JsApi sometimes gets broken - javascript

We're using the JsApin for two way communication between the plugin and the page js.
Sometimes this object just stops working.
Here's what we're doing:
<object type="...">
<param name="onload" value="pluginloaded" />
var myObj = {
element: ..., // reference to the dom element for the object tag
function pluginloaded(jsapi) {
myObj.jsapi = jsapi;
As you can see we keep a reference to both the DOM object element and the JsApi object that is being passed to the onload method.
When there's a try to execute a method on the plugin (or a property) it will first try myObj.jsapi.method() and if that failed then 'myObj.element.method()`, and if that fails then that will be reported.
Statistics show that it doesn't happen very frequently, but it does indeed happen, though I have no idea how to reproduce it, just sometimes happens.
Any idea what might cause this object to be unavailable? from the js perspective the jsapi object is undefined, and the object element just doesn't have the method/properties which are exposed from the plugin.

Without spending more time looking at your actual project it's hard to say for sure, but this sounds to me like you're actually unloading and/or reloading your plugin. The most common thing that causes this is when you move it around in the DOM -- for example, if you use javascript to create the object tag, and you set the .type before you put it in the DOM:
var obj = Document.create("object");
obj.type = "application/x-mytype";
This seems like a good idea, but the browser actually will partially destroy the plugin object when you do this. Similarly, if you set css display: none or overflow: {anything here} on the plugin object or any of its parents it can cause this.
Anyway, however it is happening I bet you are unloading the plugin, thus invalidating the jsapi object you grabbed.


Using modular design pattern in Javascript with DOM selections

I have been following the Modular Design Pattern for quite some time now and find it extremely useful as it helps in the well maintenance of code & separation of blocks into modules.
Regular usage of the module structure with jQuery has led to most of my applications/code following the below structure:
(function() {
var chat = {
websocket: new WebSocket("ws://echo.websocket.org/"),
that: this,
init: function() {
bindEvents: function() {
elements: {
indicator: $(".indicator"),
statusText: $(".status-text"),
chatHeadNames: $(".people li .name"),
filterInput: $("#filter-input"),
msgInput: $("#msg-input"),
sendBtn: $(".send")
filterPeople: function() {
var that = this;
this.elements.chatHeadNames.each(function() {
$(this).attr('data-search-term', $(this).text().toLowerCase());
What I would like to know is whether referencing all my elements via jQuery as part of a single variable chat.elements is a good practice?
One part of me tells that it indeed is a good way to reference all your selectors at once and cache them in variables so that multiple usages of the same element can be done with the cached variables (instead of multiple DOM selections).
Another part of me tells that this might be an anti-pattern and specific elements should be selected and cached locally when required.
I have used similar structures throughout and have got mixed responses about the code, but nothing solid. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Caching the selectors is a good thing. Hanging on to them is a good idea. It improves performance over repeatedly querying the DOM for the same thing. The code you have above looks very similar to BackboneJS and MarionetteJS code.
I do have some warnings for you though:
This pattern could cause memory leaks. Consider the case where you destory a subview, but you keep a reference to something that selected it. This is called a dangling pointer. The view won't really disappear. All bindings will remain. Events will continue to fire behind the scenes.
You will eventually run into a bug where you decided to re-render part of your screen. Cleaning up all your bindings is then required and you need to remember to delete and selectors. If you don't do this you will almost certainly run into issues where you wonder why an event is indeed firing but nothing appears to happen on screen.... (this will be because its happening off screen, to the element that you tried to delete, that still exists... sorta).
The current way you are querying for elements causes searches against the entire page. Take a look at https://api.jquery.com/find/. If you cache one selector and then perform searches within that selector it may gain you a little performance bump.
I think, If the chat module has selectors only for its children, then it's a good pattern. Like:
<div id="chat-module">
<div class="indicator">...</div>
<div class="status-text">...<div>
<script src="and your chat module.js"></script>
// your chat module selecting .indicator:
// $('#chat-module.indicator')
Also, add a shut-down function to your module. So, when you remove it from the view (as in a single-page-app), you can nullify your selectors and detaching event handlers, like: delete this.elements.indicator and event detaching code.
There are also other/better patterns for this, like, when a user types something, you fire an event, and catch that event in your module. To separate UI and the code.

