WebDriver in javascript: how to check if an element exists? - javascript

How can I check if an element exists in selenium?
I have tried:
but it does not seem to work.

Use isElementPresent
or isPresent

The problem is looking for an element that does not exist throws an exception. You ar eon the right track with using findElements as this will not throw an error if it cannot find the element, the problem you have is being left with a list that contains the elements found but not comparing to make sure that there is at least 1 element in the list (e.g. it found one element)
public boolean exists(By by){
return !driver.findElements(by).isEmpty();
is a function that will return true if it exists, false otherwise. Its clear from this method how you could modify it to suit your need.

webdriver.js example
In this example I am waiting for a modal to exist because its a modal that fades in
See the line that reads
const doesModalFadeInExist = await this.driver.executeScript('return document.getElementsByClassName("modal fade in")');
You can put this line of code in a wait that waits for the element array to be >=1
This way you know it is there after checking inside the wait.
We can also check opacity at the same time.
Once the element array >=1 and opacity = '1' . then we exit the wait and continue the test
async waitForModalFadeIn() {
try {
let isVisible;
let opacityReturned;
let isModalFadeInFound;
const dialog = await this.driver.wait(until.elementLocated(this.baseselector.MODAL_FADE_IN));
await this.driver.wait(async () => {
const doesModalFadeInExist = await this.driver.executeScript('return document.getElementsByClassName("modal fade in")');
isModalFadeInFound = doesModalFadeInExist;
const bool = await this.isDisplayed(this.baseselector.MODAL_FADE_IN);
isVisible = bool;
const opacity = await dialog.getCssValue('opacity');
opacityReturned = opacity;
return isVisible === true && isModalFadeInFound.length > 0 && opacity === '1';
}, 4000);
return opacityReturned === '1' && isVisible === true && isModalFadeInFound.length > 0;
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Function waitForModalFadeIn: Failed to open modal${err}`);
return null;
Example Test
it('Trigger "unmetered" modals in the technical spec section', async () => {
await wHost.visit(page = '/web-hosting');
const table = await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(wHost.selector.COMPETITOR_TABLE), this.pageLoadTimeOut);
await driver.executeScript('arguments[0].scrollIntoView()', table);
const modals = await table.findElements(wHost.selector.UNLIMITED_MODAL);
for (let i = 0; i < modals.length; i++) {
await modals[i].click();
assert.isTrue(await common.waitForModalFadeIn());
assert.isTrue(await common.closeModal());

This is what you are looking for, This function takes id as parameter,
If the element is found it returns json object with status=true and element you were looking for.
async function ElementExistsID(element){
return new Promise(async (resolve)=>{
let ElementResult=await driver.findElement(webdriver.By.id(element));
You can use it like this
let ElementIamLookingFor=await ElementExistsID(IDOfTheElement);
console.log("Element exists");
throw new Error("Element not found");

After many attempts, the following worked for me:
function doIfPresent(elementId, doIfPresent, next) {
var elem = by.id(elementId);
browser.driver.isElementPresent(elem).then(function (present){
if (present) {
doIfPresent('my-button', function(element){ element.click();}, function(){
// your code continues here
I don't get it though why we'd need to use futures here.


How to return getTexts for array of elements with isExisiting

I am aiming to return a set of texts from a single locator that shares three elements and they are stored in an array of elements name selector (being selector storing three elements)and before it returns texts I want them to pass isExisting() flag but it throws "TypeError: selector.isExisting is not a function" if I remove isExisting part of code then it works fine and return the three text values. My code is:
async function getTreeTexts(browser, sidebar, parentClass, treeClass, spanClass = 'caption') {
//await browser.ideOpenSidebar(sidebar)
var cl = c => c ? '.' + c : '';
var selector = await browser.$$(`${cl(parentClass)} .ace_tree${cl(treeClass)} .tree-row span${cl(spanClass)}`);
await browser.ideOpenSidebar(sidebar)
await selector.isExisting().then(async function (exists) {
if (exists) {
// Depending on the number of matches, items can be a string or an array of strings. Coerce to array.
let configs = [];
for (let element of selector) {
try {
let text = await element.getText();
} catch (err) {
return configs;
} else {
return [];
Can someone please assist me here if I am doing something wrong? (my guess is, isExisiting() not handling all three elements at the same time)

How to execute code in order in a while loop in Javascript?

