Auto capitalization of input and TextArea Fields [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have my input Field and is using onKeyup and onKeyPress to return number & characters and then to move to the next field.
<input name="aendcodeM" id="aendcodeM" type="text" size="25" maxlength="4" onKeyPress="return numchar(event)" onKeyup="autotab(this, document.form1.bendcodeM)"/>
<input name="bendcodeM" id="bendcodeM" type="text" size="25" maxlength="4" onKeyPress="return numchar(event)" onKeyup="autotab(this, document.form1.bndwdM)"/>
I am trying to use feature of auto-capitalization also for which the code witten as -
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
$("input").keyup(function() {
var val = $(this).val()
$(document).ready(function() {
$("textarea").keyup(function() {
var val = $(this).val()
$(input[type="text"]).on('keypress', function() {
var $this = $(this), value = $this.val();
if (value.length === 1) {
$this.val( value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() );
But is of no use since the characters not getting automatically capitalized as desire. Any help in this regard is obliged please.
Thanks & Reagrds

Use css text-transform: uppercase for your input's text & textarea elements as:
input, textarea{
text-transform: uppercase;
This will work for you.

Many errors in your code:
why calling function when it isn't initialized?
Uncaught ReferenceError: autotab is not defined error in demo.
<input name="aendcodeM" id="aendcodeM" type="text" size="25" maxlength="4" onKeyPress="return numchar(event)" onKeyup="autotab(this, document.form1.bendcodeM)"/>
^^^^^ ^^^^
Here also ' is missing:
$('input[type="text"]').on('keypress', function() {
^ ^
Working DEMO
How to check Error in console

You should be using only one $(document).ready( ... ) in your Javascript.
Working demo of your code (fixed)
$(document).ready(function() {
$("input, textarea").keyup(function() {
var val = $(this).val()
$('input[type="text"]').on('keypress', function() {
var $this = $(this), value = $this.val();
if (value.length === 1) {
$this.val( value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() );

Check the demo
Jquery Code
$(this).val( $(this).val().toUpperCase());

Doing it that way is unnecessary. I strongly suggest you force uppercase by using the text-transform CSS property.
text-transform: uppercase;
This will force clients to render text in uppercase at all times.
Be careful as the values are not. When you proccess your action it is important at that point you convert your value to uppercase either client side or server side.

try this
$( "#aendcodeM" ).bind( "input", function() {

two things
You have to put semi-colon and also check if this is pointing properly
var val = $(this).val();//notice semicolon here
$(this).val(val.toUpperCase());//notice semicolon here
Here is your problem. You need to understand the concepts better. You are trying to register event handler both in javascript and jquery. autocad and numchar functions are not defined and since these are event handlers using javscript, when they get hit it wont work.
Find below the code and also check with this fiddle
<input name="aendcodeM" id="aendcodeM" type="text" size="25" maxlength="4" />
<input name="bendcodeM" id="bendcodeM" type="text" size="25" maxlength="4" />
and javascript is
$(document).ready(function() {
$("input").keyup(function() {
var val = $(this).val();

$("textarea").keyup(function() {
var valtext = $(this).val()
The above code is works on all the textarea of the page.Firstly we will take take the value of textarea where user is start typing then make it Upper case using inbuilt function of jquery and assign to the textarea.

Sometimes i found that when you use variable name same as function name or same as any keyword, then it throws error
so try to do one thing. Also use ids.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#text_area").keyup(function() {
var valtext = $(this).val()
Just have a test with this. May be this is the scenario happening on your case
Also use ids.
see the fiddle


