Google Script Invalid Assignment left-hand side - javascript

Ok so I have this code. Sorry, I didn't know where the problem is so I pasted it all. It says: Invalid assignment left-hand side. (line 1, file "Code"). I know the problem cannot be on line one but have no idea where it is.
function send(sheet, email, row){
var tmp = GmailApp.getAliases();
var alias = tmp[0];
var subject = "Thank you for signing up for "+ sheet.getSheetName()+ "!";
var body = "Hello "+ sheet.getRange(row,3).getValue() + " " + sheet.getRange(row,4).getValue() + "," + '\n'+'\n';
var temp = 2;
var bool = "TRUE";
while (bool == "TRUE"){
if (sheet.getRange(temp,11).getValue() != ''){
body += '\n' + sheet.getRange(temp,11);
temp += 1;
if (sheet.getRange(temp + 1,11).getValue() != '')
body += '\n' + body += '\n' + sheet.getRange(temp + 1,11);
else {bool = "FALSE"}
if ( sheet.getRange('L2').getValue() != ""){
var html = sheet.getRange('L2').getValue(); // Place HTML code here
try {
GmailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, body, {'from': alias, 'htmlbody': html});
sheet.getRange(row, 9).setBackground("green");
sheet.getRange(row, 9).setValue("Yes");
sheet.getRange("J2").setValue(row - 2);
} catch (e) {
var me = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
MailApp.sendEmail(me, "Autoreply error", "There was a problem sending an email to: " + email +".");
try {
GmailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, body, {'from': alias});
sheet.getRange(row, 9).setBackground("green");
sheet.getRange(row, 9).setValue("Yes");
sheet.getRange("J2").setValue(row - 2);
} catch (e) {
MailApp.sendEmail(me, "Autoreply error", "There was a problem sending an email to: " + email +".");
function main(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1a2xvZ6hx69hst0CoLnCc8V5Igi-V5_HaNm6GTpEU8B4"); // Unique ID for the 'Responses' spreadsheet
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
if ( sheet.getRange('J2').getValue() == "" ){
sheet.getRange('I1').setValue("Sent"); // Initialize labels
sheet.getRange('K1').setValue("Email body");
sheet.getRange('L1').setValue("HTML body");
var row = 2;
} else {
var row = sheet.getRange("J2").getValue() + 2;
while ( (sheet.getRange(row,9).getValue() != '') && (sheet.getRange(row,2).getValue() != '')) {
var email = sheet.getRange(row, 2).getValue();
send(sheet, email, row);
row += 1;

You cannot write a line like this : ( 2 x += in the same statement)
body += '\n' + body += '\n' + sheet.getRange(temp + 1,11); // this throws the error
I'd suggest to use an intermediate variable like this :
var xxx = '\n' + sheet.getRange(temp + 1,11);
body+= '\n'+ body + xxx ;
if this is really what you want to do... but it seems strange to me...
Shouldn't it be something like this : body+= '\n'+sheet.getRange(temp + 1,11);


How can I add a hyperlink to a javascript message?

Im trying to send an email from google sheets and I've setup the columns to represent the subject, text and email addresses. The problem is that I need to add a hyperlink in the middle of the message and im stuck here. I can't get the paragraph to format correctly AND have the hyperlink replace a word in the middle of the sentence.
This is the code:
function AISEMAIL() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var sheet1=ss.getSheetByName('Email Addresses');
var sheet2=ss.getSheetByName('Email Fields');
var subject = sheet2.getRange(2,1).getValue();
var message = sheet2.getRange(2,2).getValue();
var calendardisplayname = sheet2.getRange(2,3).getValue();
var calendarlink = sheet2.getRange(2,4).getValue();
var formdisplayname = sheet2.getRange(2,5).getValue();
var formlink = sheet2.getRange(2,6).getValue();
var n=2;
for (var i = 2; i < n+1 ; i++ ) {
var emailAddress = sheet1.getRange(i,1).getValue();
let options = {
htmlBody: message
+ '' + calendardisplayname + ''
+ '' + formdisplayname + ''
GmailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message,options);
You are always trying to append the links at the end on your options. Also, it becomes redundant. What you need to do is include the links when you replace the values of <calendar> and <form>.
// Add the links on the replace
message = message
.replace("<calendar>", '' + calendardisplayname + '')
.replace("<form>", '' + formdisplayname + '');
var n = 2;
for (var i = 2; i < n + 1; i++) {
var emailAddress = sheet1.getRange(i, 1).getValue();
let options = {
htmlBody: message
GmailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message, options);
Old Output:
New Output:
This is just a guess, but could you use HtmlService to create your html message?
function AISEMAIL() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var sheet1=ss.getSheetByName('Email Addresses');
var sheet2=ss.getSheetByName('Email Fields');
var subject = sheet2.getRange(2,1).getValue();
var message = sheet2.getRange(2,2).getValue();
var calendardisplayname = sheet2.getRange(2,3).getValue();
var calendarlink = sheet2.getRange(2,4).getValue();
var formdisplayname = sheet2.getRange(2,5).getValue();
var formlink = sheet2.getRange(2,6).getValue();
var n=2;
for (var i = 2; i < n+1 ; i++ ) {
var emailAddress = sheet1.getRange(i,1).getValue();
var htmlText;
let options = {
// ADDED HtmlService.createHtmlOutput()
htmlBody: htmlText = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(message
+ '' + calendardisplayname + ''
+ '' + formdisplayname + '');
// CHANGED message TO htmlText
GmailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, htmlText,options);
Also, if you need to create dynamic html for each email, check out these links...
Templated HTML

Google Sheet Auto Email Script

I have a form that contains 84 questions, not all of them are mandatory.
This is the script I manage to write so far:
function SendEmail() {
var ActiveSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var StartRow = 2;
var RowRange = ActiveSheet.getLastRow() - StartRow + 1;
var WholeRange = ActiveSheet.getRange(StartRow,1,RowRange,84);
var AllValues = WholeRange.getValues();
var message = "";
for (i in AllValues) {
var CurrentRow = AllValues[i];
var EmailSent = CurrentRow[85];
if (EmailSent == "Sent")
# I know this part takes only the first 5 column, I wrote them only as an example. In bold the headers of each column.
message =
"<p><b>Kind of content: </b>" + CurrentRow[2] + "</p>" +
"<p><b>Project Name: </b>" + CurrentRow[3] + "</p>" +
"<p><b>Project Description: </b>" + CurrentRow[4] + "</p>" +
"<p><b>Name of your team: </b>" + CurrentRow[5] + "</p>" +
"<p><b>Scope of work: </b>" + CurrentRow[6] + "</p>";
var setRow = parseInt(i) + StartRow;
ActiveSheet.getRange(setRow, 85).setValue("sent");
var SendTo = "";
var Subject = "New"+" " + CurrentRow[2] +" "+"project request";
to: SendTo,
cc: "",
subject: Subject,
htmlBody: message,
What I want is to send an email every time somebody fills the form and the content of the email should include only the last row and only the columns with data with their header.
The way this script is written will generate an email with 84 rows, most of them empty and not relevant. Can somebody give me a hand with it?
Thank you so much for your help!!
You can use sheet.getLastRow() to get the index of the last row in the sheet that has data.
For finding columns that have data, you can iterate through the row data and look for cell values that are not blank.
var header = sheet
var data = sheet
var output = [];
for (var d=0; d<data.length; d++) {
if (data[d] !== "") {
output.push(header[d] + " = " + data[d]);
return data.join("\n");
I know you are too naive to coding and Amit is a busy person, so just to help you, I am plugging in the code he has provided to your code with a small correction, so you can just copy the entire code :)
function SendEmail() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var lRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var emailSent = sheet.getRange(lRow, 86).getValue();
var header = sheet
if (emailSent != "Sent"){
var data = sheet
var output = [];
for (var d=0; d<data.length; d++) {
if (data[d] !== "") {
output.push(header[d] + " = " + data[d]);
var message = output.join("\n");
var SendTo = "";
var Subject = "New"+" " + sheet.getRange(lRow, 3).getValue() +" "+"project request";
to: SendTo,
cc: "",
subject: Subject,
htmlBody: message,
sheet.getRange(lRow, 86).setValue("sent");
You can use filter, for example
var AllValues = WholeRange.getValues().filter( row => row[5] != '');
will reduce AllValues to only those there column 6 isn't empty

