create unique nested objects dynamically - javascript

I need to create unique objects(Route) for the my variable's routes property. And this has to be done in a loop.
Please check out my code blow or to have a more clear image about my problem.
<input type="button" value="ss" onclick="initialize();">
var my={
function Route(points)
this.points = points;
return this;
function getRoutes(routes){
var result = [];
for (var prop in my.routes) {
return result.toString();
function initialize()
// create and add objects manually
my.routes.r0 = new Route("blabla0");
my.routes.r1 = new Route("blabla1");
alert(getRoutes(my.routes)); // gives 'r0,r1'
// clear the routes for the dynamic test
my.routes = {};
// create and add objects dynamically
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
//???????????? create and and add the new Route objects
alert(getRoutes(my.routes)); // must give the same result as above 'r0,r1'

As cackharot states in his comment, you need to have code similar to this in your for loop:
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
my.routes["r"+i] = new Route("blahbla"+i);


How to create a function to be re-used for later within another function

I got this code:
//check criteria
if(selectedSlots.length < 1 ||$("#positionAppliedFor").get(0).value.length < 1 ||$("#maxAmountOfHours").get(0).value.length < 1){
//error messages and array
var errorForSlots= "<h5>Select at least one availability slot</h5>";
var errorForPosition = "<h5>Enter the position you wish to apply for<h5>";
var errorForHours = "<h5>Enter the amount of hours you would like to work<h5>";
var errors = [];
//add errors to array
if(selectedSlots.length < 1){errors.push(errorForSlots)};
if($("#positionAppliedFor").get(0).value.length < 1){errors.push(errorForPosition)};
if($("#maxAmountOfHours").get(0).value.length < 1){errors.push(errorForHours)};
//create message
var div = "<div id=\"sectionError\">";
if($("#sectionError").length > 0){$("#sectionError").html('')};
for(var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++){
} else {
if($("#sectionError").length > 0){$("#sectionError").remove()};
console.log("function finished");
It all works perfectly, however, I am trying to figure out how to create a function for
//create message
var div = "<div id=\"sectionError\">";
if($("#sectionError").length > 0){$("#sectionError").html('')};
for(var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++){
I am planning to re-use this for few other sections on my form and rather than copy/paste I would like to get some help on making my code tidier.
I did try:
function myFunction(){
//message code here
//check criteria
//add errors
//call func
(I also tried this.myFunction();)
However, that ended up in TypeError and I don't know where to begin...
I am also concerned about the "this" in my message code so I am also not sure how to address that in my new function...
Admitedly I am a newbie at this and I do not exactly understand all the ins and outs, hopefully you will be able to help.
Maybe there is a better way of doing this?
Let me know your thought either way!
I have created a small reusable framework same as how jQuery is doing behind the scene to expose reusable functions. I didn't tested the append function properly,I just explaining how you can create your own reusable plugin to reuse across the project.
You can change the parameters and method name that you want to expose based on your functionality.
Also I would suggest you to move this code to a javascript file as a plugin and drag after the jquery script.
(function (global, $) {
//you can pass the jQuery object in to this IIFE
var DisplayError = function (elementId) {
return new DisplayError.init(elementId);
DisplayError.prototype = {
appendError: function (errors) {
var div = "<div id=\"" + this.elementId + " \">";
if ($(this.elementId).length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {
DisplayError.init = function (elementId) {
var self = this;
self.elementId = elementId;
DisplayError.init.prototype = DisplayError.prototype;
global.DisplayError = global.DisplayError = DisplayError;
}(window, jQuery));
You can write the code for clear the html directly in init function to ensure the element is clearing while initialize the instance itself.
You can invoke the method like below ,
var displayError=DisplayError("#sectionError")
Hope this helps
New Function
function generateMessage(arg1) {
//create message for each section
console.log("generating message");
var div = "<div id=\"sectionError\">";
if ($("#sectionError").length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {
Changed old function
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#adbutnext").on('click', (function() {
//check criteria
if (selectedSlots.length < 1 || $("#positionAppliedFor").get(0).value.length < 1 || $("#maxAmountOfHours").get(0).value.length < 1) {
//error messages and array
var errorForSlots = "<h5>Select at least one availability slot</h5>";
var errorForPosition = "<h5>Enter the position you wish to apply for<h5>";
var errorForHours = "<h5>Enter the amount of hours you would like to work<h5>";
errors = [];
//add errors to array
if (selectedSlots.length < 1) {
;if ($("#positionAppliedFor").get(0).value.length < 1) {
;if ($("#maxAmountOfHours").get(0).value.length < 1) {
} else {
if ($("#sectionError").length > 0) {
console.log("function finished");