How to add restriction on each duplicated field using jquery

I'm trying to add restrictions on every duplicated field I add using jquery. The outcome should be that each duplicated field should restrict the user from entering more than 5 words per field.
This is the code I have so far. Anyone who can help? I'll appreciate it guys. Thank you!
$('.itextarea').each( function(){
$(this).on('keyup', function() {
var words = this.value.match(/\S+/g).length;
if (words > 5) {
var trimmed = $(this).val().split(/\s+/, 5).join(' ');
$(this).val(trimmed + ' ');
$('').empty().append('You can only add 5 words per field.');
UPDATE: Sorry, here's the html for those who were asking for it.
<textarea class="itextarea form-control" name="id_desc[]" aria-required="true"></textarea>
When you want to share the same functionality on elements created by other scripts you can access them by using $('body').on( events, selectors, callback):
$('#add-field').on('click', function() {
$('#banner-message').append(`<input class="itextarea" />`);
// This is how you should access dynamically added elements
$('body').on('keyup', '.itextarea', function() {
var words = this.value.match(/\S+/g).length;
if (words > 5) {
var trimmed = $(this).val().split(/\s+/, 5).join(' ');
$(this).val(trimmed + ' ');
$('').empty().append('You can only add 5 words per field.');
} else {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="banner-message">
<button type="button" id='add-field'>
Add New Field
<input class="itextarea" />
I created a sample fiddle for you. As mentioned by #darklightcode you should use such selector $('body').on( events, selectors, callback), but also you need to bind input event instead of keydown and also you need an additional check duplicated texarea fields. Hope this will help you

numeral.js live formatting

I would like to live format an input box with Numeral.js.
I tried something like this.
$('#exchangeInputFirst').keyup(function () {
//eur formatting
//to HUF format $('#exchangeInputSecond').val($('#exchangeInputFirst').val()*$('#first').html());
var string = numeral($('#exchangeInputSecond').val()).format('0,0.00$');
The second function is working perfectly (to HUF format), but the first not.
I think you are missing the numeral language file:
<script src="//"></script>
I cannot reproduce your situation unless I do not include the languages js file. Try your example and hit a key on the first input box:
var a = false;
$('#exchangeInputFirst, #exchangeInputSecond').click(function () {
$('#exchangeInputFirst, #exchangeInputSecond').keyup(function(){
if(a == false){
a = true
} else {
<script src=""></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" data-language="sk" id="exchangeInputFirst">
<input type="text" data-language="hu" id="exchangeInputSecond">
You also have a problem with the cursor position. You can solve this by using this jQuery plugin acdvorak/jquery.caret to set the caret position to the beggining of the input each time characters are typed like this:
Also, I have included the language in input's data like data-language="sk" and now you can read it directly in the keyup event like this:
See my updated snippet. It should now works as you want.

How to get a substring from the text of an input field and display it to another html element

var str1=$("#account-number").val().substring(0,4);
I have tried multiple variations and attempts its been a few hours... so I thought I should ask for help...
I want to be able to take the first four characters of an input field with id "account-number" and send it to a div with id "first-four"
On thing to watch out for is change vs input. The first only fires when the input looses focus.
$("#account-number").on("input", function(){
<input id="account-number" type="text" />
<div id="first-four"></div>
<script src=""></script>
var accountNmbr = $("#account-number").val().substring(0,4);
$( document ).ready(function() {
$( "#account-number" ).on("input", function() {
var str1 = $("#account-number").val().substring(0,4);

Check input elements responsively when changed

I have this code. It obviously calls function when selected element is focused. The function then checks if selected element has length less than 3, and if it does it changes background color of the element.
$('#register-form input[type="text"]').focus(function(){
if ($(this).length < 3) {
Now the problem is that when there are more than 4 characters within input, color still remains. The problem is that it calls function when element is focused. After that, it doesn't check the if statement anymore, as obviosuly function is never called again.
The solution I seek; I want it to check if the IF statement is still legit once the input element value is changed. Or any other smooth way to check IF statements and calls functions in a live time.
The answer to this question is simple and well known. However, as you answer please provide some information related to this question; What are the best ways to check various changes in statements lively? What are the best ways to make website 'alive' and respond to any actions immediately?
Give the error a class and use onkeyup (and change if you wish - which triggers on blur too)
Also test the .val().length instead:
.error { background-color:red }
$('#register-form input[type="text"]').on("keyup,change",function(){
$(this).toggleClass("error", $(this).val().length < 3);
}).keyup(); // trigger on load
$(function() {
$('#register_form input[type="text"]').on("keyup", function() {
$(this).toggleClass("error", $(this).val().length < 3);
}).keyup(); // initialise in case of reload
.error {
color: red
<script src=""></script>
<form id="register_form">
<input type="text" />
<input type="text" />
<input type="text" />
Try this:
$('#register-form input[type="text"]').on("focus input", function(){
$(this).css('background', $(this).val().length < 3 ? '#f00' : '#fff');
Personally, I use AngularJS alot for web applications that have alot of these. E.g. you can do this:
<input type="text" ng-model="myValue" ng-style="{'background-color', myValue.length < 3 ? '#f00' : '#fff'}"/>