I'm trying to run some JavaScript code on Postman, but I can't find a way for it to run in the order that I need. This is what I'm trying to do:
Retrieve the API response and verify if the "pending" array contains any item
If id does, I'll save the id of the record (orderId) in an environment variable to use in my actual request
At this point I would set found = true and break the loop when it leaves the setTimout function
Note: I created the function to introduce 400ms delay between the attempts, as it will allow the pending array to be populated
var found = false;
var counter = 0;
while (counter < 10) {
setTimeout(async () => {
var size = await response.json().pending.length;
if (size > 0) {
var orderId = response.json().pending[0].orderId;
pm.environment.set("current_order", orderId);
found = true;
}, [400]);
if (found) { break; }
My problem is that the part that is outside the setTimeout function executes first, so it will never satisfy the condition "If (found)". It always executes the code 10 times, even if the record is found in the first attempt.
My question is: How can I write it in order to check if the record was found after each attempt and break from the loop if positive?
As suggested above, you might be able to solve this issue with a simpler recursive function. An example on how it would look:
var found = false;
var size = 0;
async function checkResponse() {
var size = await response.json().pending.length;
if (size > 0) {
var orderId = await response.json().pending[0].orderId;
pm.environment.set('current_order', orderId);
found = true;
if (!found) {
await checkResponse();
await checkResponse();
Here is a synchronous test for the logic above:
var found = false;
// var size = 0;
var size = -5;
function checkResponse() {
// var size = await response.json().pending.length;
size += 1;
if (size > 0) {
// var orderId = response.json().pending[0].orderId;
// pm.environment.set('current_order', orderId);
console.log("pm.environment.set('current_order', orderId);");
found = true;
if (!found) {
pm.environment.set('current_order', orderId);

How to break the for loop using state

I have code as below.
I need to break the loop when first match is found.
const [isCodeValid, setIsCodeValid] = useState(false);
for (let i = 0; i < properyIds.length; i++) {
if (isCodeValid) {
break; // this breaks it but had to click twice so state would update
if (!isCodeValid) {
.then(companies => {
companies.forEach(company => {
if (_.trim(company.data().registrationCode) === _.trim(registrationCode.toUpperCase())) {
console.log("should break here")
// updating state like this wont take effect right away
// it shows true on second time click. so user need to click twice right now.
state won't update right away so if (!isCodeValid) only works on second click.
Once I find match I need to update state or variable so I can break the for loop.
I tried to use a variable but its value also not changing in final if condition, I wonder what is the reason? can anyone please explain ?
You should try and rewrite your code such that you will always call setIsCodeValid(value) once. In your case it could be called multiple times and it might not get called at all
const [isCodeValid, setIsCodeValid] = useState(false);
function checkForValidCode() {
// map to an array of promises for companies[]
const companiesPromises = properyIds.map(propertyId =>
// flatten the 2d array to single array, re-create to JS array because of firestores internal types?
.then(companiesArray => [...companiesArray].flatMap(v => v))
// go through all companies to find a match
.then(companies =>
company => _.trim(company.data().registrationCode) === _.trim(registrationCode.toUpperCase())
.then(foundCompany => {
// code is valid if we found a matching company
setIsCodeValue(foundCompany !== undefined)
Try something like this:
import { useState } from 'react';
function YourComponent({ properyIds }) {
const [isCodeValid, setIsCodeValid] = useState(false);
async function handleSignupClick() {
if (isCodeValid) {
for (let i = 0; i < properyIds.length; i++) {
const companies = await firestore()
for (const company of companies.docs) {
if (_.trim(company.data().registrationCode) === _.trim(registrationCode.toUpperCase())) {
return (<button onClick={handleSignupClick}>Sign Up</button>);
If you await these checks, that will allow you to sequentially loop and break out with a simple return, something you can't do inside of a callback. Note that if this is doing database queries, you should probably show waiting feedback while this is taking place so the user knows that clicking did something.
You may want to do all these checks in parallel if feasible so the user doesn't have to wait. Depends on your situation. Here's how you'd do that.
async function handleSignupClick() {
if (isCodeValid) {
const allCompanies = await Promise.all(
properyIds.map(id => firestore()
allCompanies.some(companiesSnapshot =>
companiesSnapshot.docs.some(company =>
_.trim(company.data().registrationCode) === _.trim(registrationCode.toUpperCase())
Can you not break it after setIsCodeValid(true);?
Use some:
companies.some(company => {
return _.trim(company.data().registrationCode) === _.trim(registrationCode.toUpperCase());
If some and forEach are not available then companies is not an array but an array-like object. To iterate through those, we can use for of loop:
for (const company of companies){
if (_.trim(company.data().registrationCode) === _.trim(registrationCode.toUpperCase())) {
// do something
I tired below and it worked for me to break the loop.
I declared and tried to change this variable let codeValid and it was just not updating its value when match found. (not sure why)
But all of a sudden I tried and it just works.
I didnt change any actual code except for variable.
let codeValid = false;
let userInformation = []
for (let i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
const companies = await firestore().collection(`properties`)
.then(companies => {
companies.forEach(company => {
if (_.trim(company.data().registrationCode) === _.trim(registrationCode.toUpperCase())) {
// a += 1;
codeValid = true;
userInformation.registrationCode = registrationCode.toUpperCase();
userInformation.companyName = company.data().companyName;
userInformation.propertyName = properties[i].propertyName;
if (codeValid) {

How to check if element exists inside async / await with Puppeteer

I am having trouble recording an element on a page after checking if it exists. The block of code I'm referring to is under the "// phone" comment.
This code loops through each section (section of sections) on the page and records "company" and "phone." "Phone" may not be present in some sections so I figured I'd pass it through an if statement to check if it exists. This creates an error = "Error: failed to find element matching selector ".mn-contact-phone"" How do I solve this?
(async () => {
try {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: true });
const page = await browser.newPage();
// loop through pages
for (let pg = 1; pg < 5; pg++) {
await page.goto("webpage");
// record number of sections
const sections = await page.$$("#mn-members-listings > div");
// loop through each section
for (const section of sections) {
// company
let company = await section.$eval(
comp => comp.innerText
if (section.$(".mn-contact-phone").length > 0) {
let phone = await section.$eval(".mn-contact-phone", phn => phn.innerText);
} else {
let phone = "";
console.log(`Company = ${company} | Phone = ${phone}`);
await browser.close();
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Our error is = ${error}`);
From puppeteer docs:
The method runs document.querySelector within the page. If no element
matches the selector, the return value resolves to null.
1) null doesn't have length.
2) ElementHandle.$ returns a promise.
change the condition to:
if (await section.$(".mn-contact-phone"))
or if there are multiple elements:
if (await section.$$(".mn-contact-phone").length > 0)