Resolve 'Parsing Error: Please check your selector. (line XX)' Javascript/AWQL

First off, let me say that I am not a developer, nor do I really code beyond basic HTML. So I appreciate your patience. :)
I'm working with a script that is for AdWords, but I believe it's more or less written in Javascript. (I've included the script below.)
Basically, I'm receiving the error message 'Parsing Error: Please check your selector. (line XX)' when I preview the script.
I've searched all around for hours and have yet to find a solution.
I think it may be that a query being returned contains either a single or double quote, and may be messing up the code? Though I can't actually prove that.
Also, yes, I was sure to update lines 17-21 with the correct details.
Any help would be much appreciated!
// AdWords Script: Put Data From AdWords Report In Google Sheets
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2017 Optmyzr Inc., All Rights Reserved
// This script takes a Google spreadsheet as input. Based on the column headers, data filters, and date range specified
// on this sheet, it will generate different reports.
// The goal is to let users create custom automatic reports with AdWords data that they can then include in an automated reporting
// tool like the one offered by Optmyzr.
// For more PPC management tools, visit
var DEBUG = 0; // set to 1 to get more details about what the script does while it runs; default = 0
var REPORT_SHEET_NAME = "report"; // the name of the tab where the report data should go
var SETTINGS_SHEET_NAME = "settings"; // the name of the tab where the filters and date range are specified
var SPREADSHEET_URL = ""; // The URL to the Google spreadsheet with your report template
var EMAIL_ADDRESSES = ""; // Get notified by email at this address when a new report is ready
function main() {
var currentSetting = new Object(); = SPREADSHEET_URL;
// Read Settings Sheet
var settingsSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(;
var rows = settingsSheet.getDataRange();
var numRows = rows.getNumRows();
var numCols = rows.getNumColumns();
var values = rows.getValues();
var numSettingsRows = numRows - 1;
var sortString = "";
var filters = new Array();
for(var i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
var row = values[i];
var settingName = row[0];
var settingOperator = row[1];
var settingValue = row[2];
var dataType = row[3];
debug(settingName + " " + settingOperator + " " + settingValue);
if(settingName.toLowerCase().indexOf("report type") != -1) {
var reportType = settingValue;
} else if(settingName.toLowerCase().indexOf("date range") != -1) {
var dateRange = settingValue;
} else if(settingName.toLowerCase().indexOf("sort order") != -1) {
var sortDirection = dataType || "DESC";
if(settingValue) var sortString = "ORDER BY " + settingValue + " " + sortDirection;
var sortColumnIndex = 1;
}else {
if(settingOperator && settingValue) {
if(dataType.toLowerCase().indexOf("long") != -1 || dataType.toLowerCase().indexOf("double") != -1 || dataType.toLowerCase().indexOf("money") != -1 || dataType.toLowerCase().indexOf("integer") != -1) {
var filter = settingName + " " + settingOperator + " " + settingValue;
} else {
if(settingValue.indexOf("'") != -1) {
var filter = settingName + " " + settingOperator + ' "' + settingValue + '"';
} else if(settingValue.indexOf("'") != -1) {
var filter = settingName + " " + settingOperator + " '" + settingValue + "'";
} else {
var filter = settingName + " " + settingOperator + " '" + settingValue + "'";
debug("filter: " + filter)
// Process the report sheet and fill in the data
var reportSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(;
var rows = reportSheet.getDataRange();
var numRows = rows.getNumRows();
var numCols = rows.getNumColumns();
var values = rows.getValues();
var numSettingsRows = numRows - 1;
// Read Header Row and match names to settings
var headerNames = new Array();
var row = values[0];
for(var i = 0; i < numCols; i++) {
var value = row[i];
if(reportType.toLowerCase().indexOf("performance") != -1) {
var dateString = ' DURING ' + dateRange;
} else {
var dateString = "";
if(filters.length) {
var query = 'SELECT ' + headerNames.join(",") + ' FROM ' + reportType + ' WHERE ' + filters.join(" AND ") + dateString + " " + sortString;
} else {
var query = 'SELECT ' + headerNames.join(",") + ' FROM ' + reportType + dateString + " " + sortString;
var report =; //THIS IS LINE 103 WITH THE ERROR
try {
var subject = "Your " + reportType + " for " + dateRange + " for " + AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getName() + " is ready";
var body = "<br>You can now add this data to <a href=''>Optmyzr</a> or another reporting system.";
MailApp.sendEmail(EMAIL_ADDRESSES, subject, body);
Logger.log("Your report is ready at " +;
Logger.log("You can include this in your scheduled Optmyzr reports or another reporting tool.");
} catch (e) {
debug("error: " + e);
function debug(text) {
if(DEBUG) Logger.log(text);
The area between SELECT and FROM is the selector. You're not selecting any fields with that query. That's happening because the headerNames array is empty. Verify the value of REPORT_SHEET_NAME

