Using a global array between files - javascript

I'm currently writing a Sketch Plugin and I'm trying to store data inside an global array. In the copy.sketchscript the data is generated, and in paste.sketchscript I'm trying to retrieve the array data. However, when I log the variable, it returns empty. What can I do to update the array data properly so that every function can access it?
Here's my code.
var verticalRulers = new Array; // global?
function copyVertical(context) {
var doc = context.document
var target = [[doc currentPage] currentArtboard] || [doc currentPage]
var countVertical = [[target verticalRulerData] numberOfGuides]
for(var i=0; i < countVertical; i++) {
var thisRuler = [[target verticalRulerData] guideAtIndex:i]
function pasteVertical(context) {
var doc = context.document
var target = [[doc currentPage] currentArtboard] || [doc currentPage]
for(i = 0; i < verticalRulers.length; i++) {
var thisRuler = verticalRulers[i];
[[target verticalRulerData] addGuideWithValue: thisRuler]
#import 'library/common.js'
function onRun(context) {
verticalRulers = copyVertical(context);
log(verticalRulers) // return right data from variable;
#import 'library/common.js'
function onRun(context) {
log(verticalRulers); // returns an empty array


TypeError: Cannot read property "length" from undefined variables

I have worked with code that pulls table information off a site and then places into Google Sheets. While this had worked great for months, it has come to my attention that is has randomly stopped working.
I am getting the message "TypeError: Cannot read property "length" from undefined." From code:
for (var c=0; c<current_adds_array.length; c++) {
I have done extensive searching but cannot come to conclusion as to what is wrong.
Full code seen here:
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('Get Data')
.addItem('Add new dispatch items','addNewThings')
function addNewThings() {
// get page
var html = UrlFetchApp.fetch("#").getContentText();
// bypass google's new XmlService because html isn't well-formed
var doc = Xml.parse(html, true);
var bodyHtml = doc.html.body.toXmlString();
// but still use XmlService so we can use getDescendants() and getChild(), etc.
// see:
doc = XmlService.parse(bodyHtml);
var html = doc.getRootElement();
// a way to dig around
// Logger.log(doc.getRootElement().getChild('form').getChildren('table'));
// find and dig into table using getElementById and getElementsByTagName (by class fails)
var tablecontents = getElementById(html, 'formId:tableExUpdateId');
// we could dig deeper by tag name (next two lines)
// var tbodycontents = getElementsByTagName(tablecontents, 'tbody');
// var trcontents = getElementsByTagName(tbodycontents, 'tr');
// or just get it directly, since we know it's immediate children
var trcontents = tablecontents.getChild('tbody').getChildren('tr');
// create a nice little array to pass
var current_adds_array = Array();
// now let's iterate through them
for (var i=0; i<trcontents.length; i++) {
// and grab all the spans
var trcontentsspan = getElementsByTagName(trcontents[i], 'span');
// if there's as many as expected, let's get values
if (trcontentsspan.length > 5) {
var call_num = trcontentsspan[0].getValue();
var call_time = trcontentsspan[1].getValue();
var rptd_location = trcontentsspan[2].getValue();
var rptd_district = trcontentsspan[3].getValue();
var call_nature = trcontentsspan[4].getValue();
var call_status = trcontentsspan[5].getValue();
//saveRow(call_num, call_time, rptd_location, rptd_district, call_nature, call_status);
current_adds_array.push(Array(call_num, call_time, rptd_location, rptd_district, call_nature, call_status));
function saveRow(current_adds_array) {
// load in sheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
// find the current last row to make data range
var current_last_row = sheet.getLastRow();
var current_last_row_begin = current_last_row - 50;
if (current_last_row_begin < 1) current_last_row_begin = 1;
if (current_last_row < 1) current_last_row = 1;
var last_x_rows = sheet.getRange("A"+current_last_row_begin+":F"+current_last_row).getValues();
var call_num, call_time, rptd_location, rptd_district, call_nature, call_status;
// iterate through the current adds array
for (var c=0; c<current_adds_array.length; c++) {
call_num = current_adds_array[c][0];
call_time = current_adds_array[c][1];
rptd_location = current_adds_array[c][2];
rptd_district = current_adds_array[c][3];
call_nature = current_adds_array[c][4];
call_status = current_adds_array[c][5];
// find out if the ID is already there
var is_in_spreadsheet = false;
for (var i=0; i<last_x_rows.length; i++) {
//Logger.log(call_num+" == "+last_15_rows[i][0]);
if (call_num == last_x_rows[i][0] && call_time != last_x_rows[i][1]) is_in_spreadsheet = true;
if (!is_in_spreadsheet) {
Logger.log("Adding "+call_num);
function getElementById(element, idToFind) {
var descendants = element.getDescendants();
for(i in descendants) {
var elt = descendants[i].asElement();
if( elt !=null) {
var id = elt.getAttribute('id');
if( id !=null && id.getValue()== idToFind) return elt;
function clearRange() {
//replace 'Sheet1' with your actual sheet name
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Sheet1');
function getElementsByTagName(element, tagName) {
var data = [];
var descendants = element.getDescendants();
for(i in descendants) {
var elt = descendants[i].asElement();
if( elt !=null && elt.getName()== tagName) data.push(elt);
return data;
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var range = sheet.getRange("C:C");
range.setValues(range.getValues().map(function(row) {
return [row[0].replace(/MKE$/, " Milwaukee, Wisconsin")];
Please be careful when instantiating a new array. You are currently using var current_adds_array = Array(). You're not only missing the new keyword, but also, this constructor is intended to instantiate an Array with an Array-like object.
Try changing this to var current_adds_array = []

