how to click the button the go to some page with javascript? - javascript

Is it possible to this?
I will include it in button, so when user click the button they go to some page also login with the id and password.

First: Putting an id and password in the page (whether in a link, in variables in code, or whatever) is a really bad idea. I strongly recommend you don't do that.
Assuming you really want to pass the id and password as query string parameters, yes it's possible:
<input type="button" onclick="location = 'http://url/jsp/index.jsp?id=xxx&password=xxx'" value="Login">
...but...this is what links are for.
(You can style the link to look like a button if you want.)
If your goal is to go to that URL where access to the resource is protected by authentication (e.g., the browser would pop up a window asking for the username and password), then it depends on what kind of authentication is being used. For username and password ones, then you can, you just format the link differently:
(Not anymore, thankfully. As Jeremy Miller points out below, neither IE nor Chrome supports this (any more), and if the others haven't already followed suit, I wouldn't be surprised if they did at some point...)
But again, it's a really bad idea.

It is possible by this solution.
<button id="buttonID" link="your login url">login</button>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#buttonID').click(function() {
var link = $(this).attr("link");
if(link ) {
window.location = link;
Assign the id to your button and replace "buttonID" with your actual button id. In click event do the above. The url must call the login function (controller function if it is MVC) which should accepts these parameters, do authentication and redirects to the landing page.


Detect if tag is in URL and then remove hidden class

I have a form on my contract form, which submits to a third party site and then I can define a URL to return the user to. I currently return the user to the same /contact page but I wanted to give them a message that it had submitted (since ajax forms don't work with the third party) and I don't want to have a whole page for it.
Therefore I had the idea to return the user to /contact#thanks
I have some code on my site which goes like this:
<div id="alert" class="hidden">Form Submitted. We will reply soon.</div>
Now I want a small bit of javascript on my page which detects if the URL has the #thanks tag on it, as above, and then removes the hidden class from my alert div. Is javascript able to detect this and if so, how do I go about it?
Include jquery and script. I test and work
if(window.location.hash) {
Siii = Yes use hash
I'm not totally sure that I've understood what are you trying to achieve, but this might help you:
if (window.location.hash === '#thanks') {

Stealing the redirect URL of a button

Is it possibe to change the return URL of a button whose job is submitting a form to the server? The main deal here is that I don't have the script that controls the button, hence the word "stealing."
If you are curious about the use case, I have a Salesforce Visualforce page that has an embedded Flow in it. I want to jump out of the Flow when the user is half way through and a certain condition is met.
Assuming the button is not in an iFrame...
$('#some_button').click(function (e) {
// Do stuff here then submit the form..
You could also use this method for $('#some_form').submit().... You can read more about it here.

jqm data-rel="back" issue

imagine the following scenario:
i have a jquery-mobile formular, it´s results are linking to its resultpage.
on the resultpage i have this back button:
this works fine to just update the content and keep the submitted form data,
what if a user came from a search-engine or similiar extern link, then my back button links back to the searchengine/externLink .
so how do i Differentiate between those who came from my form or anywhere else in a jqm-way ?
i have a "start-search-page" i would love to link to if the user didn´t came from the search and i don´t want to miss the ajax-link from my search to the resultpage, use the same button and idealy i don´t have to set any cookie.
is there any hint or smarter attempt than check the server url from document.referrer ?
thanks in advance
You can check current page url using below code:
var prevUrl = $'url');
in case u want to perform different actions based on previous URL.
then on save the URL in the global javascript variable and on click of the button check the previous URL and do the your functionality. eg
Before Navigating to page:
var prevUrl = $'url');
on click of button:
if (prevUrl=="myurl") {
//do something
else {

Javascript confirm dialog

I want to add a confirm dialog to a delete button to ask the user whether it is ok or not deleting the selected item.
If not, nothing should happend, else a url should be executed.
I know how to realize this via some Javascript code but I am looking for a solution that has less code. I mean e.g. :
Is it possible to put the whole functionality in the onClick element without having some extra Javascript in the header?
You can return the confirm() (which returns true/false), like this:
You can test it here
Better (though far from ideal!): turn it around. Don't let the link do anything, unless you got JavaScript:
<a href="#"
onclick="if confirm('Sure?') { window.location='';}">
Click to delete
This at least prevents the link to work without JavaScript. This also reduces the risk of the link accidentally being crawled by Google, or even by some local plugin. (Image if you had a plugin that would try to load/show as thumbnail) the target page on hover of a link!)
Still, this solution is not ideal. You will actually browse to the url, and the url might show up in the history because of that. You could actually delete Bob, create a new Bob, and then delete that one by accident by just clicking 'back' in the browser!
A better option would be to use JavaScript or a form to post the desired action. You can make a request to the server with the POST method, or arguably better, the DELETE method. That should also prevent the urls from being indexed.
Consider what happens if the user has javascript disabled, or if google comes along and spiders the link. Will your entity be deleted?
A better way would be to post a form to delete.
There is a jQuery plugin that does just that: jquery.confirm.
Go to home
JS code:
If the user confirms, he is redirected to the link of the <a>, else nothing happens.
You can use this:
Download a bootboxjs from:[1]:
Create the Button (HTML)
<button type="submit" id="btn">Delete</button>
Call the Dialog:
var myBtn = document.getElementById('btn');
myBtn.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
size: "small",
message: "Are you sure?",
callback: function (result) {
/* result is a boolean; true = OK, false = Cancel*/
if (result == true) {
alert("ok pressed");
else {
alert("cancel pressed");

Prevent user from accidentally navigating away

My problem is a bit more complex than using the following simple JavaScript code:
window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {
return 'Are You Sure?';
On an e-commerce web page I would like to remind the user that he has items in the shopping cart so that he can change his mind before
closing the browser tab/window
navigating to another domain
The JavaScript method above does not solve my problem because it is evoked even when the user navigates within the domain.
User tries to close window -> Show dialog
User changes url to in the browser's address bar -> Show dialog
User navigates to with the checkout button or presses the back button in the browser -> Do NOT show the dialog
It's not possible to tell if a user is pressing the back-button or closing the tab and you don't have access to their intended location.
It is possible to stop the dialog from showing if an internal link is clicked though:
function isExternal( href ) {
return RegExp('https?:\\/\\/(?!' + window.location.hostname + ')').test(href);
var returnValue = 'Are you sure?';
document.documentElement.onclick = function(e){
var target = e ? : window.event.srcElement;
if (target.href && !isExternal(target.href)) {
returnValue = undefined;
window.onbeforeunload = function(){
return returnValue;
Sorry there's no technical solution to your "problem."
It's not an accident when a user decides to leave your site, i.e. by typing a new URL, so stopping them to say "Hey, you haven't checked out yet" is kind of pointless.
I would suggest letting the visitor leave your website freely and simply remembering their information (DB, Sessions vars, etc). In terms of eCommerce that is the polite way of keeping customers.
If someone wants to leave your website, they will. Double-checking beforehand will likely only irritate the customer and lessen your chance of their return.
Since the beforeUnload-event object does NOT contain the location the user is trying to go to, one "hack" to do this would be to add click listeners to all links on your site, and disable the unload-listener in that handler. It's not very pretty, and it will probably not work if the user navigates with the keyboard, but it's my best guess at the moment.
It sounds like you'd need to use an onbeforeunload and then modify all your internal links to disable it. Probably the thing to do for the latter would be a jQuery event; making the actual hrefs run through JS would be terrible, not least because it'd defeat search engine crawling.
I was looking into this too, reason being we have some really stupid end users who fill out a whole web form then don't press the save button.
I found this is u r interested, seems like a good solution:

