Use Eclipse as GNOME Extension IDE - javascript

I am trying to develop my own GNOME Extension.
I have read several articles:
and the official one.
It is very helpful to develop using an IDE with JavaScript support. It will help us with code folding, autocompletion, outline, etc.
GNOME has his own IDE for develop, called Anjuta. The problem is that IDE has some lacks, like autocompletion, code folding, etc. so for me it is better to develop using Eclipse until Anjuta gets to have this kind of features.
So, we start setting up Eclipse to have JavaScript support.
Setting up Eclipse
Install Eclipse from your app store of your distribution. Open Eclipse and select your workspace. Go to "Help". "Install new software". Select Work with "All available sites". Search for JavaScript. Install. That's it!
I manage to use Eclipse to write my first extension, but I would like to enable the code completion feature. I found this feature is an huge help to speed up code writing.
I assume that I have to set correct "Include Path" into my JavaScript project. But I can't find which path I have to add.
Note: I use Eclipse Kepler with JavaScript Development Tools on Fedora 19.


Javascript plugin for Eclipse?

I am very happy with Eclipse and don't want to change my IDE, but find the pre-bundled Eclipse plugin for JavaScript too difficult to work with.
Too many of the features that I got used to developing Java (not JavaScript) in Eclipse seem to be missing or incomplete, such as an intelligent code analysis, smart refactorings, a truly language-related (not full-text) reference search, class inheritance trees, etc.
Any suggestions for alternative Eclipse plugins for JavaScript development?
Admittedly, it is a lot more difficult to analyze JavaScript code (compared to Java) not only for a plugin but also for any human programmer, because JavaScript comes with fewer structural elements, and because there are so many different ways to do common things like inheritance or modularization. But there's got to be something, right?
As Nodeclipse lead, I am always looking for what is available in Eclipse ecosystem.
JavaScript support is Eclipse JSDT project.
It gives Editor, and JSDoc support.
For ES5 support, JSDT validation is to be disabled and JSHint-Eclipse used.
Also there is new Tern-IDE plugins, that gives hints and go to definition by using Tern.js.
The same author leads AngularJS plugin
All mention plugins can be got via Enide Studio 2014 (installed as plugins or downloaded as stand-alone product).
Nodeclipse site has even more links,
and I am inviting to collaborate on the JavaScript tools on GitHub
There are also JSON Editor and Json Tools.
Unfortunately VJET is no longer continued as there is no backing company now.
All effort are community driven. The simplest contribution is reporting bug or taking own issue to research and share.
Any suggestions for alternative Eclipse plugins for JavaScript development?
No alternative plugins, just get more of them.
The VJET plugin seems to provide better JavaScript support, although I haven't tested it very extensively.
For necessary code hygiene I recommend to use JSHint (a sane version of JSLint).
Both are installable through the built-in Eclipse Marketplace.
The popular Aptana IDE, which is based on Eclipse, is also available as plugin, but I haven't tested it as plugin.
My personal opinion: Eclipse has outdated syntax validators (no ECMAScript 5 support) and non of the plugins can fix that. The problem is known for years (Bug Report), but nothing is done about it. Code completion seems to be a lot better in the WebStorm IDE or Sublime Text with certain plugins. Right now, I'm quite happy using Eclipse for my backend Java stuff and WebStorm for the frontend code for the same project.
A. In the Eclipse my opinion... the best JavaScript support is currently given by Eclipse Orion, a web based variant of Eclipse:
Orion applies tern.js to get JavaScript features like highlighting and completion:
Eclipse orion code completion
The JavaScript library tern.js seems to be up to date:
And it is applied by several Source Code Editor plugins:
B. On the other hand, all JavaScript plugins for Eclipse seem to be outdated.
See for example (last updated 2016)
The Eclipse Plugin for tern.js seems to be out of date, too:
I was not able to install it on the current Eclipse version Photon.
Also see
C. If you are open for a commercial JavaScript editor, try to use WebStorm, als already suggested by Tilman.
If there is a good Eclipse based JavaScript solution, that I am not aware of and that is able to compete with the features of WebStorm, please let me know.