how to get an alert message if the value entered is not found in the array in javascript

I have an array of objects and I'm able to loop through the array using a for loop and I can print it to the page without problems if the value is found, but I'm trying to get an alert message to display if the value is not found and continue asking for the next value until the user types quit. The problems with my code is that the alert message keeps appearing until the loops ends if the value is not found. Here's my code:
var message = '';
var student;
var search;
function print(message) {
var outputDiv = document.getElementById('output');
outputDiv.innerHTML = message;
function getStudentReport( student ) {
var report = '<h2>Student: ' + + '</h2>';
report += '<p>Track: ' + student.track + '</p>';
report += '<p>Points: ' + student.points + '</p>';
report += '<p>Achievements: ' + student.achievements + '</p>';
return report;
function findStudent( look ){
for (var i = 0; i < students.length; i += 1) {
student = students[i];
if (look === {
message += getStudentReport( student );
} else{
alert(look + ' was not found');
while (true){
search = prompt('Search student records: type a name [Jody] (or type "quit" to end)');
if (search === null || search === 'quit'){
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
i think it could be help full for you
var message = '';
var student;
var search;
function print(message) {
var outputDiv = document.getElementById('output');
outputDiv.innerHTML = message;
function getStudentReport( student ) {
var report = '<h2>Student: ' + + '</h2>';
report += '<p>Track: ' + student.track + '</p>';
report += '<p>Points: ' + student.points + '</p>';
report += '<p>Achievements: ' + student.achievements + '</p>';
return report;
function findStudent( look ){
var flag=0;
for (var i = 0; i < students.length; i += 1) {
student = students[i];
if (look === {
message += getStudentReport( student );
} else{
alert(look + ' was not found');
function showprompt(){
search = prompt('Search student records: type a name [Jody] (or type "quit" to end)');
if (search != null && search !== "quit"){
Lets explain this part of code:
function findStudent( look ) {
for (var i = 0; i < students.length; i += 1) {
student = students[i];
if (look === {
message += getStudentReport( student );
} else{
alert(look + ' was not found');
What that does is it loops with a for loop over an array/object and prints a message or alerts for every record inside the array. That is the problem. You only want to check if the value is found and print or alert if so.
function findStudent( look ) {
var found = false;
for (var i = 0; i < students.length; i += 1) {
student = students[i];
if (look === {
found = true;
break; // if the student is found no need to loop further
// move on with rest of code
// so if the student was found in the for loop, found will be true
// else found will be false cause we set it to false at the beginning
if(found) {
message += getStudentReport( student );
} else {
alert(look + ' was not found');
you can use indexof
else if (students.indexOf(look) == -1){
alert(look + ' was not found');
You need to stop the loop inside findStudent() function.
First, add a boolean varible: var flag = true;
Second, use it as condition of while loop: while(flag){...}
Finally, assign flag = falsewhenever want to stop the loop:
function findStudent( look ){
for (var i = 0; i < students.length; i += 1) {
student = students[i];
if (look === {
message += getStudentReport( student );
//possible stop here if you want
flag = false;
} else{
alert(look + ' was not found');
//possible stop here if you want
flag = false;
//possible stop here if you want
flag = false;
var message = '';
var student;
var search;
function print(message) {
var outputDiv = document.getElementById('output');
outputDiv.innerHTML = message;
function getStudentReport( student ) {
var report = '<h2>Student: ' + + '</h2>';
report += '<p>Track: ' + student.track + '</p>';
report += '<p>Points: ' + student.points + '</p>';
report += '<p>Achievements: ' + student.achievements + '</p>';
return report;
function findStudent( look ){
message = '';
for (var i = 0; i < students.length; i += 1) {
student = students[i];
if (look === {
message += getStudentReport(student);
return message;
while (true){
search = prompt('Search student records: type a name [Jody] (or type "quit" to end)');
if (search === null || search === 'quit'){
} else {
alert(search + ' was not found');

