javascript disabled in Mac by default? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Since I dont have a Mac and dont have much experience (couldnt find any infos either)...I would like to know if Javascript in Mac is disabled by default if using Safari or any other browsers.
Im asking because it happened once that one or two users told me they couldnt access some of my sites features (all javascript) and that they are on a mac.

No. All of the mainstream OS X browsers support JavaScript and have it enabled by default.

It works perfectly in all those browsers, essentially firefox 19-30+, Safari 4-7+, opera 15+, chrome+. They display downscaled images fine as the rendering engine improved. You can always display a fallback using SVG if rendering is ugly using javascript media queries.


Google Chrome is not showing all paper sizes in the "Print" dialog [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We have some custom paper size defined for our printing needs. When we are printing using Google Chrome it is always showing Letter as the default paper size, it is not showing our custom paper size in drop down list. This issue is machine specific i.e. we are getting this issue on Windows XP.
I do not believe it is possible to change this. Others on various other sites like SuperUser and Google Groups have indicated that it may be down to the individual printer.
As far as I can tell it selects "Letter", as it is the first/default option in the list as shown in the image below:
This would be a handy feature to have in Chrome, so it is worth posting a feature request on the Google Chrome help forum:
Until then, alas it seems like we don't have much hope :(
i was able to solve my issue, i was defining paper size format in wrong manner and i also re-installed printers drivers than it worked perfectly.

Website acts different on different browsers [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am working on this website . It has a full screen video background and there is other javascript that is coming .
Website :
The website behaves differently on different browsers. I dont know how I could solve it . the currect version runss smoothly on chrome , IE . works poorly on Firefox .However , does not show on opera and safari in my windows 8 PC . Ihe website again runs smoothly on safari on my Macbook .
I am trying to learn web development concepts on my own , however how does one understand how different browsers will react . And I want to make this website run smoothly on all browsers . What should be the changes ?
any type of help will be appreciated. Thank you
Different browsers support different things. Some browsers support thing other browsers don't.
In terms of CSS, make sure all of your properties have the necessary prefixes. Eg:
property: value;
-webkit-property: value;
-moz-property: value;
-o-property: value;
Also, some browsers don't support certain properties.
HTML, some browsers support certain tags.

Checking the Appearance of Website on different browsers [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i am learning Web Designing .i have to check the appearance of website at different time in different browsers.there are some paid software tools exist like and but they are paid .How to check compatibility with different browsers (mainly old browsers.).what is the most convenient way for this and any free software in which we can check ??
this is not 100% answer to your question but check out this website: - there you can see, which html5+css3 elements you can use. Might be helpful when developing or planning or whatever :-)
Since you'll need to check on all main browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Explorer), plus old and current versions of each I recommend using Old Apps which allows you to download old, outdated versions of all main browsers. Since many people don't update their browsers when they should, this is the best way to simulate viewing your web pages as they would.
For a more complicated way of viewing true Internet Explorer 6 & 7, I would suggest installing a virtual machine on your PC. If you're on a Mac, set up Bootcamp, boot into Windows, then install a virtual machine in that. Obviously it's best to have a true Mac and true PC, but this will do in a pinch.
First and foremost, check out Old Apps. It should be the browsers you're looking for.

Does Google Chrome follow Firefox specifications [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I use MDN as my Javascript and CSS reference. Considering that the creator of the Javascript language works at Mozilla, I assume this is the best reference. However, every now and then I hear about new features that are available in Google Chrome but Firefox doesn't have them yet. It makes me wonder:
Where and how these new specs are announced?
For the things that are similar between Chrome and Firefox, is it safe to assume that Chrome follows Firefox standards? I get the impression that Chrome's main aim is to be a faster Firefox (?) and that's why it doesn't have a vast wiki like Firefox.
If I'm developing for Chrome (let's say making Chrome apps for example), can I rely on Firefox's MDN as a reference? I couldn't find something equivalent to MDN for Chrome.
I'll mark the best reply as answer. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
All modifications are announced in the google chrome release blog.
As far as I see it, chrome isn't just a faster Firefox. It's a different browser altogether, that provides, in my view, much better user customization (as seen in things like themes) as well as having a developer base which provides some really good extensions. As to the wiki, chrome is considerably newer, however, it provides some really good user support via chrome support.
AFAIK, spidermonkey (Firefox) and v8 (chrome) engines are reasonably similar in terms of javascript, so you should be alright just using MDN. There's a webmaster.SE thread about the issue here.

Firefox Vs Chrome from web developers prespective [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I hope I am asking a question that fits Stack Overflow standards. I am curious to know from web developers point of view, what do you prefer Firefox or Google Chrome. Is Firefox or chrome your best choice of developing web apps and websites. Which one do you prefer and why.
I prefer Firefox, as I find it easier thanks mainly to the Web Developer add-on, and a few others. Interestingly, a recently-leaked Google document for internal testers said they had to use Firefox.
Chrome, its built in dev tools are easily as powerful as Firebug, yet no need for an extension.
Chrome also loads up within a few seconds, while Firefox still takes an age to startup, that really bugs me!

