements for the canvas. I'm using jQuery to create the divs and give them the css style they need. I also re-position and/or re-size them in JavaScript upon window re-size. The problem is, as soon as I enter even one space into a div, FireFox says 'NO!' and seems to ignore any css changes made by JavaScript, even if I remove the content of the div again.
Here's some technical details:
The div I'll show is a fullscreen div that overlays the canvas and functions as dim-screen in case there are dialogs the user has opened so the canvas appears darker and extra attention is pulled towards the dialog.
The css I'm using is:
.ui_layer {
position: absolute;
#ui_layer_dim {
background-color: #000000;
opacity: 0.5;
In JavaScript I have my own function that creates the div, but it runs this jQuery:
$("<div id='ui_layer_dim' class='ui_layer' style='z-index:1'/>");
Then, on onWindowResize (tiggered by a window 'resize' eventlistener), I change the div's width and height to fit the new window size:
gameUI.layers["ui_layer_dim"].onWindowResize = function() {
this.css("width", window.innerWidth + "px");
this.css("height", window.innerHeight + "px");
In Chrome this works perfectly, even if I place content in the div. FireFox works, but only when the div is in it's initial state. One change to the div's contents and 'BOOM it goes': No more dynamic sizing.
I've tried the different css position settings, tried setting the width and height attributes using the css function, using the style function of the element and using setAttribute to see if it's caused by some sort of incompatibility; the results didn't change.
I've run a series of tests to see what happens to the html as soon as content is placed into the div and noticed something weird: The inspector and css rules won't show changes to the width and height of the window's innerWidth and innerHeight. Neither does the div itself, but I've set up some logging to view info about the window's innerWidth and innerHeight before setting the div's width and height and some logging about the div's width and height after setting it, and that actually shows the correct dimensions...
After building and testing the system for several days I have no clue anymore what could cause the problem. Like I've said before: Chrome works as it should so I know my code technically works, but it might just be that a different approach is needed to make it work in FireFox. I hope anyone knows. Help would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: Here's a fiddle with the code, try running in FireFox, resize the result, it should resize the grey div as well. Now, right click the result, go to the inspector and put some text or even a space inside the div and resize again. Not working for me. Link:
Edit 2: Here's a screenshot that will hopefully clear up the problem I'm having. Marked yellow is the initial state of the browser width, I set it to very narrow to be able to show the problem more clearly. Marked orange is the state after I made the browser wider a bit. You can see the grey div doesn't resize with it as it should, neither do the inspector value and the CSS rules value, but the console shows the correct value. The first ("Setting property:.....") was retrieved from window.innerWidth, the second ("Property height now has....") was retrieved from the actual width property from the div element using style.getPropertyValue.
Just noticed IE gives the same result as FireFox, but yea..IE....
Is your gameUI.layers known by mozilla?
Did you try the jQuery solution?
When adding and removing content from the div using JavaScript it works. Even though the problem does not exist for me anymore I'm still very confused by the fact that editing the div in the FF inspector creates such a weird result.

100% height div but if content bigger adjust accordingly

My website is to be a one page website, with 5 DIV's acting as panels (with a classname as .panel) that fit to stretch the full height and width of the browser window. My below code does this already and works a treat however, I have content that can be larger than the height of .panel/browser window. At the moment this content gets hidden. I.e. The .panel DIV is literally the height of the window and nothing else. I need it to expand if the content within it is larger than the height of the browser window.
How do I edit this code below to do add this functionality? Maybe add a classname to this adjusted DIV so that I can style it accordingly?
// In my plugins.js file
function fitElements(){
var height=$(window).height();
var width=$(window).width();
// At the bottom of my HTML file (to call the function)
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// My current code also adjusts on browser resize - so would need this answer to do the same
Change the section
if (height > $('.panel').height) {
for the re-size function add
in to the beginning of the function

