Html5 Canvas: alternative for drawImage() - javascript

Since I faced some rounding issues* with the default scale()-function of canvas I've implemented my own matrix-transformations for canvas. This is working fine with a sole exception, I cannot rotate an image because the drawImage() function can only be parameterized with the top left corner of the picture.
Is there any other method to draw an image on a canvas? A method that can be parameterized with at least the coordinates for the top, left and the bottom right corner?, so that I can manually rotate the coordinates?
*The issue is a one-pixel-gap between shapes after scaling by a factor < 1.

Based off of your fiddle in the comments you could use an in memory canvas as a back buffer to draw what you need to at normal size, then scale the context of your main canvas and use drawImage to draw the scaled result.
Live Demo
var canvas = document.getElementById('c');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var backBuffer = document.createElement("canvas"),
bCtx = backBuffer.getContext("2d");
paint = function (x, y, scale) {
bCtx.rect(x, y, 30, 30);
bCtx.fillStyle = 'black';
bCtx.rect(x + 30, y, 30, 30);
bCtx.fillStyle = 'black';
paint(10, 10, 1);
paint(10, 70, .66);


Image transform property not rotating image [duplicate]

I am experimenting with animation in <canvas> and can't work out how to draw an image at an angle. The desired effect is a few images drawn as usual, with one image rotating slowly. (This image is not at the centre of the screen, if that makes any difference).
You need to modify the transformation matrix before drawing the image that you want rotated.
Assume image points to an HTMLImageElement object.
var x = canvas.width / 2;
var y = canvas.height / 2;
var width = image.width;
var height = image.height;
context.translate(x, y);
context.drawImage(image, -width / 2, -height / 2, width, height);
context.translate(-x, -y);
The x, y coordinates is the center of the image on the canvas.
It is interesting that the first solution worked for so many people, it didn't give the result I needed.
In the end I had to do this:;
ctx.translate(positionX, positionY);
where (positionX, positionY) is the coordinates on the canvas that I want the image to be located at and (x, y) is the point on the image where I want the image to rotate.
I have written a function (based on Jakub's answer) that allows user to paint an image in a X,Y position based on a custom rotation in a custom rotation point:
function rotateAndPaintImage ( context, image, angleInRad , positionX, positionY, axisX, axisY ) {
context.translate( positionX, positionY );
context.rotate( angleInRad );
context.drawImage( image, -axisX, -axisY );
context.rotate( -angleInRad );
context.translate( -positionX, -positionY );
Then you can call it like this:
var TO_RADIANS = Math.PI/180;
ctx = document.getElementById("canvasDiv").getContext("2d");
var imgSprite = new Image();
imgSprite.src = "img/sprite.png";
// rotate 45º image "imgSprite", based on its rotation axis located at x=20,y=30 and draw it on context "ctx" of the canvas on coordinates x=200,y=100
rotateAndPaintImage ( ctx, imgSprite, 45*TO_RADIANS, 200, 100, 20, 30 );

How can I detect if a polygon(drawn in canvas) is clicked by me? [duplicate]

I've created a grid of several distorted rectangles made with Bezier curves. Each rectangle has its own color on the picture.
Let's say, I want to add hover effect for each of these rectangles, therefore I need to know its dimensions. Since I can fill or stroke the figure I assume that there is some way to get them, but I'm not sure.
Here is the example of the rectangles:
So the question is, is there some method in the canvas API with which I can achieve the desired effect?
Yes you can use isPointInPath(Path2D, x, y) method.
Note that if you don't use the Path2D object, you can also call it just with isPointInPath(x, y), but then it will check on the currently being drawn path (declared with beginPath()).
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var myPath = new Path2D();
myPath.bezierCurveTo(50, 100, 180, 10, 20, 10);
myPath.lineTo(50, 100);
function draw(hover) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.fillStyle = hover ? 'red' : 'green';
canvas.onmousemove = function(e) {
var x = e.clientX - canvas.offsetLeft,
y = e.clientY - canvas.offsetTop;
var hover = ctx.isPointInPath(myPath, x, y)
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