Why does "\n" create a new line even when told not to?

I am having a problem with "\n" creating a line even when it is told not to when copying. The fix is probably something simple that I am just not seeing for some reason. I would appreciate any input or coaching on this problem.
(Please only give me Javascript answers as I am not interested in jquery or other methods)
<script type="text/javascript">
if (pullDownResponseE == "")
else {
var pullDownValuesE = document.getElementById("taskOne");
var pullDownResponseE = pullDownValuesE.options[pullDownValuesE.selectedIndex].value;
stuffToCopy = stuffToCopy + "\n" + pullDownResponseE;
if (pullDownResponseF == "")
var pullDownValuesF = document.getElementById("taskTwo");
var pullDownResponseF = pullDownValuesF.options[pullDownValuesF.selectedIndex].value;
stuffToCopy = stuffToCopy + "\n" + pullDownResponseF;
As you can see, pullDownResponseF and pullDownReponseE should do nothing if my dropdown value equals "" and this portion works for the most part, it doesn't execute any of the else code EXCEPT for the new line "\n" part.
Can anyone explain what is going wrong here?
EDIT: Having more code might help here. I'll only include the essential portions since it is so long.
<script type="text/javascript">
function copyNotesTemplate()
var stuffToCopy = document.getElementById('myForm').value;
if(stuffToCopy.length > 1)
var stuffToCopy = "PT meets criteria" + "\n" + document.getElementById('myForm').value;
var stuffToCopy = document.getElementById('noPtCriteria').value;
if (pullDownResponsee == "")
else {
var pullDownValuese = document.getElementById("taskOne");
var pullDownResponsee = pullDownValuese.options[pullDownValuese.selectedIndex].value;
stuffToCopy = stuffToCopy + "\n" + pullDownResponsee;
if (pullDownResponsef == "")
var pullDownValuesf = document.getElementById("taskTwo");
var pullDownResponsef = pullDownValuesf.options[pullDownValuesf.selectedIndex].value;
stuffToCopy = stuffToCopy + "\n" + pullDownResponsef;
if (pullDownResponseg == "")
var pullDownValuesg = document.getElementById("taskThree");
var pullDownResponseg = pullDownValuesg.options[pullDownValuesg.selectedIndex].value;
stuffToCopy = stuffToCopy + "\n" + pullDownResponseg;
var tempValues = document.getElementById('whatUpdate').value
if(tempValues.length > 1)
var stuffToCopy = stuffToCopy + "Updated" + " " + document.getElementById('whatUpdate').value + " ";
var tempValuess = document.getElementById('whatInfo').value
if(tempValuess.length > 1)
var stuffToCopy = stuffToCopy + "per" + " " + document.getElementById('whatInfo').value + "\n";
var tempValue = document.getElementById('whatDSCRP').value
if(tempValue.length > 1)
var stuffToCopy = stuffToCopy + document.getElementById('whatDSCRP').value + " " + "dscrp on Collection tube and trf was resolved using" + " ";
var tempValue = document.getElementById('resolveIT').value
if(tempValue.length > 1)
var stuffToCopy = stuffToCopy + document.getElementById('resolveIT').value + " ";
var tempValue = document.getElementById('tubeCorrect').value
if(tempValue.length > 1)
var stuffToCopy = stuffToCopy + "trf was" + " " + document.getElementById('tubeCorrect').value;
if(stuffToCopy.length > 1)
var stuffToCopy = stuffToCopy + "\n" + document.getElementById('moreNotes').value;