Array of Components with refs

For my four in a row game I create an Array of components. I need to call a method of one specific component from the parent component.
Here are the two methods that are building the Field. At renderRow I put the ref into an Array which is defined in the constructor.
var Buttons = new Array(this.props.w)
for (var i = 0; i < this.props.w; i++) {
thisButton=<FieldButton ref={(r) => { this.refField['row'+ row +'col'+ i] = r; }} handler={this.actionFunction} key={'row'+ row +'col'+ i}></FieldButton>
return Buttons
var Field = new Array(this.props.h);
for (var i = 0; i < this.props.h; i++) {
var row = this.renderRow(i);
Field.push(<View key={i} style={styles.fieldWrap}>{row}</View>);
this.field = Field;
The actionFunction should simply print the current ref.
actionFunction(pos) {
console.log(this.refField['row'+ pos.row +'col'+ pos.col])
The problem: The output is undefined.
If I console.log the reField variable this is the output:
The solution is that I had to use let instead of var to initialise the variables in the for loop.
Working code:
var Buttons = new Array(this.props.w)
for (let i = 0; i < this.props.w; i++) {
let thisButton=<FieldButton ref={(r) => { this.refField['row'+ row +'col'+ i] = r; }} handler={this.actionFunction} key={'row'+ row +'col'+ i}></FieldButton>
return Buttons
var Field = new Array(this.props.h);
for (let i = 0; i < this.props.h; i++) {
let row = this.renderRow(i);
Field.push(<View key={i} style={styles.fieldWrap}>{row}</View>);
this.field = Field;
React actually has a special property just for this called refs!
You can actually just set a name for the reference to the object and then access that object anywhere in your class using this.refs.referenceName. Do note that when you set the reference on the object the property name is 'ref' (singular) and when you want to access it you use 'this.refs' (plural).
For instance:
var Buttons = new Array(this.props.w)
for (var i = 0; i < this.props.w; i++) {
const thisButton=<FieldButton ref={'row' + row + 'col' + i} handler={this.actionFunction} key={'row'+ row +'col'+ i}></FieldButton>
return Buttons
Now, if you need to get that FieldButton from your actionFunction:
actionFunction(pos) {
console.log(this.refs['row'+ pos.row +'col'+ pos.col])
Note: also make sure your function is being bound to the class instance.

Accessing all elements in array

I'm learning javascript and to practice traversing the DOM I have created a method that returns an array of parent elements based on the 'nodeName'. I have done this so that I could select all of a certain element (that is a parent of another) and style them or change them, etc.
Element.prototype.specificParent = function(nodeName1) {
nodeName1 = nodeName1.toUpperCase();
var x = this;
var matches = [];
var allParents = [];
while(x.parentNode !== null) {
x = x.parentNode;
for(i = 0; i < allParents.length; i++) {
if(allParents[i].nodeName === nodeName1) {
return matches;
This, kind of, has my desired effect. However, to access all the elements in the returned array I would need to use something like a for loop, because I can only access the elements like this:
var parents = document.getElementById("startHere").specificParent("div"); //gets all parent div elements and returns the array
//I can then style them individually:
parents[0].style.background = "black";
parents[1].style.background = "black";
//etc, etc, etc
//or I could use a for loop to style them all:
for(i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {
parents[i].style.background = "black";
What I want to do is this:
var parents = document.getElementById("startHere").specificParent("div"); = "black"; //changing all the elements in the array
Is there a way to change the "specificParent" method so that it allows this?
This may seem like a pointless exercise but I am learning!
Probably the simplest way is to use arrays API.
If you can use ES6, it would look like so:
parents.forEach(parent => = "black")
In ES5 slightly less clear:
parents.forEach(function(parent) { = "black"; })
Based on your comments you can do this:
Element.prototype.specificParent = function(nodeName1) {
nodeName1 = nodeName1.toUpperCase();
var x = this;
var matches = [];
var allParents = [];
while(x.parentNode !== null) {
x = x.parentNode;
for(i = 0; i < allParents.length; i++) {
if(allParents[i].nodeName === nodeName1) {
function setStyle(styleKey, styleValue) {
matches.forEach(function(parent) {[styleKey]= styleValue; });
return {
elements : matches,
setStyle : setStyle
And use it like so:
var parents = document.getElementById("startHere").specificParent("div");
parents.setStyle("background", "black");