Reveal image on canvas with draw/strokes/paint

I want to achive the following:
Draw a bg-image to the canvas (once or if needed repeatedly)
The image should not be visible at the beginning
While i "paint" shapes to the canvas the bg-image should get visible where the shapes were drawn
The parts of the image that will be revealed shall be "painted" (like with a brush) so i want to use strokes.
What i tried:
- Do not clear the canvas
- Paint rects to the canvas with globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-in'
This works, the rectangles reveal the image but i need strokes
If i use strokes they are ignored with 'destination-in' while i see them with normal globalCompositeOperation.
Is this intended that the strokes are ignored? Is there a workaround like somehow converting the stroke/shape to a bitmap? Or do i have have to use two canvas elements?
In OpenGL i would first draw the image with its rgb values and with a = 0 and then only "paint" the alpha in.
You can solve it by these steps:
Set the image as a pattern
Set the pattern as fillStyle or strokeStyle
When you now fill/stroke your shapes the image will be revealed. Just make sure the initial image fits the area you want to reveal.
Example showing the principle, you should be able to adopt this to your needs:
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"),
img = new Image,
radius = 40;
img.onload = setup;
img.src = "";
function setup() {
// set image as pattern for fillStyle
ctx.fillStyle = ctx.createPattern(this, "no-repeat");
// for demo only, reveals image while mousing over canvas
canvas.onmousemove = function(e) {
var r = this.getBoundingClientRect(),
x = e.clientX - r.left,
y = e.clientY -;
ctx.moveTo(x + radius, y);
ctx.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2*Math.PI);
<canvas id=canvas width=900 height=600></canvas>
Hope this helps!
Alternative solution:
Put the image as a normal image on your website
add a canvas and use CSS positioning to place it right above the image
Fill the canvas with the color you use as the page background
have your paint tools erase the canvas when you draw. By the way, you can set context.globalCompositionOperation = 'destination-out' to turn all drawing operations into an eraser.
Here is an example. As you can see, the alpha properties of your tools are respected.
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
//prepare canvas
ctx.fillStyle = '#ffffff'
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 120, 120);
//prepare a 30% opacity eraser
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
ctx.lineWidth = 5;
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)';
// make random strokes around cursor while mouse moves
canvas.onmousemove = function(e) {
var rect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
var x = e.clientX - rect.left;
var y = e.clientY -;
ctx.moveTo(x + Math.random() * 33 - 16, y + Math.random() * 33 - 16);
ctx.lineTo(x + Math.random() * 33 - 16, y + Math.random() * 33 - 16);
<span>Move your mouse:</span>
<img src='' style='position:absolute'>
<canvas id='canvas' width=120 height=120 style='position:absolute'></canvas>

In a 2D canvas, is there a way to give a sprite an outline?

