Any way to extract string within 2 different special characters using javascript? - javascript

Hi I have a varying URL similar to:[image_id]_[secret].jpg
I need to extract image_id that's first set of numbers (i.e. 14628998490) before an underscore from 14628998490_233a15c423_q.jpg between the whole URL
Is there a good way to extract image_id?
Right now I am going to use:
var image_id = image_url.match(/[\/]([0-9]+)_/)[1]

Like i said in the comment, you don't need to escape / symbol in the character class. And also you don't need even a character class also. Just \/ would be enough. The below regex would capture one or more numbers which are preceded by / symbol and followed by _ symbol.
> var image_id = image_url.match(/\/(\d+)_/)[1]
> image_id
You could try this also, if you don't want to give \d+ in your pattern.
> var image_id = image_url.match(/\/([^/]*?)_/)[1]
> image_id

Not shure that it's is better way, but you can do like this:
var str = '[image_id]_[secret].jpg';
var image_id = str.split('/').pop().split('.')[0].split('_');

If the special character is always the same (_), you could first obtain the last part (width substring+lastIndexOf) and then use split() :
var url = "";
var splittedUrl = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('/')+1).split("_");
var image_id = splittedUrl[0];
I've read somewhere that string functions are faster than regexp, so it's an option you might consider.

String splitting is faster tha regex.You can just get the last index of / and string between first occurence of _ after last occurence of /. I think that will be better idea.


How would I write a Regular Expression to capture the value between Last Slash and Query String?

Extract image file name from CDN address similar to the following:
Two-stage Solution:
I am using two regular expressions to retrieve the file name:
var postLastSlashRegEx = /[^\/]+$/,
preQueryRegEx = /^([^?]+)/;
var fileFromURL = urlString.match(postLastSlashRegEx)[0].match(preQueryRegEx)[0];
// fileFromURL = "photo%2FB%_2.jpeg"
Is there a way I can combine both regular expressions?
I've tried using capture groups, but haven't been able to produce a working solution.
From my comment
You can use a lookahead to find the "?" and use [^/] to match any non-slash characters.
To remove the dependency on the URL needing a "?", you can make the lookahead match a question mark or the end of line indicator (represented by $), but make sure the first glob is non-greedy.
You don't have to use regex, you can just use split and substr.
var str = "".split("?")[0];
var fileName = temp.substr(temp.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
but if regex is important to you, then:
The code using the substring method would look like the following -
var fileFromURL = urlString.substring(urlString.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, urlString.lastIndexOf('?'))

How to find in javascript with regular expression string from url?

Good evening, How can I find in javascript with regular expression string from url address for example i have url: and I need only string between last slashes (/ /) in this example word that i need is mikronebulizer. Thank you very much for you help.
You could use a regex match with a group.
Use this:
Here's a jsfiddle showing it in action
This part: ([\w\-]+)
Means at least 1 or more of the set of alphanumeric, underscore and hyphen and use it as the first match group.
Followed by a /
And then finally the: $
Which means the line should end with this
The .exec() returns an array where the first value is the full match (IE: "mikronebulizer/") and then each match group after that.
So .exec()[1] returns your value: mikronebulizer
Should do it.
If you want to match (optionally) without a trailing slash, use:
See it in action here:
If you have the url provided, then you can do it this way:
var url = '';
var urlsplit = url.split('/');
var urlEnd = urlsplit[urlsplit.length- (urlsplit[urlsplit.length-1] == '' ? 2 : 1)];
This will match either everything after the last slash, if there's any content there, and otherwise, it will match the part between the second-last and the last slash.
Something else to consider - yes a pure RegEx approach might be easier (heck, and faster), but I wanted to include this simply to point out window.location.pathName.
function getLast(){
// Strip trailing slash if present
var path = window.location.pathname.replace(/\/$?/, '');
return path.split('/').pop();
Alternatively you could get using split:
var pieces = "".split("/");
var lastSegment = pieces[pieces.length - 2];
// lastSegment == mikronebulizer
var url = '';
if (url.slice(-1)=="/") {
url = url.substr(0,url.length-1);
var lastSegment = url.split('/').pop();