Extending <object> in Dart

The Dart <object> element does not support a getter to access <object>.contentDocument and thus I thought about extending the object to add the functionality.
I took a look at the implementation of the ObjectElement and I basically need to add these lines:
Document get contentDocument => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.contentDocument_Getter_(this);
However, I have no idea how to do this. The solution I am using at this time is with a proxy which redirects all calls to the underlying JsObject but to be honest, this is not just dirty, it impossible to maintain.
/* Updated to explain the root of all evil */
When starting the project I am working on, I wanted to display SVGs, which are uploaded by the user, on the website and let the user manipulate these SVGs by inserting additional SvgElements or removing others.
When downloading the SVGs as a String and displaying them by
container.append(new SvgElement(svgCode))
I got really strange display bugs such that embeded images in the SVGs are displaced or even removed and other bugs with masks.
The problem was solved by using an <object> tag and set setting its data attribute to the SVG's url. The SVGs are rendered correctly. That being said, another issue came up. I wasn't able to access and manipulate the SVGs DOM because it's inside an <object> tag and the tag's document cannot be accessed by using contentDocument.
When taking all this into account, there are pretty much only two options left:
I use the <object> tag with no display bugs but not being able to manipulate the SVGs or
I create new SvgElements fromt the SVG's source and append them to the DOM which let's me manipulate the SVGs but having display bugs.
Since having display bugs isn't really a solution I can only make use of the first option, using an <object> tag and working around with Javascript to access the object's contentDocument.
As you can see, accessing the contentDocument is not always a security issue and not allowing to make use of it, is just a quick and dirty solution of a problem.
When accessing the contentDocument by using a JsObject, I get a JsObject back and not an Element. Thus I do not only have to update my code pretty much everywhere, but it gets also pretty ugly since I have to use the JsObject with callMethod(blabla).
class MyObjectElement extends ObjectElement {
static bool _isRegistered = false;
static register() {
if (!_isRegistered) {
document.registerElement('my-object', MyObjectElement,
extendsTag: 'object');
_isRegistered = true;
factory MyObjectElement() {
var result = document.createElement('object', 'my-object');
return result;
MyObjectElement.created() : super.created();
js.JsObject get contentDocument {
// doesn't seem to work with a custom element.
return new js.JsObject.fromBrowserObject(this)['contentDocument'];
use it like
var obj = new MyObjectElement()
..data =

What kind of pattern is this?

I've learnt development by looking at other people's codes, so I'm not very good with terminologies. Lately I've been writting my JS/Jquery this way:
$(document).ready(function() {
var testingFunc = {
$object: $('#object'),
init: function() {
var _that = this;
Can someone please tell me if this a pattern of some sort? Or can someone please tell me how to describe the code I've done above?
This particular style represented in your code is an "object literal" pattern. It differs only slightly from a "module" pattern when you find yourself not requiring specific properties or methods to be private.
Before getting into a trap of terminologies, you may want to understand (in principle) what Javascript patterns are, and then identify those which may be architecturally best-fit for your project.
You may get an in-depth understanding from this mini-book from Addy Osmani:
And a high-level article from him:
The first part is using a jQuery selector with the listener "ready". What this means is that the callback function attached to the selector and listener will run once the document (in this case the browser window) is ready (in web terms, this means when the page finishes loading).
The second part of your code is following a standard called object literal, which is a JavaScript methodology that follows the principles of key->value
Perhaps you can name it the Object Literal pattern like used by Rebecca Murphey in her article. However I do not think that it's widely adopted as an official name for this kind of code structure, but it seems appropriate.
I guess you are wondering about the ready function. In order to understand how it works, you have to know that when you load an HTML page into you browser, the HTML structure is turned into a javascript tree called "DOM" (Document Object Model). In your sample, the DOM is referenced through the variable named document. To populate this tree, each markup has to be initialized as a javascript object. Once this job is done, the "ready" event is raised, invoking every function which is bound to it. To summarize :
$(document).ready(function () { testingFunc.init(); });
// translation : Once the DOM has been initialized, call "init".
Regarding your code, $('#object') attempts to query the DOM tree to find a node with an id set to "object" (e.g. <div id="object">). However, the document is probably not yet fully initialized. As a result, this query might fail. To avoid this risk you should rather do this :
var testingFunc = {
$object: null,
init: function() {
this.$object = $('#object');
You can think of the DOM as a folder structure, where each folder and file is an HTML markup. jQuery browses the DOM tree the same way that you browse your files explorer.