I'd like to give a sprite an outline when the character gets healed/damaged/whatever but I can't think of a way to code this using the 2d canvas. If it were possible, I'd think it would be a global composite operation, but I can't think of a way to achieve it with one of them.
I did find this stackoverflow answer that recommends creating a fatter, solid color version of the original and put the original on top of it. That would give it an outline, but it seems like a lot of extra work especially considering I'm using placeholder art. Is there an easier way?
This question is different from the one linked because this is specifically about the HTML5 2D canvas. It may have a solution not available to the other question.
For what it's worth, I don't mind if the outline creates a wider border or keeps the sprite the same size, I just want the outline look.
Just draw your original image in 8 position around the original image
Change composite mode to source-in and fill with the outline color
Change composite mode back to source-over and draw in the original image at correct location
This will create a clean sharp outline with equal border thickness on every side. It is not so suited for thick outlines however. Image drawing is fast, especially when image is not scaled so performance is not an issues unless you need to draw a bunch (which in that case you would cache the drawings or use a sprite-sheet anyways).
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
img = new Image;
img.onload = draw;
img.src = "";
function draw() {
var dArr = [-1,-1, 0,-1, 1,-1, -1,0, 1,0, -1,1, 0,1, 1,1], // offset array
s = 2, // scale
i = 0, // iterator
x = 5, // final position
y = 5;
// draw images at offsets from the array scaled by s
for(; i < dArr.length; i += 2)
ctx.drawImage(img, x + dArr[i]*s, y + dArr[i+1]*s);
// fill with color
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-in";
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.fillRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height);
// draw original image in normal mode
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
ctx.drawImage(img, x, y);
<canvas id=canvas width=500 height=500></canvas>
Maybe it would be worth trying this :
• build a canvas 1.1 time bigger than the original sprite
• fill it with the outline color
• draw the sprite scaled by 1.1 on the canvas using destination-in globalCompositeOperation.
Then you have a bigger 'shadow' of your sprite in the outline color.
When you want to draw the outline :
• draw the 'shadow' (centered)
• draw your sprite within the shadow.
Depending on the convexity of your sprite, this will work more or less nicely, but i think it's worth trying since it avoids you doubling the number of input graphic files.
I just did a short try as proof-of-concept and it quite works :,output
Before :
After :
<image src='' id='spr'></image>
<canvas id='cv' width = 500 height= 500 ></canvas>
window.onload=function() {
var spr = document.getElementById('spr');
var margin = 4;
var gh = createGhost(spr, '#F80', margin);
var cv = document.getElementById('cv');
var ctx = cv.getContext('2d');
var outlined = true;
setInterval(function() {
ctx.clearRect(0,0,cv.width, cv.height);
if (outlined)
ctx.drawImage(gh, 0, 0)
ctx.drawImage(spr, 0, 0)
outlined = !outlined;
}, 400);
function createGhost (img, color, margin) {
var cv= document.createElement('canvas');
cv.width = img.width+2*margin;
cv.height = img.height + 2*margin;
var ctx = cv.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.fillRect(0,0, cv.width, cv.height);;
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-in';
var scale = cv.width/spr.width;
ctx.scale(cv.width/spr.width, cv.height/spr.height);
ctx.drawImage(img, -margin, -margin);
return cv;
You could use strokeRect method to outline the sprite after drawing it. It should be asy if you know your sprite's dimensions...

HTML5 canvas drawImage with at an angle

I am experimenting with animation in <canvas> and can't work out how to draw an image at an angle. The desired effect is a few images drawn as usual, with one image rotating slowly. (This image is not at the centre of the screen, if that makes any difference).
You need to modify the transformation matrix before drawing the image that you want rotated.
Assume image points to an HTMLImageElement object.
var x = canvas.width / 2;
var y = canvas.height / 2;
var width = image.width;
var height = image.height;
context.translate(x, y);
context.drawImage(image, -width / 2, -height / 2, width, height);
context.translate(-x, -y);
The x, y coordinates is the center of the image on the canvas.
It is interesting that the first solution worked for so many people, it didn't give the result I needed.
In the end I had to do this:;
ctx.translate(positionX, positionY);
where (positionX, positionY) is the coordinates on the canvas that I want the image to be located at and (x, y) is the point on the image where I want the image to rotate.
I have written a function (based on Jakub's answer) that allows user to paint an image in a X,Y position based on a custom rotation in a custom rotation point:
function rotateAndPaintImage ( context, image, angleInRad , positionX, positionY, axisX, axisY ) {
context.translate( positionX, positionY );
context.rotate( angleInRad );
context.drawImage( image, -axisX, -axisY );
context.rotate( -angleInRad );
context.translate( -positionX, -positionY );
Then you can call it like this:
var TO_RADIANS = Math.PI/180;
ctx = document.getElementById("canvasDiv").getContext("2d");
var imgSprite = new Image();
imgSprite.src = "img/sprite.png";
// rotate 45º image "imgSprite", based on its rotation axis located at x=20,y=30 and draw it on context "ctx" of the canvas on coordinates x=200,y=100
rotateAndPaintImage ( ctx, imgSprite, 45*TO_RADIANS, 200, 100, 20, 30 );