Using a global array between files

I'm currently writing a Sketch Plugin and I'm trying to store data inside an global array. In the copy.sketchscript the data is generated, and in paste.sketchscript I'm trying to retrieve the array data. However, when I log the variable, it returns empty. What can I do to update the array data properly so that every function can access it?
Here's my code.
var verticalRulers = new Array; // global?
function copyVertical(context) {
var doc = context.document
var target = [[doc currentPage] currentArtboard] || [doc currentPage]
var countVertical = [[target verticalRulerData] numberOfGuides]
for(var i=0; i < countVertical; i++) {
var thisRuler = [[target verticalRulerData] guideAtIndex:i]
function pasteVertical(context) {
var doc = context.document
var target = [[doc currentPage] currentArtboard] || [doc currentPage]
for(i = 0; i < verticalRulers.length; i++) {
var thisRuler = verticalRulers[i];
[[target verticalRulerData] addGuideWithValue: thisRuler]
#import 'library/common.js'
function onRun(context) {
verticalRulers = copyVertical(context);
log(verticalRulers) // return right data from variable;
#import 'library/common.js'
function onRun(context) {
log(verticalRulers); // returns an empty array

How can I put JSON data into a jQuery/Javascript array for later use?

I have some code like this:
var data = // coming in from AJAX and confirmed working, don't need to wory about this...
var row = // cloning an existing HTML structure in the DOM
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var rowclone = row.clone();
var orderLastChangedTime = new Date(data[i].createDate);
var diffDays = Math.round(Math.abs((currentTime.getTime() - orderLastChangedTime.getTime())/(oneDay)));
var rowstatus = rowclone.find(".home-order-status").text();
rowstatus = rowstatus.toUpperCase();
openJSONitems = [];
closedJSONitems = [];
otherJSONitems = [];
if (status[rowstatus] == "open") {
else if (status[rowstatus] == "closed") {
else {
I am trying to create 3 new JavaScript arrays and array push data into them based on sort criteria from the JSON payload. Once they are sorted I want to hang on to them and attach them to the DOM on some user actions... what am I doing wrong?
openJSONitems is an array, it doesn't have the appendTo method, you'll have to iterate over that array and append its elements to "#home-table-orders". Besides, you're creating a new array in each iteration. I think this changes would fix the problem. You could also avoid the last loop inserting the element directly when status[rowstatus] == "open" if you liked.
var openJSONitems = [],
closedJSONitems = [],
otherJSONitems = [];
var data = // coming in from AJAX and confirmed working, don't need to wory about this...
var row = // cloning an existing HTML structure in the DOM
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var rowclone = row.clone();
var orderLastChangedTime = new Date(data[i].createDate);
var diffDays = Math.round(Math.abs((currentTime.getTime() - orderLastChangedTime.getTime())/(oneDay)));
var rowstatus = rowclone.find(".home-order-status").text();
rowstatus = rowstatus.toUpperCase();
if (status[rowstatus] == "open") {
else if (status[rowstatus] == "closed") {
else {
for (i = 0; i < openJSONitems.length; i++) {
You could add then as a data element onto a DOM object.
$('body').data('openItems', openJSONitems);
And retrieve them later:
var items = $('body').data('openItems');
Have you considered using localStorage?
localStorage.setItem('openJSONitems', openJSONitems );
And retrieving it with...
var openJSONitems = localStorage.getItem('openJSONitems');