Disabling a textbox when the other textbox have a value HTML

im sorry for this question but how can i disable a textbox if another textbox have a value??
I already try this code but its not working,, sorry for the noob question T_T
function disable(downpayment,full_payment)
if ( downpayment.value.length >= 1 )
document.getElementById(full_payment).disabled = true;
document.getElementById(full_payment).disabled = false;
<input name="downpayment" id="downpayment" type="text" onselect="function disable(downpayment,full_payment);" style="width:250px" />
<input name="full_payment" id="full_payment" type="text" style="width:250px" />
If you want to stay with plain JavaScript:
// finding the relevant elements *outside* the function
var downpayment = document.getElementById('downpayment'),
full_payment = document.getElementById('full_payment');
function enableToggle(current, other) {
/* 'current' is the element that currently has focus
'other' is the other input element, that does not have focus.
1. if the 'current' value of the focused/active element, once the whitespace
is removed, is greater than 0 (so it has something in it other than whitespace,
the disabled property of the 'other' element is true,
2. if the 'current' element has only whitespace, and/or a zero-length value,
the 'other' element's disabled property is false.
other.disabled = current.value.replace(/\s+/,'').length > 0;
// using the onkeyup event to call a function on the elements.
downpayment.onkeyup = function () {
enableToggle(this, full_payment);
full_payment.onkeyup = function () {
enableToggle(this, downpayment);
This works with the following HTML:
<input name="downpayment" id="downpayment" type="text" style="width:250px" />
<input name="full_payment" id="full_payment" type="text" style="width:250px" />
JS Fiddle demo.
If you're using jQuery already, then you can either nest the above into jQuery's $(document).ready(function(){ /* the code in here */});, or switch to a jQuery-only solution, such as Alex's.
To stick with plain-JavaScript, and avoiding explaining how to set up an equivalent DOM-ready event, put the following at the end of your HTML content, just before the closing </body> tag:
var downpayment = document.getElementById('downpayment'),
full_payment = document.getElementById('full_payment');
function enableToggle(current, other) {
other.disabled = current.value.replace(/\s+/,'').length > 0;
downpayment.onkeyup = function () {
enableToggle(this, full_payment);
full_payment.onkeyup = function () {
enableToggle(this, downpayment);
(This is exactly the same JavaScript as above, with the comments stripped out, but wrapped in <script></script> tags)
Putting this at the bottom of the HTML means that the elements exist in the DOM prior to your trying to assign event-handlers to them.
Incidentally, with adjusted HTML, to give:
I associated the relevant elements with a class-name 'enableToggle',
you don't have to, it just reduces the work the jQuery has to do later
when using siblings('.enableToggle') to find the relevant elements.
<label for="downpayment">Downpayment</label>
<input name="downpayment" class="enableToggle" id="downpayment" type="text" style="width:250px" />
<label for="full_payment">Full payment</label>
<input name="full_payment" class="enableToggle" id="full_payment" type="text" style="width:250px" />
The following jQuery could be used:
// binds both event-handler to both 'keyup' and 'paste' events.
$('.enableToggle').on('keyup paste', function(){
/* 'curVal' is a Boolean (true or false) depending on whether there's
a value other than whitespace */
var curVal = $(this).val().replace(/\s+/g,'').length > 0;
/* sets the 'disabled' property of the sibling elements of the current
element, as long as those siblings have the class 'enableToggle'
(this avoids having to explicitly identify all the elements you want
to act on). */
$(this).siblings('.enableToggle').prop('disabled', curVal);
JS Fiddle demo.
You have tagged the question jQuery, so it's as simple as...
$("#downpayment").on("change paste", function() {
$("#full_payment").prop("disabled", this.value.length);
As soon as your down payment has some content in it (even if it's a space, if that's not ideal, $.trim() the input before you check its length property) then it will enable the full payment.
var myLength = $('input[name="DebitAmount"]').val().length;
if (myLength!=0)
$('input[name="CreditAmount"]').attr("disabled", "disabled");
$(".PaxHeads").on('keypress', 'input[name="CreditAmount"]', function()
var myLength1 = $('input[name="CreditAmount"]').val().length;
if (meLength1!=0)
$('input[name="DebitAmount"]').attr("disabled", "disabled");