Having Trouble Parsing Results of Array

I'm having a bit of trouble trying to parse the results of an array and print to the console. It's a two part problem actually. When I build the array it's adding "undefined" to the results. When I try to loop through the individual strings in the array it isn't parsing, just returning the full array object.
What I'm trying to do is collect all the field values selected from a list view and write them to another child list as separate items. When displaying results in a console it shows as an object array. When I run the typeof method against it I believe it shows as a string.
To reiterate, why am I getting undefined and why is my array not printing to console correctly. Below is an example of what is being returned thus far (when two records are selected) and my code.
undefinedDaffy DuckBugs Bunny
// Grabs selected items from getSelected function and passes parameters to writeSelected function
function callAccepted() {
getSelected().done(function(varObjects) {
for (var k in varObjects) {
}); // End getSelected
} // End callAccepted
// Grabs selected items, accepts input from callAccepted or callRejected functions
function getSelected() {
var dfd = $.Deferred(function(){
var ctx = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext();
var targetList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(ListName);
var SelectedItems = SP.ListOperation.Selection.getSelectedItems(ctx);
var items = [];
var arrItems = [];
for (var i in SelectedItems) {
var id = SelectedItems[i].id;
var item = targetList.getItemById(id);
clientContext.load(item, "Title");
} // End for
function(){ // Return to button click function
var itemLength = 0;
var itemObjects = [];
for (var j = 0; j < items.length; j++) {
itemObjects = items[j].get_item("Title");
itemLength += itemObjects;
dfd.resolve(arrItems, itemLength);
function(){ // Return to button click function
); // End ClientContext
}); // End dfd
return dfd.promise();
} // End getSelected
Why are you writing "var itemObjects;" in 1 line and add one string "itemObjects += items[j].get_item("Title");" in another? There'll be only 1 string anyway, so when you change those 2 lines into one, "undefined" should disappear:
function callAccepted() {
getSelected().done(function(varObjects, iLength) {
// Stuff
for (var k = 0; k < iLength; k++) {
}); // End getSelected
} // End callAccepted
// Get user information function
function getSelected() {
var dfd = $.Deferred(function(){
var ctx = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext();
var targetList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(ListName);
var SelectedItems = SP.ListOperation.Selection.getSelectedItems(ctx);
var items = [];
var arrItems = [];
for (var i in SelectedItems) {
var id = SelectedItems[i].id;
var item = targetList.getItemById(id);
clientContext.load(item, "Title");
} // End for
function(){ // Return to button click function
for (var j = 0; j < items.length; j++) {
var itemObjects = items[j].get_item("Title");
var itemLength = items.length;
dfd.resolve(arrItems, itemLength);
function(){ // Return to button click function
); // End ClientContext
}); // End dfd
return dfd.promise();
} // End getSelected
The reason for this is that after creating the variable without any value, it's undefined, so += 'Unicorn' will give us ugly 'UndefinedUnicorn'. If you wish to make variable for this purpose, write it "var x = ''".
And if - for example - you want to sum length of all "items", then this one function should look like:
function(){ // Return to button click function
var itemLength = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < items.length; j++) {
var itemObjects = items[j].get_item("Title");
itemLength += itemObjects;
dfd.resolve(arrItems, itemLength);
But I'm not exactly sure what are you trying to get here.

How can I put JSON data into a jQuery/Javascript array for later use?