Associative array not filling up in server-sent-event environement

I think I'm on the wrong track here:
I have an event source that gives me updates on the underlying system oprations. The page is intended to show said events in a jquery powered treetable. I receieve the events perfectly but I realized that there were a case I did not handle, the case where an event arrives but is missing it's parent. In this case I need to fetch the missing root plus all potentially missing children of that root node from the database. This works fine too.
//init fct
eventSource.addEventListener("new_node", onEventSourceNewNodeEvent);
function onEventSourceNewNodeEvent(event) {
let data = event.data;
if (!data)
let rows = $(data).filter("tr");
rows.each(function (index, row) {
let parentEventId = row.getAttribute("data-tt-parent-id");
let parentNode = _table.treetable("node", parentEventId);
// if headless state is not fully
// resolved yet keep adding new rows to array
if (headlessRows[parentEventId]) {
} else if (parentEventId && !parentNode) { // headless state found
if (!headlessRows[parentEventId])
headlessRows[parentEventId] = [];
insertNode(row, parentNode);
function fetchMissingNodes(parentEventId) {
let url = _table.data("url") + parentEventId;
$.get(url, function (data, textStatus, request) {
if (!data)
let rows = $(data).filter("tr");
//insert root and children into table
_table.treetable("loadBranch", null, rows);
let parentNode = _table.treetable("node", parentEventId);
let lastLoadedRow = $(rows.last());
let headlessRowsArray = headlessRows[parentEventId];
while (headlessRowsArray && headlessRowsArray.length > 0) {
let row = headlessRowsArray.shift();
let rowId = row.getAttribute("data-tt-id");
if (rowId <= lastLoadedRow) // already loaded event from previous fetch
insertNode(row, parentNode);
let pendingUpdatesArray = pendingUpdates[rowId];
// shouldn't be more than one but who know future versions
while (pendingUpdatesArray && pendingUpdatesArray.length > 0) {
let updateEvent = headlessRowsArray.shift();
delete pendingUpdates[rowId]; // <- something better here?
delete headlessRows[parentEventId]; // <- something better here too?
The problem is around the line if (headlessRows[parentEventId]).
When I run it step by step (putting a debugger instruction just before) everything works fine, the headless array is created and filled correctly.
But as soon as I let it run full speed everything breaks.
The logs I printed seems to indicate that the array is not behaving in the way I was expecting it to. If I print the array with a console.log it shows as follow :
(2957754) [empty × 2957754]
length : 2957754
__proto__ : Array(0)
It seems to be missing any actual data. whereas it shows as follow when I execute it step by step:
(2957748) [empty × 2957747, Array(1)]
I'm missing something but it is still eluding me.
your code is async, you do http request but you treat him as synchronized code.
try this fix
//init fct
eventSource.addEventListener("new_node", onEventSourceNewNodeEvent);
async function onEventSourceNewNodeEvent(event) {
let data = event.data;
if (!data)
let rows = $(data).filter("tr");
rows.each(function (index, row) {
let parentEventId = row.getAttribute("data-tt-parent-id");
let parentNode = _table.treetable("node", parentEventId);
// if headless state is not fully
// resolved yet keep adding new rows to array
if (headlessRows[parentEventId]) {
} else if (parentEventId && !parentNode) { // headless state found
if (!headlessRows[parentEventId])
headlessRows[parentEventId] = [];
await fetchMissingNodes(parentEventId);
insertNode(row, parentNode);
function fetchMissingNodes(parentEventId) {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) =>{
let url = _table.data("url") + parentEventId;
$.get(url, function (data, textStatus, request) {
if (!data){
let rows = $(data).filter("tr");
//insert root and children into table
_table.treetable("loadBranch", null, rows);
let parentNode = _table.treetable("node", parentEventId);
let lastLoadedRow = $(rows.last());
let headlessRowsArray = headlessRows[parentEventId];
while (headlessRowsArray && headlessRowsArray.length > 0) {
let row = headlessRowsArray.shift();
let rowId = row.getAttribute("data-tt-id");
if (rowId <= lastLoadedRow) // already loaded event from previous fetch
insertNode(row, parentNode);
let pendingUpdatesArray = pendingUpdates[rowId];
// shouldn't be more than one but who know future versions
while (pendingUpdatesArray && pendingUpdatesArray.length > 0) {
let updateEvent = headlessRowsArray.shift();
delete pendingUpdates[rowId]; // <- something better here?
delete headlessRows[parentEventId]; // <- something better here too?