Regex one-liner for splitting string at nth character where n is a variable length

I've found a few similar questions, but none of them are clean one-liners, which I feel should be possible. I want to split a string at the last instance of specific character (in my case .).
var img = $('body').attr('data-bg-img-url'); // the string
var finalChar = img.split( img.split(/[.]+/).length-1 ); // returns int 3 in above string example
var dynamicRegex = '/[.$`finalChar`]/';
I know I'm breaking some rules here, wondering if someone smarter than me knows the correct way to put that together and compress it?
EDIT - The end goal here is to split and store and .jpg as separate strings.
In regex, .* is greedy, meaning it will match as much as possible. Therefore, if you want to match up to the last ., you could do:
And from the looks, you are trying to get the file extension, so you would want to add capture:
var result = /^.*\.(.*)$/.exec( str );
var extension = result[1];
And for both parts:
var result = /^(.*)\.(.*)$/.exec( str );
var path = result[1];
var extension = result[2];
You can use the lastIndexOf() method on the period and then use the substring method to obtain the first and second string. The split() method is better used in a foreach scenario where you want to split at all instances. Substring is preferable for these types of cases where you are breaking at a single instance of the string.

how to extract this kind of data and put them into a nice array?

I got a string like this one:
var tweet ="#fadil good:))RT #finnyajja: what a nice day RT #fadielfirsta: how are you? #finnyajja yay";
what kind of code should work to extract any words with # character and also removing any special char at the end of the words? so it would an array like this :
(#fadil, #finnyajja, #fadielfirsta, #finnyajja);
i have tried the following code :
var users = $.grep(tweet.split(" "), function(a){return /^#/.test(a)});
it returns this:
(#fadil, #finnyajja:, #fadielfirsta:, #finnyajja)
there's still colon ':' character at the end of some words. What should I do? any solution guys? Thanks
Here is code that is more straightforward than trying to use split:
var tweet_text ="#fadil good:))RT #finnyajja: what a nice day RT #fadielfirsta: how are you? #finnyajja yay";
var result = tweet_text.match(/#\w+/g);
The easiest way without changing your current code too much would be to just remove all colons prior to calling split:
var users = $.grep(tweet_text.replace(":","").split(" "), function(a){return /^#/.test(a)});
You could also write a regex to do all the work for you using match. Something like this:
var regex = /#[a-z0-9]+/gi;
var matches = tweet.match(regex);
This assumes that you only want letters and numbers, if certain other characters are allowed, this regex will need to be modified.

Javascript regex match for string "game_1"

I just can't get this thing to work in javascript. So, I have a text "game_1" without the quotes and now i want to get that number out of it and I tried this:
var idText = "game_1";
re = /game_(.*?)/;
found = idText.match(re);
var ajdi = found[1];
alert( ajdi );
But it doesn't work - please point out where am I going wrong.
If you're only matching a number, you may want to try
as your regular expression. That will match at least one number, which seems to be what you need. You entered a regexp that allows for 0 characters (*) and let it select the shortest possible result (?), which may be a problem (and match you 0 characters), depending on the regex engine.
If this is the complete text, then there is no need for regular expressions:
var id = +str.split('_')[1];
var id = +str.replace('game_', '');
(unary + is to convert the string to a number)
If you insist on regular expression, you have to anchor the expression:
or make the * greedy by omitting the ?:
Better is to make the expression more restrictive as #Naltharial suggested.
Simple string manipulation:
var idText = "game_1",
adji = parseInt(idText.substring(5), 10);
* means zero or more occurrences. It seems that combining it with a greediness controller ? results in zero match.
You could replace * with + (which means one or more occurrences), but as #Felix Kling notes, it would only match one digit.
Better to ditch the ? completely.
Try "game_1".replace(/^(game_)/, '')
this will return the number
You can simply use this re /\d+/ to get any number inside your string