I have some code like this:
var data = // coming in from AJAX and confirmed working, don't need to wory about this...
var row = // cloning an existing HTML structure in the DOM
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var rowclone = row.clone();
var orderLastChangedTime = new Date(data[i].createDate);
var diffDays = Math.round(Math.abs((currentTime.getTime() - orderLastChangedTime.getTime())/(oneDay)));
var rowstatus = rowclone.find(".home-order-status").text();
rowstatus = rowstatus.toUpperCase();
openJSONitems = [];
closedJSONitems = [];
otherJSONitems = [];
if (status[rowstatus] == "open") {
else if (status[rowstatus] == "closed") {
else {
I am trying to create 3 new JavaScript arrays and array push data into them based on sort criteria from the JSON payload. Once they are sorted I want to hang on to them and attach them to the DOM on some user actions... what am I doing wrong?
openJSONitems is an array, it doesn't have the appendTo method, you'll have to iterate over that array and append its elements to "#home-table-orders". Besides, you're creating a new array in each iteration. I think this changes would fix the problem. You could also avoid the last loop inserting the element directly when status[rowstatus] == "open" if you liked.
var openJSONitems = [],
closedJSONitems = [],
otherJSONitems = [];
var data = // coming in from AJAX and confirmed working, don't need to wory about this...
var row = // cloning an existing HTML structure in the DOM
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var rowclone = row.clone();
var orderLastChangedTime = new Date(data[i].createDate);
var diffDays = Math.round(Math.abs((currentTime.getTime() - orderLastChangedTime.getTime())/(oneDay)));
var rowstatus = rowclone.find(".home-order-status").text();
rowstatus = rowstatus.toUpperCase();
if (status[rowstatus] == "open") {
else if (status[rowstatus] == "closed") {
else {
for (i = 0; i < openJSONitems.length; i++) {
You could add then as a data element onto a DOM object.
$('body').data('openItems', openJSONitems);
And retrieve them later:
var items = $('body').data('openItems');
Have you considered using localStorage?
localStorage.setItem('openJSONitems', openJSONitems );
And retrieving it with...
var openJSONitems = localStorage.getItem('openJSONitems');

create unique nested objects dynamically

I need to create unique objects(Route) for the my variable's routes property. And this has to be done in a loop.
Please check out my code blow or to have a more clear image about my problem.
<input type="button" value="ss" onclick="initialize();">
var my={
function Route(points)
this.points = points;
return this;
function getRoutes(routes){
var result = [];
for (var prop in my.routes) {
return result.toString();
function initialize()
// create and add objects manually
my.routes.r0 = new Route("blabla0");
my.routes.r1 = new Route("blabla1");
alert(getRoutes(my.routes)); // gives 'r0,r1'
// clear the routes for the dynamic test
my.routes = {};
// create and add objects dynamically
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
//???????????? create and and add the new Route objects
alert(getRoutes(my.routes)); // must give the same result as above 'r0,r1'
As cackharot states in his comment, you need to have code similar to this in your for loop:
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
my.routes["r"+i] = new Route("blahbla"+i);

Get Unique values during Loop

I am looping through an array and getting the data that I need.
for (var i = 0; i < finalArray.length; i++) {
var merchName = finalArray[i].merchName;
var amName = finalArray[i].amName;
var amEmail = finalArray[i].amEmail;
var txnID = finalArray[i].transID;
var transAccount = finalArray[i].transAccount;
What I am trying to do at this point is only show unique data in the loop.
For example var transAccount could be in the array 5 times. I only one to display that in my table once. How can I go about accomplishing this ?
Final Array is constructed like so; just as an object:
transID: tmpTrans,
transAccount: tmpAccount,
amEmail: amEmail,
merchName: merchName,
amPhone: amPhone,
amName: amName
var allTransAccount = {};
for (var i = 0; i < finalArray.length; i++) {
var merchName = finalArray[i].merchName;
var amName = finalArray[i].amName;
var amEmail = finalArray[i].amEmail;
var txnID = finalArray[i].transID;
var transAccount = finalArray[i].transAccount;
if(allTransAccount[finalArray[i].transAccount]) {
var transAccount = '';
else {
allTransAccount[transAccount] = true;
var merhcData = {};
var amName = {};
// and so on
for (var i = 0; i < finalArray.length; i++) {
merchData[finalArray[i].merchName] = finalArray[i].merchName;
amName[finalArray[i].amName] = finalArray[i].amName;
// and so on
If you are sure, that data in merchName will never be equal amName or other field - you can use one data object instead of several (merchData, amName...)
What you want is likely a Set. (see zakas for ES6 implementation. To emulate this using javascript, you could use an object with the key as one of your properties (account would be a good bet, as aperl said) which you test before using your raw array.
var theSet={};
for (var i = 0; i < finalArray.length; i++) {
var transAccount = finalArray[i].transAccount;
var merchName = finalArray[i].merchName;
var amName = finalArray[i].amName;
var amEmail = finalArray[i].amEmail;
var txnID = finalArray[i].transID;
//add to your table
This will prevent entries of duplicate data.