eclipse: how to enable JavaScript validation on an existing Android project

I'm developing a web app for Android. I've set up a regular Android eclipse project, with all web files inside assets/www. I'd like to see JavaScript and JSHint warnings in the problems tab as well.
JavaScript Development Tools is installed. I can correctly see the syntax coloring, but if I type something incorrect in a js file I can't see any problem when building.
Is it possible to manually add a new builder for this project? Any other way to enable at least JSHint?
Thanks in advance.
There's a plug-in for jshint support in Eclipse: jshint-eclipse. The current jshint version (1.1.0) has a severe performance issue that slow down Eclipse if you have a lot of JS files to check. The bug is already fixed and the fix will be included in the next version.

javascript tool for coding standards

Im looking for a tool which ideally i could integrate into rubymine (but command line is fine as well) which will warn me when I'm coding javascript against certain coding standards. The tool should be able to allow me to add additional rules so that I can do things like warn the programmer when they are using certain methods in the framework which are not recommended etc
anyone have any suggestions?
Did you look at JsLint?
JSLint,The JavaScript Code Quality Tool
There are command line tools available, but it's also possible to integrate it in your ide.

IDE or editor for Node.js+Express and CoffeeScript

Preferably an IDE. Integrated support for Subversion/Git is a big plus as we are a group of 6 people working.
Vim/Emacs is not that popular with the other as it is very awkward and hard to get started and it requires alot of effort to learn which takes the focus away from our project.
We're all used to/familiar with Eclipse, so an IDE that resembles Eclipse would be a big plus as well.
Thanks :D
I think Sublime 2 should be the answer to all your troubles
but if you like eclipse, aptana should be nice to
You should try Aptana or WebStorm, the second one is not free, but worth the required value. WebStorm has a default Node.JS and Express project available. If you select to a new project you can start one with these options as well. The IDE has some nice code completion, good highlighting and a large group of addons to enhance your experience with a lot of new technology.
You should get any Eclipse (or Aptana) and install Nodeclipse. That will add Node.js support.
And Express wizard.
Eclipse for JavaEE developers goes with EGit.
Alternatily you can get full Eclipse with everything above pre-installed as Nodeclipse NTS
There is Coffee Editor, but no running, debugging support currently. Current version is 0.3.1
Creating default structure for New Node Project and New Node Source File
JavaScript Syntax highlighting
Content Assistant
NPM support
Debugging - Breakpoint, Trace, etc... via Eclipse debugger plugin for V8
Update Site :
For debugging check
Seems there's at least limited support for Cloud9 (IDE in the browser):
Here's a live compilation extension project:
This ide from github supports CoffeeScript pretty well. Works fast I particularly like the coloring. I peronally don't like Eclipse, Aptana or similar options, they are so heavy in my computer.
RubyMine 4.0 (Early Access, US$59 w/free upgrade to 4.0 release) has VCS support (git et al.), debugging, node support, like a full-blown IDE. It also has CoffeeScript support, though it falls down (as I recall) on debugging --- you end up back in JavaScript land --- which is where I'm doing most of my work now.
I'm using it right now with node, express, and JavaScript (mostly) and CoffeeScript (little experiments).
I assume RubyMine is a superset of WebStorm (same company). However, for $20 extra, you get ruby + JavaScript IDE, so I would suggest going with RubyMine if you have any inkling of doing ruby or rails in the near future.

Palm Pre and Visual Studio. Possible?

The development experience for the Palm Pre sucks, to say the least. At best you are working on JavaScript in Eclipse with the Aptana plugin. The intellisense you get is really, really dismal. You have to be looking at the documentation every 5 seconds.
I was thinking, Visual Studio really excels at JavaScript and intellisense. Has anyone succeeded at writing Palm Pre code in VS2008 with intellisense, which would require hooking in Palm's Mojo Library?
Is there a known way to hook in 3rd party non-source libraries to JavaScript in Vs2008?
I've been looking for alternatives to Eclipse, too, but so far it does not appear that anyone has done it. For myself it felt like too much work, so I just switched to working with several terminal windows open and a browser window to the documentation.
I'm a long time eclipse user but was disappointed in the eclipse environment for Pre - especially after using the Android SDK which hooks nicely into eclipse (then again the dev environment is Java there).
Have you tried Komodo? I switched over to it and the autocompletion is nice and the webos addon does a decent job. I don't have the professional version so I can't comment on the debugging capability which I'd love to have.
If you can tell VS08 you want to load the Mojo.js stuff, then it should work. I think you should be able to configure any custom tools you need for building etc. as well.
Personally I'd recommend you check out JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA. They have really good JavaScript support and I've used it with some Pre-stuff as well.