knockout.js, breeze and dynatree/fancytree

This is really tricky to get my head around as I'm not used to this style of programming/data management.
All I'm trying to do at the moment is pass a json object returned via breeze into a dynatree or fancytree.
The examples that exist online all assume that the tree will do the ajax call via "initajax" or that some weirdly convoluted custom binding handler is needed into which various objects are passed:
ko.bindingHandlers.dynatree = {
update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) {
setTimeout(function () {
noLink: true, // noLink is required to 'unlock' the checkboxes
minExpandLevel: 2
// the timeout value shows the correct knockout bindings BEFORE dynatree kicks in.
}, 1000);
This all seems too complicated to me, surely? I already have the json object, I know that's working. If I use knockout to "foreach" bind it to some plain html then all data is displayed just fine. In my mind all I need to do is initialize the tree div and pass it the json object... It's just that I have no idea how to do that!
I've tried using the jsfiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/Ebram/UhA3m/5/ but chrome developer tools complain about the element having no "dynatree" method when the custom binding handler fires. It's passing in a "ul" element and that could be the problem - surely it should be passing in the tree div, not the ul element?
Anyhow, if anyone could point me in the right direction I'd hugely appreciate it. As I'm using John Papa's SPA methodology, I'm also unsure as to where I would put any separate js initialization code as the underlying viewmodel isn't the right place for me to be doing a $(#tree).dynatree initialization type call, is it? I must admit I've not got my head around this yet.
I suppose all I'm looking for is something along the lines of "once the viewmodel for this view has finished loading and the knockout binding is being done, initialize the dynatree div and pass this json object to the tree" if that makes sense in pseudocode?
I can hopefully point you in the approximate right direction.
It seems dynatree can also take JSON from a file as well as an AJAX request. In this example Lazy Loading, if you look in the source code, there's:
// In real life we would call a URL on the server like this:
// .. but here we use a local file instead:
Storing your data in a file to get it in seems awfully wasteful. Now that we know it's a little flexible in what it gets, let's see where it uses the data and maybe we can get it to use a local variable instead. let see where it loads it
Looking in the dynatree source, there's a function associated with appendAjax. (line 1774 in my source.) A little short on time at the moment, but I'd find where it gets the JSON and what it does with it. Perhaps you can do the same thing outside or mod the handling of ajaxOptions to take a variable with the JSON.

error with google swiffy calling runtime.js multiple times in the same page

I have converted multiple swf files using google swiffy v5.2 and will have my new animations displayed on many different pages, most of which I do not have control of or access to. In order for the animation to work it needs the swiffy's runtime.js file, which might look something like this on the page:
<script src="https://www.gstatic.com/swiffy/v5.2/runtime.js"></script>
The problem arises when I either have multiple instances of the animation on the same page or a client has this runtime.js file included on their own. When checking the javascript console I get this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot redefine property: __swiffy_override - runtime.js:186
If i was only worried about the conflict with myself I could possibly keep track of a variable or check if the script src existed already, however I do not have this luxury when a client's page may have renamed or changed the source to this file.
Is there a way to prevent the swiffy runtime.js from redefining this property when there are multiple instances of the same javascript file being included on the page?
I imagine you are seeing this problem happen when using AS3 swfs, which have Document classes applied to them. For example, say you have animationAS3.swf, which uses AnimationBaseClass.as. When it is "compiled" by Google Swiffy service the resultant JSON data will contain
{"internedStrings":["...", "AnimationBaseClass", "..."] ....}
The Google Swiffy runtime applies JavaScript's defineProperties() or perhaps defineProperty() to seal an "AnimationBaseClass" object it creates. So, when another instance of the data is loaded the Swiffy runtime attempts to do the same thing again, and the JavaScript interpreter says "Hey, I've already defined that object, I won't redefine it."
The solution I've found, which I believe is inefficient, is to rename the class before giving the data to the Swiffy runtime. Like this:
var classEnumerator = 0;
$.getJSON('animationAS3.json', function(data) {
// Due to "TypeError: Cannot redefine property: AnimationBaseClass",
// we need to enumerate the name of the class. I have no idea about
// the impact on resource usage when doing this.
var classNameIndex;
var i = data.internedStrings.length;
while(i--) {
if (data.internedStrings[i].indexOf("AnimationBaseClass") > -1) {
classNameIndex = i;
data.internedStrings[classNameIndex] = "AnimationBaseClass_" + (classEnumerator++));