if (pullDownResponsesu == "")
var pullDownValuesu = document.getElementById("mod33Apply");
var pullDownResponsesu = pullDownValuesu.options[pullDownValuesu.selectedIndex].value;
stuffToCopy = stuffToCopy + "\n" + pullDownResponsesu;
if (pullDownResponsesb == "")
var pullDownValuesb = document.getElementById("resultICR");
var pullDownResponsesb = pullDownValuesb.options[pullDownValuesb.selectedIndex].value;
stuffToCopy = stuffToCopy + "\n" + pullDownResponsesb + "," + " ";
if (pullDownResponsesc == "")
var pullDownValuesc = document.getElementById("moneyNCIS");
var pullDownResponsesc = pullDownValuesc.options[pullDownValuesc.selectedIndex].value;
stuffToCopy = stuffToCopy + pullDownResponsesc + " ";
if (pullDownResponsesd == "")
var pullDownValuesd = document.getElementById("resultMMT");
var pullDownResponsesd = pullDownValuesd.options[pullDownValuesd.selectedIndex].value;
stuffToCopy = stuffToCopy + pullDownResponsesd;
if(stuffToCopy.length > 1)
var stuffToCopy = stuffToCopy + " " + "Reason:" + " " + document.getElementById('whyNotEligible').value;
if (pullDownResponsesa == "")
var pullDownValuesa = document.getElementById("testReleased");
var pullDownResponsesa = pullDownValuesa.options[pullDownValuesa.selectedIndex].value;
stuffToCopy = stuffToCopy + "\n" + pullDownResponsesa;
window.clipboardData.setData('text', stuffToCopy);
If somebody skips filling out a note field or skips a dropdown in this example then it will not execute the code like I intended but it does create a new line when copied like this:
taskOne selected
(extra line here since task two wasn't selected)
taskThree selected
I would like there not to be an extra line between Task one and three if task two is skipped. Like this:
taskOne selected
taskThree selected
Note: I know that having else {} is pointless but it helps me visually.
I created snips of exactly what it looks like when copy/pasted from my tool that you can view here if you would like:
Example 1:
Example 2:
Here is an example of my html as well:
<html lang="en">
What tasks are needed for the case?
<br />
<select class="style3" id="taskOne">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="ABN needed">ABN needed</option>
<option value="Auth needed">Auth needed</option>
No, it doesn't add a new line, see:
stuffToCopy = "";
controlGroup = "a\nb";
pullDownResponseE = "";
if (pullDownResponseE == "")
else {
var pullDownValuesE = "taskOne";
var pullDownResponseE = "value";
stuffToCopy = stuffToCopy + "\n" + pullDownResponseE;
alert("stuffToCopy:"+stuffToCopy+";(no new-line here)\ncontrolGroup:"+controlGroup);
My guess is that your html is printed in such away that the values you get from the inputs contain an extra new-line at the end. Try changing your html to be 1 line, without new-lines, and test again.
Instead of:
<option value="a
<option value="a">b</option>
Alright so I fixed it, should have used the almighty document.getElementById instead of attempting to use pullDownReponse for my if statements..
I simply changed the if statements like this:
if (pullDownResponseg == "")
To this:
if (document.getElementById("taskThree").value == "")
Thanks for the help from the sincere. (and ridiculous non-answers from the others)

